In Where Gerard Is Awkward An...

By XxGerardisdeadxX

21.9K 967 1.4K

Gerard works from 11 to 8 an Italian restaurant while sketching in the morning and afternoon when he can to s... More

(1) In Where Gerard Is An Awkward Virgin And Calls Frank Who Is A Prostitute
(2) This chapter title was too long so wattpad made me change it and it was good
(3) Where Gee and Frankie were going to 'hang out' but it started to storm
(4) Frank was pissed near the end of this chapter and it got steamy
(5) Gee's birthday is coming up and Lindsey hunts Frank down
(6) Gerard Gets Upset At Lindsey But Then Thanks Lindsey Later
(7) Frank Makes Breakfast And Recieves A Blowjob Lindsey gets a date and #same
(8) When There Is A Three Week Time Gap Gerard Goes Shopping And Frank Is Kinky
(9) Where Lindsey is a fangirl and Frank is a pain in Gerard's ass- literally
(10) In Where Its Franks Point Of View Finally
(11) Shower Sex Is The Best Sex If You Need A Fix Before Work By Fall Out Boy
(12) Sometimes Bedroom Walls Are My Only Friends
(14)The Promised Chapter Bc Last Ones Were Sad/I Probably Used This Song Before
(15) Lindsey Convinces Gee On A Double Date Which Reveals Some Kinky Things
(16) Seriously Frank, When Is Ever Going To A Club A Good Idea In A Fanfic?
(17) I Pulled This Chapter Out Of No Where And It Will Be More Fluff. No Smut
(18) V Short Smut Chapter Because You Have To Read The A/N To Figure Out Why
(19) Where Fluff Turns To Angry To Smut By Fall Out Boy
(20) Can You Knock Someone Out With A Dildo By Panic! At The Disco
(21) Painting, Creativity, and Purple
(22) Mikey's Dull, Tried To Hook Up With Frank, Gee Beats The Shit Out Of Him
(23) It's My Motherfucking Birthday You Motherfucker
(A/N) Lmao fuck
(24) Frank Wears 'Girl' Clothing For The First Time So This Will Be Interesting
(25) Blood, Sex, Blanket Forts, And Outer Space
(26/27) I Never Told You What I'm Like When I'm Sick/It's Xmas pt. 1
(28) Welcome To The Short Apology Filler Smut
(29) The End Of All Things
10.5k? Holy shit

(13) Taking My Training Wheels Off For You Because You Mean More Than Drugs

542 27 24
By XxGerardisdeadxX


I felt sick when I woke up. I de-tangled myself from the sleeping beauty next to me and rushed to the bathroom.

This was my least favorite part of coming down from the high.

Bile rose in my throat, choking and burning my airways until it split out into the toilet. The yellowish clear substance was burning and making me gag. A soft hand was on my back and rubbing it, Gerard's soft words soothing me. My arms felt like they were going to snap from shaking too much and my throat hurt from the acid spewing from my mouth. A soft pounding in my head was starting to become for violent as it seemed to get stronger. My forehead was dripping in sweat by the time I emptied the contents left in my body completely in the toilet. Weakly, I flushed the bile away and Gerard helped me up, my hands finding their way to the counter. Dark circles made a home under my eyes as I washed my hands then brushing my teeth... Again... And again.

Gerard just watched, leaning against the wall with a worried look painted on his face, black strands hanging in his eyes. My stomach tightened as I felt sick again but I don't believe I could manage even throwing up again. My throat was completely raw by this point, the burning unbearable.

My hand twitched, almost a twitch for the need of a fix, but Gerard gave me a look that made me feel like dying. I wiped my forehead and leaned on the wall for support back to my bedroom.

My stomach is still churning and I laid back on the bed, sweat covering my body. Gerard gave a sad smile and he slowly rubbed my fore arm where it was bruised from the puncture of the needle.

"Where's the rest, Frank?" He whispered. Panic rose in my throat then spread across my face. My heart started beating faster. I couldn't go long without it.

Really, it started with Bob actually being a customer and I let him pay with drugs. First it was pills....then it was heroine when I needed a stronger drug. He got hooked and used to use it daily to take the edge off of feeling the pain of being a slut. He started trying to get off of it but it had me by the throat. I came crawling back each fucking time after at least a week. I was doing good this time. Popped a pill or a painkiller and it wore off by lunch.

Gerard was like a drug as well though. He made me feel on top of the world sometimes but I couldn't handle this. I needed it in my system. I needed it.

"Frank. Frank are you okay? Frankie reply to me. Where are the drugs?" Gerard asked, concern etched across his face. "Focus on me." He whispered, taking my hand gently and rubbing his thumb in circles on my palm.

"B-bathroom." I mumbled. I felt my heart slowly deflate as if someone pricked it with a pin tack. I really had no reason to be upset but it's like finding out you have to be taken off pain killers and having to deal with the agony of a broken bone throbbing in a constant thumb that made you want to just die. In reality, it was just drugs and they aren't good for you but honestly, when you've been hooked on them for over a year because a customer who couldn't pay money at the time paid you in drugs then they slowly became a regular because they would give you the best or freshest batch of the poison they had in stalk, you get hooked. The real problem though is how being a prostitute even came around to be an idea bouncing around in my head about two or so years ago. Really though, it's one word.


I didn't want to ask my papa or my uncle for money. Mama still had debt and we were still working to pay it all off after her death. Linda Iero was a strong lady and she was strong till the end when the chemotherapy stopped working. Two or so years ago, we were drowning in papers called bills from the hospital, from the funeral home, last bills until the building where the restaurant now stands was ours by law, emergency trips to Italy because some distant relative I've never met became ill and might not make it. When mom died, we found she was in quite a bit of debt and especially from the bank where it seemed she had a habit of taking out loans ranging from years before where she was slowly paying it back but taking out more money so I could have a birthday or papa could have that watch he's had his eye on for the past few weeks for his birthday.

For me though, I was in debt from the bank, guitar store, rental buildings from when I still had a band and we played gigs. I didn't want to ask for money from papa or my uncle because they were still drowning in debt and hid all that fucking stress behind a smile to make it seem like everything was peachy when it wasn't.

I could have easily gotten a job but I needed money fast. I needed it then and I needed to help my family as well so, I looked around until some link on a website took me to what seemed like an underground site that entailed the 'company' I guess you could call it and the locations spread throughout Jersey. Course, the next day I went in and the boss or whatever decided I was definitely going to get some money coming my way within days so they took my picture, put it on their website, entered me into their system, and then within the next two days I got my first fuck. I didn't have daddy issues. I wasn't a run away. I wasn't homeless or poor. I was just in debt and for the first few times, I felt dirty. I felt like I lost all self respect but as my job progressed, I became more comfortable with it and no one in my family suspected a thing. I really didn't have friends so there was really no one I could tell. The funny thing though is that Bob was a server at my uncles place. That fucker had no idea and then.... it happened. About eight months ago Gerard came in and started working. Bob always found it funny that I was quiet at work but I really had no reason to talk. I was awkward around people who actually knew me. Not the little fuck toy who has to put on his best facade to fuck me or I'm going to fuck you.

But now, here stands that beautiful black haired boy and all of this happening after him wanting to loose his virginity.

"Fuck. Frankie? Hey, you still there?" A soft voice asked, worry laced in the words. My eyes focused back on Gerard and I gave a lazy smile. "I found the drugs.. I uh- flushed them. I called into work and said I got a message from you being sick and I'm over helping you and that you probably won't feel well for the next few days.... I took time off to take care of you." He said in a very soft voice like he was talking to a child. Irritation pricked my mind and I looked at Gerard.

"I'm not a kid, Gee. You don't have to talk to me like I am." I mumbled before wiping my forehead. Gerard just sighed and left the room, coming back with a wet towel in a bucket of water, an ice pack, and a waste bin. He set everything down before climbing onto the bed and setting everything down next to him without spilling the water. He took the cloth and started to wipe the sweat off my forehead and face, dabbing at my neck. He reached over and placed the waste bin on my side of the bed on the floor before taking the ice pack and laying it on my forehead. My breath became labored and my eyes started to shut on their own accord. Darkness took over my vision as I fell asleep as Gerard was taking care of me.

  ⇄ ⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄

I woke up alone, the shower running in the bathroom. Nausea washed over me and I leaned over, weakly grabbing the waste bin and bringing it to my face in time to empty my stomach of the bile that was bubbling up my throat. A water glass was on the night stand which was something I noticed after I had finished puking my guts out through my throat.

I sat up slowly and wrapped my chubby fingers around the cool glass. The condensation ran down my fingers, the still melting ice cubes showing that it wasn't placed there too long ago.

I took a much needed drink of the water before setting it down, my foot twitching. My eyes focused on a spot in the chipping wall paint before black hair entered my peripheral vision causing me to turn my head. Gerard gave a small smile and rubbed the towel in his hair before setting it next to a bag by the door which I assumed was his.

"Hey Frankie.. I went and grabbed some things from my place after you fell asleep. I took a shower.. I hope you don't mind. I was about to go to the store and get some shit for you to eat that isn't going to be too heavy on your stomach." Gee said as he approached, taking a wet cloth from the bucket next to the bed and wiping my face with it. He took the now warm ice pack and set it next to the water glass. "Do you need anything before I leave? You were out for a few hours." he explained.

"Just hand me the remote please?" I mumbled before he complied, handing me the TV controller.

"I'll be back then." Gerard said, smiling sadly and leaving before I could tell him I didn't need sympathy. A heavy sigh left my lips as I turned on the TV, finding some show that was on before settling for one of the many Law & Order: SVU (A/N: My girlfriend makes fun of me for watching SVU all the time ;-;) marathons that USA seemed to run everyday. I felt cold and I curled more into my blankets before finding myself drifting in and out of consciousness.

I vaguely heard the front door of my apartment open and close before rummaging around in the kitchen. I let my mind wander, letting the noise going on around me be consumed by a sound that I could only describe as white noise. The voices of the TV were muffled in my head as I zoned out and stared at the glass of water. A water droplet rolled down the side of the glass before pooling at the bottom where it seemed as if it were forming a ring on the nightstand.

It probably was going to stain the wood but I really don't give a shit.

Gerard soon came back and had a bowl in his hand before setting it on the nightstand and helping me sit up, silence hanging between us. He sat on the edge of the bed and started to spoon feed me whatever soup he bought at the store, feeding me little bits of a roll  he bought to go with the soup. He then helped me to the bathroom and ran a bath, singing softly before stripping me of my boxers and helping me into the tub. Gerard sang some song by The Smiths and washed me carefully, making sure to scrub all the soap out of my hair before helping me back out.

Gerard let me go to the bathroom and dress in boxers and sweatpants by myself, standing outside of the bathroom door before helping me back into bed where he put another ice pack on my head, gave me an aspirin then sang to me softly, his voice filling the room.

"Thank you." I manage weakly and Gee only replies with a smile before continuing to sing. My eyes start to droop and I feel myself letting Gerard's soft voice lull me to sleep.

  ⇄ ⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄⇄

It was like this for the next few days. The third day was the worse Gerard said but everything was seeming to blur together. He said I was mumbling to myself and my arms or legs would jerk every so often. I hardly remember being bathed multiple times that day like Gerard said. My breath would sometimes pick up and my stomach would reject anything I ate. At one point one of my headaches apparently brought me to tears which only made my head hurt more. Gerard also said I stared off into space a lot, replying sometimes to him with harsh words when he asked what I was thinking about. It's been almost a week now and I've been feeling better. I haven't been throwing up for about two days, so around day four, and my headaches have been less painful. I've been more aware and my body hasn't been twitching too much. The sweating has almost stopped completely and my nose just runs a lot now. My stomach hasn't been rejecting food which is a good sign and Gerard looks sleep deprived. I can't help but feel bad because of the fact that he stayed through my withdraws and took care of me but he gave up most of his sleep time for it.

I had convinced him to sleep though and he laid currently next to me, mouth slightly open with his black hair hanging in his face. His brown lashes brushed his cheeks and he would twitch his nose every so often as he slept. Gerard Way is the most beautiful and caring person I have ever met.

Besides my mom of course.

I gave one last smile at the sleeping boy next to me before I closed my eyes as well, letting black take over my senses and his breathing lulling me to sleep.


Very overdue and I'm sorry about that. I just got the motivation to finish this because my girlfriend is back in two days and she was bugging me to update this before she went to her camp for two weeks with no service. Course, I obviously didn't update but I wanted to surprise her when she gets back. She didn't want to start it before she left because she was afraid if it was good that she wouldn't be able to wait for when she got back from her camp to read the rest.

Anyways- What did you guys think? I'll probably do a smut chapter next because these last two were kinda sad but you guys should check out my art instagram. It's Bring.Me.The.Artwork :). Anyways, leave feedback please, that's always useful and sorry if I got anything wrong with the addiction symptoms. I was going off of a website but I hope y'all enjoyed! And like oh my god almost 600 reads? I love that people are actually reading my stories!! Alright cool- I'll talk to you guys later~

Q: What state do you live in?

A: I live in VA :)

until next time!


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