My mini-Mark (Markilpierxread...

By warfstacheonesie

56.1K 2K 1.7K

You live in a small village. You have lived in the village for a long time, so your house is pretty old, but... More

Ch. 1 knock knock
ch. 2 intruder
ch. 3 It's all in my head
ch. 4 meeting
ch. 5 The deal
ch 6 Chadwick Lancelot
ch. 7 You should've...
ch. 8 pretty dress
ch 9 Irish is awesome
ch. 11 The voice
ch. 12 Comfy bed...
ch. 13 dangerous looks
ch. 14 fucked up day
ch. 15 strange night
ch. 16 An awesome new beginning
ch. 17 leaving
ch. 18 good-bye
ch. 19 sweetest thing
Ch. 20 avoiding eye contact
ch. 21 Sugar Honey Ice Tea
ch. 22 it's over....
ch. 23 private ride
ch. 24 memories
ch. 25 It's Chadwick
ch. 26 switch
ch. 27 as tiny as a hamster
ch. 28 Welcome home

ch. 10 two more days

2.1K 87 66
By warfstacheonesie


I walk out of the store with Jack following me, "Slan abhaile!" Jack yells at Mickey before closing the door. I look at Jack like he has two heads. "Slan abhaile?" Mark asks, peeking his head out from under my hair.

Jack laughs, "it means safe home in Irish Gealic." He explains. I nod my head, "ohh" I say with a chuckle following. We walk back to my small store. I smile at myself, the whole way back. Mickey gave us some of the bottles for free, or he lowered the prize, he's such a nice guy.

If Mickey didn't give me this for free, I probably wouldn't be able to pay for it.

We arrive in front of my store again, so I unlock the door. Mark appears from under my hair as I walk into the store, locking the door behind me again. I walk to the back of the store and put a chair under the door handle, so that no one can come in.

Jack puts the four bottles on the table, "Let's party like pornstars" He cheers. Mark and I chuckle, "No, let's party like Irishmen" Mark says, laughing. I take the cap off the first bottle and put some alcohol in it for Mark to drink.

I take two glasses from the cupboard and fill them with the liquor. "that much?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders, "Why not? " I ask, with some chuckles following. Jack chuckles and takes the glass. He trows everything to the back, letting the liquor land in his throat.

I take a big sip too, letting the alcohol burn in my throat. Jack slams the empty glass on the counter, having a sour face. Mark and I chuckle at him, "How the fuck, Jack" I say. Jack chuckles at me, "Irish" He says with his shoulders up.

I laugh and shake my head while Jack fills his glass again. I drink my glass up too, and fill it again. I fill the cap of the bottle again, for Mark.

We empty one bottle and are really drunk. "Jeez, this stuff is getting me, man!" Jack says, drinking the last drops from the bottle. I giggle with my breath smelling like alcohol, "is it empty already?" I ask in my drunk voice.

Mark lays on his back on the table, laughing his ass off at Jack who is singing some Irish folk songs. I clap to make a beat and Jack sings the song as Mark dances in a really silly way.

Suddenly I hear loud banging on my front door of the store. Jack stops singing, I stop clapping and Mark stops dancing. I get up from my chair, walk to the front of the store and I see my neighbor standing there.

I want to unlock the door, which is hard for me. I can't concentrate on one thing, my key is above the keyhole, to the left...a little more to the, that's not it....damn...a little more to the left and finally, I get the key where it needs to be.

I open the door, "howdy, partner!" I say in a cowboy-style voice, having an awesome mood. The man from next door doesn't look too happy. I lay my arm around his shoulder, "What's the matter, John?" I ask.

John pushes me away, "Can you keep it down? My wife, kids, I and probably the rest of the village are trying to sleep. It's midnight" John spits at me.

I put my hands up in surrender, "Calm down, buddy!" I say. I hear Jack coming behind me. "Ah, I knew it, the Irishman." John says. Jack and I cross our arms, "What do you mean by that?" I ask, hiccuping afterwards.

John has a blank expression on his face, "He causes all this noise." he says. Jack chuckles, as if saying, 'are you serious?'. Jack points at me, "She's drunk too, ya know!" He says, hiccuping too.

I nod, "Yeah! Yeah, that's right!" I say, almost falling from all the alcohol. John shakes his head, "(Y/N) never drinks this much. It's because of you why she is drunk like this. Irish people always drink too much, just like Mickey!" He explains.

Jack and I laugh at the stupid words, "Irish people do drink too much, but that's why they're way more awesome than you!" I snap at John as I point at his chest.

John shakes his head again, "Just....keep it down okay? People are trying to sleep" He says before walking off again. I close the door, and look at Jack for a second, before we both burst out into a fit of laughter.

I follow Jack to the back of the store, where Mark is laying on his side, curled up in a ball with his arms wrapped around his stomach. He wipes away a tear before getting up, "What a loooooser" Mark says between chuckles.

I laugh, "yeah, indeed" I say before yawning. "Well lads, I'm gettin' a lil' tired meself " I say, trying to speak in an Irish accent.

Jack chuckles, "Woah! Are you Irish too!?" He asks, actually thinking I'm from Ireland. Mark laughs hard again, "That wasn't even close to an Irish accent, Jackaboy" He says, wiping away his tears of happiness.

I pick Mark up while still chuckling a little. "Come on, let's head to bed" I say. "Well....where do ya want me to sleep?" Jack asks politely, probably not wanting to make mark angry.

I look at Mark, "In my bed?" I ask after looking back at Jack again. Mark shakes his head, "No, way!" He says.

Jack and I laugh, "Ya have to sleep next to my feet, matey!" I say, talking like a pirate. Mark nods, "That's okay....I guess" He says. I walk on the stairs with Jack following me.

I lay down on my bed, not wanting to change, because..."why do people actually change in pajamas?" I ask. Mark and Jack look at me, "that's...I don't.....that's a good question...I don't know" Mark answers, almost tripping over his own feet.

I lay down on my bed under the sheets and see Jack climbing in the bed too, bringing his feet next to my head. I chuckle at him, seeing him struggle with getting in the right spot. I turn around so that I don't have to smell his sweaty feet.

Mark gets off my hand and lays down next to my pillow on his side, facing my way. I smile at him, hiccuping from time to time. "Goodnight, beautiful" Mark says, staring into my eyes.

I hear Jack chuckling, "goodnight, sweetheart" He says. I laugh, "Shut up, Jack" I say before turning to Mark again, "goodnight" I whisper back at Mark before closing my eyes.

time skip

(I don't know how a hangover works mkay XD)

I wake up while the sun hits my face. I suddenly feel my heart beating in my head, really painful. I bring my hand to my head, trying and wanting the pain to go away.

My head is steaming hot, "argg...." I whisper to myself, pressing my eyelids together in pain. The pain in my head is not really hurting that bad, it is more of an annoying pain, and that makes it feel worse.

I want to roll over, but I feel something stopping my from doing it. I open my eyes to see a pair of feet. I smile at myself when I look at the person who is attached to the two feet.

Jack lays there, in a deep sleep. He lays with his hands next to his head, slightly snoring. I take a deep breath, but regret that after a second as I smell the bad breaths of alcohol that comes from our mouths.

I look next to my pillow, and see Mark laying there, arms and legs spread. I see him blinking a few times and yawning afterwards. He curls up in a ball as he looks at me.

I chuckle, "You have to work on your sleeping position if you want to sleep in the same bed as me" I whisper, letting my head rest on my hand.

Mark chuckles and keep that cute smile on his face, "Yeah, I'm working on it" He says. I roll my eyes, "liar" I mumble to myself. Mark crawls over to my hand which is laying next to my pillow. He kneels next to it, and kisses every one of my knuckles.

I chuckle as I feel his tiny, soft lips on my hand. Suddenly, I hear Jack cough awkwardly at us, sitting up in the bed, "ya love birds done already?" He whines, rubbing his head.

I sit up too, with my legs crossed, "damn, I have a headache" I say. "No shit" Jack says between some chuckles. I feel Mark climbing on the thin sheets in my lap.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Jack asks. I stretch my arms. I see Mark looking at my breasts from underneath. Jack chuckles loudly, "Having a good view, Mark?" he says between chuckles.

I start blushing like crazy while getting in a normal sitting position again. Mark chuckles, blushing a little too. "I can't work today, this headache is killing me." I explain, letting myself crash on my back, with my legs still crossed.

Jack smiles at me, "I work in the store today for ya" He says politely. I sit up and my eyes widen, "ohy god! would you do that for me?" I ask. Jack nods, "yeah, why not" He says before getting up.

Mark rolls his eyes and climbs off of me. He lays down next to me, getting in that comfy position with his legs and arms spread. He looks at me with a grin, "Wish I was my normal size" He whispers, just loud enough for me to hear it.

I nod, "yeah...I wish it was it's normal size too" I say, chuckling a little afterwards. Mark chuckles at me and nods, "I would do you so hard right now if I could" He says. I bite my lip, while looking at his tiny body, wondering what his size would be.

I lay on my back, "just two more days, Mark" I say. Mark sighs, "two days to much" He says. I chuckle a little, "Yeah..." I say, having a little bit of sadness in my voice.

Mark climbs on my chest, laying against one of my breasts, "Two more days will be over sooner than you think, baby" he says, bouncing a little back and forth against my boob. I blush a little, "What are you doing?" I ask,chuckling a little.

He lays his hands behind his head, "It's quite comfy here" He says, snuggling literally into my chesticle. I chuckle, "You can do that too when you are your own size" I tell him.

Mark sticks his fists in the air, "Fuck yeah!" He says, clapping in his hands. I chuckle, "Silly guy" I say. Mark grins at me with his legs crossed, "I'm so turned on right now " He says, trying to talk in that deep, seductive voice again, but failing.

I hold back my chuckles, "What are you gonna do about it?" I ask seductively. Mark lifts his shoulders, "You mean what are we, going to do about it" He says, lifting his eyebrows for a split second. I grin at him, "well...?" I ask.

Mark chuckles and spreads his legs, pointing at the bulge in his pants, "I gotta solve this problem" He says. I chuckle, "Are we gonna do this again?" I ask, actually not really feeling like it. Mark notices the tone in my voice, saying, 'not now', and sighs.

I smile, "two more days " I say. Mark sighs and gets off of my chest, crashing next to my pillow. He lays down on his stomach, "That's two days too much" He says.

I lay down on my side, while facing him, still having that annoying pain in my head. "You should get some sleep,baby" Mark says in a sweet tone.

I nod, "yeah..." I say with a sigh. I hear Jack talking downstairs. I smile to myself, thinking of the sweet money Jack is making for me right now.

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