Forget Me Not

By Bluesmurf0124

74.7K 1.6K 120

What if there was one person who was even stronger then Klaus? What if she was his bestfriend and grew up wit... More

Rosy like the Leaves
Henrik You Can't Die
It's Alright
Welcome Home
Our Home Once
A Dream
Ms. Mystery Girl
Formal Introductions
I WILL Kill Him
Torture Time
Time for a Ball
It's Time
Rickward Elias James
They're Here
Moving On
Another Note
Girls Night
I'm in Love with You
Thank You
Elijahs Turn
I'm Tired
Why Are You Here
So Many Dreams
Into The Fire
How Long
Nice To Meet You
My King Part - 1
My King Part - 2


3.8K 88 8
By Bluesmurf0124

It's been a few weeks since Nina told us what happened I was shocked to say the least then I meet this woman, Tatia. She was beautiful and every man in town wanted her even though she had a child. Out of all the men me and Elijah had caught her eye. We started spending most of our time trying to win her over. She was always with one of us. There were few times that we weren't with her.

***Nina 's P.O.V***
It's been a few weeks since Henrik died and I found something out about who I am. Now I would love to tell you but I can't I wasn't even supposed to tell Nik or Kol but they needed to know. A new girl moved to our little village just a day or two after Henriks death and since Nik and Elijah have spent almost all of their time with her. So normally it's just me and Kol out here in the woods. Some days Finn or Bekah will join us but their still grieving in their own way but me and Kol grieve together and comfort each other through it the way Nik and Elijah use this girl to keep their minds off of it. Non of us have seen her in a couple of days and it's now time for us all to go home to eat. Kol grabs my hand and leads me to the front door of the Mikaelsons before I pull it back with a giggle and say "Kol we are both dirty we should get clean and in proper attire before we eat". He laughs at my statement and adds "you're right little one we should get cleaned before having a meal but we best hurry up or we might get into trouble for delaying supper now do you have cloths here or do you need to go home?" but before I could respond Nik stopped and asked Kol to have a word with me. He hesitantly agreed and walked inside to get himself cleaned up. A small smile made its way to my face as I looked at Nik. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek as I said "finally I've missed you Nik". He looked confused about this but then he understood we hadn't seen much less spent time together since Tatia moved here. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my shoulder as a single tear fell from his eye. I lifted his head and wiped the tear away as he started to hold tighter to me. I was confused by all of this and asked "now Nik why are you crying?". He sniffles and then says "it's just that Henrik died then you told me what happened and then I just started spending all my time with Tatia when you and Kol needed me. I can't begin to imagine what you must think of me. Please love forgive me." by the end he was on his knees begging. I laughed a little at the sight then placed my hand on his cheek and said "Dear sweet Nik you know I could never be mad at you yes we haven't been there for each other when we need each other the most but my opinion about you could never change Nik I love you your my best friend my family and nothing could ever change that. Always and forever Nik always and forever." with a small smile that played at my lips and seriousness in my eyes. I could tell Kol was jealous by our moment and I pulled him into the hug Nik was giving me as I said "Don't worry Kol I love just as much you know this". We all hugged a final time before they went inside and Elijah approached me but my smile soon faded as I noticed the look on his face. It wasn't a look of love or even friendship it was pure hatred and that broke my heart cause Elijah was like my older brother but it didn't feel like that in this moment. Within seconds he was screaming at me. "You may be able to make my brother get on his knees and beg for forgiveness but there's nothing he should be forgiven of. We are in love with an amazing girl who will always be better than you. You say that we are your family but family doesn't beg the others for forgiveness they accept them for who they are but all you do is try to change us. You aren't our family never have been never will be. Always and forever yeah sure whatever you need to tell yourself". It broke my heart to here Elijah say those things to me and before I knew it I was running away to the woods with tears pouring from my eyes. Once I got there I collapsed to my knees and started sobbing. In the next moment I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me. I knew both sets Nik and Kol they must of heard Elijah scream at me. They pulled me into them so that I was sitting in Nik 's lap with my legs set on Kol. I finally calmed down and Nik started to speak. "It's okay love Elijah is just upset don't listen to him you are our family always have been always will be. We all love you especially us you know that. Always and forever love and that's the truth". Once he had finished Kol toke my hand and said "he's right darling you should listen to him. I love you we all do. Always and forever darling always and forever". I smiled and pulled the both of them into a hug as I said "I love you all too. Always and forever". We sat there for a few more minutes before I got up pulling the both of them up with me and we headed back to the Mikaelson house.

At dinner Elijah apologized for the things he screamed at me and screaming at me in general. I told him not to worry that he was forgiven the moment it happened that I was just hurt by what he said and gave him a hug. We sat there for a minute just hugging each other till Esther and Mikael proposed a toast to family and handed us all a glass of wine. We all drank and then I felt unbelievable pain in my chest and looked down to see a sword through it. The last thing I saw before everything went black was Mikael putting the same sword through all of his children's chest the way he did mine.

I woke up to hear chanting and see Mikael starting to wake as well. I looked at him confused then I knew what happened and what Esther was doing. She was turning us into vampires and doing another spell to erase their memories of me. I got up quickly and toke away Esthers voice with my magic but it was harder than it should be to do it. Without realizing it I had pinned her to the wall. All I could think about was sinking my teeth into her neck and drinking her blood. She could see my struggle and moved so that her neck was on full view. She smirked and said "go ahead have a drink they've already forgotten you." since my magic was wearing off quickly. Before I could move Mikael was speaking "No little warrior don't. We haven't forgotten you now let's get you out of here before you do something you regret". I turned to him and ran into his arms as he lead me away from Esther and back to the room where everyone else was starting to wake up. Standing there in the middle of the room was a girl who was bleeding. I tried to hold my self back but Mikael said "it's okay little warrior go drink her blood it's the only way to finish the spell". I nodded my head at him and walked over to the girl before I bite into her neck and drank her blood. I stopped myself after just a little bit afraid if I drank anymore I would hurt her. I backed away as the others moved towards her and I watched as they drank from her. Bekah was the only one who wouldn't do it willingly but Mikael still made her. After everyone was finished they turned to me with a question in their eyes 'who are you' and it broke me I fell to the ground in tears as Mikael came over and held me in his arms assuring me that he wouldn't forget me and would always remember. I calmed down and thanked him but said that I should go home for a little while he agreed but only if I had someone with me. Nik seemed the least confused about who I was so Mikael sent him. As we walked we noticed it was still dark and that the stars were still out so I asked Nik if we could sit outside and watch them for a while. He agreed and we set on my porch and looked at the stars till I started to fall asleep. He pulled me up and said "come on let's get you to bed before you fall asleep out here".

I woke up to hear Nik screaming. I ran downstairs to see him infront of the window slowly burning. I quickly closed the curtains so that no light was getting through a looked to see if Nik was okay. After a once over I heard the voices that I now know are the spirits of dead witches. They were wispering about how to help all of the Mikaelsons, what could harm us, what would give us strength, what me and Nik are, and somethings that I'm not supposed to let anyone know but most importantly they told me everything that the future hold in the next couple of weeks and that that I could help by giving each of them a special ring that wouldn't only allow us to walk in the daylight but would also help us stay in control and protect us from harm. They said that I was allowed to keep my magic for one reason and that was to fix the balance and bring the supernatural communities together and they were allowing me to do this because the Mikaelsons would help majorly in this. They told me the rings I would need and who to give them to and that if I did as told they would give Nik his memories back. Esther couldn't know what these rings did and I had to convince Nik to give them to everyone and say that he got them as gifts for them. Which also ment I had to get one for Esther. Esthers and Bekas look almost exactly alike. The same way mine and Niks do except ours have moonstones instead of diamonds. Elijahs would be a diamond as well except it would have gold plating instead of silver. Finns would have a black stone and Mikaels a red. Then we finally have Kols that would have a stone made of many colors. They said that the rings would be for sale at an affordable price and that they would protect me from the sun long enough for me to get them and back with a spell. I agreed and was on my way after telling Nik to stay away from anything that could let the sunlight touch his skin.

It didn't take long to get the rings and get back so the spirits didn't use to much energy. They told me what to do and how the spell worked. They also told me to keep Nik at a distance cause I could hurt him if he got to close so I told him to stay where he was. He hesitantly agreed and I started the spell. It was simple and only took a few minutes to do. Once I was finished I put mine on and gave Nik his. I then asked if he trusted me and he responded by saying "I'm not sure why but I do trust you. I have this urge to trust you, to protect you, and to listen to what you say". I smiled and told him "Okay Nik now I need you to do exactly as I say. First I need you to put this on. Good now I need you to stand right here and don't move at all no matter what unless I tell you". He nodded and slipped his ring on then stood in front of the window like I told him to. I slowly opened the curtain as I kept my eyes on Nik to make sure he didn't start to burn. When nothing happened I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him. As I was hugging him he started to get his memories back with a little extra bit so he knew he couldn't tell about the rings or my magic just that he got them as gifts for everyone. He held on tighter the more he remembered. Eventually we let go and I showed him who's ring was who's and how mine was like his. He smiled and said "I think they are amazing love and they'll all love them. Their beautiful and match each person in a certain way. Thank you for doing this for us even though they can't remember you. I love you and always will. Always and forever". "Your welcome Nik. I love you too. Always and forever. Now they can't know about about me and tell Mikael he can't say anything about it either. No matter what don't take that ring off Nik and make sure the others don't either. I have to leave town for a few weeks but I promise that as soon as this is over with I'll be back. You guys have to figure this out on your own. Nik I want you to know that even after everything that happens you will always have me. In exactly two weeks I want you to meet me in the woods and we'll talk bout everything. I can help Nik but no one can know about it not even Mikael". He agreed and promised not to tell anyone. I gave him one final hug and kiss before we left. I watched as they all admired their rings and how they all thanked Nik. After a few minutes I left but I stayed close enough to help incase something happened and Nik needed my help.

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