President Yang's Request: G-D...

By BeMostLike

207K 7.7K 2.4K

Part 2 of President Yang's Request series After the success of his first scandal, President Yang sets out on... More

Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Request Denied
Chapter 3 - Training the Trainees
Chapter 4 - Kwon Ji Yong
Chapter 5 - Good Night!
Chapter 6 - Super Star
Chapter 7 - Forced Date
Chapter 8 - Dinner Is For The Rich
Chapter 9 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 10 - Back To Seoul
Chapter 11 - Kwon Jiyong
Chapter 12 - Husband and Boyfriend
Chapter 13 - Calling In Sick
Chapter 14 - Roommates Are Useless
Chapter 15 - Warm Comfort
Chapter 16 - Past and Present
Chapter 17 - Keep It Between Us
Chapter 18 - Late Night Conversations
Chapter 19 - November
Chapter 20 - Forced Get Together
Chapter 21 - Text Me
Chapter 22 - Contemplation
Chapter 23 - Work, Work & More Work
Chapter 24 - Sibling Bickering
Chapter 25 - Truth Be Told
Chapter 26 - Something Bad
Chapter 27 - Violently Intoxicated
Chapter 28 - Joo Won's revenge
Chapter 29 - A Date
Chapter 30 - Sending Off
Chapter 31 - Kwon Jiyong
Chapter 32 - International Friends
Chapter 33 - What To Do
Chapter 34 - Unexpected
Chapter 35 - Try
Chapter 36 - Surprised Visit
Chapter 37 - Talk It Through
Chapter 38 - Dinner Time
Chapter 39 - The Time Spent Without You
Chapter 40 - The Time Spent With You Pt. 1
Chapter 41- The Time Spent With You Pt. 2
Chapter 42 - Rooftop Warmth
Chapter 43 - Nabi's Modeling Career
Chapter 44 - Four Months Later
Chapter 45 - Camp Invitation
Chapter 46 - It's Not Camping
Chapter 47 - Awkward
Chapter 48 - First Night
Chapter 49 - Morning Routine
Chapter 50 - What Jealousy Does
Chapter 51 - Apologizing Piggyback Ride
Chapter 52 -Last Day
Chapter 53 - Pandora Box
Chapter 54 - Separation
Chapter 55 - Happy Mother's Day
Chapter 56 - Home Again
Chapter 57 - After So Long
Chapter 58 - Unlikely Turnouts
Chapter 59 - Joo Won The Businessman
Chapter 60 - Clumsy Advice
Chapter 61 - Kwon Jiyong & Park Nabi
Chapter 62 - Only Take The Good Memories
Chapter 63 - Be Our Guests
Chapter 64 - Between Relationships
Chapter 65 - Will
Chapter 66 - Meant To Be
Chapter 67 - Missing In Action
Chapter 68 - Left Behind
Chapter 69 - Through The Motions
Chapter 70 - The Power Couple
Chapter 71 - Welcome Back
Chapter 72 - True Friendship
Chapter 73 - Morning Coffee
Chapter 74 - Information Overload
Chapter 75 - Steps To Becoming Successful
Chapter 76 - Time To Move Forward
Chapter 77 - Recruiting
Chapter 78 - Hired
Chapter 79 - Fixer Upper
Chapter 80 - Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 81 - Protection Request
Chapter 82 - The Other Half Of The Story
Chapter 83 - Present Time
Chapter 84 - The Dragon & The Butterfly
Chapter 85 - The JiNa Ship
Chapter 86 - Nabi's Dorm Party
Chapter 88 - Feeling Complete
Chapter 89 - Cutting Off Loose Ends
Chapter 90 - The End

Chapter 87 - Work Complete

2.1K 75 66
By BeMostLike

After everyone left Nabi's dorm, Bae Jang Mi came out from the back of the kitchen, not at all prepared to see Nabi beaten to this point. Her husband had informed her beforehand but she didn't think it was to this extent.

Kwon Jiyong had left to get a few of his belonging down in the Big Bang dorm. He left Nabi, knowing Bae Jang Mi and Choi Seung-Hyun was there with her. Nabi just sat awkwardly in the living room. The crutches Lawyer Ahn brought were placed on the other end of the room, too far for Nabi to walk to. So she couldn't run away from Bae Jang Mi.

"I'm not going to ask because you look tired of answering the same question with the same answers. The only thing I want to know is, breaking up with Jiyong oppa and breaking his heart that way, did you do it because you were forced to or did you think you were better off without him?" Bae Jang Mi asked very bluntly.

Nabi sighed, sitting on the sofa still contemplating if she should just chance it and hop to the crutches so she could escape Bae Jang Mi's questions. However, she stood there, alongside her husband, unmoving.

Nabi gulped before finally replying. "All I can tell you is, I would never be better off with out him." She says simply. "Things just got complicated and it turned out this way." She sighed.

"I've never seen you so calm." Choi Seung-Hyun whispered to her with a

Bae Jang Mi looked over to her husband offended by his statement. "What do you mean? I'm always calm."

Choi Seung-Hyun gave her an odd nod and smirked. "I'm just saying, when it comes to people you care about, you get really angry."

Bae Jang Mi nodded in agreement. "I guess you're right." She sighed then looked at Nabi who stared at her crutches from across the room. "Who am I to question someone who has family problems?"

"I'm back." Kwon Jiyong says holding a duffle bag in one hand.

Bae Jang Mi scoffed. "Like he needed any more of his belongings. He has enough clothes in Nabi's dorm to last him througb promotional season."

Choi Seung-Hyun gave a small chuckle as he looked at the two. "We'll be heading out now. Since you're back."

Bae Jang Mi folded her arms across her chest and nodded. "We'll see you guys later. I hope you heal soon." She says directly towards Nabi.

"That's such a weird thing to say." Kwon Jiyong says absolutely astounded by Bae Jang Mi's words.

"Well it's said. What more can I do?" She shrugged and headed for the front door.

"That mouth on your wife." Kwon Jiyong whispered to Choi Seung-Hyun.

"If I don't want it directed my way, I'm keeping completely silent." Choi Seung-Hyun says with an apologetic smile. "Bye." He says leaving Nabi's dorm.

Kwon Jiyong sighed and looked over at Nabi who sat on the couch, staring at him the entire time. She had a light tint over her cheeks as she openly stared at him. He lifted up the duffle bag, showing her that he got what he needed. Nabi just smiled and gave him nod.

"We just have to wait for Joo Won to come so he can carry you." Kwon Jiyong says, placing the duffle bag on the coffee table and sitting next to her.

"Is all of this necessary?" Nabi asked.

Kwon Jiyong sighed and placed a hand on Nabi's knee for comfort. "That uptight detective said it was necessary. It's for your safety and I agree with him."

Nabi sighed. "Why to Jeju though? Why can't we go to another city that's closer?"

"How about Pyongyang?" Kwon Jiyong says with a raised brow. "It's closer than Jeju."

Nabi chuckled. "You can go there. With my hair color, I think I'd be stoned to death."

Kwon Jiyong smiled. "Then do you want to go somewhere in the country side instead of going all the way to Jeju."

"Yeah. If we want to get to Jeju, we have to fly making it easier for them to find me." Nabi says in an obvious tone.

"Hmm, maybe that detective isn't all right in the head you know." Kwon Jiyong says with a smile.

Nabi smiled with a slight nod. "Are you sure you're alright with coming with me? I mean, Joo Won can take care of me well and-"

"I told you I'm not moving from your side." Kwon Jiyong says.

Nabi smiled happily to hear that. Soon after, the front door opened and Joo Won, along with his wife entered Nabi's dorm. Nabi smiled at Kang Eun-Bi who bowed respectfully to her. Joo Won held a duffle bag in one hand and Kang Eun-Bi wore a bag on her back.

"Are you guys ready?" He asked.

Nabi nodded. "I just have to get my bag."

"I'll grab it." Kwon Jiyong says. "Just please carry her safely."

Joo Won scowled. "I'm her best friend. I wouldn't hurt her intentionally. Only if she was drunk and did something to me. That is asking for revenge." He says causing Nabi to roll her eyes.

"Let's get going then?" Kang Eun-Bi says. "Would you like me to carry your crutches?"

Nabi nodded. "It's useless for me to use them since the fracture in my ribs ache every time I do, but it'll heal soon." She replied. "Thank you."

"Okay, it's going to get bumpy since we have to go up to the roof." Joo Won says placing his bag down, only for Kang Eun-Bi to pick it up with her free arm.

"Why are we going to the roof?" Nabi asked.

"Oh, we're taking my father-in-law's helicopter. That way it's easier transferring you." Kang Eun-Bi says.

"It pays to be rich." Joo Won shrugged with a smirk.

"Rich." Nabi scoffed. "It's not even your helicopter."

Kang Eun-Bi chuckled. "It's not."

"Whatever." Joo Won says, picking her up bridal style. "And we're not going all the way to Jeju. Which ever house that rapper owns, anywhere in South Korea, we'll go there."

"Oh and how do you suggest you land the helicopter? His front yard?" Nabi asked.

"No. We can go to Gangnam. I have an apartment there. I'll call the owner of the building and let him know I'm arriving there by helicopter." Kwon Jiyong says holding his bags and Nabi's bags in both arms.

"That sounds great." Joo Won says.

Everyone made their exit from Nabi's dorm. Kwon Jiyong stopped to retrieve her shoes along with her house slippers. He followed behind Joo Won's wife, which in his opinion didn't even know she existed until the night before, and up onto the rooftop. The helicopter was waiting with the pilot along side it, checking if the helicopter was in check.

"Is this everyone?" He asked.

Joo Won nodded. "Yes. Jiyong-ssi will give you the place to land."

With that the pilot climbed in and started up the helicopter's engine with multiple switches being clicked loudly. Joo Won placed Nabi down on the chair comfortably. He then went to help Kang Eun-Bi with all the things she was carrying. Meanwhile, Kwon Jiyong got into the loud helicopter and buckled Nabi in. He reached over to the open seat next to and took hold of the headset. He placed it over Nabi's ears, that way she was able to hear and speak with everyone. She smiled nervously at him since it was her first time riding a helicopter, and she was terrified. Kwon Jiyong took hold of her hand, and intertwined their fingers together. He smiled at her for reassurance as the helicopter took off the moment Joo Won and Kang Eun-Bi got strapped in.


"Are you comfortable?" Kwon Jiyong asked.

Nabi smiled. "Yes thank you." She patted the soft cushions of the sofa. "It's comfy. Is Joo Won and his wife settling in well?" She asked.

Kwon Jiyong nodded. "Yeah, they're taking the free bedroom."

"The news should be coming on in a few minutes." Nabi says.

Kwon Jiyong reached for the remote and switched the television on. They watched silently as they waited. Kwon Jiyong sat himself next to Nabi and again took her hand in his. They sat silently while the television made all the noise. Kwon Jiyong watched her from his side view while Nabi nervously watched the television.

"Breaking news, Chairman of a famous, high end, clothing brand for men was just arrested. Reporters claim that he had been having illegal funds on the side. It's not yet said whether these statements said are true or not. Also due to legal terms, we're not allowed to reveal his identity." The news lady says as she sat at the desk.

The news played a clip of Nabi's father (with a blurred out face) getting dragged out of the company in handcuffs by Sang Hyuk and his team. "Look it's Sang Hyuk oppa. He looks so cool."

Kwon Jiyong just rolled his eyes. "He's just doing his job."

Nabi smiled. "Once the trial goes through, then it's done." She sighed as tears pulled in her eyes. "It's done."

Kwon Jiyong gave her hand a squeeze. "You don't have to suffer anymore." He smiled while Nabi cried happily.

So I wasn't going to upload this but it's GD's birthday!! IT NEEDS TO BE DONE.

He's leaning in to try and kiss you!

Where he is taking you, is up to your own imagination!

Because GD in a Snow White costume will give you life.

When GD sees you talking to another guy

So he waits for your confused ass to come back to him

I have so much more GIFs but Wattpad is acting funny. I'm trying to update this chapter before I leave, which is soon. It's still undecided on the exact date I'm leaving but I wanted to update a chapter too. Plus it's GD's bday.....who cares lol

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