The Nevaeh Chronicles (A Star...

By Rebel_PrincessAlways

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Nevaeh Bridger, daughter of rebels Skylee and Ezra Bridger, was raised by her mother away from the rebellion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Big News!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapters 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Authors Note

Chapter 24

202 7 8
By Rebel_PrincessAlways

A/N: Okay so..... I'M BACK! And a thank you to Rebel_Renegade lol you all will know in the.... next chapter? Yeah I think that's right. Anyway


Nevaeh's POV

I stood at the ramp as Luke started to leave.

"Do you have to go?" I asked, more like a child then the adult I am. Luke chuckled and took my hands in his.

"Aw come on, don't be like that. You know why I have to go. I promise I will be back sooner than you think." He said with a smile. I laughed and shook my head.

"Yeah I know. Tell Master Yoda I wish him well, too bad I couldn't come with you."

"I know, but you spending some time with your family is long overdue." He answered squeezing my hands.

"I know, but please be careful. What would do we all do if you got hurt?"

"Put me in a Bacta Tank?" I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips.

"Well I guess that would work, but it wouldn't stop me from worrying. You tend to get into trouble way to easily." I answered honestly. He he tilted his head and smiled up at me, given the ramp had gave me the height advantage for once.

"Well you must worry all the time huh?" I looked at him with slitted eyes and a smile.

"Yes, yes Luke Skywalker you are my reasons of my many sleepless nights." I told him with a small giggle. Luke leaned in a little, while one would suspect it would be to steal a kiss, but I knew different, just as I had suspected he leaned toward my ear.

"You are my reasons too, but seeing you always brings those worries to an end." I blushed a small bit, but I didn't pay any mind to it so I just smile.

"Quite the charmer as always Farmboy." I giggled. We stayed like that, until a throat cleared behind us. Since we had gotten quite use to this we both turned to see a smirking Lando leaning against the ramp entrance.

"So this 'leaving' Skywalker?" He asked knowingly. I rolled my eyes, my blush growing.

"I was just getting there." Luke was many things, as could he do many things, but lying was not something he could do well. And anyone could tell had Lando not came when he did Luke more then likely would have not left for a while. Lando laughed and shook his head.

"Ah, to be young and in love again." He stated wistfully. "While I hate to cut this moment short, but we have to get back to the base." I nodded and began my way up the ramp, waving a goodbye to Luke as I did. When the ramp closed I was greeted with a smug look from Lando.

"I was just saying goodbye." I said with my head held high, defending myself.

"Mmhm, sure you were." He chuckled walking off. I rolled my eyes and walked into the comman room where I had left Leia and Han.


I smile as Han laughed at some of of our stories we had to tell from the year he had been frozen.

"You actually did that? Man I wish I could have been there to see that! You must have been a bumbling idiot!" He managed to say from his seemingly endless bout of laughter. I rolled my eyes, even though he was still temporarily blinded.

"For your information Lurdo, I pulled it off perfectly and got your whereabouts." I stated jokingly. Leia, who had been seated right at Han's side while holding his hand, silently rolled her eyes at me and smirked. Though she stayed quiet. Not long after, the ships momentary unsettled wobbling signaled that we were now docked. I was the first to stand and walk to the airlock. "Well guys, I have to report to The Ghost. Glad your back Han, and hope you get you sight back soon as well." I had just set foot off The Falcon when I was stopped by Leia. I raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be with loverboy?" I asked, she chuckled at the nickname that Han usually saved for mine and Luke's embarrassment.

"Yes, but I wanted to ask you something. Since you've been such a big help with everything.. would you be willing to take the rank of Commander?" It took a few minutes for her words to register, but when they did I was brought into a complete state of shock.

"Commander.. wh- aren't there like several other ranks before that? And aren't there plenty of others who are more qualified?" I asked, each question rushing out just before she could answer.

"Yes it is a big step from a soldier, but it would be something that I'm sure would be agreed upon throughout the rebellion. And while there are many qualified, many of the Alliance Council members thought you were perfect. If you take it of course." She explained. I didn't know what to say at all.

"Umm.. I'll have to think about that, right now I just want to spend some time with my family." I have quite abit to discuss with my mother. I thought, but didn't say. She nodded.

"Yes of course, I understand. But I do need an answer soon." I nodded and looked back at the airlock.

"Okay I will tell you soon, but for now you got someone waiting for you." I told her with a wink. She blushed a little, but in turn laughed at me.

"You're one to talk Nevaeh." She retorted turning to walk back onto the ship. I rolled my eyes and went back on my way, the small bit of pink that had made its way to my cheeks being ignored. As I considered Leia's offer I thought of everything that came with it. While it's a huge honor, it's also way more responsibility.

Am I even right for this? I'm just part of The Specters-

Before I could think anymore about it I was rammed into by something smaller then me, with a pair of tiny arms to match. Immediately realizing who it was I returned the gesture.

"Vaeh your home!" Jenn cried happily, her grip around me tightening. I smiled and patted her back.

"Yeah, its good to see you too Jenn, but I still need to breath."

"Oh sorry." She said as she let go of me.

"I take it you missed me?" I joked, she nodded.

"Yeah... I missed all of you. It's lonely being the last kid home." I ruffled her hair and we began walking to The Ghost.

"Eh well Jenn, it was bound to happen sooner or later, but don't worry I'm here your not lonely anymore." She nodded and began to skip as she walked beside me.

"Yeah I guess so. You missed sooooo much! I can't even think of where to start!" She told me energetic way. I laughed again.

"How about later you can tell me everything? I have to talk to mom about a few things, after that we can hang out." She nodded eagerly and began pulling me the rest of the way. Once we were abored, I was wrapped up in arms once again, only this time it was mom.

"Mom, don't crush the life out of me please!" I complained in a joking manner, returning her hug.

"Its been so long, I can't help it!" She fought back, but her tone was nothing but pleasant. She pulled away and held me at arms length, her smile never fading.

"Okay my turn." Came dad's voice as I was wrapped in a warm, not-so-trying-to-squeeze-the-life-out-of-me, embrace. I smiled as I returned another hug.

"Hey dad." I said casually.

"Don't "Hey dad" me young lady, do you know how long it has been past your curfew?" He said in his best serious voice, though his facade was cracking and his smile broke out over his face. I was double over laughing at this, nope dad could never be serious to save his life.

"Sorry dad." I managed through the small gaps in my laughter. "Don't worry I'm back, at least for now." I finished with a wink.

"What am I? The forgotten kid?" Came Ky as he walked up behind me. Mom was the first to wrap him in a hug, not a surprise to any of us really.

"Of course not Kyle!" My mom shouted as she crushed him with her.... unnatural strength.

"Mom!" He shouted, pink adorning his face at his real name. Ha! Mom sure knew our weaknesses! Not long after the four of us sat in the commans, our new apperent family room, we were all just chatting as Ky told what happened on Thierry latest pick up.

-"then Dash blasted that idiot right off the roof! Ha he didn't even see it coming!" He and dad laughed at his adventure, mom shook her head but a tiny bit of a smile played on her lips as she heard a tale of her sons fighting.

"Where is Dash? Zoe too? Why didn't they come with you?" Jenna question from where she was sitting in dad's lap.

"Yeah, come to think of it. Shouldn't they have come in with you?" I asked from my seating in Hera's chair. Ky bit his lip for a split second before he replied:

"We got into a bit of a fender bender back their, and they decided to stay back to fix it.." He answered, I eyed him for a second. He was telling the truth, or, at least not the whole truth.. I made a mental note to talk with him later. Not a moment too soon, Zoe and Dash walked into the commans. While everyone greeted them without batting an eye, I looked at them. And something was kinda... off with them.. I quickly waved myself and then we all fell back into rhythm, I answered the occasional question about my various missions, leaving out small details about certain things. Hey, I don't need my parents freaking out! And soon, Jenn yawned which ended up in a chain reaction of Dash, Zoe, and Ky.

"Looks like it's time for bed." Dad said as he stood, picking up Jenn as he went.

"But I'm not-", My sister interrupted her own self with another loud yawn.

"Mmhm, sure you are." Dad answered back as he carried her off to her room.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind heading to bed too." Zoe answered as she stretched her arms above her head. Dash yawned in suit and stood up.

"Yeah I'm beat."

"Oh well... goodnight kids." Mom said as the two left. Ky, not following them, stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Yet another reason for me to talk to him, but mom's first. I went and sat next to mom, flipping the Dejarik as I did.

"Wanna play?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Sure sweetie." She began by moving one of her lesser powerful attacks, I smirked and moved one of my powerful ones. "So what did you want to talk about?" Mom asked as she plotted her next move.

"You know me well huh?"

"You'll understand that one day, but talk to me Nevaeh. What's wrong?" She asked as she made my opponent do a weak fighting move.

"Well... you were a Commander for awhile right?" Mom just smiled again. And I took up my chance to attack.

"Is this about your nomination?" She asked as my move made a near-fatel one for hers. I looked up at her, my face surprised.

"How did you-"

"My sister is on the council Nevaeh, she was there when they discussed it. She was the one to tell me about it." She answered not looking up from the board. A small smile came to her lips as she began to cypher through what she had for her next play. "A Commander huh? You excited?"

"Well.. I don't know if I'm gonna except it.. it's just so much responsibility. I don't know if I'm up for it mom." I confessed. She looked up at me, her smile still present, and sighed.

"So similar it's scary, Nevaeh only you can make this decision. Being in the same place as you once before I know how your feeling. It's scary a lot of the time, but that feeling that your helping make a difference is what fuels you to keep going, at least it was for me. If you want my opinion, I think you can handle it. You have always had that something and that has always gave you that extra mile to finish anything you do", she giggled a little bit at this point, " even when you were a baby and had began walking, even if you fell, you would stand right back up and do it over and over again until you were walking like the rest of us." She said as her eyes traveled back to the board.

"Your point being?" I asked as I demolished her creature. The sense of victory filling me with determination. (A/N: Get the reference? Ah? Anyone? Anything? No? Aww man :/ )

"My point being, you've always thought better with your heart then your head." She replied. I eyed her and raised an eyebrow.

"Mom I think you have it confused. Isn't better to think with your head?" She chuckled.

"In some cases yes." She answered. The next creature that appered in the board took away any chance I had at winning away. "But in most cases your heart keeps you on the right path, if you choose to follow it."

"You sound like Master Yoda." I chuckled as I sat back, excepting the fact I was down for the count.

"Hm, I always thought I sounded more like Master Jinn." The days earlier information replayed through my mind again.

"Mom I have to-"

"I know."

"You know?"

"Visions and strange meetings run in the family sweetie, or maybe just for us. But I promise that I know what is going on you don't have to explain it all." She answered. She looked towards the door that lead to the sleeping quarters abored before she turned back to me. "Look Nevaeh. Do what you think is right for you. But always remember, think here for now", she pointed at my heart, "and later whenever the time is right this will correspond and you will know what to do." She answered as she flipped the board off. I smiled as I quickly ran to Jenna's room. Hopefully she hadn't fell asleep yet..


-"I can't believe you never told me Neva.." Jenn complained lightly as she yawned loudly.

"Well its your own fault, you were such a good little sister that you made me forget! Could you ever forgive me?" I asked as I gave her a pout, much like she would do to me at times. She giggled.

"Fine... I guess I can... but you better not be keeping anymore secrets, promise?" She asked yawning loudly once again. I smiled down at my sleepy, adopted, sister.

"Goodnight Jenn. Sleep tight." I whispered as I slipped out of her room quietly. As I walked down the hall, I was met by dad.

"Thanks for getting her to bed Vaeh, I'm running out of stories to tell her." He said with a laugh. I laughed as well.

"No problem dad, it's no problem at all."

"Vaeh.. can I talk to you for a minute?" Dad asked, sounding serious now.

"Uhh, sure dad. What's up?" I asked, confused about what was so important.

"You and Luke... look Vaeh. I know I wasn't exactly... the nicest I could have possibly been-"

"Dad that's an understatement! You treated the boy who blew the Death Star out of the sky like he worked directly from the Emperor!" I laughed. Honestly that had been quite a day, poor Luke. Luckily he just laugh it off.

"Nevaeh, let me finish. I know I was probably at my worst, your mother let me know that, but... tell me. What is going on between the two of you?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know! I know! But I'm just being a dad okay? Let me worry!" I chuckled at that and smiled.

"Okay I will be truthful, I love him." Dad stopped and stared at me. Oops. I think I broke him..

"Wow... you really have grown up haven't you?" I nodded which caused him to sigh. "You sure you can't go back to being that little 5-year-old who thought boys were gross?"

"Dad.." I complained, he chuckled.

"Yeah yeah... just... be careful. And make sure he knows if he dares to hurt you, Commander or not, I will shoot him." I laughed at him and reached out to embrace him.

"Thanks dad, for worrying about me..." He smoothed down my wild hair.

"Anytime Vaeh, it's my job."

A/N: Okay guys Buenos noches me Amigos! Astalavista!


~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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