Nodus Tollens || Jung Jaehyun

By chanbaeol

345K 10.7K 6.6K

• c o m p l e t e d • She became superstitious after her life was one bad thing after another. But then one d... More

| playlist & characters |
Introduction: Bring Luck to Get Luck
Chapter 1: NCT's Main Composer
Chapter 2: A Proposition
Chapter 3: Paju
Chapter 4: Acquainted
Chapter 5: Closer
Chapter 6: The Day After
Chapter 8: Denial
Chapter 9: A Good Distraction
Chapter 10: Reunion
Chapter 11: A Small Break
Chapter 12: Don't Shake Me Up
Chapter 13: Visiting
| BONUS | The Shim + Han Family
Chapter 14: Cave Me in
| BONUS | Happy Birthday Jeffery❤
Chapter 15: Moving Forward
Chapter 16: Words Don't Come Easy
| BONUS | Texts (1)
Chapter 17: Unexpected
Chapter 18: Thinning Luck
Chapter 19: Us Now
Chapter 20: Stronger & Happier
Chapter 21: I'll Be Yours
Epilogue: Without You
| Ending Note |
| BONUS | Beautiful Life
| BONUS | Sometimes It's Hard
| BONUS | Jiwoo and Who?
| BONUS | By Your Side, Always

Chapter 7: The Shaman

10.6K 400 94
By chanbaeol

After a week from Paju, Jiwoo decided to go visit the shaman.

Lee Sooman and Seokju together have finalized her schedule. She now had activities to follow in the upcoming future, consisting of music shows, photo shoots, variety shows, interviews, etc. The three have all agreed that she will go to each NCT activity listed no matter what time, whether it be early in the morning, late at night, or RIGHT around during her fixed work hours from 3 pm to 9 pm. As an "intern" for the NCT team, she'll go when needed.

And with this sudden shift to her daily life, the young composer felt it'd be best to get some much-needed advice from the old man that had helped her thus far.

Maybe get some charms, renew her rituals? Perhaps get some insight as to whether this was a good idea or not?

Jiwoo needed some answers.

She absolutely needed the reassurance that she can do this. That she has to do this job and do well on it.

However if the shaman says otherwise, she will listen.

Two in the afternoon of a not-so-hectic Thursday. She was in the midst of Seoul, just dropped off at the sidewalk of a busy intersection. It was a cloudy day, but the sun still attempted to peek through with its warmth, giving Jiwoo a determined feeling for a good conclusion of her visit.

Before her, a tall brick building stood. The entrance into here was straight into a boutique shop, one that had become Jiwoo's favorite since moving into Seoul years ago. And just through the store to the stairs in the back would lead to the shaman's own area. The young woman always thought it was the perfect place as she could always browse around at the unique clothing and accessories after having met the wise man.

Stepping into the boutique, she was instantly greeted by the owner of the shop, an older woman in her early fifties with the always-friendly smile. Jiwoo beamed back at her, sending a wave. "Good morning, Rosie-sshi, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Here to see my husband?" Rosie asked as she continued to fold shirts to put out for sale.

The younger's eyes glazed over to the new pieces of jewelry out on the display tables. She grinned in excitement, at the sight of the simple thin leather choker with a moon shaped emblem hanging from it. It was totally her style, but she'll have to look at it later. She was here for a mission. "Yes ma'am, is he in?"

"Yeah, just go on up ahead."

With that, Jiwoo bid her goodbyes and shuffled up the stairs to an open hallway. Remembering the place just fine after so many months, she turned to the right, where red silk curtains closed off the room. "Shaman-nim? It's me, Shim Jiwoo," she called outside the room.

Barely a second, the man she came to see pulled open the curtains. There, in his ragged, tan robes, and scraggy appearance, the shaman, Sanghyuk, appeared before her. Jiwoo bared a grin and bowed respectfully to the man. "Ah, Jiwoo-sshi, hello. I almost thought you have moved on since I haven't seen you for a few months now!" The man bellowed with a hearty laugh.

"No way, I always need your advice," the composer chimed.

"Come on in, then."

The two walked in the room. Jiwoo sat on the floor, just at one side of the table, as Shaman Sanghyuk sat on the opposite, facing her. The room had a subtle haze, an aromatic smell wafting in the air with burnt essence. Traditional masks and written charms aligned his walls, just like her studio at SM's seventh floor. He also had a shelf filled with thick, worn-out books and scrolls. Jiwoo couldn't help but think the place reminded her of homes in historical dramas, with the way everything was decorated.

The shaman took out a cup of red beans, pouring it onto the flat surface between them. His fingers slid across the beans, picking it out and sliding from one side to the other one by one, something he had always done during their visits. "Alright, Jiwoo-sshi, what's troubling you?"

"Well, it's not like I have problems, but more of that my job now requires me to interact with the group I'm composing for starting today," Jiwoo explained, her hands tugging at her braided hair out of nervousness. "I know you've told me before to avoid the trainees and idols in my company, but Sooman-sshi wants me to..." The shaman hummed in reply, urging her to continue. "And, I don't know, I want this to work, too. Is there a charm or some ritual I should do so my group won't have bad luck in the future because of me?"

"Have you already interacted with the group? You have, haven't you?"

The girl let out a sound of awe. "Wow, you never fail to amaze me, Shaman-nim." The man laughed at her simple bewilderment. "But yes, I first ran into some of them a little over a week ago by my studio."

"Isn't your studio on the restricted seventh floor?"

"... It is."

"Oh, continue on then."

Jiwoo nodded, recollecting her thoughts. "And last weekend, I was in Paju when they filmed for NCT Life." Bit down lip, the brunette felt her heart swell with fear. "Do you think that was a bad idea? Will something horrible happen to them in the future?"

"Well, as you mentioned to me in our prior meetings, the effects were instantaneous when you interacted with SM's artists, correct?" The shaman questioned. Jiwoo nodded in response. "Well, anything significantly bad happen to the boys in the past week?"

"Not that I know of," she answered. "I'm currently in a group chat with all of them and this one other girl and they talk about a lot of things that happen during the day. Nothing to really note from that."

"You seem to have become very good friends with the boys already," Shaman Sanghyuk quipped with interest, earning a flustered composer. He continued to sort out through the beans, intently staring at them to figure out the answer for Jiwoo. "Hmm, how interesting."

"What is?"

"How about you? Has anything good happened to you recently, Jiwoo-sshi?"

The girl racked her brains for anything to come to mind. "Well, I just finished composing all the songs needed for NCT 127's album, so they're all ready for the boys to record with... Mmm, oh, Seokju-oppa had gotten me the SHINee sweater I wanted after so long on just a normal day!... I randomly found ₩5,000 in Paju... And I guess my sleeping schedule is almost normal now?"

The shaman nodded at this. "Those are very good things."

"Yeah. But what do those have to do with anything?"

"You don't have to worry about being around them."

Jiwoo blinked in surprise. "Oh?"

"All I could see is good things for you and the group. You seem to balance each other out like ying and yang. So, don't worry and do your job as you should," the man quirked with genuinely happiness for her.

"So I can hang out with NCT, then?"

"Of course you can, but do be cautious."

She scrambled up onto her feet, a flutter of joy evident in her expression. "I will, shaman-nim! You have no clue how giddy this makes me."

"I know you've been following my advice seriously so far, but I hope this gives you the opportunity to be more loose about things. I always felt a bit guilty for leading you down this path as young as you are," Sanghyuk uttered, running his hand over his balding head. "I think you're at a good place in life that you shouldn't have to worry too much on fortunes and bad luck, Jiwoo-sshi."

"But I've been doing great so far after listening to your advice," the composer chided. "You helped me every step of the way and I've been able to recollect myself over the past three years. And because of that, I can do a job as social as this one. I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me."

The shaman's expression shifted. He still held a smile, but it looked sad. "Well, I hope you follow my words now and do a good job, okay?"

"Of course!... but, ah, can I ask you for something?"

"Which is?"

"Can you make some pujok for me?" Jiwoo asked. {A/n: pujok are the yellow talisman papers used to bring fortune. Same ones mentioned in intro chap.} "I want to put one in their practice room. And a few more to put around in the auditorium when they debut just like the first time? How much will that be?"

"It's okay, I'll write them down for you free of charge."

"Free? You don't have to do that! I seriously haven't been here in ages..."

"I want to." He had already taken out his ink, brush, and yellow parchment paper to write the talismans for her. "Since you're one of my valued customers, this will be a special deal, okay? I won't have it any other way." With the sudden request, Jiwoo could only quietly agree and patiently wait until they were all made.

Once the pujok were done and dry, Jiwoo cautiously slipped them into her bag for safe keeping. "Thank you so much, shaman-nim. I will put these to good use!"

"I know you will."

Jiwoo left right after. Trotting down the stairs, she was met with Rosie once again. "I noticed that you were eying this necklace, Jiwoo," the older woman chimed, the very choker the girl was gazing at with such interest in her slender hands. "Would you like to buy it?"

The girl would love to get it, however... "I didn't really bring enough money to buy and have enough for the rest of the day."

Rosie set the necklace back on the display table. "Ah, just come back for it later, then. But you should hurry, that's custom made."

"There's only one of it?"

"That's right. As simple as it was making it, getting the supplies for it was quite tricky, so it'll be near to impossible to replicate it."

"Is there any chance you can keep it safe for me until I have the money, ajumma?"

"I'll try, Jiwoo-yah. I'll mention that you would want to buy it, but if they're desperate for it, I can't really guarantee to stopping them."

Well, of course she has to continue on her business... Jiwoo let out a sigh, however she nodded in understanding. "That's okay. I will try to get back to you soon with the money. I really want it." A buzz from her pant's pocket suddenly averted her attention. Quickly taking out her phone to check, she noticed her alarm to go to work had gone off. She gaped once realizing the time. "I have to go, it was good seeing you again, Rosie-sshi!" Jiwoo then bustled out the building, waving her hands frantically goodbye to the woman as she went to call out a taxi.

For goodness sakes, today was her first official day with her new schedule, and she was already near to late. Hopefully, Seokju wouldn't nag her too much about it later.

Finally making it to SM, she quickly swiped herself in just in time. A sigh of relief, it had been way too close on her part. Surely, even Lee Sooman would have questioned her arrival if she had been a minute late, since she voiced how excited she was for the change in working hours.

She's fine now at least.

Adjusting her slouching bag on her shoulder and the mask upon her face, she made way to the elevators to head up to the seventh floor. Today, she knew she had last arrangements to do for NCT 127's songs, as they were now all near to finish recording their parts. The songs had to be just right, perfect for their mini album, and she will make sure to do it.

As she stepped out the elevator onto the seventh floor, she realized something odd. At the end of the hallway, just by where her studio was, she spotted a sitting figure. It was obviously a male with his built stature, all adorned with dark clothing, besides his black and white sneakers.

Jiwoo walked closer.

And she gasped.

"Jaehyun-ah?" She uttered out to get his attention.

The NCT member glanced up in an instant to the sound of her voice and once realizing the girl had arrived, he hopped up onto his feet. He also had a plastic bag by his side. "Noona."

The brunette was suddenly frantic. Peering up and down the hallway for anyone peeking out at them, she shoved Jaehyun into her music studio, safe from any onlookers who may have also been on the floor at this time. She wasn't even sure who would be here, but definitely more people than her prior late hours.

"Jaehyun, you're not supposed to be up here without permission," Jiwoo hissed at him. "What are you doing up here in the middle of the day?"

The male rolled his eyes at this. "I wouldn't have to come to this if you had answered your phone."

"My phone?"

"Yeah, I texted and called you, but it went straight to voicemail." She checked her phone. Since she had kept it on silent during her visit with the shaman, she now noticed how much notifications she missed in that small sliver of time. She shot a sheepish glance at Jaehyun's direction. "I decided to try my luck and meet you up here instead, since this was the last time I saw you."

Crossed arms. "Yah, you could've messaged Seokju-oppa or something."

"Dear god no, I would be too scared to ask."

Jiwoo set down her bag by her intricate desk before giving him a watchful glare, her lips pressed together in a thin line before asking, "Okay, so why are you here? You should be damn thankful that the sunbaes I work with doesn't come in for work yet."

Jaehyun shuffled his way towards the coffee table behind them. The bag he held had been plopped down on top. Opening it, Jiwoo saw there was a plastic container, and within that was... "I owed you some spicy rice cakes."

In all honesty, Jiwoo had forgotten that they had betted for the spicy snacks back in Paju. The simple humming game that she had easily won, she didn't think Jaehyun would remember it a week later and actually buy her the food she was still very much craving. She was bewildered that the younger male kept to his word.

She shuffled over to the couch, plucked one of the rice cakes from the thick, red sauce with a toothpick and popped it into her mouth. A hum in delight at the perfectly spicy flavors dancing along her tongue. Once gulping down that one, she glimpsed over at Jaehyun. "Come on, have some with me."

He quietly complied, sitting down on the couch besides her and using the extra toothpick to get his piece. He chewed the snack with a subtle smile to his face. His eyes began to wander, and following his gaze, Jiwoo could see he had noticed her traditional masks on the wall, as well as the candles and small bottles of salt that sat on the shelves.

An unsettling feeling settled in Jiwoo's stomach. "I-um, it's a bit creepy, isn't it?"

The rookie idol took another bite of the rice cake. "It is, but it's also gives a cool vibe, if you know what I mean?"


A cute smile crossed his face. "Yeah, really." He moved the container closer. "Continue eating, noona. This is your prize after all. I might end up eating all of it if you don't."

"Yah! I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it." To prove her point, she shoved a couple into her mouth, the spiciness actually getting a little too much for her. She smacked her hand over her lips to try to keep in the rice cake, baring through the heat.

"Noona, it didn't mean that!" Jaehyun started to pat on her back, trying to help her push through the flaring pain. Once she gulped down the rice cakes, breathing into to cool her poor mouth, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, the boy joining right along with her. "I think I have to supervise your spicy rice cake intake from now on."

"I think you do too."

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