Sleeping Engagement

By greenwriter

3.4M 181K 17.4K

When Margaret Everard is asked to investigate the man she once loved for the murder of the Prime Minister, sh... More

The Night Of
I. The Murder of Osmond
II. A Lover's Glimpse
III. Evidence
IV. Stalking Surprise
V. When Men Gossip
VI. A Leaguerly Probing
VII. Departure
VIII. The Lost Girl
IX. Favors
X. Mission
XI. Plans
XII. How to Lure a Lord
XIII. Elopement
XIV. What Happened At Grey's
XV. A Drive Home
XVI. A Deal
XVII. Brothers
XVIII. Seymour Surrender
XIX. Changes
XX. Surprise Visit
XXI. Opera Night
XXII. Into the Woods
XXIII. Road to Ashmore
XXIV. Third Landing
XXV. Sleeping Child
XXVI. Fiona
XXVII. Nightmares
XXVIII. Across the Doorway
XXIX. The Row to No
XXX. Dear Brothers
XXXI. Hoodwinked
XXXII. Behind Closed Doors
XXXIII. The Mentor
XXXIV. The Courtship
XXXVI. The Spy
XXXVII. The Chase
XXXVIII. The Trilbys
XXXIX. On Matters of the League
XL. A New Home
XLI. After Beginning
Author's Note

XXXV. The Leaguer

73.3K 3.9K 194
By greenwriter

They did not stay long in Sheills. Everyone knew the sole reason Alice Everard wanted to be there and when she finally accomplished her mission, she announced her desire to return home. Ysabella was perhaps the only one who was disappointed, claiming she had made friends during the social season.

"I'm yet to introduce my friend," she whined the morning before their departure.

"Who?" Emma absently asked as she read her book over a cup of tea. "The one with the dark hair?"

"Yes. Aurora." She turned to her brothers and grinned. "She's actively looking for a husband. You should meet her."

"Isn't she a little too old to be your friend?"

"Oh, merely by a few years. We relate on many things. And again, she's looking for a husband and I happen to be a part of the best matchmaking duo in Wickhurst! And I have three unmarried brothers!"

"Never," Nicholas said, throwing his napkin on the table. "I'm ready to return home."

"I was not thinking about you, anyway. Max?" Ysabella said, smiling sweetly at Maxwell. "Miss Aurora will be staying in Wickhurst next year."

"No," was Maxwell's curt reply before he, too, followed Nicholas out of the breakfast room.

Ysabella sighed.

"I'm available," Ralph said.

"No," Ysabella said the same time Emma did, too.

"What? What's wrong with me?"

"Everything," the twins replied.

"Stop it," Benedict ordered when Ralph opened his mouth. "Finish your breakfast."

The day was spent mostly in the hotel and a short shopping trip for gloves and fabrics for future dresses.

By evening, Margaret slipped into Cole's room.

They just had another long dinner, and like the five others before, it was chaotic. But it did not focus much on them. It seemed that her brothers had grown accustomed to the idea that Cole might someday be a part of the family. His presence was still met with hostility now and again, and each time, they would express their wish that Margaret would say no, but oddly enough, the hostility would wear off after a bottle of brandy where they would then express that there was no other way but for Margaret to marry Cole. They could live with the idea. Once, they even consulted him about legal matters concerning their estates.

Benedict, however, was a different matter. He was not as hostile as his brothers. It may be because he had a different understanding of the past, or maybe he was just keeping a promise to give his sister the freedom to make her own choices. He was always silent, and he seemed to enjoy playing chess with Cole. But they never finished any game. There was never a winner.

Hours after she entered his room, Margaret slipped out of bed. "I may not be able to return to Wickhurst soon," Cole said while she dressed to return to her room before anyone found out she was missing.

"Are you going to try to talk to Edmund Trilby again?"

"Yes. He has not returned my missives."

She slipped her arms into her dress with a frown. "You look worried."

"He's always said he's afraid of his family."

"You think they did something to him?"

"Maybe," he replied, reaching for her and turning her around to button her dress.

Margaret looked over her shoulder. "Cole, he may be playing with you."

"I know," he said, planting a kiss on her back before he closed one button.

"I'm more worried about Fiona. She's alone in Ashmore." Finished, Cole turned her around and smiled up at her. She raked her fingers through his tousled hair. "I can go to Ashmore. I'll take Faye and the twins with me."

He blinked at her in surprise. "Why would you do that?"

"I promised her."

His eyes narrowed playfully. "You're thinking the children may know each other."

"If they're from the same place, they might." She bent and planted a soft kiss on his mouth. "We shall go to Ashmore if it is fine with you. If we're welcome."

"You are welcome there anytime. In fact, it's waiting for you."

She smiled as she climbed on the bed and straddled his lap, her arms around his shoulders.

"And I think you're starting to get a little comfortable with this," he said, carefully gathering her skirts and spreading it around them. Underneath, he gripped her thighs and pulled her closer. "Maybe I should consider depriving us until you say yes."

Margaret bit her lower lip, eyes closing as their bodies awakened in new burning sensations. Her breath was hot and shaky in his ear as he slowly took her. "I'll give you an answer soon. It will all depend on you."

His hands stilled her hips. "What does that mean?" When she shook her head, he sighed. "Meg," he whispered, gathering her face in his hand, pulling her away from his neck. She was flushed, streaks of hair sticking to her face. He brushed them away and kissed her mouth. "You must know this is a little alarming for me, yes?"

"I know," she said, moistening her lips. "Please. Trust me. Hm?" She kissed him again, fingers digging into his flesh, grasping his hair as she unheeded his hold, moving slow against it, and faster when he yielded.

This woman would always render him helpless. She was his strength, but she was also his damnation. Since then up to now. It had taken him years to master himself, to go back to how he was before her. For a time, he thought he had convinced himself she never happened. But even his strong mind and will could not win against the memory of her.

So, even now, when he finally allowed himself this possibility of a future with her, and even when he knew she would say yes, he still could not feel he won. She had said it herself. So much had happened while they were apart. She had changed and so did he. Now, he wondered how much and how that would affect them.


Margaret did not meet any violet reaction when she announced her plans to stay in Ashmore with Faye, Ysabella, and Emma. Her brothers even offered to take them there, which was odd.

It was Emma who offered an explanation. She shared that while Margaret was out one afternoon, Alice Everard gathered Maxwell, Nicholas, and Ralph into her study where they stayed locked with her for nearly two hours.

"And what did she say to them?" Margaret asked her sister.

"I could not hear. And that tells us something, yes?"

"She locked the door and she spoke quietly," Ysabella said, nodded. "I shiver at the very thought."

Margaret knew what Ysabella meant. Their mother rarely resorted to such talks, but every time she did, they knew nothing could save them. She had a way with words and threats that could give them nightmares at night. Even Benedict would not want to experience that.

"They came out with their faces unreadable. Nick was sweating, his cravat loosened all the way," Emma relayed with a chuckle, flipping a page of her book. "Is Ashmore a nice place, Maggie?"

"Yes," Margaret said as they waited for Maxwell and Nicholas to join them in the carriage.

"Will Lord Ashmore be there?" asked Ysabella.

"Yes. He will wait for our arrival before leaving for Willowfair for business." She looked at Faye sitting beside her. "How are you feeling, Faye?" she asked.

The girl smiled. "Excited."

"Did you bring your books? We still have to practice reading," Ysabella said to Faye.

"Yes. I packed them."

The door to the carriage opened and Maxwell and Nicholas squeezed themselves in. "Shall we go?" asked Nicholas.

Margaret wanted to say no, but she had to.

Calan Haverston finally sent her a note a week ago. They were willing to work with Cole and Margaret on the slave trade. She could proceed to prepare him for the meeting, his letter said.

The instruction read so easily, as if he wrote the words with no concern. And maybe he was not concerned. Calan Haverston would not be bothered by how she did her task, or how hard it would be for her.

Calan would also arrive in Ashmore and she was the one to have to tell Cole to be ready. She could finally tell him her secret.

But the thing about secrets was that they could bring so much relief once shared. But that didn't mean it would end up in the favor of the keeper.


Fiona was at first shy when they arrived days later. She hid behind Cole's leg, her eyes on their new guests. The twins and Faye were told that Fiona was an orphan and that Cole had taken her in as his ward.

It was clear, however, that Faye did not believe it. Her eyes were locked on Fiona ever since they arrived without saying anything.

Maxwell and Nicholas were leaving and Cole escorted them out when they insisted. Knowing her brothers, it would take a while before Cole returned. The twins immediately took to Fiona, who started to warm up to them. But it was Faye the little girl was more interested in, maybe because she was closest in age. "I'll show you my toys!" Fiona said to Faye, reaching out for her hand, but Faye stepped back and warily looked at Margaret.

The twins were fast to rescue, taking Fiona by the hand. "Where are you toys, Fiona? Let me look at them first before you show the others," Emma said.

"But I want to see, too!" Ysabella dramatically whined, following Emma and Fiona to the door.

Margaret turned to Faye and asked, "What is the matter?"

"I know her," the girl said.

"Do you mean Fiona?"

Faye nodded, frowning at the now empty doorway. "I can't be certain, but I think it's her. I saw her sometimes in the Manor, but she disappeared one day."

Margaret carefully held Fiona by the arm and urged her to face her. "Where is this, Faye?"

The girl blinked, shaking her head. "I must be mistaken. She can't be here. They liked her."

"Who liked her?"

"Them. The people in the Manor. They liked that little girl. She was not like me."

"What do you mean she's not like you?"

"She didn't do work. She just... played. She was free." Again, Faye shook her head. "But that can't be her."

"What was this girl's name?"

"I never found out. I wasn't allowed to come near her. I just watched from afar."

"I understand," Margaret said. "You said they took her—the girl from the Manor. Do you know where?"

"I don't know. Sometimes, they take people. They don't always come back."

"Who are they, Faye?"

"The guests," Faye replied. She was starting to shake.

"Come here," said Margaret, pulling the girl in an embrace. "We'll not talk about this today. You can join Fiona and the twins in the playroom if you want." Faye hesitated. Margaret smiled gently. "I'll take you. If you will not enjoy the stay, you can join me for a walk in the garden."


Later, Cole found Margaret alone in the garden, arms crossed and with a frown on her face.

"Your brothers are gone," he said, stepping beside her.

She smiled. "I hope they did not add more injury to your face."

"They were actually quite nice to me."

She scoffed. "Do thank my mother for that."

"And why the frown on your face?"

She told him about Faye and how the girl recognized Fiona. "This place—this Manor—wherever it is, it's real, Cole."

His face had gone tight. "I know. We'll find it." He took her hand to his arm and led the way back into the manor. "I'll leave in three days. Do you think you can handle the girls alone?"

"I'm more worried about the twins, if I should be honest," she said, eliciting a laugh from him. Her steps faltered then, and he stopped to study her face. Before he could ask, she said, "I invited someone to Ashmore. He wishes to make a negotiation with you before you leave for Willowfair."

"That's odd. And who is this person? I hope you have not been keeping another brother, Meg. My face is not quite ready for another fist."

Her smile was weak and slowly died as she took a deep breath. "Calan Haverston."

His face had gone serious. "The Lord of Easton?"

Nodding, Margaret said, "Yes."

"And what negotiation is he going to have with me?" he asked, stepping away from her. And she could sense that he was starting to realize what this was all about. "Who is Calan Haverston to you? Why does he want to talk to me?"

She could delay this until later, but what's the use? This was the sole reason she was here.

She met his gaze. For some reason, she wanted to laugh. Not because he looked funny, but because she was being pathetic. She had to stop about getting hurt or losing him. This was not about her.

Thinking about the case and how bigger it was than herself and Cole, Margaret squared her shoulders and answered, "Calan Haverston is my mentor." As his brow furrowed in confusion, she added, "He trained me to be a member of the League of Founders."

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