Six Years After The Bet

Oleh Creative_Mind23

1.1M 30.2K 8.5K

Jordan has everything in his life except for the girl. The last time he saw her was in high school and now he... Lebih Banyak

Sequel Alert!!!
1. Jordan
2. Abby
3. Jordan
4. Jordan
5. Abby
6. Jordan
7. Jordan
8. Abby
9. Jordan
10. Jordan
11. Jordan
12. Abby
13. Jordan
14. Jordan
15. Jordan
16. Jordan & Abby
17. Abby
18. Abby
19. Abby
20. Jordan
21. Abby
22. Jordan & Abby
24. Abby
25. Abby and Jordan
26. Jordan
27. Abby & Jordan
28. Abby
29. Jordan & Abby
30. Abby & Troy
31. Troy & Abby
32. Jordan & Abby
33. Jordan & Abby
34. The Wedding Chapter
35. Epilogue
Only You

23. Jordan

29.3K 864 92
Oleh Creative_Mind23

I get out of the taxi cab along with Alyssa and Jake before standing in front of the building that Abby lives in. Daniel couldn't come because of his dad, which is understandable. I've been on edge since I got on the plane all the way up till now. I'm worried about my Midget.

"You could be overreacting." Alyssa says.

"You didn't talk on the phone with her. Something is seriously wrong with her. I can feel it." I look around for her car, but I don't see it.

"Well, let's just go inside and find out." Jake says, walking towards the entrance.

Alyssa and I follow behind Jake, going inside the building. We get on the elevator and I press the button to the floor that Midget's condo is on. I get out my phone, checking for any missed calls or if she has texted me back. Nothing. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

The elevator stops on our floor and we all make our way out. I hope the spare key is still in its same place. I lift the mat up and sigh in relief when I see the key under the mat. I grab it before quickly unlocking the door to her condo.

We all step in and I immediately look around for Abby. Everything looks the same as the last time I was here. Except I notice that one of the chairs is knocked over.

"Abby, is that–" Shawn comes out of the hallway and stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He questions me, his face immediately contorting into anger.

"Looking for Abby." I plainly state. He's either still mad at me because of the last phone call we had or he knows about Abby and me kissing.

"Why?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Because I am. Do you know where she is or not?" I become slightly agitated with his questions. I'm not here for him.

"You don't need to know where she is. Did she tell you to come?" He takes a daring step towards me and I take one to let him know I'm not scared of him. He's acting real suspicious right now.

"We talked yesterday. She didn't sound okay." I say.

"She's fine." He quickly says.

"I'd like to see her for myself." I retort.

He glares at me before laughing to himself. "You really can't stay away from her, can you? She's getting married to me, so back the fuck off."

"Do you see me as a threat?" I smirk a little, wanting to get under his skin.

His smile fades and he just glares at me, nostrils starting to flare. He probably wants to hit me in the face right now, but I won't allow that.

"Guys, cool it. If you just tell us where Abby is we will leave." Alyssa says.      

"She's out right now." I feel like he's lying. He doesn't even sound confident in his response.

Before I get the chance to speak, Jake speaks. "We'll just come back later then."

Shawn doesn't acknowledge Jake because he's too busy staring a hole into my head. I stare back at him and I finally notice the small scratches on his face. Taking a quick glance at him, you wouldn't notice, but because I'm staring him down, they're very clear.

"What happened to your face?" I question.

He goes exactly to the spot that I'm talking about which tells me he already knew it was there.

"Shaving." He lies.

I turn my head to look at Alyssa and Jake and they seem to have the same look on their faces that I do. They don't believe him and neither do I.

I take a few steps until I'm up in his face. "Whatever you did to her, I'm going to find out. I know you're lying. You just better hope she says she's okay."

"Are you threatening me?" He lowers his voice, trying to sound scary.

"Not yet. I know you're a piece of shit. I see right through you and eventually she willl too if she hasn't already." We both stare each other in the eyes and I hope that he makes the first move. I'm going to tackle him to the ground and beat the shit out of him.

"Get out of my house." He growls.

"My pleasure." I turn to leave along with Alyssa and Jake. We don't speak to each other until we get outside.

"Well, that was a waste of time." Jake says.

"He did something to her." I speak my thoughts.

"You can't jump to conclusions." Alyssa says.

"I'll kill him if he hurt her." I ignore her statement, thinking of ways that I can kill Shawn and get away with it.

"Think rationally. Don't worry about him. We're here for Abby." Alyssa puts her hands on the side of my face, trying to get me to focus.

I remove her hands from my face, not liking how close she is to me. We're friends, but I'm in no mood for a be rational talk. Where could she be right now? I think about all the places we went when we were here.

"I have a few places I think that she might be." I say.

"Okay, we can all split up." Jake says.

"Jake you can go to the hotel that I stayed in and see if she's there. Alyssa there's two restaurants that we went to. I'll send you the addresses. If we don't find her, meet back at the hotel I'm staying in."

They both nod their heads and we part ways. I get in the car and head for the arcade that I took her to. It was the first time she had really opened up to me. I miss when it was just us. Things seemed easy at the time, but now everything is just going down hill.

I finally get to the arcade and look around the parking lot for her car. I don't see it, but there are a lot of people here. I go to the front door and the same person that was taking up tickets last time is here again. 

"Back again, I see." The man jokes.

I roll my eyes, not even trying to hide my irritation. "Do you remember the girl I was here with last time?"

"Yeah, the hot blonde." The perv licks his lips and it takes everything in me not to punch him in the face.

"Did she come here?" I ask.

"I can't remember." He rubs his fingers together, signaling he wants some cash for an answer.

I laugh a little before getting serious again. I grab him by the shirt and push him up against the wall hard. I'm done being the nice guy.

"I'm going to ask again. Did she come here today or not?" The man stares at me with wide eyes. He's probably about to shit on himself.

"No, she didn't." He quickly tells me.

"You better not be lying." I let him go before heading out of the arcade. On the way to my car, my phone rings. I take it out, hoping that it's Abby, but it's not. It's Jake. Maybe he found her.

"You find her?" I answer.

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean. You either have or you haven't." I shouldn't be taking my anger out on Jake, but between Abby missing and that guy from the arcade pissing me off, my patience is nonexistent right now.

"Calm down. What I mean by that is that she's staying at this hotel. She bought a room yesterday." He tells me.

"Okay, stay there in case she comes back." I hang up the phone and get into my car.

I text Alyssa asking her if she's found her. She responds with a no and I sigh in frustration. Where could she be? I think about all the places we've been. Am I missing something? Think Jordan, think. After a few minutes, it dawns on me. The dock! I crank up my car and head for the dock. She has to be there. I hope she's there.

I don't know what I'm going to do if she's there. I'll definitely be relieved that's for sure. Traffic seems to slow down which causes me to yell at several cars in front of me. Once I finally get there, I spot a girl with blonde wavy hair and my heart beat begins to speed up like I knew it would.

I get out of the car and walk over to her. I don't say anything because I don't know how she's feeling. I sit down beside her and I see her phone light up with another message from Alyssa. I also see forty six messages from Shawn as well. He didn't know where she was either. I look ahead like she is, watching the water. It's calming in a way and I can see why she's here.

"You know, this was the night I realized I was still in love with you. I wanted to kiss you that night, but I was like, I can't cheat on Shawn. I should have done it anyway. I knew from the beginning that I didn't love him as much I love you, but everything was easy and perfect with Shawn. I was scared to take another chance with you because I didn't want to get hurt again, but you weren't the one I needed to worry about." I look over at her and I can't tell how she's feeling because of the fact that she's wearing shades. She's also wearing a long sleeve which is odd because it's a little warm outside.

"Did you and Shawn get in an argument?" I ask.

Her body goes stiff when I mention Shawn. I narrow my eyes at her and I know something is wrong. When did she become scared of Shawn? My suspicions grow and everything begins to click together.

"Abby, did he do something to you?" I ask and for the first time, she looks at me.

"Promise me you won't do anything?" Her voice cracks and I stare at her for a moment. I can't promise anything right now.

"Take the shades off." I demand.

"Promise me, Jordan." She repeats again, tears falling down her face.

I reach over, grabbing the shades off her face myself. She tries to move away from me, but she isn't quick enough. I instantly see the black eye and my blood begins to boil. My skin feels like it's on fire right now. She's still crying and for a moment, I put away my need to want to kill Shawn to comfort her.

I move closer to her, putting my arms around and bringing her close to me. She winces and I move away from her. I look down, and pull the sleeves to her shirt up to see a bunch of bruises on her arm. How could I let this happen to her? I should have been there to protect her. I'm so pissed and angry right now. I'm mad at myself for not being there for her, I'm mad at her for not telling me, and I'm going to fucking kill Shawn. I'm so mad that tears begin to form.

"I'm so sorry, Midget. I promise I won't let him hurt you again." I mean it too. I would rather die than let him hurt her again.

I let her cry until she can't cry anymore. She's clinging onto me like her life depends on it. It feels good to have her this close to me again, but I didn't want it this way. I didn't want her to want me because she's afraid.

"Do you want to leave?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Can we go eat something?" She asks.

"Yeah, anything you want." I help her up and we head back to my car.

I call Alyssa and Jake, letting them know I found her. I tell them to meet me at the restaurant we're about to go to. I start the car up and head to the restaurant she took me to the first time we met in New York.

"I'm still mad at you." I tell her, not looking at her. I can feel her eyes on me, making me want to turn and look at her.

"I'm sorry." She sounds sad and broken. I can't help but instantly forgive her.

I sigh, "You're forgiven." I look over and smile at her, hoping she will return the gesture. She tries, but she can only give me a tight lipped smile.

I look down at her hand and grab it, letting her know everything is going to be okay. She's safe with me now. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do to Shawn. I have to do something. Whether it be punching him repeatedly or turning him in to the police.

"Jordan, stop thinking about it." She says out of nowhere.

"I can't. He hit you, Abby." I'm not even going to deny that I was thinking about it.

"I don't want you to do anything." I look over at her to see that she's serious. She must be crazy if she thinks I'm letting this slide.

"Abby, I really respect your choices and what not, but I can't let this go. He hurt you. You can't just let him get away with that." I tell her.

"I know. I just need time to think about what I want to do. I don't want you doing anything that can risk your career."

"I don't care about my career. I love you." I've told her that a million times, but it's different this time. I don't have to worry about facing rejection this time.

"I just need you to be here for me right now, okay? I appreciate everything that you're doing, but beating him up won't do anything but land you in jail."

I look at her, knowing that I'm going to have to just respect her decision. "Fine, but you better do something or I will."

"Okay." She agrees with me. She squeezes my hand and for the first time, I feel like she's mine again. My old Midget. I know she'll probably want to take things slow again, but I'm okay with that. She's going to need time.

We get to the restaurant and we both get out, heading inside. We both spot Jake and Alyssa sitting at a booth in the back. When they see us, they both get up, heading our way. Alyssa jogs over to us, embracing Abby in a tight hug. I see the pain on Abby's face and she lightly pushes Alyssa away.

"What's wrong?" Alyssa asks.

She looks back at me, wanting me to help her come up with a lie. I want to help her out, but she doesn't need to lie to her best friends. They'll probably understand more than I will.

"She'll tell you guys later. Let's just get a bite to eat first." I say.

They nod their heads and we all go back to the booth that they were sitting in. It's a horrible silence between us all and we only speak when we order our drinks and food. Jake and Alyssa both want to know, Abby doesn't want to tell them, and I'm too busy trying to keep myself seated and not go back to Abby's condo to kill Shawn. She's hiding the bruises and her eye, but I know that they're there. I look over at her and that's all I see. How he did that to her. He's the one to blame and she doesn't want me to do anything.

"Jordan, are you okay?" Jake asks, causing everyone to look at me.

"Um, yeah." I come out of my thoughts.

"You're turning red and you were gripping the table." Jake points at my hands on the edge of the table and I remove my hands quickly.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now." I take a quick glance at Abby and she's looking at me, but I can't tell how's she feeling because her eyes are covered up.

"Okay, what the hell is going?" Alyssa finally says.

"Abby, just tell them." I say.

"Can we not do this here. Can we just go somewhere private?" She asks.

"Yeah, let's go." Alyssa stands up, but I stop her.

"After she eats. She needs to eat." Abby looks at me and I imagine she's rolling her eyes. She knows I'm not asking her to eat.

"We all need to eat. I'm starving." Jake says and I laugh at him because he's always hungry.

We all eat our food, well Alyssa, Jake, and I eat our food. Abby takes little bites or she'll just pick around her food. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help her. I don't like seeing her like this.

After we finish eating, we all go back to the hotel that both Abby and I are staying in. The inevitable question of why she's staying in a hotel is going to come up, so she has no choice but to tell the truth.

"Are you going to stay in the same hotel as us?" I ask Jake and Alyssa once we get out of the car at the hotel.

"Yeah. Besides, Abby still has something she needs to tell us." Alyssa looks over at her.

Abby groans, most likely wishing we would drop it already. I give my keys to the guy at the door, giving him a twenty to park my car. He thanks me and we all head inside. So I can get a little alone time with her, I tell Jake and Alyssa we're going to head up to our rooms while they get a room.

We both get onto the elevator and I look over at her to see her fidgeting with her nails. She's nervous, but I don't get why. They're her friends. They almost know her better than I do.

"Why don't you want to tell them?" I ask her.

"Because, you're already against me right now. Once I tell them, it's going to be three against one." She says.

I walk over to her, grabbing her hands. "I'm not against you at all. I just want justice for you. I want him to know it's not okay to hit a woman. Especially one that I love and care about."

She looks up at me, but I can't see her eyes. I go to take her shades off, but she turns her head.

"It's ugly." She says, her voice sounding very brittle.

"But you're beautiful. It's just another battle scar." I tell her. This time when I go to remove her shades, she allows me.

"You're still beautiful, Midget." I remove the hair that she has used to try and cover it out of her face and put it behind her ear while remaining eye contact with her.

"I don't deserve you, Jordan." She susprises me when she says this.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I pushed you away so many times. Even though I knew it would hurt you." She looks down, ashamed of herself.

I put my hand under her chin, lifting her head back up. "It's okay. Let's just focus on the future and not the past."

She nods her head right as the door to the elevator opens. We both leave out of the elevator and head to her room. My room is on a different floor, but I want to make sure she's okay before I go back up to my room.

She uses her key card to unlock the door before entering in. I turn on the lights and she collapses on the couch, yawning.

"When is the last time you slept?" I ask.

"It's been about two days close to three." She answers truthfully.

"Want me to stay?" I ask with good intentions.

"Please?" She yawns again.

"I'm going to run you some water for a bath. It'll help with the pain from the bruises." I tell her.

"Thank you." She smiles for the first time tonight which causes me to smile in return.

I go into the bathroom, running the water. I look in the cabinets for stuff to make bubbles with and I find it. I pour it into the tub and let the bubbles form until I decide there are enough in the tub. I come back out to find Abby in her bra and panties.

I clear my throat, looking down at the ground. My face feels hot which tells me I'm probably red as a tomato right now.

"The water is ready." I try to find something else to look at besides her. I might not be able to control myself if I keep looking at her.

"You're blushing." I look over at her to see her smirking at me. She's in a better mood.

"You're in your bra and panties. How can I not be flustered." I'm staring at her now, my mouth becoming dry. She's making the blood run to a specific area of my body.

"I was staring at the bruises on my arms. They really hurt." She barely touches her arm before she winces from the small contact.

"Let me see." I walk over to her, grabbing her arm. I touch one of the bruises as light as I can, but she moves away from me because of the pain.

I look back up at her before leaning down and kissing the bruised spot. She needs love right now and I just want to shower her in it. I want to make love to her body. I want to show her the right way a man should touch her. I just want to love her.

I come back up, looking her in the eyes. I move the hair out of her face and put it behind her ear. The look she is giving me is so intense. There's something pulling us together. We can't be away from each other. It has always been like that and that's how it will always be.

I pull her gently against my body, before putting a hand on her face and caressing her cheek. I lean in slowly. Her heart rate has picked up; I can tell by the way she's breathing. Our lips brush together and I close my eyes before connecting our lips. Everything seems to ignite. Our lips mold together, and we seem to become as one. This should have been our first kiss instead of the kiss in the cabin. It was rushed and was an act of desperation.

She runs her hands through my hair, pulling at the roots, causing me to moan. She knows what turns me on. I lift her up before laying her gently on the bed. I begin to kiss down her body, which grants me with multiple moans from her.

"Jordan, don't stop." She begs.

"I won't, baby." I say before kissing her again.

Right when I'm about to slide her panties off, we hear multiple knocks at the door. I groan, knowing that it's Alyssa and Jake. I look up to see her flustered and breathing hard.

"Your friends have perfect timing." I say.

She smiles a little, "We're rushing things anyway. I'm going to take a bath. You can let them in."

She stands up, about to go into the bathroom, but she stops. She turns around, facing me. She leans up and kisses me briefly on the lips.

"I missed you more than I realized." She turns and goes into the bathroom.

I smile to myself. My Midget is back to her hold self. The banging on the door causes me to groan again, reminding me of how it ruined our heated moment. I exit out of the bedroom and head over to the door of the hotel. I open it to find Jake and Alyssa standing there with agitated looks on their faces.

"It's about time. We were starting to think you guys weren't here." Alyssa comes in, moving me out of the way. Jake follows behind her, rolling his eyes.

"You guys rooming together?" I ask, as I close the door.

"Yeah. She's already being annoying."

I laugh, "You can stay in my room. I'm staying here tonight."

"What's up with my best friend? She isn't acting like herself." Alyssa lays down on the couch, propping her feet up.

"She'll tell you." I roll my eyes playfully at her.

"Okay, if you or Jake roll your eyes at me one more time, I'm punching both of you in the face." She warns us.

I smile at her before taking a seat on the couch. I turn on the TV to distract me. I'm in an okay mood right now because Abby is in an okay mood right now. I just need her to be okay.

The door to her bedroom opens and we all turn to look at her. She's in shorts and a t shirt. Her hair is wet, but you can visibly see her black eye. The bruises on her arm very noticeable as well. We must be staring too hard because she looks down at her feet.

"Did Shawn do that?" Jake asks.

She looks back up tears in her eyes. She nods her head rapidly. I hate seeing her like this. She can't even talk about what he did to her without crying.

"I'm going to kill him." Both Alyssa and Jake say. They both go over to her, embracing her in a hug. I stay back because I know she just needs the comfort from her friends right now.

After a few minutes, we all decide to just treat Abby tonight. We watch her favorite movies and I order a bunch of desserts from room service. At moments, she smiles or she seems okay. Majority of the time, she has this frown on her face. She's not okay, but I'm going to make everything okay again. I'm not going to leave her side. Not even for a moment.

Twenty minutes into The Little Mermaid, Jake and Alyssa are asleep. They're both snoring and I think about recording them for a moment. Abby yawns and I know she's about to turn in.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I tell her.

She doesn't disagree with me. We both go inside the bedroom and she lies down first while I undress. She watches me, but I don't mind. I've undressed in front of her before. I pull the covers back, getting into the bed with her. I turn the lamp off on my side and she does the same. For a while it's silent between us and I think that she's fallen asleep.

"Jordan?" She calls my name.

"Yes?" I answer back.

"Will you hold me?" She sounds so vulnerable right now. Like she needs me.

"Anything for you." I move closer to her, wrapping my arms around her. Her body is stiff for a moment, but eventually she relaxes.

"Good night, Jordan." She yawns.

"Good night, Midget." I kiss the top of her head before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.
I'm so happy that I got the chance to update. I've been so busy and all I've wanted to do was update. Abby and Jordan are somewhat back on the right track.

What do you guys think Jordan is going to do to Shawn?

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think. I'll try to update again next weekend, but no promises. I have a very busy schedule.

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