CHOOSE (5sos)

By notadumbblonde5

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One girl falls for two boys and one boy makes a grave choice. More

Chapter 1: Who's Kathryn?
Chapter 2: I Have A Boyfriend
Chapter 3: Butterflies and Cockroaches
Chapter 4: No Humans Can Be That Perfect
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Comment
Chapter 6: Purple's Not My Color
Chapter 7: You Can't Take My Money
Michael's Undelivered Texts
Chapter 8: I Didn't Think
Chapter 9: Oh No, Luke Has My Phone!
Chapter 10: Noses
200+ reads!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Remember That Cute Waitress At The Diner?
Chapter 12: Lol I'm Michael Clifford
Chapter 13: Stop Calling Me a Kitten
Chapter 14: Are You Gonna Take My Order?
Chapter 15: I Guess I'm Dora the Explorer
Chapter 16: Hey, I'm Ashton
Chapter 17: Yo, Pass the Orange Juice
Chapter 18: Well I Can Kinda Sing
Chapter 19: That's What Best Friends Are For
Chapter Twenty: Grace The Psycho
Chapter 21: Will You Be My Girlfriend?
Chapter 23: Charming, Bright Eyed Beauties
Chapter 24: Dropping The Baby Bomb!
Chapter 25: Leaving for Grace
Chapter 26: Shut Up Pukas
hot luke alert: THANK YOU ALL!
Chapter 27: Ashton is No Longer Ashton
Chapter 28: Damage Is Done
Chapter 29: Fun in the Sun...Or Not?
CHAPTER 30!!!! Luke is Not Athletic
Chapter 31: Bleeding
Chapter 32: Lost
Chapter 33: CHOOSE
Chapter 34: Kiss and Tell
Almost 100 comments!
Chapter 35: Puppy Dayz
NEW TITLE FOR "TEXTING"- Read this so you aren't confused!
Chapter 37: Calum's Gotta Secret, Impossible to Keep It
Chapter 38: Secrets Spill
Chapter 39: The End?
Chapter 40: After
New Story Alert!

Chapter 36: Smoking Grilled Cheese

153 16 6
By notadumbblonde5

Please vote: 5 votes(stars) on this chapter for a new one!!!! Enjoy.

Your holy, holy, holy, holy, I'm high on loving you, high on living you." ~H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line

The past few days had been pure ecstasy. Luke and I hung out the entire time with Chace, Maddie and Calum's dog that I was watching.

This morning, in particular, had been pretty awesome.

What's better then being awoken to Luke singing softly to you with his raspy morning voice, and a dog licking your face?

Things couldn't get better then this. It wasn't possible for a girl to be that lucky!

Luke told me that the song for me, and he had written it completely by himself. It was called 'Vapor' and I was on the verge of tears when he sang it to me because it was so perfect, and he was so perfect, and Luke Hemmings wrote such a beautiful song about me. Lately things have been hitting me pretty hard. Millions of girls would love to be in my position.

"Can you make me lunch? Please?" Luke stuck out his bottom lip as he pleaded with me.

I was sprawled in his lap, and he was stroking my hair as we watched TV together, Chace curled up besides us.

"Why do I have to? I suck at cooking." I sighed.

"Pleaseeee," He whined, "I'm really hungry." At that moment his stomach growled, further proving his point.

"Fine, just because I don't want to deal with you being hungry and annoying," I muttered and sat up on the couch. "What do you want? Grilled cheese? Cold cuts?"

"Grilled cheese. Thank youu!" He gave me an angelic smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah," I got up and headed to the kitchen, pulling out butter, bread, and American cheese. I waited by the oven top, scrolling through social media. My post from last night, a cute pic that Luke had taken of me and Chace, had gotten one hundred thousand likes. I had comments on it ranging from  "so cute" and "aw" to "ew ur ugly". There were tons of fights in the comments. I knew that I shouldn't read them, but I couldn't help but read some of them. People could be so mean, cussing each other out because one of them thought I was dating Ashton and the other one said I hate Ashton... like why would you fight over that, you don't even know me! I really needed to interact with my followers more.

I posted a quick selfie and captioned it: Hi guys, post any questions you have for me below and I'll post a video of me answering them! xx

Thirty seconds later, it already had two hundred comments. Wow...

"Alexia! Come here!" I heard Luke yell to me.

"I can't, the grilled cheese is done! I'll be there in a minute!"

"No, come now! You don't want to miss this, hurry!"

I bit my lip and ditched the grilled cheese, running back to Luke. It wasn't my fault if it burned!

"Look at Chace!" Luke was making Chace dance around, standing on his hind legs. "Come join our dance party." He laughed.

I laughed and we each held one side of Chace and made him 'dance' with us.

Suddenly, Luke gasped. "Babe! The kitchen is smoking!"

"Luuuke!" I whined. "That's why I didn't want to come."

I hurried to the kitchen and turned the fan on.

"It looks like I'm gonna have to make something else." I sighed and joined Luke on the couch.

"Sorry for distracting you."

"It's fine Luke." I smiled. "That dance party www totally worth it." I teased him.

He rolled his eyes and laughed, and pulled me down so I was laying next to him on the couch.

"Your beautiful," He whispered, running his fingers through my hair. I blushed.

He sat up and looked deep into my eyes. "You know that, right?"


"Your so beautiful, Lex, inside and out. And I," He kissed my forehead.

"Love," He kissed my cheek.

"You." He kissed me passionately on the lips. I kissed back immediately, and it honestly felt like a fairytale... do I need to describe what happened next?

Maddie's POV:

"I can't wait to see little Chace again!" I exclaimed as we neared Alexia's apartment.

"I hope he's still alive, if the boys came over he's a goner." Calum snickered.

"Hey! Luke's family has a dog, he'd be fine."

"We'll see!" Calum laughed.

I shook my head at him and knocked on the door. No answered, and it was unlocked, so I cautiously swung it open.

"Lexi?" I called, and gasped when I saw her... half naked.... making out with Luke on the couch.

Oh my god.

"What's going on?" Calum peered over my shoulder, eyes widening as he took in the two of him.

Lexi, bright red, wrapped a blanket around her. "Oh my god, oh my god..." I heart her mumble over and over.

Luke placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She nodded.

"Um, please don't be" She began, but I cut her off.

"Lexi!! I knew that you and Luke would be perfect together!! Oh my god, did you guys do it on her couch?!" I exclaimed.

They both stared at me, shocked by my enthusiastic reaction.

"You're not mad at us for hiding it?" Lexi asked.

Calum sighed. "I'm not mad. I just want to know why you didn't tell me, Luke. You didn't trust me? Or was this just a random hookup...?"

"No, we're dating." Luke smiled at Lexi. Aw. "But I didn't want you to have to keep a secret for me. Michael can't find out, he's so depressed right now and I don't know..." Luke trailed off.

"We get it." Calum sighed. "I won't tell him, but I think we should take Chace and go visit him, check in. Just remember, secrets always are exposed. It could've been Michael that walked in on you guys, not us!"

Lexi and Luke both nodded solemnly. "You're right." Lexi said. "Here's Chace, he was perfect. Such a cutie." She smiled.

"Yeah, he's a cutie alright." I agreed and nuzzled him. He licked my face happily.

"Alright, we'll leave you to alone... but I expect you to text me details later!!" I exclaimed. Lexi laughed and promised she would.

"Come here, Chace," Calum stroked his fur before grabbing the food and dog supplies and heading out.

"They're in deep shit." Calum sighed.

"One hundred percent." I agreed, already nervous for them.



Also as I said before, 5 votes for a new chapter!! 😁😁

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