young justice oneshots

By inxccxnt

274K 5.9K 3.5K

After becoming completely obsessed over Young Justice and getting this idea from others, I've decided to make... More

RoBiN (DG)
KiD fLaSh
BlUe BeTtLe
DaMian P1
DaMiAn P2
BaRt P1
BlUe BeTtLe
BaRt P2
CaPtAiN mArVeL (BiLlY)
DiCk - 4k special 1/3
CoNnOr - 4/5/6/7k special 2/3
JaMiE - 4-11k special 3/3
author's note
JaSoN --- requested
cool news ;)
other cool news ;)
100k special - dick

JaSoN - birthday special

5.7K 190 49
By inxccxnt

warning- suicide trigger, mature language (both very mild and insignificant) 

Like was most expected for Gotham, rain fell. The dreary weather seemed to never stop in this godforsaken city. Even on a most important day; the day of the birth of Jason Peter Todd. Although perhaps the climate would be appropriate given the personality of our birthday boy. But even though Jason had the exterior similar to the gloomy sky, some still believed that he deserved better. On of them was y/n l/n.

Y/n believed in Jason. Loved him, even. She knew that deep under that armour, helmet and ten feet walls was someone worth waiting for. Someone who she would be by his side always; until death keep them apart, perhaps even after that.

But making a move now would be selfish and untimely. Patience is a virtue, everyone says. But they're wrong. It's a pain in the butt.

Baby steps, y/n would tell herself. Subtle hints here and there, but nothing more.

As it was Jason's birthday, she was about to make the biggest subtle hint she has ever made.

Now it was common knowledge that Jason didn't like to celebrate birthdays. For him, watching tv alone at home was good enough, or delving himself in his anti-hero work. But not for y/n.

When the night was young, she had gone to the bakery and ordered a cake; a small one, one that could feed her and Jason that night. Cake that she knew he wouldn't like, but then again Jason didn't like y/n spending him with him but she did that anyways.

But y/n loved Jason and nothing would ever change that.

Knocking on the door one last time, y/n said, "It's me Jason. Y/n. You can open up the door."

Not missing a beat, the door swung open; a messed up Jason holding a bat securely in his hands, his knuckles white. He looked awful; with messy hair, pale complexion, and dark circles around his eyes like a panda bear.

"Oh, it is you," Jason lowered his bat and frowned, eyeing her up and down, "Oh god you're all wet, come on in."

Smiling at Jason widely, y/n wakes inside, immediately grateful for heaters. Sighing blissfully, she jumped in the sofa and made herself warm.

Jason closed his front door and set his metal bat next to the door. He walked into the hallway, probably for a blanket, when he called, "How did you know I was here?"

Y/n pursed her lips, hesitating, "It's raining. I knew you wouldn't go to the club. And you hate going out with friends. And umm.... I saw went in patrol earlier today to I figured you'd be here."

Jason came back into the living room with a face mildly annoyed and with a blanket in his hands. He handed it to her, "I keep telling you I don't want to celebrate my birthday never mind you being here. How did you even find my place?"

Snatching the blanket from his hands as she stood up, she wrapped it around her shoulders, hiding the cake behind it, "I followed you. I wanted to give you this," she reviled the cake in the clear plastic case, "Happy Birthday Jason," she smiled wide and hopeful.

It seemed Jason was at loss for words, changing his gaze from the cake to y/n. He chuckled slightly, one which wasn't expected, "And what? No present?" Though his phrase was quite rude, y/n could tell he was actually very grateful. It was his way of saying thank you.

"I thought I'd be a good enough present. You know, a friend who wants to celebrate their other friend's birthday," she offered, setting the cake on the coffee table, "Everyone else wished you a happy birthday. They would've come but—"

"But they were busy," his rare smile almost automatically turned into a scowl. He turned around and slumped onto another sofa, "too busy for me."

"No, it's not like that, Jay." Y/n countered, automatically regretting her words.

"Of course it is. Why else would they not come? Bruce would've taken a day off for Dick's birthday; give him a fucking car! Dick would've prepared for Wally's birthday, for crying out loud even Selina would go to Damian's birthday. So why did no one else but you come, y/n? Hm?" He paused, as if she was to answer but he cut her off. His tone became louder and angrier with every word, "No one wants to spend time with me. Do you know it feels like to be forgotten? Abandoned? To be the robin that no one trusts?! I'm a monster; a killer! I don't deserve to have a birthday. I don't deserve fucking cake. I deserve to die... AGAIN! I don't deserve you as a friend y/n. Everyone I touch I hurt," he caught his breath and quickly wiped his one stray year falling down his face, "You never should've came."

Jason got up once more and walked to the door, "Thanks for the cake but I don't deserve shit." He was about to open it, but y/n stopped him, setting a hand on his. She squeezed it.

"You don't deserve to die, Jason. You're not a monster. And everyone wants to spend time with you. Your funny and the life of the party! You're brave and someone would would make a wonderful ally. As for me, I'll never leave you, Jason. You break everything you touch, but you fix me when you touch me. But let people in. Give people a chance. There will be other people in life who will stand by you. But not everyone is perfect. Some people make mistakes. Some more than others. You just gotta learn to look at the niceness in others. Like I do to you."

The world seemed to stop as the words that y/n said entered Jason. It was as if every word she said was a bandaid. And soon, he'd be all better. It was at that moment and Jason realized that he loved her. Every aspect of her. Her beautiful eyes, gorgeous hair and her amazing personality. Y/n was someone worth protecting. But Jason didn't deserve her. She could do so much better. But that didn't mean he didn't need her.

So Jason attacked y/n in a hug. The tightest hug he could ever muster up. He dug his face in her neck and hair and took in her smell and coldness, trying to make her warm. With his two strong arms around her back tightly, he knew that he would always protect her no matter what. And y/n knew that too. She hugged his neck and squeezed as hard as she could.

"Jason." She whispered, though it felt like her voice was way down on earth as her head was in the clouds.

"Hm?" He mumbled, loving how she said his name.

"The cakes getting cold." She grinned.

Jason grumbled and reluctantly pulled away from her. Soon, the two were cracking jokes as they ate cake together, both sitting closer together than last time. But little did Jason know that this wasn't all that y/n had planned. Once they were finished, she looked at Jason and told that his actually birthday present was back at her apartment.

"You got me a present? Really? Oh, y/n, you didn't have to do that. You would've been enough." He moved a strand of hair from her face.

She laughed sheepishly and got up before she could show any form of embarrassment, "Stop being so cheesy, Todd. Come on," offering her hand, Jason gladly took it and let her lead him to their destination.

Now here's the thing about presents. Everyone thinks that physical gifts are the best. But it's the non physical ones that are the best. Because it's stored it our memory to replay when ever we want. Y/n knew this. That was why the present wasn't something Jason could hold. Because that would be lost or destroyed quicker than the memory would fade. The gift was a memory. The memory that people care for him. That people remembered his birthday and took the time out of their busy schedule to not only wish him a birthday, but to celebrate it with him. This present would be priceless, but the best thing that he ever received.

This is why y/n organized the party. She knew that small things really meant a lot to Jason. So, she invited everyone. And I mean everyone. From the young Justice team, to the Justice League, to the whole bat family, to all people that walked by the path Jason on the good side.

When y/n opened the door to her warm apartment, out came the 'Happy Birthday's' from everyone invited. The enthusiasm wasn't limited, especially not by Roy, or Tim, or Dick, and especially not by Bruce. If anything he was he most happy.

Standing at the foot of the door, Jason was speechless, frozen in time. Were they holograms? Was this a dream. He poked Tim, the one closest to him. He was real. Jason punched himself quite hard. He was awake. Which meant this was real. And there was only one person who could do this.

He turned around to y/n, "You did this?" His expression was hard to figure out in the eyes of y/n.

She smiled very widely with a nod, "Of course I did, Jason, you're my friend. Now go have fun." She pushed him inside her apartment, towards the expectant looking people. I'm no time at all, Jason was in the midst of it all, laughing and joking with others. It was the most happy y/n has ever seen him. And that made her happy.

"That was a nice thing you did," Said Dick. He walked up to her with a smile, "Jason's lucky to have you." He patted you on the shoulder.

She looked down with a light fake smile, "Jason doesn't have me. But thank you."

Dick grinned and lifted up your chin, "I suppose they're right. People never know what they had until it's gone.  Don't worry, y/n, he'll come around."

"Thanks dick," she smiled she gave him a light hug, until he walked away to join the team.

"You know, you didn't have to stay and clean up, Jason." Y/n looked across the living room to Jason who was picking up some plastic cups.

"Of course I did. It is my party after all. It's nothing, anyways." Jason smiled charmingly at her, "Besides, you did so much for me, it's the least I could do."

She grinned, very grateful for him and turned around to fix the pillows. It was quiet on his side so y/n turned around to see what he was doing. He was frozen on his spot, watching the back of her head. She chuckled confusingly, "What?"

"I was just wonder... Why? Why did you do all this for me?"

She stood up straight and walked towards him, taking his hands in hers, "Because even the most lonely people need to socialize once or twice."

"I socialize with bad guys. Isn't that enough?" He joked.

Y/n laughed lightly, "No, it's not. Everyone needs friends. Yet you're always lonely. And loneliness makes people upset and depressed, Jason. And it kills me to see you lonely. Because I care for you. And I always will. I love you. So don't ever say no one cares for you."

Jason looked at y/n for what seemed like days. Holding her breath, y/n stepped back a bit shakily, "Uh.. Sorry. I didn't mean to step over any boundaries. I know you don't feel the same. Just forget I said anything." She frowned, stepping back.

Jason watched as she walked away, "Y/n?" He said.

She stopped and turned around hopefully, "Yes?"

He slowly walked up to her, "Now who said I didn't feel the same?" And without missing a beat, he leaned in for the kiss. The blissful, magic, fairytale like kiss. Unlike other kisses Jason had, this one was by far the best. It wasn't forced, or influenced with any alcohol, nor like his past pointless flings. This one was meaningful, for both of them.

Remember how I said presents are best served in memories? Well this was the best birthday present for Jason.


I had fun writing this. Even though his birthday was yesterday I didn't have enough time to make an actual Jason worthy one so I took my time today to make this. Happy birthday Jason and I hope you all enjoy this!

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