The Nevaeh Chronicles (A Star...

By Rebel_PrincessAlways

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Nevaeh Bridger, daughter of rebels Skylee and Ezra Bridger, was raised by her mother away from the rebellion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Big News!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapters 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note

Chapter 21

183 7 5
By Rebel_PrincessAlways

A/N: Hey guys..... time to begin ROTJ.... then well an ending.... *tears up* Oh no! Quick Disclaimer!!!


Nevaeh's POV About a year later...

I looked out the cockpit window at miles and miles of nothing but endless mounds of sand.

Despite the Falcons cooling system running at full blast, with Tatooine's blazing twin suns beating down on the vessel, well... it did little to make it comfortable. But hey it was bearable.

"Anything interesting?" Luke asked as he walked in and sat in the co-pilots seat.

"Well other then the occaionsal wind its been pretty quiet?" Luke gave a, now rare, chuckle. "How did you even grow up here?" Luke shrugged and leaned back staring at the horizon.

"It was all I knew." I followed his gaze. How one could stand living here? I had no idea, but some people couldnt understand how I lived where I did for some reason.

"Eh, I grew up surrounded by grass. You grew up surrounded sand. Guess were both clueless to eachothers early years, huh?" He glanced at me through the corner of his eyes and smiled a little.

"Yeah, I guess so." I didnt reply, I missed his wide-eyed self. Luke knew this, and I knew he was trying his best. But Vaders claim has changed him, the Jedi side of me wants to believe that it would end up being for the better. But the other half of myself told me that I miss the Farmboy who had taken my heart and caused me to fall for him, hard.

Yes. No more do I deny it. The feelings I carried for Luke had grown immensely, no longer daring to cross over the line of like and most definitely crossing over into love.

Yes. Surprise surprise, I fell for a Skywalker. I had tried so hard to forget them, to make myself feel as though they didn't exist. But there came a point when I would just be lying to myself. And it came to a point where I finally couldn't take it anymore.

And I was extremely shocked when he had told me he had felt the same, apparently our kiss on Dagobah had affected him more then I realized... oh what a day that had been...

/Flashback/ A few months earlier...

It had been a mission debriefing assigned by Leia to take place in the Falcon, just one of the many that concerned Han's rescue.

"-You can't be serious."

"I'm serious."

"I'm going to be a decoy, fine. If it wasn't it a scummy bar! You can't be serious Leia!" This is what I was agruing against for the last ten minutes. Leia had been trying to convince me to play one of those classic 'bar dwellers' to try and get the information about Hans whereabouts currently. Now I'm all up for saving, but playing that part wouldn't really fit me... especially since our target wasn't exactly a gentleman from what I had heard.

"Leia, there has to be someone better then me to do this."

"Nevaeh, you can do this. I've seen you work information out of people, they don't expect it from a girl like you. You can do this. And plus Luke, Lando, and I will be there so if something goes wrong you will be okay." I sighed and nodded my head. It was for Han, and if we want him back as soon as humanly possible, we all had to do our part. Plus I could pull off the look, the last year had kinda evened out my more feminine features, probably the universe's gift for becoming eighteen. I glanced over to Luke, oddly he had his head turned away from me, preventing me from asking his opinion.

"Okay fine. When do we leave?"

"Soon we only have a little bit of time." Chewie groweled from his place beside me. He was as anxious, if even more so, to get him back.

"Then let's waste no time." With that, everyone went to there respective posts, though Leia stayed behind.

"Nevaeh... I know you already don't care for your play in the mission... but we have to make you look the part." I already knew what she ment. I buried my head in my hands and groaned.

"Han is never going to hear the end of this whenever we find him." I grumpled, Leia gave a shake of her head and ushered me to follow her, leaving me dreading most every step.

Not long after I was actually laughing a little as Leia pulled my hair back as she told me different stories from her younger years. Apparently her mother and aunts were always trying to make her act like a proper lady, but their attempts were in vain as Leia's tomboy attitude normally won out. And considering she was Padme's daughter, and not to mention Anakin's as well, it didn't really surprise me. And despite the clothes that I was given, a skin tight sleeveless red dress that I was thankful was a just a little longer then mid-thigh, and despite the fact I had demanded I wear the dark brown jacket I always did, I kinda had abit of fun. During these last month's of searching for Han me and Leia had become friends, not as close of friends as me and Zoe or me and Luke, but eh. I couldn't ask for a miracle. Once my little transformation was complete, like clockwork, a knock sounded at the door.

"We are about to land you girls done in there?" It was Luke, Leia answered his question by opening the door and walking back to the controls. She didn't leave without giving him a greeting, but he didn't reply given he looked completely flabbergasted. I unconsciously pulled my jacket tighter around me in an attempt to hide myself, it was my alternative to digging a hole to crawl in and die. Luke quickly had recovered and cleared his throat, a light blush dawning his cheeks. "Uh.. you look-"

"You dare finish that sentence with 'nice' you, my fist, and the floor will become very acquainted with each other." I threatened, my voice flat, though I was partially joking Luke knows I would have done exactly that had he said that. He laughed a little and shook his head.

"No no no, I'm not stupid. I was going to say uncomfortable. You look uncomfortable." I laughed because he was absolutely right.

"Ugh, some people are just kungs I swear. I swear this better work or its going to be a bad day for whoever this target is."

"Wow, you really don't like that dress huh?" I nearly face palmed.

"Its not just that Luke. It's just so.. ugh! Why did it have to be some scumbag of a smuggler to be the one who might know where Han is? And why? Why of all affiliations this guy had to have was with Jabba the Hutt? If anything that's worse!" I ranted, Luke gave a shake of his head.

"Don't worry milady, if things go south I'll be right there." I small smile came to my lips at the use of my nickname. He hadn't used it much since everything that had happened on Bespin. It felt nice to hear it again.

"Well Farmboy, I'm thankful for the help." He gave a small side ways smile, but then it faltered. He looked down at the floor, as if he were refusing to look me in the eye.

"Nevaeh I've been meaning to speak with you-" He was cut off by the ship landing. I frowned a little, whatever he had to say will have to wait. I reluctantly started towards the door and when I was next to him I lightly brushed my hand on his arm.

"Well talk later, okay?" He nodded and we quickly left the Falcon, with Chewie staying behind for a quick getaway if needed. We had split off into groups, Leia and Lando would go in first and scope out the target. Once they found him they would send a signal through the com and then I would walk in. Luke would follow a few minutes after me and stay along the wall next to the entrance, just incase the target tried to leave before we could get anything out of him.

And thankfully the plan went accordingly, Leia, who had a cloak on to cover her face, and Lando were posted at a table near the bar and Luke was at his place near the door, and like Leia, he too kept his face hidden. I sat up at the bar, aimlessly twirling my hair around my finger. I hated waiting, especially since I could feel multiple eyes on me, it was unnerving. It seemed like forever before the target finally sat down next to me, he was a Zeltron he had a red, almost pink, skin tone and deep blue shaggy hair. The name he went by was Yosjai Doorna, a smuggler who worked for the infamous Jabba the Hutt.

It was time to put the plan in action. And everything fell onto my shoulders.

Yeah. No pressure there.

I turned my head to the side a little and glanced at him. He took notice and wasted no time turning to me with a smirk dawning his features.

"Why hello sweetheart, what is a fine lady like yourself doing at a place like this?" He said laying on the charm. I cringed inwardly, it was laughable really. But I had to play the part. So putting on my own charm, I smiled a little and looked up at him through my lashes. I was putting on an innocent act.

"What a girl like me can't get a drink?" He chuckled and gestured to himself.

"Only if I'm the one buying. Hey Wes! One Corellian rum and a Vosh!" He shouted to the Ithorian behind the bar, and I made sure to watch carefully, though discreetly, while he did so. I didn't need to be drugged unconscious, nor did I ever want to experience it. Once my drink was handed to me, he held his up. "Cheers?" Mimicking his action I clinked our glasses together.

"Cheers." I attempted to take a sip of my drink, but my mother was eminent on keeping her children from drinking, and I never really saw a need to drink. Boy am I glad I didn't, this stuff is terrible! It burned as it went down my throat, I held back the urge to cough it up. When I sat my drink down, I took notice at how he was looking at me. It gave me the chills, the bad kind. Unfortunately I could tell what he was thinking quite clearly, even more unfortunate I knew what I had to do. On the bright side this whole thing was almost over. So putting up my best act I looked back up at him with a small smile gracing my face. I reached out my hand to his and trace little circles over it. "So.. do you wanna go somewhere more private? To talk?" His smirk grew more as he nodded eagerly.

I felt a tremendous spike of anger through the force, while I led us over to one of the back rooms, I snuck a peek at Luke. Honestly I could have smacked him right then and there, he was trying to follow and was not doing any of it discreetly. Luckily Doorna was to preoccupied in.. other things.. to notice him.

'Luke Skywalker! Your going to blow this whole mission if you don't stay put! I can handle this. I promise if I'm in danger you will know. Stay discreet!' I chided telepathically. I didn't just punch my pride thirty times over for nothing! Once we had gotten away from the loud music of the bar, I knew it was now or never. He leaned in to kiss me, but I quickly put a hand between us.

"I said I wanted to talk." He looked at me as if I had spoken in some ancient language.


"Did I stutter?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Your a funny girl. Now shush." I frowned as my anger rose abit.

"I'm serious." He tightened his grip on me.

"Well so am I." That's it. Lando would just have to find some other way because this guy was about to get shot.

"Let go of me!" I shouted thrashing around. He didn't, all he did was laugh. Now in a different situation, any other girl would be scared out of their mind. But the opening of the door only answered what I already knew.

"She said let her go." Luke said coming to a stop behind Doorna. He did let me go but pushed me down behind him.

"Look buddy, this doesn't concern you. So leave before you get hurt." Doorna threatened. Luke, not even responding, pulled out his blaster and aimed towards him. Doorna just laughed. "Is that supposed to scare me?"

"No, but this is." I told him as I pressed my own blaster to the back of his head. He was trapped now. "Listen Doorna. You have the information we need. You going to give it to us, and just know I can tell if your lying." I prepared my blaster to shoot, letting it give a loud click. "And I don't take to kindly to people who lie to me." He stiffened a little and held his arms up in surrender.

"Okay! Okay! What do you need?"

"Han Solo's whereabouts." Luke said from under his hood.

"Solo? Don't you know his bounty was already collected?" Doorna asked confused.

"We know that! Where is he being kept? And don't play dumb!"

"Hes at Jabba's Palace! But that's all I know I swear!" Despite the terror quite literally spilling from him, since Zeltron's have the ability to share emotions, I knew he was telling the truth. So I lowered my blaster and stood next to Luke. He still looked completely terrified, relief was present on his face.

"You will forget everything about this meeting and you will never remember my face." I said waving my hand in front of his face.

"I will forget everything about this meeting and I will never remember your face." He repeated with a far away look in his eyes. With that final precaution being done I turned to leave. But sudden blaster fire stopped me in my tracks. Luke had shot Doorna!

"Luke!" I whisper shouted. He turned to me and shrugged.

"I only stunned him." I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed his arm. No doubt someone would hear and come and investigate. We had to leave now.

Sure enough, the bartender had sent someone to look, causing the need for us to run. And once abored the ship we make haste and get out of the system as quick as possible. After relying the information we had gathered, I left to change back from this horrendous dress.

Like earlier, there was a knock at the door. Except this time I was alone.

"Come in." With no second of hesitation, the door slide open and Luke stepped in. I gave him a blank look and turned my back to him. Not saying a word.

"Come on Nevaeh, don't be like that." I still had my back to him. "I can't help I wanted to protect you." I sighed and turned around.

"You were being reckless Luke. And recklessness can get you killed. I could have handled him myself, I didn't need any help." Luke frowned.

"Nevaeh, alot worse could have happened had I not came in when I did."

"Most likely not. But what if he had called for back up and that over powered us? Luke my point is you didn't even bother to hide the fact you were after somebody. That is asking for trouble. You can't do that again, you'll only be putting yourself in danger. Discussion over." I said firmly, walking back towards the door to leave.

"I was jealous." I stopped dead in my tracks. He had his back to me now, but he didn't stop talking. "I know you were only acting for the information, but I couldn't help but be jealous that the girl I love was being looked at like that by bantha fodder like him." I practically stopped breathing at this point. Luke turned to me with a slightly melancholy expression. "Nevaeh.. I.. I love you. I know it's probably way to soon and way to much to process, but I can't help it. I don't now how long I've felt like this.. probably since before Hoth. But our kiss on Dagobah made me realize how oblivious I had been to what everyone else had already figured out." I stared for a moment. I mean what could I say?

"Luke..." I had been told attachment was forbidden, therefore so was love. But I knew how he felt. Because I felt the same. During the time after Bespin when Luke had said he needed time to think, it had given me my own time. I tried to deny it, but the facts were right in front of me. So rather then saying anything, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. It was slow and meaningful. It told what words couldn't, and I felt as though Luke understood that and responded with wrapping his arms around my waist, then gently pulled me closer. When we broke for air we still kept our faces close so our noses brushed together. I wrapped my arms around him and layed my head on his shoulder. "But we are Jedi..." I mumbled, not wanting to let him go.

"I wouldn't fall to the darkside. And neither would you." He responded quietly, tightening his arms around me only slightly.

"Its a possibility though.. and you even said you had gotten jealous earlier. You stunned the man after I had made him forget." Luke sighed and turned his head so he was looking at me in the eyes.

"I know me falling would only bring you pain, not to mention countless others. I admit I was jealous, but I'm also human. I can't turn my emotions off. But I stunned him not out of my jealousy, but for the fact we needed a distraction to get away. And I didn't even think of it Lando and Chewie did." I wanted to believe it, I did. But the thought of him becoming a Sith still lingered in the back of my mind. I closed my eyes and inwardly sighed.

"Luke.. with so much at stake. I couldn't- we couldn't..." He didn't say anything for a few agonizing minutes. But he loosened his arm from my waist and moved his hands to my shoulders. Thus making me look him in the eyes once again.

"What about after the war? When we defeat The Empire and a Republic is formed? What about then?" He pleaded, oh how I wanted to say yes, but my masters words rung in my head once more. I placed my hands over his.

"Luke.. the code.."

"Nevaeh... we can't ignore what we feel because of an ancient code. If anything it would be more likely to cause one of us to fall." Though I could see his point, there were other factors at play in this theory.

"And what if one of us were killed?" I hated the thought. Who wouldn't? Luke went quiet again, but soon regained his voice.

"I would be devastated sure, but I know you wouldn't have wanted me to fall. I would learn to cope. But one is never truly gone, life does not end with death but merely changes form in the force." I could feel his words came from the heart, and I knew he meant every word. And I knew they were true. I reached out and cupped his face.

"You will make a wise Jedi." He smiled and I knew it reached his eyes. "And I do love you.. but I want this war to end.. I want the code reformed. I want to be with you, one day." He nodded.

"When the war ends and when we fix what's wrong with the code.. we will be together." I smiled.



With everything said and arriving back to the rendezvous point, we parted ways..

/Flashback Over/

Now here I was, we all devised a plan to infiltrate Jabba's Palace. After months of planning it was set in motion. Luke would take his leave soon, Lando, Leia, Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo had already left. I was in charge of the Falcon while the plan played out. And hopefully, once this was all over we would have our cocky, and not to mention arrogant, pilot back once more..

Hopefully this all works out..

A/N: There you go guys! Please tell me what you think!



~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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