The Perv and The Nerd: Wish C...

By Kurisu-chan_15

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Melody Jade Winterson She was always the quiet loner in high school, known by her innocence and brains; she w... More

♠ Author's Note ♠
Chapter 1: Unpacking
Chapter 2: First Morning Together
Chapter 3: Happy Life
Chapter 4: The Goods
Chapter 5: Belongs To Me
Chapter 6: Jealousy
Chapter 7: He's here!
Chapter 8: Effin' Doctor
Chapter 9: Pillow Defense
Chapter 10: Sauce Stained Lip
Chapter 11: Disaster
Chapter 12: To Love Somebody
Chapter 13: Unfeminine
Chapter 14: Leaving
Chapter 15: A Mess
Chapter 16: Extended
Chapter 17: Lonely
Chapter 18: Black Shirt
Chapter 19: Disturbed
Chapter 20: Ride of My Life
Chapter 21: I Hate You
Chapter 22: Leave
Chapter 23: Brighter Outcome
Chapter 24: My Miracle
Chapter 25: Red Dress
Chapter 26: Chocolate Bonbons
Chapter 27: Morning Surprise
Chapter 28: Markings
Chapter 29: Secret Plans
Chapter 30: More Secrets
Chapter 32: Kelly's Place
Chapter 33: Don't tell Jade
Chapter 34: Dressing Up
Chapter 35: Christmas Party
Chapter 36: Exchanged Gifts
Chapter 37: Fancy Dinner
Chapter 38: Confession
Chapter 39: Merry Christmas
Chapter 40: Single's Night
Chapter 41: I Do
Chapter 42: After the Wedding
Chapter 43: Paris
Chapter 44: Sweet
Chapter 45: Bad Omen
Chapter 46: Nausea
Chapter 47: News
Chapter 48: Names
Chapter 49: Gifts
Chapter 50: Booty Call
Chapter 51: Emergency
Chapter 52: Pulmonary Fibrosis
Chapter 53: Good & Bad News
Chapter 54: Special Cookies
Chapter 55: Three Days
Chapter 56: Decisions
Chapter 57: Drinks
Chapter 58: Reminisce
Chapter 59: Birth
== Congratulations~! ==
~ Next Book!!! ~

Chapter 31: Caller I.D.

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By Kurisu-chan_15

(A/N: Sorry, this chapter may be a little confusing, but the flashbacks and the present scenes may tend to overlap with each other. So, to avoid the confusion, the flashbacks will be italicized with a '~' before and after their sentences. Hope you guys understand, and sorry for the inconvenience...)

December 21, 20XX

I'm at home spending time with Chris as I was given the day off for today. Chris is still acting like his normal flirty self, but somehow, I feel like something's a little off with him today? He also gets a lot of phone calls recently.

I really hope it's just work...?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


While I was walking back to my office alone, one of the nurses whom I've know of approached me. "Excuse me? Dr. Winterson?"

"Yes? Can I help you with something?" I smiled at her.

She then began to look around to see if anyone was close by, "I really think you need to know of something..." I then tilted my head in confusion, but since she wanted to tell me something, I lent her my ear for her to whisper in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chris then plops down on the sofa to sit beside me as I was just rummaging through the channels to find a good show to watch while he was washing the dishes a while ago.

"So Jade... What you wanna do for today?" he inquires of me happily.

"I don't know... Did you have anything planned out?" I peek over at him with my face still facing the television.

"Hmmm? Well, we could go out and walk a bit? Maybe go shopping? See a movie or two? And then-" his sentence was interrupted by a call. "Hold on a minute." he said as he pressed answer. "Hey Dennis! I told you I'm busy today, so can't this wait for tomorrow? 'Kay! Bye!" he said and immediately hung up.

As Chris placed his phone back in his pocket, it rang again. "Dennis! What the h*ll man?!" he yelled, then covered the phone, "I'm sorry Jade, he really wants me to take this." he asked and I mouthed him an 'it's okay' and he smiled at me and went into his music room to take the call.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As the nurse started to whisper things in my ear, I didn't want to believe that what I was hearing was true. Not now, not ever...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As I see Chris talking to his manager in his room, I then shakily pull out my phone and go to the contacts list. Chris is still talking as I can see him from the glass window on the door. I then press call.

Calling Manager Dennis...

Please let me be wrong...

Chris was still talking, and the other person on the end of my line picked up, "Hello? Jade? Why the sudden call?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"It's the third day today that I've seen Chris walking together with some fancy-looking woman to this fancy-looking restaurant. I couldn't be mistaken, it was Chris. ... Are you guys doing okay?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh, I just wanted to call and ask if Chris had any projects with you guys this month."

"He does, but he all submitted them early and even turned down a few, cause he wanted me to let him rest before the 15th came."

"Oh... Really?" I try not to sound too sad.

Moments later, Chris comes out from his office, "Sorry Jade, Dennis called me about a new project."

"Chris, which Dennis was it?" I ask, I even let Dennis overhear our conversation. I already pressed the loudspeaker as soon as Chris exited the room.

"My manager of course." he's good at lying, huh? "Who's that on the phone Jade?" Chris inquired of me, and I stood up and showed him the caller I.D..

Dennis then spoke up, "Why the f*ck are you giving Jade sh*tty accusations Chris?!"

I then brought back the phone to my face, "I'm sorry you had to hear that Dennis, but I have to go now."

"Alright... I understand... Be well..."

After I ended the call and placed my phone into my pocket, I looked at Chris, with eyes ready to burst out into tears. "Chris... Please answer me honestly. Who were you just talking to?"

Chris began to sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, "Please Jade... It's not what you think..."

"Then what am I thinking? All I'm thinking about is who you were talking to." a stray tear then fell from my left cheek, and I quickly wiped it away.

"Jade... Please don't cry." Chris started to come closer to me, but I didn't want him near me. I don't want him evading my questions. Chris was pained that I backed away from him, and he stopped in his tracks.

"One of the nurses from the hospital saw you with some high-class girl for three days in a row, going to some high-class restaurant. Are you spending money on that girl? Have you grown tired of me?" more tears started to pour down, and I didn't bother to wipe them away anymore. "Just tell me who it is, please?"

Minutes later, Chris' phone rang, and he didn't dare take it out of his pocket. "Your phone's ringing." I say normally. But Chris didn't want to answer it. This time, I approached him to try and look at the caller I.D., and as I tried to do so, Chris grabbed my wrists.

I then looked him in the eyes, I wasn't angry, but I was troubled. Troubled in a way that I didn't want to admit that I was going to have my heart broken. "If you won't show me, tell me who it is." He looked away, and that was something that packed quite the punch to me.

The phone seemed to stop ringing, but rang once again. Chris let go of my wrists and I quickly took his phone from him and read on the screen... 'Stacey'

"Stacey? Stacey." I mumbled out, but answered the call. Chris tried to snatch his phone away, but I didn't let him.

Stacey then spoke first, "Geez! I'm sorry for calling you a lot, but do you want to meet at the usual place again today or tomorrow?"

Chris then had to yell, "JADE, NO!!!" And as soon as Stacey heard that, she cursed before hanging up. He then took his phone from me and threw it onto the sofa, and then turned me around to take me into a huge embrace, "Jade... Please... It's not what you think!"

"Then what am I thinking?" I mumbled.

"That I'm cheating on you?" I then winced from just hearing those words and wanted to push Chris away. "I'm not! Please understand that I love YOU!"

"Are you sure? Or did you really love Stacey and wanted to go back to her instead?" I say as I push Chris away from me. I don't feel rage, but rather, weak, as the thought of being dumped is too strong than making me feel angry.

"No Jade... I'd like to explain everything. But not now..."

"Not now?" more tears then started to fall, "Please let me go Chris."


"Please... Or I'll never forgive you." As soon as I said those words, Chris lets go of me, his expression was full of sadness and pain, but I took more of the hurt. I then walked to the bedroom and took one of my bags and started packing.

"Jade... Don't do this... Where are you even going?"

While shoving in a couple of clothes in, I told him while the tears also made their way in my bag, "I'm going to stay over at Kelly's for a while until you're ready to explain things to me. And if it is what I think it is, I'll quietly get all of my things and move someplace else."

Chris hugged me from behind, "Please don't do this Jade. Don't leave me." I then started to feel my back get wet too.

If you're hurt Chris... Think of how your torturing me...

After packing only the important stuff, I then grabbed my jacket, wore some sneakers, and stormed outside to hail a cab. I didn't care if I looked haggard, or if my eyes were red, or if I was still in my pajamas. "Jade... Don't go... Please!"

When a cab finally stopped for me, I shoved my bag in, told the driver the address, and shook Chris off before getting in.

Before I slammed the door, I showed Chris a painful smiling face full of tears as I told him...

"Goodbye Chris."


Hey Guys!

Oh no! Jade is moving out as Chris has a lot of things he is not telling her! Is their relationship in danger? Will things be alright? How will their Christmas this year turn out? Why is Stacey so persistent on meeting up with Chris?!

Thank you and Please continue to Support + Share + Vote + Comment on #TPaTNWCT~! :D

Don't keep quiet and share your thoughts~! :3

~Kurisu-chan ;*

It's embarrassing when my friends in reality start to call me Kurisu nowadays... >.<


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