Once a Cheater, Always a Chea...

JenniDarling द्वारा

131K 2.8K 669

Kaitlyn never really trusted her best friend Leah's boyfriend- Jared. He's the most popular guy at River View... अधिक

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Epilogue

Chapter 16

3.9K 86 17
JenniDarling द्वारा

Chapter 16

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Joanie, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang as a "Bobo's Party in a Box" employee came out carrying a gigantic chocolate cake with sparkler candles occupying the top.

The little girl, Joanie, was no easy birthday girl. She was wearing a puffy princess dress that you'd get at a costume store with a humongous tiara mounted on her head. She pranced around like she was the queen of England and demanded that everyone bow or curtsy whenever they crossed in front of her. Of course all of us employees did exactly as we were told, because A) Her parents are filthy rich, B) If her parents are happy with our service, they will tip very generously, and C) Joanie threatens to sue whoever doesn't obey her. So, naturally, we'd follow her instructions with big grins plastered onto our faces.

Once the employee set down the cake in front of Joanie, she began to scream. She leaned away from the cake and yelled, "Ah! The candles, the candles! They're going to burn my face and my hair! How dare you! How dare you try and burn your queen! I will sue, I will sue all of you until you become bankrupt ,you horrible demons!"

Considering that the girl was only turning eight, she had a very large vocabulary. I was impressed. Joanie's parents ran over to her and tried to calm her down. "Look," Her mother said as she waved her hands over the candles. "See, they're completely harmless, they don't burn or hurt or anything sweetheart."

Joanie narrowed her eyes at her parents. "I do not trust those things, I demand to have a prince blow them out for me!"

Joanie was something else alright. Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to do. I mean, a prince? Joanie wanted a prince to blow out her stupid candles?

Suddenly, Mason emerged from a room in the back wearing a paper crown on his head. I have no idea how he does it but, he managed to make that look good.. "Where is my princess?" He said.

Everyone chuckled and pointed over to where Joanie stood.

He walked over to Joanie and stuck his hand out to her. "Why you must be Princess Joanie, is that right?"

She giggled and put her hand in his. "Yes and are you my prince?"

"Well of course, Prince Mason here at your service, my lady." He kissed the huge ring on her index finger.

She blushed and giggled. "Well, Prince Mason, I need you to blow out my candles for me. It will burn my hair, if I do it."

Mason smiled. "I'd be glad to, Princess Joanie. Tell me what you wish for and I'll blow out your candles."

She tapped her index finger against her chin, in thought. "I want a new pony, snowflake is getting too small for me."

Mason nodded and then blew out her candles. Everyone clapped and cheered. A few teenage girls started chanting, "Prince Mason, Prince Mason, Prince Mason."

He looked over at me, and I smiled and gave him two thumbs up. He returned the smile, took off his crown, bowed and left the room, leaving Joanie completely dazzled.


"Okay, people the Valentine's Sweetheart dance is tomorrow, so we have to get all of these things done, so that all we have to do tomorrow is set up. Got that?" Britney asked. She had on an adorable white skirt with a green cardigan, that matched her green headband and green heels. Not only was she organized, she always matched her clothing.

Everyone nodded.

"Alright, now get to work. Chop, chop!" She said.

At her command, everyone turned to go do what they were assigned to do. Britney for some reason appointed me on cupcake duty. Probably because she saw what a horrible job I did last time when I put up the hearts and she very rudely took them off and made me put them up again, they were apparently " slightly crooked". She can be too much of a perfectionist at times. However, I was okay with my assignment because, all I had to do was frost cupcakes and not actually make them, because if I did, well let's just say that the firemen will be called in for sure.

As I headed towards the school cafeteria where the cupcakes were being held in the fridge, (Britney had the freshman cooking class make the cupcakes for her earlier today.) Britney came up to me. She was carrying a bunch of red and pink sparkly streamers. "Hey, Kait. Last minute notice, but you have a partner helping you out with the cupcakes, is that alright with you?"

"Well of course it is, the more help I have, the faster we can get done."

She gave me a bright smile. "That's the spirit. Alright, you're partner will meet up with you in the caf in a few. Kay?"

I nodded and looked at the bundel of streamers that she held. "Hey, do you need any help with that?"

She gave me another brilliant smile as she adjusted the streamers that lay across her folded arms. "No, I've got it. My dad always said that accepting help from people, showed that you were weak, and in my family, we never show weakness."

I just smiled at her, not exactly sure on what to say to that. Well, that was Britney for you, knowing that her family thinks like that explains a lot actually.

Once I was in the kitchen, I pulled out the trays of cupcakes from out of the fridge. There must have been about fifty cupcakes or so. I stared at the trays, willing them to disappear, then I sighed and grabbed a piping bag full of chocolate frosting.

As I finished frosting the first row of vanilla cupcakes, I heard someone come in behind me.

"Hello there, partner. I'm here at your service."

I turned to find Liam standing a little closer than I had expected and I ended up bumping straight into him, and then almost falling over.

"Oh, Liam, hey." I said, once I regained my balance.

He chuckled and leaned against the counter. "Hey,"

"So you're my partner?" I asked as I started frosting a new row of cupcakes. I tried not to let the excitement that I was feeling leak into my voice. I haven't seen Liam since our cabin trip. I tried to fight the urge to hug him.

You can't like him, remember Kait? You do not want to hurt Natalie. It doesn't matter how good he looks in that dark v-neck shirt that shows of his oh-so-fabulous muscles, it doesn't matter how perfect he is with that glowing tan, that heart breaking smile, or those milk chocolate brown eyes that can make you melt with just one glance. Get over him, NOW!

I sighed, I know, I know. I thought, to the annoying side of my brain. Just shut up.

Well, great. I'm talking to myself now.

"Yup, so what do you need me to do?" He said pulling me out of my internal argument.

"Oh, uh, I need you to add the red heart sprinkles onto the cupcakes that I frost. Kay?"

Liam nodded. "Will do."

As Liam grabbed a bag of sprinkles and started gently pouring them over the frosted cupcakes, I turned to him. "So, why are you here?"

Without looking up he answered, "I volunteered, of course."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Come on Liam, you and I both know that you don't volunteer."

Liam turned to me and gave me a mock-hurt look. "Oh what? You think that I can't do something good once in a while?" He put a hand to his heart. "Ouch, Kaitlyn. That really hurts."

I laughed. "No it's just that-"

"I know, I know. You're right Kaitlyn, I don't volunteer, like ever. But, Principal Walsh found out about me spray painting North Valley's locker room. He wanted to suspend me and my dad got real pissed and said he couldn't let this be on my record, it would make him look bad or whatever. So, Walsh and Dad worked out an agreement and now, I'm getting my punishment by helping with Student Council."

"Oooh, spray painting our school's rival's locker room, what a bad ass." I said with a laugh.

"Well you know." He smiled. "But, I wasn't alone, I had Jared, Tyler and..." He trailed off.


Liam went back to adding the sprinkles to the cupcakes. "Nobody, never mind."

"Come on, who else was with you?"

"...Drew." He finally said.

"Oh," I took out the next tray full of chocolate cupcakes and I grabbed the vanilla frosting piping bag. "He helped to vandalize the locker room?" I said through gritted teeth. I can see why Liam didn't want to tell me that Drew was with them, he knew that I'd get upset.

"Well yeah, but he and I mostly kept lookout. Tyler and Jared mostly did all of the vandalizing."


"Oh they did, did they? Then why did you take all the blame?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, I was the only one who got caught, and I didn't want to snitch on my friends." He shrugged. "It's no big deal, really."

I put the piping bag down and sighed. I stared at the counter and shook my head as if to get all of the thoughts floating around in my head like buzzing bees to fly out. When will these guys understand that hanging with Jared will cause them trouble? I mean, I can't believe that Drew would vandalize another school's property just because Mr. Jared The King Of The Damn World said so. Before Drew was in Jared's stupid posse, he used to think that doing things like that were stupid and pointless. I need to get Drew back to his old self. I can't let this go on any longer.

Liam came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. The smell of his cologne washed over me and I felt dizzy with pleasure. I wanted to get closer to him and just breathe him in.

"Look, Kait, I know you don't like Drew hanging out with Jared and us. I know that he's totally changed for the worse. But, we'll bring Jared down and soon he won't be the boss of anyone." He gave my shoulder a squeeze.

I gave him a hopeful smile. "Thanks."

He nodded and unfortunately took his hand away. I almost said no. Can you believe it? I almost said, "No leave your amazing hand on my shoulder, because the feeling of you so close is incredible." Good thing I can control myself enough not to say that.

"So, anyway I heard that Leah isn't going to the dance tomorrow night. Did she tell you about that?" Liam asked.

"What? No. She hasn't really told me anything since we got back from that cabin trip." I replied.

It was true, Leah and I would see each other in the halls and wave politely, we've sat at lunch together but she'd only talk to Jared and I to Drew and we've texted about small things like school but not much of what's happening with our lives. Leah is obviously still upset about what I said to her.

"Yeah, she's probably still upset about the whole speech you gave her at the cabin. But, she's probably upset because she's starting to realize that what you said is true, Kait. She'll get over it soon enough." Liam said.

I nodded slowly. "I hope you're right."

He grinned widely. "Oh I absolutely am, but anyway, since Leah won't be going to the dance what do you suppose Jared will do?"

I looked at him, realizing what he meant. "No, he wouldn't dare."

Liam nodded. "Oh but he is. He's bringing some other girl to the dance, not exactly sure who yet, but he was talking to her on the phone about it."

I slammed my fist on the counter. "Stupid scumbag."

"I know, but here's our chance to catch Jared in the act and give Leah her proof."

I smiled excitedly. "You're right! Oh Liam, that's brilliant!"

Liam smirked. "Well, I try." He put the bag of sprinkles down and rubbed his hands together. "Now all that we need is a plan."


"Okay Kaitlyn, you can do this." I said to my reflection in the mirror. "You will bring Jared down once and for all."

I sighed. Saying that you can do it is one thing, but believing it is another.

I had just finished getting ready for the Valentine's Sweetheart dance that is tonight at school. I decided on wearing a black figure-hugging dress with a red cardigan and matching red heels. I know, I know, I'm sort of the clumsy type, so what the hell am I doing wearing heels? Well, they match my outfit perfectly...and I kind of...sort of...want to look good for Liam. There, I said it. I have feelings for Liam and I won't deny them. Well, from myself anyway. But, I really want him to notice me tonight. I mean, I know that he likes me as a friend but does he think of me as more than that?

Anyway, I curled my hair for the occasion, for a more festive look. It took a really long time, but it was worth it.

I heard the wind blowing fiercely outside, which made me look down at my outfit. My dress was a bit on the short side for this chilly February weather, but I'm counting on the gym's heat for warmth.

As I dug through my closet to find my red sparkly clutch purse, my phone vibrated. I looked at the caller ID and sure enough it was Leah. I quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, Leah?"

"...Hey, Kait." She answered slowly.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to wish you luck on the dance tonight. I know that you're on Student Council and all, and you worked really hard. So, I hope everything goes well."

I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. This must mean that she isn't that upset with me after all. "Thanks Leah, that's really sweet. So, I heard that you can't make it tonight, is that true?"

"Yeah, it sucks, I got dragged all the way out of town to my aunt's anniversary party. I begged my mom to let me stay to go to the dance, but she said that this was much more important then some silly dance." She laughed.

"Well, they'll be more dances, right?" I told her. "So... is Jared still going to the dance?"

"Of course, why wouldn't he be? I told him that just because I wasn't going, didn't mean that he couldn't go and join the fun."

"Oh...right, right." I nodded to no one. "Is...Is Jared going with anyone else?"

"Well, I think that he's going with the guys."

"Yeah...right, right. But...is he going with any girls...maybe?" I asked. I wanted to know if he told Leah another lie about going with some cousin.

"No, Kaitlyn, why are you asking so many questions?" She huffed.

"Oh, no reason. Uh, look I have to get going, I'll see you later." I said, hurriedly.

After, we hung up, I quickly grabbed my purse and carefully sprinted down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I was instantly attacked by flashing lights that seemed to be coming from a camera. Once the dark spots left my vision, I found the perpetrator who nearly blinded me. My mother.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked. It was seven o' clock, she was usually at work.

"Oh, I had an appointment with my dentist today, so I figured, why not take the whole day off? And, it was a very nice relaxing day at that. I may be a doctor sweetie, but we still tire out too." She adjusted the camera in her hands.

"Oh, well I'm glad that you had a relaxing day. But mom? If your going to bombard me with unexpected picture taking as I come down the stairs, please turn off the flash."

My mom smiled. "Oh, honey. I know you liked it. It probably made you feel like a celebrity."

"No, mom. It made me feel blind."

She scowled. "Stop it. Now, where's your brother? Isn't he going to the dance too?"

I rolled my eyes. "Mom? Do you even have to ask? He's obviously in the bathroom, trying to make himself look absolutely perfect for tonight. He's been in there for like four hours."

"Correction. I've been in there for two hours and fifteen minutes. So, shut up." Dylan said from behind me.

He came over and stood by me. He was wearing black jeans, an untucked red button down, with a skinny white tie and chunky cool looking red sneakers. In other words, he put my outfit to shame.

He looked over my outfit. "You look nice. Well, not as good as I do, but you know. And why are you wearing those heels? You're gonna kill yourself as soon as we walk out of the house."

"Shut up." I snapped.

"Okay, now stop the bickering and pose for some pictures. Kaitlyn, you look absolutely beautiful and Dylan you look very handsome. And Kaitlyn, I will see those heels back in my closet tomorrow morning, understand? Okay, give me some sibling 'we love each other' smiles. I'm sending these pictures to Grandma." My mom said.

After our family photo shoot session, (I swear my mom acts like she's a professional photographer) Dylan and I headed for the school.

Once we entered the school gym, I headed over to the snack table. Britney put me in charge of it. She says that it's because I helped to decorate most of the snacks and it's only fair that I get to manage the table, so that I can take credit for it. I think it's because she doesn't want me to end up ruining anything else.

The gym was decorated beautifully. There were delicate looking paper hearts hung around the room to look like they were just floating there. There were twinkling red, pink, and white lights hung above our heads that gave the room a magical effect.

Soon, people started to slowly pour into the gym. The DJ started to play funky dance music and everyone moved out onto the dance floor. Many people came over to the snack table and I handed them cupcakes and cups of soda and fruit punch.

Then suddenly, the gym doors opened dramatically and in came Jared, Liam, Drew and Tyler. As they walked inside, they seemed to be moving in slow motion. Just like in one of those movies. The guys were all dressed very nicely. Jared wore dark jeans, red sneakers, and a red long sleeved shirt. Liam wore an untucked red button down, dark jeans, a white tie and matching sneakers. Tyler had on a black and red plaid shirt, dark jeans, and matching sneakers and Drew wore a black untucked button down, dark jeans, a red tie and red sneakers. They all had their shirt sleeves rolled up to their elbows.

It was strange, they seemed like they totally planned out their outfits. But, they all looked like they stepped off of a fashion magazine and they were the top male models. Do guys do that? Coordinate their outfits?

After greeting all of his friends, Liam came over to the snack table. "Hey partner, I'm here to help." He smiled. "You look very pretty."

I tried to hide the blush that I felt burning my cheeks. "Thanks, you look very handsome."

He held out his hands in an up and down motion in front of his body. "Well, you know."

We talked and laughed in between handing out snacks, in other words we were having a good time. Then Britney came over. She looked beautiful in a stunning strapless red dress that hugged her figure perfectly, her long hair was done in curls so amazingly that only a professional could've done. I looked down at my own curls and sighed.

"Hey, guys. How's it going?" She asked, smiling her tooth paste commercial smile.

"Oh, we"re-"

"We're doing fantastic. The cupcakes are a huge hit. And may I say Britney, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." Liam interrupted.

Britney smiled flirtatiously. "Oh, well Liam, you look pretty damn hot, yourself." She winked at him. "I'll save you a dance, okay?"

Liam smiled mischievously. "Alright, can't wait."

Then Britney strutted off over to the DJ.

"God, she's so hot. Honestly, that girl is extremely gorgeous." Liam said as he ladled out some punch into a cup.

I just nodded, fuming inside.

That whole little conversation made me sick. I mean, who does Britney think she is? Flirting like that with Liam in front of me? I mean, sure I'm not his girlfriend but still. It hurts. And Liam called her gorgeous, he said she was hot. He had only said that I looked pretty. What is that supposed to mean? Did he just say that I looked pretty because he didn't want to say anything more extravagant since we are apparently in the friend zone? Does he even think of me and him romantically? He obviously doesn't. He didn't flirt with me at all tonight. Especially not like how he did with Britney.

I was pulled away from my internal meltdown to be confronted with the sight of Jared dancing with a girl who had short blonde hair. Okay, don't start suspecting the worst right now, get proof, I told myself. I watched as Jared danced intimately with the girl, he grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to him, then he bent down and whispered something into her ear. They stayed like that for a while, swaying to the music. Then they looked intently at each other and Bam!they kissed.

Bingo, there's my proof!

I turned to Liam and patted him on the shoulder urgently.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Look." I pointed to Jared and the girl who were now in a full on make out session. No one seemed to notice them, which irked me even more.

"Oh God. Okay, are we putting the plan in session?"

I nodded. "Yup, I'll be right back."

Liam and I had decided that if Jared was going to bring another girl to the dance or be with another girl while at the dance, that we would take a picture of them together and show Leah. Simple as that. But, neither of us had working cameras and if we borrowed one from our friends they'd get suspicious, so I decided that I'd go borrow one from the yearbook room.

I sprinted quickly down the dimly lit hallways as best I could in heels and turned the knob to the unlocked yearbook room. I managed to weave around the dark room and made my way to the closet. I grabbed the first camera that I saw. It looked like a mix between a modern and an old fashioned camera. Pretty cool.

I hurriedly made my way to the gym and basically threw myself in front of Jared and his mystery girl. They were too into each other to notice me, so I quietly said. "Smile, scumbags." I pushed on the camera button furiously, sending a whole bunch of flashes reverberating throughout the gym.

Noticing the intense amount of flashes, Jared pulled away from his mystery girl. He looked around a bit stunned. "What the...?" Then he looked over at me and the camera in my hand. I swear you could see the steam coming out of his ears just then. Survival instinct told me that I better get the hell out of here and run as fast as I can.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled. People turned to look, wondering what was happening.

I casually tossed the camera in my hands back and forth. "Oh you know, just taking pictures is all."

"You bitch. When I get you, you will be so dead." He pushed the mystery girl away from him and lunged at me.

I let out a yelp and bolted out of the gym as if I were running away from a murderer. You see the thing about running in heels when you're not used to wearing them. is that you kind of lose your balance...a lot. It was a miracle that I hadn't twisted my ankle yet. I stumbled out into the hall, gasping for air. But, I couldn't stop now, I could hear Jared's footsteps pounding behind me. He was gaining onto me.

As I turned a corner, I caught sight of Jared. He apparently saw me too. "Get back here!" He growled.

I ran or rather sprinted awkwardly faster and began to turn the knobs of all of the doors that were in my path. I had to get into a room and fast. I could hear Jared's footsteps even louder now. With shaking hands I turned the knob of a door. Please open, please open, please, please, please.

The door swung open and I flung myself in, locking it behind me.

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