Lucky Me ( A Jonas Brothers F...

By AndreaMauvais

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This is my life as being friends with the Jonas Brothers and being part of their family. See what its like tr... More

Chapter 1: Spring Break
Chapter 2: Karaoke
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Really Scary
Chapter 5: Really Scary part 2
Chapter 6: Very Freaky
Chapter 7: Really Weird
Chapter 8: Very Heroic
Chapter 9: The Game
Chapter 10: Crappy days part 1
Chapter 11: Crappy days part 2
Chapter 12: "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas"
Chapter 13: Countdown to graduation and summer
Chapter 14: Summer!! Finally!!
Chapter 15: Texas here we come!!
Chapter 16: A Change and crushes reveled
Chapter 17: Confused emotions
Chapter 18: What to do
Chapter 19: Back to school
Chapter 20: Finally, True love exists
Chapter 21: Movie premiere
Chapter 22: Surprise
Chapter 23: Shocking and scary moment
Chapter 24: Difficult times
Chapter 25: Hard trying times part 1
Chapter 26: Hard trying times part 2
Chapter 27: Hard trying times part 3
Chapter 28: Going through the motions
Chapter 29: Scary Baby Moments
Chapter 30: Long tiring days
Chapter 31: Lazy sick days
Chapter 32: Sick days
Chapter 33: Lullaby CD project
Chapter 34: Waiting for a miracle to happen
Chapter 35: Girls Night In
Chapter 36: Mall Day
Chapter 37: Two injured people
Chapter 38: Super scary moment
Chapter 39: Sick and injured days
Chapter 41: Show time!!!! part 1
Chapter 42: Show time!!!! part 2
Chapter 43: Surgery
Chapter 44: Post surgery misery
Chapter 45: Getting sick on tour blows
Chapter 46: Getting Bad news and flying out to South Carolina
Chapter 47: Surprising the boys
Chapter 48: Taking care of Nick
Chapter 49: Going Back on Tour
Chapter 50: Getting injured again
Chapter 51: Making plans
13 Facts About Me
Chapter 52: Group Day Out part 1
Chapter 53: Group Day Out pt2
Chapter 54: Andi and Bella's first concert
Chapter 55: Day off at Maya's
Chapter 56: A sick baby and Ellen interview
Chapter 57: Summer's almost over
Chapter 58: Wedding planning
Poor Demi 😞😞😞💔💔💔
Chapter 59: Back to School
Chapter 60: Getting ready for a new movie
Chapter 61: Arriving in New York
Chapter 62: Getting ready for the wedding
Chapter 63: Wedding time!!
Chapter 64: Getting the same news over and over is irritating

Chapter 40: Getting ready for the Dance Showcase

673 9 0
By AndreaMauvais

RECAP: So we continued to sit and eat, when we were done, I went to check on Nick. He was still asleep so I decided to wake him and see if he was hungry. "Hey babe?" He grumbled a bit and talked in his sleep. "Hhhmmm...dinner??" "Already ate, just wanted to see if you were hungry?" "Not really."

"Okay, there's food if your hungry later. Let me check your fever and levels while I'm up." So I grabbed the thermometer and his kit and tested his fever and levels. He seemed really flush, like he might be high, so i tested his levels firstBEEEP.....BEEEP....BEEP... 220. I sighed and gave him a shot to help bring down that number.

Then I checked his fever, I placed the thermometer in his ear and waited for the reading. When the reading came up I didn't like the number that was showing. I sighed and put it away. I grabbed the cold medicine out of the bathroom and poured some for him to take.

"I need you to sit up so you can take the cold medicine." He wined a bit but I helped him sit up long enough to take the medicine, which he hated but took anyways to please me and to get better. After he took it and washed it down with juice he laid back down. 

 "Are you sure you're not hungry? It might help with your levels?" "I'm sure. I just want to go back to sleep. My side hurts still." "Okay. I'll be back in a while. I'm going to give Bella her bath and get her ready for bed then take a shower my self." "Okay." He slowly started to fall back asleep. I made sure he was comfortable and went to find someone to help me with Bella's bath, since Joe did it last time I went to see if Kevin and Dani wanted to do it so I could shower.

So I went to their room to ask them if they could give Bella her bath so I could shower. I knocked on the door and went in. "Hey munchkin, what's up?" Kevin asked. "I was wondering if you guys could give Bella her bath for me while I take a shower since it may take a while for me to take a shower with my knee."

"Sure, no problem." "Thanks guys. It helps alot." "Like we said, no problem. Now go take your shower and we'll get her bathed and ready for bed." I smiled and went back to the bedroom and picked out some clean clothes and went into the bathroom and locked the door. I started the water and placed my phone on the iPod dock and put some music on. 

20 minutes later, I was done and carefully dried off and got dressed. When I got out of the bathroom, Nick was up, which meant he either used a different bathroom or got something to eat. I decided to check the kitchen to see if he was in there eating. When I walked in I saw him sitting at the table trying to eat something. "Hey baby, feeling any better?" I asked him when I sat down next to him. "Kinda. Still feel really ick and run down." "Well finish up and you can go back to bed." He nodded and finished eating.

When he was done Denise took his dishes and washed them. "Don't worry about the dishes, I'll take care of them. You guys go to bed." "Thanks Mom." "You're welcome." So we went back to the bedroom and I got Nick comfortable before going to check on Bella. "I'll be back. I'm going to check on Bella."

"Okay." He started to fall asleep, so i kissed his head and went to check on Bella. I went to the nursery and found Kevin sitting in the rocking chair, hold Bella, giving her her nightly bottle while rocking her and singing her to sleep. "Hey." "Hey how's Nick?" "Bit better. Got him to take some medicine and got some food in his system." "That's a good start."

"Yeah. He fell back asleep after he took the medicine earlier and is asleep right now since he just ate." "That's good. You going to sleep soon?" "Yeah. Just came to check on her before I got too comfortable and fell asleep." "That's fine. I was just about done with her and was going to put her to sleep when she was done drinking." "Looks to me that she's done." He looked down and saw Bella starting to fall asleep and her bottle empty.

"Guess you're right." He laughed and carefully burped her. "Want to put her in her bed?" "Sure." So I set my crutches aside and carefully took Bella from Kevin and placed her in her bed. "Goodnight my sweetheart. I love you." I kissed her head and gently placed her in her crib and covered her up. I smiled and quietly walked out. "Thanks for doing her nightly routine for me." "No problem, I loved it." We hugged and went to our rooms. 

When I walked into Nick's room, I saw him passed out on his side of the bed. I quietly laughed and checked his levels and fever real quick. Levels were at a good spot since he ate and took his medicine. I gave him a quick shot so he could sleep through the night without getting a bad high or bottoming out.

His fever was still at the same spot as it was before I showered which was good because that meant the cold medicine was working. I checked my levels after I was done with his. I was at a good spot so I crawled into bed and cuddle up next to Nick. He automatically wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled and got comfortable. When i was comfortable I could feel the heat coming off of him. I sighed and fell asleep. I hated seeing him so worn out and sick. 


Dani's POV ( 2 days before showcase)

I was so excited!! It's 2 days before Andi's dance showcase, and she was so nervous. I was with her at school today since she had a bad spazz attack last night. We were in the auditorium for dress rehearsals, Andi was practicing the dance names and who coreographed them and what school they were from since there was another school performing with her school. I could tell Andi was starting to get low by the color of her face and how slow she was getting.

I went up to her teacher and asked if she could have a break since she was diabetic and needed to check her levels. She was okay with it and told Andi she could take a break so she could test and eat. I thanked her and went back up and helped Andi off the stage and got her to sit down, test then go outside and eat. I was right when I could tell she was getting low. The heat from the stage lights plus it being a couple of hours since lunch she needed to eat. When I tested her she was at 65, so I adjusted her pod and got her some juice and some snacks.

"It's almost your dinner break, want me to go get you something more filling to eat?" "Sure, maybe a burrito from Del Taco?" "Sure, sprite and lemoneade if they have them?" "Please and thank you. Root Beer or coke as a backup." "Got it." So once she was done with her juice and snacks I retested her and she was at 88. "Feeling better?" her friend Anthony asked.

"Much. I had a feeling that I was starting to get low. Stupid stage lights are really bright and hot. I should be used to them from church but it took a toll on my body this time." "I'll be back soon with your food. Keep checking your levels and have someone get you more snacks from the vending machines if they can." I told them. "I will. Thanks Dani." I smiled and hugged her.

I grabbed my purse and went out to the car. I got in and went to Del Taco. I went in and got Andi's food and something for me as well and got her drink and hurried back to school. When I got there, I went in and saw her still sitting where I left her. But Anthony wasn't with her, someone else was. When I got closer Andi smiled at me.

"YAY!! FOOD!!" Both girls laughed. "Yup. Got your food. Who's your friend?" "Oh this is my friend Nohely. Nohely this is Kevin's fiancé Dani." "Oh you're the one who sat with her and Kevin when she hurt her knee." I said. "Yeah. That was me." We laughed. "Come on, let's go sit outside somewhere so you can eat." "Okay." So i helped her up and we went outside and sat at the tables. I gave her her food and we sat there and ate and talked a bit.

When we were done, i put the rest of Andi's food in the car as the girls went back inside. I went back inside and sat next to them.  We watched the rest of the dances before Miss Ingram said we were allowed to leave and told us what time we had to be back the next day. Andi said by to her friends before leaving. I looked over at her friend Rachyl and asked her if needed a ride home. "Hey do you need a ride home or is someone coming to get you?"

"My brother's coming to ger me. But thanks for the offer." "Okay. See you tomorrow." She smiled and waved at me as she answered her phone. I caught up to Andi who was going over some of her notes with her teacher. "Hey, ready to go?" "Yup. Figured everything out." "Good. Let's get going then, you have a sick boyfriend at home and a baby that's probably hungry and wanting your attention."

"True. Hopefully he's better in a few days for the showcase. I would hate for him to miss it." "True. Let's get going then." So she thanked her teacher and we went home. When we got home, she went to check on Nick and see how he was feeling and I went to help with dinner.

*~*~*~*~* Andi's POV ~*~*~*~*

As soon as I got home from school, went to check on nick. I went into the bedroom and saw him sleeping. I laughed and went over and sat next to him. I messed with his hair a bit when he woke up. "" "Hey sleeping beauty. How do you feel?" "Better. How was school?" "Good. Long because of dance, but overall a good day." "That's good. How were your levels during rehearsals?"

"Good. Had a bit of a low moment, but Dani spotted it and helped me right away." "That's good that she knew the signs and was able to help you right away." "Yup. Are you hungry? Dani is helping mom with dinner?" "Kinda. I had a better appetite today." "That's a sign that your getting better. How's your side?" "Sore but not as bad anymore."

"Good, let me check it and your fever and see how they're doing." So he nodded and sat up. He moved his shirt so I could check his side. I moved the bandage carefully and slowly. It wasn't as red and swollen as the last time I checked it. "Much better. Not as red and flamey as last time I checked it. That's good. Now let's check your fever while you're still up." So I checked his fever and was pleased with the reading.

"Much better. It's going down. At this rate you should be better in a few days, which would be just in time for my Dance Showcase." "Good because I would really hate to miss it." "Well there's gonna be someone recording it so most likely there will be a DVD." "But I rather see it in person and be on stand by in case your knee or levels act up." "Don't forget moral support."

He laughed. "That too." "Come on dinner's probably ready by now, we should go out there before they think we fell asleep." So he got up slowly and we went out to the kitchen. "Hey you're up. how are you feeling sweetie?" Denise asked when she saw us. "Better Mamma." "Good, so are you hungry?" "Kinda."

"Well that's a good sign that you're getting better.  Come sit then, dinner's about ready." So we sat down and ate. Everyone was so excited about my school Dance showcase. They're just as excited about it if I was dancing and not being the MC but they completely understand. My mom is just as as excited as the Jonas' are. She even said she would be with me the day of my surgery since I'm getting out earlier than my sister.

The day after the showcase we're going out to dinner with both families, which I'm so happy about because I miss my parents alot. Even though I live close to them its hard to see them because of school and soon therapy, but my mom said my great aunt and uncle are going to. See my great aunt and uncle are my mom's aunt and uncle, but i still love them the same. So we're planning on going to Los Sanchez for the family dinner since my aunt and uncle live close to the restaurant.

Actually they live close to the hospital in my mom's childhood home. I can't wait to see them. I haven't seen them in a long time so it's going to be great seeing them again. My great aunt made one of my baby blankets, which I still have and use for Bella. She loves them and so do I. Soon someone's hand was in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts. I shake my head and look to see who it was. 

I look up and see Kevin's hand in front of my face. "You okay babygirl?" "Yeah, just tired and thinking about everything that's coming up." "Well finish eating then you can shower and go to sleep early." Denise said. "I know. I'm just about done anyway since I had a burrito earlier during my break during rehearsals." "Okay, well if you're done you can go now and get your stuff together." I smiled and thanked her and went to get my clothes and towels ready. "Need any help babe?" "No. I'm fine, thanks anyway. Want me to lay out some clothes for you when I'm done?" "Sure, that would be nice." So I kissed him and went to take my shower.

I put my clothes in the bathroom and put Nick's on the bed, after that I went into the bathroom and placed my phone on the iHome deck and turned on some music. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. When it was a the right temperature, I carefully got in and relax automatically. Once I was relaxed a bit more, I washed my hair, my body and face. Once I rinsed off, I turned off the water and slowly got out. 

I carefully dried off and got dressed, then hung up my towels, grabbed my phone and went into the bedroom. When I walked in I saw Nick laying down on the bed watching TV. I laughed and went to lay next to him. "How was your shower?" "Good. I feel a bit better." "That's good. Come lay down, you look exhausted." I nodded and climbed into bed, I cuddled up next to him and got comfortable.

I tried watching whatever he had on but I was too tired, so I started falling asleep. I tired fighting it but it was to hard. "It's okay, go to sleep babe. Don't try to fight it. You've had a long day, I can tell. Just get some sleep." Nick whispered to me. I nodded and fell asleep to Nick singing to me. He was playing one of my favorite songs, one of his, Dear God. I loved how his voice sounded now that he was older. His voice was so cute when he original sung it but it was more romantic now that he was older and mature. 

Dear God

I hate to be a bother, but I gotta say

This world is getting crazier with every day

I hope you'll hear me out now as I stop and pray

Oh, Dear God

People take your words and try to twist 'em round

I know you can't be happy with what's goin' down

I'm searchin' for some answers, but they can't be found

Can you help me out, Dear God?

Oh, Seams like,

Everybody's searching for an easy solution

They can't see beyond, the selfish world they're living in

Your words of love get lost, in all the confusion, yes they do

But I still believe someday you're gonna speak to me

Dear God,

Just the other night I heard somebody say

What's the use believin' in you anyway

I guess it was just heartache talkin' through the pain

It's a cryin' shame

Dear God,

I know you're disappointed in the things we've done

Can't they see the truth that they're all running from

Try to preach your message with a loaded gun

What they thinkin' of, Dear God

Oh,Seams like

Everybody's searching for an easy solution

They can't see beyond, the selfish world they're living in

Your words of love get lost, in all the confusion, oh yes they do 

But I still believe, someday you're gonna speak to me

Dear God,

I know you've got a million other calls to take

You're dealing with a lot of things that just won't wait

But there is one request that I just gotta make

Ohh, Dear God

Won't you send a sign down, just to ease my doubt

I'm trying to hear you, but the silence is so loud

I think I see a rainbow from behind the clouds

And I hear you now, dear God

 I soon fell asleep after he finished singing. "Night babygirl. I love you." He kissed my head and fell asleep not long after I did.

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