Perilous ! (A Jason McCann Lo...

By TezneyEpicoco

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When the bad guy saves you from his own attack, burdens you with an ancient jewel that his arch nemesis broth... More

Perilous ! ( A Jason McCan Love Story )
Chapter 1 - 'She Has No Idea What She's In For'
Chapter Two - "How did they even find us , well you ?"
Chapter Three . "More Like Wasted"
Chapter Four "You Can't Leave"
Chapter Five : "This Is Only The Beginning Babe"
Chapter Six : "Your Unbelievable!"
Chapter Seven : "It's Better Than Freezing To Death"
Chapter Eight : "You Won't Or I Will?"
Chapter Nine :"So you can get in my pants!"
Chapter Ten : "This is all your fault Collins!!!"
Chapter Eleven : "Stupid and sexy , yep that's me!"
Chapter Twelve : "I think you've forgotten who i am babe?"
Chapter Thirteen : "You Mean Everything To Me"
Chapter Fourteen :"I'v Heard Hippo's Breathe Lighter Than That"
Chapter Fifteen : "Jack...Jack...Bennit"
Chapter Sixteen : "No Diggity , No Doubt"
Chapter Seventeen : " Your All I Care About"
Chapter Eighteen :"So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb"
Chapter Nineteen : "I'm Not A Fucking Miracle Worker"
Chapter Twenty :"I'v Lost Her"
Chapter Twenty One : "You Shoot , I Shoot"
Chapter Twenty Two : "Right Here , Ok?"
Chapter Twenty Three : "What Goes Around , Comes Around!"
Chapter Twenty Four : "Shut It!" CONTEST CLOSED!
Chapter Twenty Five : "How Are You Still Alive?" (Winner Revealed)
Chapter Twenty Six : "We're Nothing!"
Chapter Twenty Seven : " I Care Because He Means A Lot To You"
Chapter Twenty Eight : "I Didn't Ask For This Ashton"
Chapter Twenty Nine : "I Won't Be There To Save You"
Chapter Thirty : "You Have A Visitor!"
Chapter Thirty One : "He Didn't Know"
Chapter Thirty Two : "I Won't Let That Happen"
Chapter Thirty Three : "You Made Him Weak"
Chapter Thirty Four : "Before Your Too Late!"
Chapter Thirty Five : "You Lied"
Chapter Thirty Six : "She's Not Safe Anywhere"
Chapter Thirty Seven : "I'm Not Sure...It Sounds Risky"

Chapter Thirty Eight : "Thank you ....The Peace Maker!"

8.6K 305 56
By TezneyEpicoco

*No One's Point Of View*

Both wondering down the stairs and into the living room  , hand in hand . There they all were , cooking breakfast in the kitchen , Mason doing all the work , as normal and all the other guys setting the table and helping out . "Finally , thought you two had gotten lost in the sheets!" Mason chuckled , grinning at them from over his shoulder . Smirking , Riley tried to hide his laughing , his tight lips and red face made Ashton wonder over and stare at him , her arms crossed over her chest .

Looking down at him she arched an eyebrow "What is it , Bates?" she questioned . Jason was now licking his lips as he watched her get all up in his face , he watched as she leaned over the table to him , her tight jeans making him stare even more . Passing by , Seb nudged him in the ribs , plates in his hands as he did so . Twitching his eyebrows at Jason , he shook his head as he walked away . Jason rolled his eyes before attaching them back onto Ash . "Nothing" Riley snickered before finishing laying down the utensils and quickly slipping away back into the kitchen . "That's what I thought" Ashton breathed out a quick breath and nodded , making her way back to Jason she wrapped her arms around him . 

"So , you guys thought about the deal yet?" asked Mason as he stepped into the dining room and brought over the food , he set it out like a buffet . He could cook ! That was one of his many mastered skills . "Actually , we have" Ashton smiled back at him , her light hair falling over her shoulders . Mason shot his eyes up at them both , a grin now tugging at his lips . "And?" . 

"We're in" she giggled , everyone cheered . It was almost embarrassing Kane thought as he sat on the couch flicking through the channels . Freddi on the other hand , was standing in the corner of the dining room . Arms folded over his chest as he chewed the inside of his mouth in disgust , picking himself up from his leaning position on the wall , he stormed out of the dining room . 

Ashton jerked up , watching in shock as he stormed away . "Idiot" Jason scoffed under his breath as he held Ashton in his arms . Looking up at him , she slapped his chest before peeling his hands off of her and going after Freddi . 

Dashing into the hallway , complete darkness surrounding her with Freddi nowhere to be seen , she catapulted up the stairs . Lunging into his bedroom , clothes spread everywhere , pants and t-shirts hung on the bed posts . "And where are you going?!" she asked in frustration as she threw her arms up in the air . Her breath heavy and uneven . "You really think I'm going to sit here and watch you throw everything away?!" he cried over his shoulder as he stuffed clothes into a cream travel bag . 

Sighing , she ran a hand down her face . "Throw what away ? My life ? If you asked me , my life is pretty much nothing how it use to be anyway!" . 

"Your life was easy , Ash . Perfect in fact!" he smirked in disbelief "And your throwing it all away for...for him!" . 

"I love him!" she screeched . "Yeah , I can see that" he sighed before standing up straight and looking straight at her . "I don't want you to do this" he sniffed , fighting the prickles in his eyes . "If your seriously agreeing to this , I'm out!". 

"What?!" . 

"I said , I'm out . You won't ever see me again . I'v tried to protect from this and now I'm letting you slip right through my fingers!" his voice was now shaking uncontrollably . "Freddi , I need you" Ashton whined . "Your like a brother to me , If you leave ....I-" . 

"If I leave , nothing will change . You'll still love him and I'll still be that good old friend that catches you when you fall and ..... I can't stay here , Ashton" a tear now slid down his cheek . "It kills me , It kills me when I see you with him , knowing that he is totally bad for you . He can't protect you!" . 

"And you can?!" she smirked in disbelief , a sharp edge to her voice that made even more tears ripple in his eyes . A sudden jab of guilt stabbed into her stomach . "I'v been protecting you for three years and If you ask me , I think I'v done a pretty good fucking job of it . All my life I'v loved you , just wanted you to need me as much as I needed you but now I see that you don't so.." he trailed off . 

Licking her lips and hands on her waist she wondered over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders . " All I'v ever needed was mom , dad and you and I know that I pushed you away . I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you , I was hurting in myself too . I thought I didn't need you when-when deep down I knew I did . I know that what I'm doing is risky and dangerous but I can't lose him and god , I can't lose you either . My life before was lonely and cold and bitter ..... now , I finally feel like I'm really living again" dancing her orbs over his in deep seriousness she said "I love my parents but they just pulled me down ....I love you , Freddi . You can't--you can't leave . I'm not throwing everything away , the only way I could do that is if I lost you , my best friend...". 

Pulling her into him , his arms tight around her , hugging her . She smiled as she rested her head in his chest , he always smells this way she thought . Of mint and posh cologne . Standing together in a peaceful silence , she felt his breath blow over the top of her head . "I won't give up on you , you know?" . 

"I know" she smiled into his chest . Letting go of her he smiled back down at her , leaning down he kissed her gently on the cheek . "But why did you end up working with Jason?" a smirk now tugging at her lips . He shrugged " We use to be ...reasonably close . Until he met you of course , then he started to dislike me after he found out that I knew you and were well...In love with you."

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't be sorry , Ash . You can't help who you fall in love with , I just hoped one day when I told someone I loved them ...they'd say it back" he shrugged , biting his lip as he did so . 

"I know that someone will!." 

But that someone will always be you he thought . At least , I hope it will be ...someday

*   *    *   * 

"What was that all about?" Jason staggered up to her , wrapping his arm around her waist . "Don't worry about it" she grinned up at him and pecked him on the nose . 

Dinner was served , Mason called everyone to the table . "As this is a special occasion , I'd like to make a little speech before we get started" . Standing up , Mason raised his glass . "In my opinion , I do not think we have ever done so well than we did a couple of nights ago , with this awesome badass McCan!" he laughed , everyone nodded and grinned at Jason . "And I'm sure I speak for everyone tonight when I say we a fucking dang proud to have you join us ! And Fredster , with your clean tidy aiming skills and those fists of fury , we are faultless!" . 

Everyone cheered and howled as they all clicked their glasses together . "Can I say something?" Ashton asked softly as she placed her glass back down on the table after having a sip . "Of course!" Riley smirked as he gestured her up . 

Standing up , she cleared her throat . "Ever since I met this guy , who I actually couldn't stand!" she giggled as she smiled down at Jason . The twinkle in his eyes reminding her of the first time she had ever looked at him . Waking up in the middle of the field with no idea where she was . Looking into his eyes then made her feel sick and cold but now , when she found herself drowning in his orbs , she felt at home and safe . "My life has never been so ..... crazy and dangerous and ...different! I'v been tied to trees and have almost drown in a cottage in the middle of the woods!" they all made bewildered faces at her , that then died down into little smirks of disbelief like : That tiny little girl ? Strapped to a tree ? or What ? And she's still alive ? . "But I would do that all over again to get to where I am now ! And there is nothing I would want to change about how I got here , so .... Thank you , Culprits!" they all 'eyyed' and raised their glasses "Thank you Freddi , my beautiful best friend who I just .... I love , I really do . Thank you Freddi" he nodded at her and raised his glass "And" she held her breath as she looked down at Jason "Thank you ....The Peace Maker!" A smile twisted on Jason's lips as he raised his glass . 

It didn't take them long to eat up everything that piled the plates . Leaning back in their chairs and groaning in pain as they held their stomachs , Kane was the first one to break the silence "Mason man , you can cook but ...fuck do you cook a lot!" . 

"You ate it though didn't you?" he strained a smirk before folding his hands back over his stomach . "Can't say I didn't enjoy it though" Kane smiled over at Mason , everyone else half listening , half thinking about if they should have just eaten all of that . 

"Shall we put a movie on?" chirped Seb as he shot up from his seat as if he hadn't eaten anything at all , which he did . He probably ate the most out of everyone but that didn't show at all . In fact you would have thought all he had eaten was a bag of sugar by the way he bounced around like he did. "Horror?" . 

"Sure" Mason flapped a hand dismissively at him , causing him to run off into the back bedroom where all the movies were . Standing up , Ashton began to gather up the plates . "No , don't worry about that Ash , I'll do it!" Kane shook his hand at her but she ignored this . "Look at you all , I honestly don't mind . I'm not that full!" . 

"But your the guest , you--." 

"I'm not a guest though am I?" she arched an eyebrow up at him , he smirked an leaned back in his seat . "She has a point" he shrugged over at Mason . "I don't have a problem with someone else doing the dishes for a change" he chuckled . 

* * * 

"This isn't even that scary , to be completely honest -- Seb , why do you always chose the shit movies!" Riley growled over at him as everyone sat in the darkness , with only the T.V glowing in front of them . Ashton wrapped up in Jasons arms and Jason , who was laughing at how stupid the movie was . Freddi , sat beside Kane , was hiding behind a pillow . "You know actually , it is kind of scary!" . 

"No , your just a wuss Freddi!" Jason laughed at him , causing Ash to grab a pillow and throw it at his face . "Owch?!" he cried out as he glared down at her but he couldn't hold it for long until a grin pulled at his lips . "Don't be nasty , he can hide behind a pillow if he wants!" . 

"Oh sorry mommy!" he sing sang in sarcasm , this only made her grab the pillow again and whack it back over his cheek . Everyone chuckled at them both , bickering in a ...soft and lovely way . Just by the way they looked at each other , anyone could tell how madly in love they were . 

* Jason's P.O.V *

Before , I was alone and just ...angry at the world for how life had been to me . For so long I was frightened , I guess . Frightened about what my mom and dad would have really thought of me if they had seen me then . But now , I think they would have been proud of me , not proud of killing their son of course but proud of how I'v changed . 

I never thought I could be the man that I am today . Never thought I could fall in love with anyone , or could become friends with new people . I use to be afraid of meeting new people , afraid of what they would think of me , be scared of me . Which was why I wanted Ash to leave so bad . A girl that beautiful should never be introduced to a monster like me . I thought she was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me , when really , she was the best . 

I was stupid , naive and ignorant towards her . I didn't want to let her in , didn't want her to see the evil that lived inside of me . But , I did and she saw past that . She saw past everything that everyone else got tangled in , my sudden switch of attitude and anger . But I loved her , I hated that I did but there was no way that I could just ignore what I felt for her . And now , I wish I would have just let myself love her , the way I knew she wanted me too . 

Now , I'm .... I'm settled . I know where my home is , I know who I can trust . I know who I love and I know that I'm not the guy I used to be . I'm easier and humble . Not alone and bitter , I'm loved by someone , I'm in love . I'm surrounded by people that I know will be true to me . Even if one of them is a weird nerdy freak who wants my girlfriend . But that's just what makes this what it is . Home . 

Doing a favour and getting rid of a dealing , killing principal was the best favour I could have ever served . I know why I saved her that day . She was gorgeous , even as she was dying . She was beautiful and I wanted her . Deep down , when I told her to leave , I never meant it . I wanted her to stay so bad ! I thought I knew what she thought of me but I was wrong . She wanted to stay and we made a bet . 

That was the best bet I ever made . 



So that's it guys , I'm actually crying right now haha sorry , I feel stupid now . I want to thank everyone who has supported me and this book :) I'v put my all into this and I really hope you've all enjoyed it . The trailers , the music the love ! But this is where I leave you :) Until the sequel of course . 

Thank you , I love you , Tezney :) x x x 

And while you listen to Chrtistina Perrie , please think about Ashton kicking over the plant pot and Jason laughing :) I did :) 

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