In Where Gerard Is Awkward An...

By XxGerardisdeadxX

21.9K 967 1.4K

Gerard works from 11 to 8 an Italian restaurant while sketching in the morning and afternoon when he can to s... More

(1) In Where Gerard Is An Awkward Virgin And Calls Frank Who Is A Prostitute
(2) This chapter title was too long so wattpad made me change it and it was good
(3) Where Gee and Frankie were going to 'hang out' but it started to storm
(4) Frank was pissed near the end of this chapter and it got steamy
(5) Gee's birthday is coming up and Lindsey hunts Frank down
(6) Gerard Gets Upset At Lindsey But Then Thanks Lindsey Later
(7) Frank Makes Breakfast And Recieves A Blowjob Lindsey gets a date and #same
(8) When There Is A Three Week Time Gap Gerard Goes Shopping And Frank Is Kinky
(9) Where Lindsey is a fangirl and Frank is a pain in Gerard's ass- literally
(10) In Where Its Franks Point Of View Finally
(11) Shower Sex Is The Best Sex If You Need A Fix Before Work By Fall Out Boy
(12) Sometimes Bedroom Walls Are My Only Friends
(13) Taking My Training Wheels Off For You Because You Mean More Than Drugs
(14)The Promised Chapter Bc Last Ones Were Sad/I Probably Used This Song Before
(15) Lindsey Convinces Gee On A Double Date Which Reveals Some Kinky Things
(16) Seriously Frank, When Is Ever Going To A Club A Good Idea In A Fanfic?
(18) V Short Smut Chapter Because You Have To Read The A/N To Figure Out Why
(19) Where Fluff Turns To Angry To Smut By Fall Out Boy
(20) Can You Knock Someone Out With A Dildo By Panic! At The Disco
(21) Painting, Creativity, and Purple
(22) Mikey's Dull, Tried To Hook Up With Frank, Gee Beats The Shit Out Of Him
(23) It's My Motherfucking Birthday You Motherfucker
(A/N) Lmao fuck
(24) Frank Wears 'Girl' Clothing For The First Time So This Will Be Interesting
(25) Blood, Sex, Blanket Forts, And Outer Space
(26/27) I Never Told You What I'm Like When I'm Sick/It's Xmas pt. 1
(28) Welcome To The Short Apology Filler Smut
(29) The End Of All Things
10.5k? Holy shit

(17) I Pulled This Chapter Out Of No Where And It Will Be More Fluff. No Smut

476 27 16
By XxGerardisdeadxX

(This is very quick authors note. I'm actually very submissive myself and currently have a dom. That's why I write in Gerard's POV a lot because I'm naturally more submissive and know how to act on that~ now read :) )


When I woke up, I had an ache in my lower back and wrapped in blankets alone. I really did want to get up but I didn't have the motivation and I was hurting too much to do so.

Sunlight was only grazing its fingers over the left side of the bed, hardly touching me. Small flecks of dust floated in the air, sun making them visible. A bird was on the flower box, the scenery behind it making me itch for my pencils but I had no will to move. It was closing early September by now, so the weather was cooling down. Only a few trees have begun to change color but that was going to change soon because it won't be long until we have snow.

My phone buzzed but once again, I couldn't find the motivation to move. A soft knock sounded through the room before the door slowly creaked open, Frank pushing it open with his back. He had a tray in his hands with a coffee pot and mug sitting on it. That was the only visible thing I could see on the tray before Frank set it on the high top dresser. He saw that I was awake and gave a small smile before padding over.

"Morning, love." He said softly before kissing my cheek. I gave an inchoate grumble of words before managing to sit up against the pillows. My phone buzzed again which led to more muttering before picking up the dammed thing. Mikey texted me five times and it was only eleven.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

I settled for calling my pesky little brother, him picking up on the third ring.

"Pete, shut the fuck up! I'm on the phone with Gee!"

Mikey's complaint picking up on the phone. I cleared my throat before glaring at the wall. "What do you want? It's eleven in the morning, Mikey. What the hell?"

"Well, I haven't heard from you, queen 'Too Prissy To Call My Own Brother Because I'm Busy Fucking The Head Chef Of The Restaurant I used to work at.' Seriously, it wouldn't kill for a fucking call. Anyways, do you know what's in like... twelve days?" Mikey asked excitedly.

"Your 23nd birthday." I mumbled into the line. This happened every year despite me telling him to fuck off and that I know when his birthday is. It's not like I'm an idiot and didn't care. Besides, I already kinda knew what I was getting him....

Besides condoms.

"Yeah. You're right. Sooo..... we decided to do laser tag. We're inviting you, Frank, Lindsey, Pete, Me, Ray, and Jamia. It's going to be fun!"

Mikey. Fucking. Way.

Turning twenty three and making adults go to laser tag.

This is going to be a disaster or just fun. No in between.

"I mean, whatever you want to do.. It's your birthday. Just text me the information and I'll mark it down." I sighed and my brother let out the most manliest squeal in the world over the line. I winced before he started talking.

"Alright! Cool! I'll text you everything! I love you big bro! Pete says hi. Bye, lover boy!" Mikey said before hanging up.

How does one have that much enthusiasm in the morning?

Frank smiled a bit before getting the tray off the dresser. "I made you breakfast. You fell asleep in the bathtub last night during the aftercare. You kept twitching your nose. It was adorable." He said, gushing more towards the end. A soft blush dusted my cheeks before he set the tray in my lap. "Today is my day off. Because the summer is busiest season for us, I worked almost everyday because I was the head chef. I now have my weekends off while my uncle does everything. I was thinking a lazy Sunday, yeah?" He asked before picking up the pot of coffee, pouring some  in the mug on the tray. I nodded, a small smile gracing my lips before taking a sip of the still hot coffee.

"Thank you for all of this." I said softly before starting to eat the waffles on the plate. Two over easy eggs sat next to it with a small plate of sausage off to the side.

"I ran to the store this morning to grab some stuff to make breakfast. I already ate because I just wanted to lay with you." Frank smiled before walking over to the other side of the bed, climbing in and under the covers.

We both sat in a comfortable silence while the only noises were our breaths, me chewing, and the small noises of appreciation coming from the back of my throat. I had cleared the plate rather quickly before downing the rest of my quickly cooling off coffee.

I shifted out of bed after setting the tray on the nightstand, groaning as I walked with a major limp. Frank watched with a small smile as I dragged my aching body out of the room and into the bathroom. I heard shuffling in the kitchen only seconds later before I picked up the tooth brush, starting to scrub my teeth with toothpaste.

Afterwards, I limped back to find a very soft looking blanket on the floor in the bedroom. There was a bowl of what looked like very hot water and a hand towel next to it with a bottle of lavender scented lotion.

Frank was sitting on the bed before smiling. "Lay down. I'm going to give you a massage." He said softly. I only nodded in my zombie like state before shuffling over, slowly bringing myself to the floor in pain. I laid on the blanket, the fuzzy warmth nice on body.

I saw the bed shift before the back of my thighs were straddled by the smaller man. The sound of the water filled the room, the dripping off the water running off the towel relaxing. Frank slowly draped it on my lower back, causing a low groan of relief to be released from my mouth. He then squirted the lotion into his hands, covering them with it before slowly rubbing my shoulders.

I only just noticed the sound of David Bowie playing softly from a CD player, the comfort of the massage and the music bringing me to a dazed state of mind. The scent of lavender was relaxing me further, leaving my body not very tensed up, which was easier to massage the muscles.

Frank was gently squeezing and rubbing his hands in a circle, digging his palms into the side of my angel wing in my back. A small sigh of appreciation left my lips as he worked on getting out all the knots of my back. He started getting one more towards the center of my back that made me groan in pain. Frank whispered soft and calming things, which made me focus more on the pleasure than pain.

He worked magic before he removed the now cooled off towel from my lower back. He covered his hands in more lotion before slowly rubbing out the knotted and hurting muscles. A small cry of pain left my lips, the smaller man bending down and pressing a gentle kiss to my neck.

"I know it hurts, baby. You gotta stay relaxed." He said gently before working on getting the knots out. Pain was taking over the lower part of my back as he worked before slowly, it became less painful and more relaxing. Slowly, the pain went away and he worked on the other side, whimpers leaving the back of my throats when he first began to rub it.

"Lift your hips a bit." He said gently, only causing me to do so. He slipped my boxers only to the very end of my ass before slowly rubbing the bruised skin. A small whimper left my lips and he whispered small, love filled words.

Soon, he pulled my boxers back up, the David Bowie music having stopped a while ago. He gently picked me up before turning my body towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist before pressing hard. Cracks that made me groan sounded through the room before he reached my shoulders. I was limp like a rag doll against him as he kissed my head and laid me on the bed, under the covers.

The warmth engulfed me and Frank cleaned up quickly before sliding into the bed next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I curled into his chest before letting of a soft sigh. My eyes closed and Frank rubbed the small of my back, making everything fade away. I could make out the 'I love you' Frank whispered which only led me to mumble in a way that was probably not understandable, "I love you too, sugar."


I felt like I had to update. Anyways, only shit. This book has 1.5K reads!

(I can see it in my information)

This is crazy! I never expected people to actually like this book. It was originally going to be oneshots but a friend made me realize I unintentionally created a plot. Anyways, I love that people actually like this story. I felt like there had to be some more fun, not as serious frerards because everyone deserves a little break from the emotional roller coaster.

This was more of a filler chapter but I like it because as being a sub myself, aftercare is very important and it was cute writing this. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed and I can't wait to hear your opinions.

I love you all

Q: what was your first concert?

A: mine was Kiss.

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