League of Legends Series

By SilverQuillTales

101K 1.5K 353

Enjoy these one-shots. * I don't do smut. * I take requests, but I'm slow so bear with me. [Requests Currentl... More

Pantheon x Leona
Thresh x Miss Fortune
Zed x Akali
Tryndamere x Ashe
Vladimir x Ahri
Rengar x Nidalee
Riven x Zac
Vayne x Lucian
Darius x Lux
Bard x Sona
Yasuo x Riven
Wukong x Ahri
Talon x Quinn
Orianna x Viktor
Ezreal x Sona
Syndra x Zed
Quinn x Zed
Kha'Zix x Elise
Jarvan x Shyvana
Caitlyn x Jayce
Lux x Ezreal
Veigar x Lulu
Graves x Ahri
Varus x Lulu
Garen x Katarina
Yasuo x Taliyah
Trundle x Ashe
Ahri x Zed
Caitlyn x Vi
Taric x Diana
Ahri x Thresh
Garen x Lux
Katarina x Talon
Aatrox x Evelynn
Ahri x Vel'Koz
Taliyah x Ekko
Diana x Talon
Zoe x Kayn
Urgot x Katarina
Sejuani x Tryndamere
Lulu x Amumu
Kayn x Zed
Malphite x Taliyah
Leona x Diana
Jhin x Jinx
Riven x Talon

Draven x Sona

2.4K 42 9
By SilverQuillTales

Another day on the rift, the sun was out, birds tweeting at the rising sun, it was a perfect morning, and Sona smiled softly as their team assembled for the first match of the day. Draven entered the field, proudly shouting his name with a long drawl, and all their smiles faded except for Sona's who greeted him with a chirpy note. Draven twirled his axes and stretched preparing for the long day ahead of him, and he was ready for a day's hard work.

Sona had nothing against the loud and arrogant man, but if she could pick anyone, it would be Ashe. She was always calm and collected, and very appreciative of strategic planning versus jumping in guns blazing. However, she grew accustomed to the obnoxious and overwhelming man who more often than not referred to himself in the third person. Aside from his exasperating personality, he was an amiable partner when the occasion called for it. His efforts were commendable, but of course, telling him that would only raise his ego further.

Draven wasn't about teamwork, the thought rarely crossed his mind, the stage was his, the lights were on him, and the crowd cheered for him and him alone. However, he couldn't deny his fondness for the mute. She was kind, her music always seemed to fit the mood, and most of all she always agreed with him. Sona was like Leona in a way, bright personality but with very little nagging, and he could appreciate that. Sona didn't tell others what they should or shouldn't be, she just accepted them as they came, and rather than trying to change others, she just adapted to fit them. So when it came to Sona, sometimes, it was a stage meant for two, but his pride would never allow him to say such words.

If Sona could be described in one word, it would be a rose. Delicate and beautiful, but thorns not afraid to prick others. She was very expressive through her music, and Draven found himself stunned when Sona showed her ruthless side. Inside her was a warrior, one that would take the fields of battle by storm, a tempest who wielded emotions as a weapon, and damn if he hadn't already fallen for her. However, a man's pride often came in the way of his feelings. Sona fell into step with Draven as they headed out onto the rift, the latter sharing tales of his exploits in recent months as he had gotten back to the institution only a week prior.

He found it odd how easily comprehensive her notes were at times, but then again he had made an effort to understand her lyrical musings. Spotting the enemy in the distance, Draven smirked and raised his axe. "Let's go!" Draven was not the most subtle man in the world, so Braum saw them coming without too much trouble. Before he could raise his shield, however, Sona stunned him, and Draven went after Miss Fortune, uncaring for the big burly man who found himself incapacitated. Within seconds Miss Fortune was out of the picture, and next was Braum.

Draven walked back to his support with a cocky grin as he spun his axes, tipping his head to thank her for her quick thinking. She clapped her hands together, applauding his hard work, and Draven's smile only grew. "Shall we head back?" He asked casually inspecting his axes, but as he looked up, Sona rammed into him, sending him tumbling back on his ass. Rek'Sai came in full force, her tail colliding into Sona's side as she was sent flying into a nearby wall. His eyes darted to his injured support, but Sona quickly got to her knees, firing out a harsh note that sent Rek'Sai recoiling back into her tunnel.

"Sona!" Draven screamed, grabbing his axes as time seemed to slow. Rek'Sai jumped from her tunnel, and Draven was too slow, even as he sent his axes whirling in the voidling's direction. Sona, however, was more agile than most gave her credit for, and although Rek'Sai's claws dug into her arm, she rolled out of the way and fired another note at the voidling. She was relentless, and her fierceness was admired, but Sona was no match for Rek'Sai, and as the Maven was sent tumbling into the river, Draven finally lost it, hauling his axe into Rek'Sai's thick skin.

With a deafening screech, the voidling disappeared into the ground and escaped not too far off. It felt odd for Draven to let his target escape, but his priority was Sona. She sat up, droplets of water dripping back into the river, and she smiled softly, playing a soothing tone as she healed their wounds, but Draven's eyes remained fixated on the gash marks on her shoulder. Even now, that smile of hers was tender and appreciative, and Draven sighed kneeling as he offered his hand.

The two stood up and basked in the healing aura as they made their way to their turret. Sona gave a faint encouraging note, and Draven chuckled. "Definitely could have been worse," he agreed. He patted her head gently and letting a cocky laugh; he patted his chest, "Not bad little one, you're definitely getting better." Those words surprised Sona, she had expected some egotistical comment about how no one is a match for him, but he had complimented her. Sona let out a delightful note, and a goofy smile graced her lips as she faced Draven. Maybe he wasn't all that bad...sometimes.

The match came to an end, and Darius awaited the return of his brother with a cocky grin, and the Hand of Noxus sang tall tales of his accomplishments, one that his brother would challenge to see who of the two was superior, but his thoughts seemed elsewhere today. Darius glanced in the direction Draven was looking and frowned. Ashe and Braum were rather amiable with each other, but that was an everyday occurrence, not something Darius would consider out of the ordinary. However, Sona was with them, her beaming smile enough to lighten the hearts of everyone around her. "What you've never seen people talk before?"

"Shut up," Draven grumbled, thankful his brother was rather thick headed when it came to anything other than driving an axe into someone. Yet, he was thankful, Darius would never let him hear the end of it.

"She's not bad looking...for a queen I mean, no man wouldn't tap that," Darius nodded to himself. "The proud ones always fall the hardest." Draven choked on his saliva and covered his mouth as he cleared his throat. Then the realization dawned on him that he was talking about Ashe.

"Yeah, sure," Draven hummed, his eyes fixated on the blue-haired girl, her bangs covering her eyes as her cheeks turned a light pink color. Braum did have a way with words, or rather he was so forward, he could make any woman blush. "What about the other?" Draven asked curiously, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself.

"Sona? Eh, she's too, I don't even know what to call her. Her kind annoys me, always so fucking happy and cheerful, no one should ever be that happy all the damn time. Her kind freaks me out." Draven shrugged. "Besides she's too gentle and caring, I want someone strong; someone to challenge me!" And Draven raised a brow. He was referring to Illaoi. Draven understood though, although Sona was not physically strong like some other women, she was ferocious in her own way. At first, he too had found her happy go lucky personality somewhat off-putting and bothersome, but it had grown on him.

She wasn't like others, she never tested him, she accepted whoever came her way, and in her own right, that was formidable. He found something welcoming in her, something he didn't find in others—or at least most. Darius saluted his goodbye and headed off to the great hall, hoping to drown himself in ale, but Draven had other plans. Straightening out his shirt, he walked towards the trio, he breathed into his hand deeming his breath acceptable and then frowned unsure what the hell he was doing.

"Sona, you should join me tomorrow on my hunt, it would be a delight to catch up with you, and I would love to hear your new chords, Braum tells me you've tuned your ethwal?" Sona nodded, and Braum's smile turned to a pout.


"Braum you've accompanied me on all my hunts," Ashe remarked. "But a woman needs female companionship." Ashe turned to Sona, and placed her hands on her shoulders, smiling sweetly. "And as much as I like talking about goat cheese, sometimes girl talk is also fun."

Draven thought better than to interrupt their conversation, but by the look on Braum's face, the man was pouting over the hole he had dug himself. Sona caught his gaze and smiled at him, and silently cursing himself Draven left the institution wandering down the paved stones. He found himself troubled; all he could think about was the kind-hearted girl and how different they were. Draven didn't mind his personality, he found comfort in being himself, but the stark contrast between the two had him shocked. It was as Darius said, he would have once found Sona the be and depiction of what he hated about the world, but he found her admirable.

"Mid-life crisis?" He mumbled to himself. Draven twirled his axe and sighed, hurling one at the nearest tree. His axe lodged into the tree, and he sighed retrieving his weapon. Perhaps he was growing tired of being alone? He had Darius, but he too was a burden to handle at times. Perhaps he was stressed out? Another axe was thrown. Definitely. He threw another axe cursing Ashe's name, but Draven wasn't all too sure why he was angry with her.

And yet he threw another axe, but before he could retrieve it, he heard a faint footstep behind him and glanced over his shoulder. Sona let out a small note, and Draven sighed. "What are you doing out here?" he asked. "It's getting late." Sona did not reply like she usually would. Instead, Draven drowned in her stare, and as the seconds passed, he grew more uncomfortable. He retrieved his axe and twirled them slowly, his gaze falling on the odd colors plaguing the sky. The silence was comfortable, but obviously, Sona wanted something, but Draven wasn't sure what he could offer.

Sona sat down, her ethwal on her lap as she began a string of lyrical musing, the notes lingering in the air, and Draven processed their tone. Then he began to understand; it wasn't about her. It was about him. "I'm not sad. I just have a lot on my mind—and my thoughts are not full of tragic memories," he mumbled the last part with a huff. Sona raised a brow at the exaggeration of his translation but paid it no heed. And so she set down her ethwal and approached him, taking hold of his wrist. She traced along the lines of his palm and smiled.

"You are unbelievable. I don't understand you," Draven whispered. "You are much too good for this world." However Draven took a step back, and Sona released him with a worried look. "No, don't look at me like that—and for the record, I'm not lonely, and I very much appreciate me time. Draven time. The only time that matters really." Sona's smile only grew wider, and Draven groaned. "Do you not take no for an answer?" Sona crossed her hair over her face and mimicked Draven's mustache much to his amusement, but it was a subtle no on her part. 

"That," he pointed at her. "Is inappropriate." She took a step towards him and Draven backed up feeling like the circumstances at hand should have been reversed until he hit a tree. Definitely reversed. Sona pressed a hand to his chest, and Draven held his breath, unsure what the hell was happening. Their chests were pressed together, and as Sona leaned on the tips of her toes, her lips nearing his, Draven covered her mouth, trying to suppress his flustered expression. "No, I can't," he whispered. "You deserve someone better." Instead, Sona kissed his hand, but her brows remained furrowed all the same. She jabbed his chest with her small hands, her anger not directed at him, but rather his self-deprecating remark.

"Hey, stop that," Draven grunted taking hold of her wrists. While Draven was distracted trying to keep Sona from hitting him, she caught him off guard, pressing her lips to his, and Draven froze. He hadn't been the one to kiss her, she had taken the initiative, and that thought lingered for a little while as Draven processed it. He kissed back a little rougher than he anticipated and then resting both hands on Sona's shoulders, he pulled her away, holding her at arm's length. "You really don't take no for an answer." Sona only smiled, and Draven groaned rubbing the back of his neck. What was he supposed to do now?

"Is this really what you want?" Sona nodded.

"Are you sure?" Another nod.

"I mean I'm pretty good at pretending like some things never happened..?" A frown, and then a brief shake.

"So...are we good?" She smiled and took hold of his hand, kissing it softly. "I'll take that as a yes." Sona pressed a kiss to his chin and pulled away waving at the flustered man. So this was it, just like that, he and Sona were now together. Draven let out a deep breath and picked up his axes, unsure if his mind had entirely processed what just happened. Still, he never expected the girl to be so bold, but it the end it was not a bad thing. No rather he found a lot of joy over what transpired only minutes ago. He could get used to it—and her. 

This will be my last rewrite cause daaaammmnnn I'm really tired. 

Also wow Sona x Draven makes like 0 sense....absolutely ZERO

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