Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover F...

By YoshiXx03

301K 12.5K 5.3K

Aki wants a do over of her life. After her 'supposed' brother went nuts and deserted the village, Aki was lef... More

The Red-Haired Man
Silver & Gravity
The Match
A Moment
Gon's Match
A Little Closer
Killua and Hisoka
The One Who Left First
Bath time
The Hair Ornament
Night Walk
That Clip
What Leorio Knows
Faint of Heart
The Phantom Troupe
Shared Memory
Jack of Clubs
Get rid of him, please
Devil After Her
One for 'Hello'
Two for 'Goodbye'
Aki: Nodus Tollens
Gon: Liberosis
Killua: Altschmerz
The 'Curse'
Interview 1
"Eyes of Scarlet"
Jekyll and Hyde
The Knight
The Body of the Underlord
Her Brother
Ethereal (Special Chapter)


5.3K 282 172
By YoshiXx03

(A/N: WARNING!!! Just as before, there would be some yaoi references. But don't worry. It's only yaoi reference since Aki is a girl. Sigh~ I'm sort of a little stressed right now......)

Opening his eyes to the harsh glare of sunlight, the first thing that passed through Killua's mind was,


The sun was obviously not cute—not with its death glares of sunrays. Rather, it was the face that Killua woke up to. There was someone else with him on bed. His mind still asleep, Killua closed his eyes once more and just enjoyed the warmth. A few minutes later, the person beside him moved a bit. He opened his eyes once more only to see the onyx eyes of a certain girl.


He blinked his eyes once again. The girl's eyelids were still closed. Did he imagine that just now? Perhaps he did. But then, Killua realized something.

Aki was in bed with him.

His immediate reaction was to jump away, shouting a string of curses at his wake. Killua's butt landed on the floor with a painful thud. Aki had to stop herself from laughing out loud. And Aki continued to fake her sleep.

Killua looked at the girl apprehensively, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"What the...? Why is Aki on my bed??" Killua mumbled mostly to himself, unaware that Aki was listening to his monologue. Poking Aki, Killua tested for a reaction. However, seeing Aki unresponsive, Killua dropped his guard.

A sigh leaving his lips, Killua sat back on his bed, studying Aki. She curled cutely into a ball and 'slept' away. Her long eyelashes were closed and her lips neutral—not twisted in a frown or a smirk. What pinkish supple lips... Killua frowned.

"Just as I thought before, he really looks cuter when he's asleep." Killua continued to mumble to himself, brushing a strand of hair away from Aki's face. Aki rolled her eyes at the insult disguised as a compliment. Suddenly, Killua's hand froze as he touched Aki's cheeks.

"Wait a sec, this is my chance to get back at him!!" Killua talked to himself, suddenly excited. Hearing Killua's plot, Aki frowned. As Killua started to pinch Aki's cheeks, the dark-haired girl opened her eyes to glare at Killua.

"What are you doing?" Aki asked, raising a brow. Killua let go of her cheeks, exclaiming in surprise.

"Gah!! I knew you were awake!" Killua accused, blaming himself a little for not checking thoroughly. Aki smirked, amused by his reaction.

"Good morning too~" Aki greeted with a cheeky smirk. That part of her was so alike to Hisoka. Not giving Killua any time to get away, Aki was quick to pull him down to her. Then, she flipped their places, trapping Killua below her like that one time at the Arena bleachers. Killua's eyes became half-lidded moons as he glared at the girl on top of him.

"... What the hell are you doing again?" He asked whilst wearing a deadpanned expression.

"Ho~ Trying to act cold now, huh. Right after you called me cute?" Aki teased.

"You—!!" Killua couldn't find the words to say, realizing that Aki had heard him talk to himself. He looked away from Aki's piercing onyx orbs, a bit embarrassed.

"... You know, the face you make when you're under me is the best." Aki continued to jest, using one hand to stroke Killua's cheek—the same way he did to her when she was 'asleep'. Immediately, Aki got the reaction she was fishing for.

"Wha—?! You—! You pervert! Get off me!!" Killua exclaimed in indignation and embarrassment, wildly thrashing his limbs before Aki pinned them down with brute force. Aki chuckled darkly, bringing their faces closer. She couldn't help but tease Killua. Taking it a step further, Aki brushed the tip of her nose on to the silverette's—making the boy squirm uncomfortably under her. The dark-haired girl snickered at Killua's reaction, holding his limbs tightly. Now that she came out as 'gay' it was more fun to tease Killua—especially with his possible crush... on Gon.

Meanwhile, Killua's eyes almost rolled at the back of his sockets at the heart attack this girl was giving him. The way she keeps on dipping her hips against his as she pinned him down was sinful—and the more he struggled, the more he found it hard... literally. Damn, how this twelve-year-old brat looked so hot on top of him was beyond Killua's ability to explain. Maybe he was gay. Killua snorted at the passing thought.

"Tell me honestly, Killua. Is it actually me, not Gon, that you have a crush on?" Aki egged, smiling cheekily. However, Killua only gave her his deadpanned expression.

"As if." Killua replied, scoffing at Aki's words. Pretending to be hurt, Aki backed away and wiped invisible tears with one hand. But, Killua only chuckled at her ploy and started thrashing to break free.

How did he do it before? Ah.

Killua thought to himself before he mimicked Aki's technique and thrusted his trunk upwards. Surprised, Aki's world spiraled as Killua reversed their positions. Laying on the bed and staring only at each other's eyes, Aki couldn't help but be caught breathless.

"What about you? Are you sure it's Hisoka that you like, not me?" Killua asked, tone serious. At his words, Aki's mischievous smirk disappeared as her mouth opened slightly in shock. Her heart started beating faster, like when she was doing her daily 100 km run.

"I... I don't know." The honest words spilled from Aki's lips, making Killua freeze on top of her. Aki didn't even make any attempts to break from Killua's hold. For moments, they just stared at each other. And, like gravity was pulling them together (which is actually true), their faces drew closer and closer...

But before anything really happened, the room's door slammed open revealing a blushing Mito-san and Gon.

The shock made Aki and Killua freeze like statues. It was one thing, coming out as 'gay'... but being found out with another guy on top of you definitely made things messier for Aki.

"NO!! You guys are too young to be... doing that!" Mito-san immediately jumped to separate Aki and Killua, gingerly holding Aki by the shoulders. Stupefied, both Aki and Killua could only look at Mito-san in confusion.

"You!" Mito-san called, pointing an accusing finger at Killua.

"Me?" Killua muttered with an expression of 'what-the-hell-did-I-do'.

"Yes! You're the older one. How could you lead on Aki?!" Mito-san scolded. Immediately, Killua's face burned.

"What?! We didn't even do anything! Hell, Aki was the one who started it!" Killua yelled back in retort. His response served only to add fuel to the fire.

"Young man, I clearly saw you pinning him down. Now, tell me what that was about?" Mito-san asked, raising a brow at Killua.

"I—... T—that's because I flipped our positions!" Killua defended. In Mito-san's arms, Aki was both surprised and relieved at the presence of an older woman. Even if Mito-san didn't know she was a girl, Aki felt like Mito-san was protecting her like she was one of her own.

She never really knew the love of a mother—not with her amnesia. So, experiencing someone stand up for her and dot on her like a real mom made Aki's walls of ice slowly melt at Mito-san's warmth. Well, the same couldn't really be said for Killua now—who was unrightfully being given hell.

"Aki!! Tell her that we were only joking around!" Killua commanded, bringing Aki out of her reverie. The light-haired male looked at Aki almost pleadingly—which made Aki want to tease him. However, seeing Mito-san's wrath, Aki decided to help Killua just this once. He did buy her a ticket for the fare to Whale Island. And without him, she wouldn't even be here with Mito-san.

"It's true, Mito...-san. We were only messing with each other. Nothing really happened and it was me who started it." Aki stated, tugging lightly at Mito-san's clothing. At her words, Mito-san turned Aki to face her and crouched down to her height.

"Are you being honest?" The ginger head asked.

"Yeah." Aki said, offering Mito-san a small smile. After Mito-san was convinced that Killua didn't really 'attack' or 'seduce' Aki, she went back to preparing breakfast. It was only 7 in the morning after all. They had a busy day before them.

After Mito-san left the room, Killua immediately dragged Gon out of the room to the bathroom. That left Aki to clean up their sheets.

"Why was Aki in my bed? I'm pretty sure when I was asleep, I didn't have anyone beside me." Killua interrogated as soon as he closed the door behind him.

"Actually, that was Aki's bed. You went to it yourself." Gon stated it like it was a well-known fact.

"What? But my bed is—" Killua started but stopped when a memory surfaced in his mind. That's right... he meant to switch his futon with Aki's but forgot all about it because of the birthday celebration. Thinking that he moved it, he ended up lying down on the futon nearest to the window—Aki's bed. Realizing his mistake, Killua could only wipe his face with his palm as an attempt to wipe out his embarrassment.

"Arghh... what a disaster." Killua muttered to himself. Then, he turned to Gon with accusing eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up then? Or told me anything about it?" Killua asked.

"Well, you two were so cute! Hugging each other like that!" Gon emphasized the 'cute' with grabbing his cheeks and pressing them together. Killua's cheeks flared.

"You—!! You're just as worse as Aki!" Killua scathed, more embarrassed than mad. Laughing, Gon patted Killua at that back.

"Did it hurt?" Gon asked. One more thing.

Killua smacked the boy upside the head.

"What are you even saying?!"


After breakfast was served, Gon pulled Killua to his room to show him the box that Ging had left Gon. The dark-haired boy explained what Mito-san told him about it.

As Killua examined the box, he noticed that it didn't exactly have any discontinuity at the sides. "It doesn't seem to have a lid." Killua stated.

"Un! I tried multiple ways to open it, but nothing seemed to work." Gon replied, looking tad bit worried. Killua examined the box further.

"Mind if I use force?" The light-haired boy asked, fingers gingerly testing the box's metallic surface. As soon as Gon gave the go signal Killua pressed on the box and tried to crush it. Veins prodded out of his arms as he channeled his strength to his fingertips. After a few more seconds of vane effort, he gave up.

"Man, what is this thing made off? This isn't an ordinary box. If it were a normal metal box, I should have been able to twist it." Killua stated in frustration. Gon stared at the box in thought. He was told that it was to be given to him after becoming a hunter...

Killua tossed the box up and down. In contemplation before it occurred to him.


Of course! A Hunter needs to learn Nen to pass the secret Hunter Exam. He caught the box in his hand and smirked at Gon.

"I get it!! Gon, what's one thing that you don't have before you became a hunter?" The silverette asked, tossing the box to Gon who caught it in his hands. At Killua's question, Gon lit up in realization.

"Ah!! I know! My Hunter's license!" Gon exclaimed, much to Killua's disbelief. Still, he watched as Gon took out the card and tried to find an opening on the box. His eyebrows knitted together.

"I don't see any opening..." Gon muttered to himself and Killua couldn't help but sigh. Sometimes, Gon was just so stupid.

"Nen, I meant Nen." Killua informed sheepishly. Gon's lips made a small 'o' in understanding. He sat down and concentrated his Nen. And then, the box glowed and opened. The two boys spent the entire morning and afternoon tinkering with the box's contents.

Meanwhile, Aki was left alone to wander Whale Island. With Gon and Killua cooped up in his room, she didn't see why a little bit of me time was not possible. After all, they seemed too immersed in what they were doing to call on to her. Besides, she knew that they were 'best friends'. She only happened to tag along with them.

Honestly, she didn't want to intrude in someone else's business. So, there she was, walking along the placid streets of Whale Island. Unlike the city, it was less crowded. In the market, Aki bought a few things that caught her interest—a new shirt, a sharping tool for her knives, and even a new pair of drafting boots.

Aki enjoyed her time, wandering alone. It was a different fun from hanging out with Gon and Killua—less fun, but still enjoyable enough. And then, she encountered Mito-san in the market.

"Aki! I thought you were with Killua and Gon." Mito-san exclaimed, one hand holding her cheek in worry.

"They were busy with something so, I went off by myself." Aki replied nonchalantly. At her words, Mito couldn't help but frown. Obviously, Aki was a tad bit... lonely after being left out. She probably didn't want to push herself onto others, therefore copped with it through creating a physical distance between herself and the other kids.

Mito couldn't help but worry. She seemed so much like Ging was when he was a kid. The reminder brought a bittersweet smile on Mito's face. Deciding to take Aki's mind off of her worries, Mito-san clasped her arm with Aki's and dragged her along.

"Come on, help me shop for tonight's feast then." Mito-san implored. A bit surprised at first, Aki could only follow behind. But before long, the two were having so much fun shopping.

Aki made shadow clones of herself to carry their bags so they could fully move around from one store to another. It wasn't that Gon's family was rich, but the money Ging secretly sends was always too much. And now, Mito-san felt like she was shopping for the sake of enjoyment—not just for taking care of granny or Gon for that matter.

She felt like she was spending some quality girl-time. Which was good in a way. With Aki, Mito felt a bit more comfortable. As they hopped from one shop to another, Aki gradually started opening up to Mito-san. She talked about her amnesia, her experiences with Gon and Killua. There came a time when they had to sit down in one of the cafes to rest.

That's when Aki noticed it.

"What's that?" The dark-haired girl asked, pointing at the portal-like thing. It was hovering near the entrance of the forest that Gon took them to yesterday.

"What...? You can... see it?" Mito-san muttered in surprise.

"What is it?" Aki repeated, looking at Mito-san in slight trepidation. There was something in Aki's gut that told her this portal thing-y wasn't a good sign.

"Well, it's a door to... Death. Not everyone can actually see it—especially children. I'm surprised you can see it, despite not being born here." Mito-san started, sipping tea.

"Why? What's with being born here?" Aki queried, raising a brow.

"Well, it's been a legend in our Island... they say that because the Shinikage clan resided here once, the Island absorbed some of their strange powers, allowing some of the people born here to see... supernatural beings. Just like that door." Mito-san mumbled, a visible frown on her face.

At the mention of the Shinikage clan, Aki perked up in interest.

"You mean to say that the Shinikage clan lived here once?" Aki asked. Mito looked at her with wide eyes.

"Yes... well, at least legends say so... Are you connected to the Shinikage clan?" Mito-san asked back, eying the dark-haired girl in scrutiny.

"I... It's just that their history interests me." Aki half-lied, hiding the fact that she was from the main family of the Shinikage clan. After all, Wing warned her about the dangers coming with the illustrious name. But, only now that Aki encountered someone else who heard about the clan, did she realize the gravity of Wing's words.

Thankfully, Mito-san didn't press the issue. In fact, she was the one who quickly changed the topic. However, the small bit of information she got from Mito made Aki feel anxious. One way or another, there was something that connected Aki to Whale Island.

And that was what made Aki worry.


Aki and Mito-san returned from shopping by sunset's time. With the orange sun painting the grass and skies red, Aki felt another sense of nostalgia hit her. Swallowing it down, the girl tried to concentrate on what she was doing—before she gets herself injured again.


Since Gon and Killua were still cooped up, she decided to stick with Mito-san. Maybe she'd get another piece of info or two about the Shinikage clan. But, alas, it seemed like Mito-san purposely avoided any mention of the clan. In the end, Aki was forced to help Mito-san prepare a big feast (another one).

It was her first-time cooking after loosing her memories. The idea itself unnerved Aki as, she always ate at restaurants in her stay at the Heaven's Arena. Still, the girl didn't have much problem handling the knives.

The problem lied on her deranged sense of taste that disabled her from gouging whether the dishes needed more seasoning or dilution. Fortunately, Mito-san taught her throughout the process. Before long, nighttime fell and finally, Gon and Killua walked out of the room.

Both boys looked bummed—tired, even. Whatever happened to them, Aki could only imagine. Well, soon enough she'd know. But for now, it was all about festivity. Aki surprised Gon and Killua when she greeted them with plates of food on her hands.

"Hey! I cooked." Aki informed; a little excited to share the new experience. Gon's reaction was natural, patting Aki's head like the older brother he was and praising her for her efforts. Killua, on the other hand, could only tease her cooking—which ultimately gained him a kick on the shin.

"Mito-san? Why is there so many food on the table?" Gon asked. The woman smiled at him warmly.

"Well, you're leaving again, right? Who knows when you'll come back or when you'll eat good food once again? So while you're here, eat a lot." Mito-san explained with a big smile. The brunet couldn't help but feel a bit heartbroken that he was going to leave once again.

Putting that aside, however, Gon and Killua were quick to dig in. Despite everything, Gon knew it was for the best.

(A/N: Okay! Uwahhh!!! You guys are really the best! Thank you all for your support!)

~ End of #20 ~

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