The 'nerd' is dangerous

By _hello_hi

386K 12.1K 1.8K

COVER BY @TheStoryWriterWrites Anna Louise Bennet. The school's nerd, loner, punch bag, personal homework sla... More

Editing (again!)
school night racing
freak out
Colton's Return
The Crypt
This means war!
The docks
The Party
Big Brother
The ring
School gossip
Birthday 'present'
Fallen angel
Party kiss/ hairpin curves
Halloween part 1
Halloween part 2
What really happened
Max and Rhea
Old friends
Ski masks really?
Traumatic loss
Changing attitudes
Hospital room
trying to return to normality
blood velvet
where I have been
Black lace and gunshots
Clearing things up

Watch it nerd!

24K 582 198
By _hello_hi

(Alex's outfit above⬆️)
Anna's POV:
I took white, purple and black-checkered shorts and a purple tank top, and walked into my bathroom, grabbing a towel as I went. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the heavenly shower when it was the right temperature.

I washed and got out wrapping myself in a fluffy white towel before drying and changing into my pjs. I walked into my room again, putting my new iPhone on charge before getting into my king sized bed and snuggling against the turquoise covers before falling asleep.


Argh. I hit my alarm clock probably breaking it in the process, I yawned, sat up and got out of bed. I hate getting up in the morning but I do it anyway. I took some random clothes from my 'nerd' section of my wardrobe, it turned out to be galaxy leggings, a grey band tee, a grey jumper and scuffed trainers. I then got into the shower, when I had showered I dried myself, got changed and put my hair in a messy bun.

I jogged downstairs got some breakfast and got into my Toyota corolla, to go to my version of hell, also known as school.

As soon as I got out of my crappy car, everyone whispered to his or her friends, "Nerd." "Freak." "Loner." I mentally rolled my eyes as I walked to the entrance with my head down and gripping my books in anger so much my knuckles were white.

I had just gotten into the building when the group of the school's 'bad boys' barged past me making my books fall on the floor.

"Hey, watch it nerd." Brad, the leader said.

"S...sor...sorry." I fake stuttered.

Brad started laughing before leaving with his mates. I picked up my books before heading to my locker.I put my sports kit in my locker and was about to close it when I heard footsteps behind me,

"Hi Clo." I said without looking,

"How? How did you know?" Chloe my only friend at school asked me.

"I heard you and no one else goes near me without teasing me so, it had to be you." I replied truthfully, turning around to face her.

I hugged her then let go so she could put her stuff away.

My first lesson was maths, I hate maths. I may act like a nerd but that doesn't mean I need to like it. My teacher Mr. Hart is at least 60 with grey hair, wrinkles and he never smiles, I actually think that someone either sewed or super glued his mouth in straight line or a deep frown. Anyway, I got to his class early because even if you are even a few seconds late you get a detention and I can't get a detention as that would ruin my perfect goodie two shoes reputation. When Mr. Hart opened the door I got in said good morning to Mr. Hart as I walked past him, I only got a scowl in return and sat in the seat next to the window on the second last row of seats.

Brad's POV: before school.
I woke up early for some weird reason, and on a weekday as well. So I had a shower and got into some distressed jeans a grey tee and my signature leather jacket. I then had breakfast; toast, then decided to play COD until I needed to leave.

When it was eight I got into my Porsche and drove to school, I unlocked the roof and let it come down as it was a convertible, I blasted my music and let it fill the air, too quickly I had arrived at school, so I turned off my radio, put down the roof and went inside to my squad: me, Josh and Joe; the twins, Fred and Rick.

"Yo, man." They all said at the same time while nodding and fist bumping me.

We decided to go outside for a bit before lessons, the nerd, I think she is called Alyssa, Andria, Allison or something like that, was coming in. I may of pushed past her causing her books to fall.

"Hey, watch it nerd." I said, she stuttered out a sorry without looking at me because she was so scared, I began to laugh at her then walked off.

A few minutes before the bell went I took my first two lesson's books out of my locker.

"Man, why ya getting your books, we're skipping remember?" Rick told me,

"I can't, the principle said if I get one more detention I will be excluded and my mother said that if I get excluded I am grounded and not allowed to hang out with you guys, that means no gang or fighting." I explained.

"Oh." Rick replied, "if you're not skipping we won't, it will be boring without ya." I looked at the twins who shrugged in agreement.

All our lockers are next to each others so Rick and the twins took out their books just as the bell went. Rick and I have the same lesson, maths with Mr. Hart. We got to maths just after the last person so luckily we didn't get a detention. We sat down at the back row, the nerd was in front of me, I took a random piece of paper scrunched it into a ball and thew it at the nerd's head, she didn't turn round or anything. Mr. Hart must of saw as he began to say something probably to give me a detention but the door opened...

the attendance officer, a smoking hot blonde girl and a brunette guy came in. The girl had long legs, a tan, piercings. She was wearing black jeans ripped at the knee, a black and floral crop top showing her toned stomach, zipped and buckled high heels, a thin leather jacket.

She had a blue handbag on her right elbow, ruby red lipstick, blue nail varnish, bracelets covering both wrists, a watch on her left wrist, a snake earring that goes through the piercing then coils to the tip of her ear on her right ear and about six piercings on her left.

(Samantha's outfit below)

The guy was wearing a black Nirvana t-shirt, jeans with open rips, grey vans, a grey shoulder bag, he had a grey hoodied leather jacket, headphones round his neck and he had his phone out with a skull and snake on the case, he had a smirk as all the girls were practically drooling at him. I scowled at him.

(Jordan's outfit below)

The attendance officer said they were new which was obvious then left.

"Welcome to Eastwood High, I'm Mr. Hart your maths teacher do you want to tell everyone something about yourselves?" he said with fake happiness.

"I'm Samantha." the girl said in a bored tone.

The nerd's head snapped to the girl extremely quickly then mouthed something.

"I'm Jordon." the guy replied with the same accent.

"Well Wood, you can sit next to, um, Bennet." the girl smirked, "Rent, you will have to sit next to Howe at the back." Great, I have to sit next to the guy, yay. Note the sarcasm.

"Anna Bennet?" Jordon asked, so that is the nerd's name, how does he know?

Mr. Hart nodded, Sam and Jordon scanned the room for a few seconds before Sam found the nerd.

"Yo gurl." she said strides confidently towards the desk in front and dumping her bag on the desk and sitting down next to Anna.

"Hey." she replied in her small voice.

Anna's POV:
"Hey." I replied before giving Sam a knowing smirk.

I heard Jordon pull back his chair next to Brad,

"This is going to be fun." Sam said knowing exactly what I meant.

"Hey babe." Sam sniggered quietly,

"Whatever asshole." I replied.

"You know you missed me." Jordon carried on.

"Missed your ugly mug of a face, your whiny voice and your massive ego, yeah sure I missed you." I said sarcastically. Sam laughed really loudly at that making everyone look at us.

"Bennet, Wood detention, I will not have people disturbing my lesson" Mr. Hart said, I looked a Sam and nodded subtly.

"Sorry Sir." we said barely containing our laughter. Both me and Sam shrugged and collected our detention slips.

Brad's POV:
When Rick said that the nerd got her first detention, Jordon the new guy started laughing like it was the funniest thing ever; he got a detention from Mr. Hart.

Another weird thing is that the nerd took her detention slip like it was nothing. I have a feeling that the nerd isn't just who she says she is and I plan to find out. I wasn't in the nerd, Samantha or Jordon's class for the rest of the day so I couldn't see how they know each other or what the nerd's secret was but I did decide that I would do a background check on all of them.

The final bell went so I got my bag and got into my Porsche and drove to the base.

"I'M BACK!" I yelled as I entered, I heard people shout their replies; I walked straight into our surveillance room.

"Hey, Boss." Chris said,

"Hey Chris." I replied,

"Want can I do for you today?" Chris said sitting at his computer,

"Can you do a background check on Anna Bennet, Samantha Wood and Jordon Rent?"

"Sure boss, I'll get it done by the end of the day." Chris agreed before typing away.

"Thanks Chris." I said before going to my office to do paperwork, which is so boring I wanted to shoot myself after ten minutes.

Five hours later:
I had finished the gang paper work and went back to the surveillance to get the background checks from Chris.

"Chris have you got the info?"

"Yes but it isn't much, only name, birth and family for Samantha and Jordon..."

"What about Anna?"

"That's when it gets weird, there is no information on Anna Bennet; she doesn't exist."

"How is that possible that is what she's called." I asked confused,

"She could have a fake name, someone obviously doesn't want anyone to find out about her life or actual name."

"Why would a teen nerd need a fake name and delete all her information and background?"

"I'm not sure but she could be dangerous." Chris warned me,

"Anyway, thanks Chris can I have the info on Samantha and Jordon." Chris nodded and handed me a folder after he had printed it out.

I went home and read Samantha's and Jordon's folders.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Ohh, tension. Brad is getting suspicious.

Hope you like the chapter.

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