The Host Club's Army Girl

By SamGunderson27

197K 5.7K 2.8K

Ayaka has always known about the damned host club, but she has never had interest in boys with too much time... More

1- Prologue
2- Today I'm a Host
3- So This is My Job?
4- Physical Exams
5- Attack of the Crazy Manager Chick
6- The Identical Fight
7- The Grade School Host is a....WHAT?
8- Mitsukuni!
9- He did Say We'd Go To The Beach
10- Lobelia Girls Are Crazy
11- Haruhi? Are you home?
12- Nekozawa has a sister?!
13- Mitsukuni's 3 Days of Horror
14- Ayaka in Wonderland
15- They Want to do an Article?
16- Karuizawa Pt. 1
17- Karuizawa Pt. 2
18- What is Kyoya Doing Here?
19-Mitsukuni's Brother
20- Lobelia Makes a Comeback
21- Halloween Fun
23- Takashi's Apprentice!
24- Friendzoned!
25- And so Kyoya Met Them
26- She's Retiring from the Host Club

27-This is Our Ouran Fair

5.3K 194 127
By SamGunderson27

3rd Person POV 

"Welcome, Sir." Kyoya said to Jaune as he set a cup of tea in front of him.

"I know you. You're the Otori family's son, aren't you? Unfortunately, you're the third son. So, you can never be the family successor." Jaune said looking up at Kyoya with green analytical eyes.

"What can I do for you today, Sir?" Kyoya asked as he ignored what Jaune was saying.

"You can tell Takashi Morinozuka to come sit with me." Jaune said seriously. Kyoya straightened his back more and suddenly turned to his left as he saw Mori pass by him.

"Mori senpai, someone to see you." Kyoya said as he stood by the table Jaune sat at. Mori nodded and sat on the chair across from Jaune.

"How are you today?" Mori asked stiffly.

"I couldn't help to notice my Ayaka seemed to have a soft spot for you." Jaune said snobbily.

"Just what are you getting at? Are you saying you're jealous of me?" Mori asked secretly hoping to get a rise out of the guy across from him.

"Oh, listen to you." Jaune smirked as he sat forward and leaned his head on his hand," Ayaka won't be coming today. I warned her that I would be upset if she ever showed her face at the host club again." Jaune said seriously, the smirk dropping off his face.

"I wonder what happened to Aya-chan." Honey said sadly as he stood by the twins, Tamaki, and Haruhi.

"I'm getting worried. Something's up with her after what she said yesterday." Hikaru looked around the room as he spoke for any small sign of Ayaka.

"As of today, Lord Jaune Tonnerre and I are officially engaged. Furthermore, I will be retiring from the host club after the fair is over." Ayaka announcement echo'd in their heads.

"All right gentlemen, no more idle chatter. Our guests are waiting for us." Kyoya warned as he walked over.

"Senpai, it's like you don't even care." Kaoru growled.

"It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our abilities. Remember, they're looking to all of us to entertain them. Their happiness is the utmost importance." Kyoya reminded them as they stood around.

"He's right, Kao-chan!" Honey said happily as he pushed Kaoru and laughed as he dragged him away.

"Honey senpai, what are you doing?!" Kaoru asked surprised.

"Come on, Hikaru." Tamaki said happily as he dragged him off as well.

"Let go boss." Hikaru strained. Kyoya looked to the table where Mori sat with Jaune. Jaune smoothly stood up and walked away with a smug smile on his face. Kyoya walked over.

"Thank you for all of your hard work, Mori senpai." Kyoya said standing behind the chair Jaune sat on. Haruhi came over.

"Are you alright Mori senpai?" She asked softly. Kyoya's father walked over slowly and stopped behind Kyoya.

"When they're young, many assume they have all the time in the world, but really. That is never the case. Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value." Kyoya's father said firmly and started walking away. Haruhi stood next to Kyoya and spoke up. Kyoya's father stopped walking.

"You don't know anything about the Host Club. Kyoya senpai works around the clock to make sure that everyone here is enjoying themselves. And did you ever stop to think that entertaining others might give each of us some fulfillment? How can you possibly say that what we do here is just a waste of our time? I don't care what you say. I think Kyoya senpai is amazing." Haruhi spoke in a strong tone, standing in Ayaka's place to defend Kyoya. Something she knew would make Ayaka happy. Kyoya's father walked away from the kids.

"I see. So that must be the honor student Kyoya told me about." Kyoya's father spoke to himself.


Jaune could hear Ayaka sing from the piano as he stood under the showerhead. Ayaka sang a song of sadness in japanese so she knew Jaune couldn't understand her lament. Her fingers danced quickly across the keys, but with none of the grace and elegance she knew Tamaki possessed. Jaune turned turned the shower off and wrapped a robe around himself and half dressed.

After he exited the bathroom he slowly approached Ayaka's back and wrapped his arms around her shoulder and rested his head in the crook of her neck. Suddenly her cell phone rang. She stopped playing and they both stared at the device before Ayaka reached for it, but Jaune snatched it away before she could touch it.

He took the cell phone and walked away from Ayaka as he inspected the caller ID. His face twisted as he saw a picture of Ayaka smiling with Mori and Honey. Jaune remembered back to his conversation with Morinozuka. 


"Ayaka won't be coming today. I warned her that I would be upset if she ever showed her face at the host club again. Tell me. Are you Ayaka's lover?" Jaune asked.

"No, Sir. Not at all." Mori responded honestly.

"I see. That's good to hear. And I guess you must mean nothing to her." Jaune said smugly.

"While I may not be her lover, I know that I'm not nothing to her." Mori said confidently.


The cell phone rang as he thought back. With a sudden movement he dropped the phone in the large fish tank to the right of the piano.

"I think it's best you'd not have any contact with your friends for a while. It'll make harder for you to leave." Jaune said calmly as he looked back to Ayaka. There was a knock at the door," Come in." Jaune said as he turned to face the door.

"There is a visitor here to see you, sir." Jaune's butler said as he bowed to him.

"Please have them come in." Jaune said calmly. Quietly Kyoya's father walked into the room.

"Mr. Ootori, why are you here?" Ayaka asked concerned as she stood from the piano bench.

"I should be asking you the same question." Kyoya's father said as he sat on a couch.

"Don't you worry about her." Jaune said as he sat on the couch opposite Mr. Ootori.

"Sir, it's a pleasure to see you again. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What are you doing here?" Ayaka asked from the piano bench.

"We're terribly sorry we had asked you to come all this way. I hope the trip hasn't burdened to you." Jaune's butler apologized as he bowed to Mr.Ootori. Mr.Ootori's assistant popped open a briefcase.

"No, on the contrary, I'm always quite happy to avoid the press. For what I understand, my medical equipment company is about to be bought out from under me by Grand Tonnerre. And you know, it probably serves Kyoya right. The company I was considering handing over to him will forever be out of his hands now." Mr.Ootori spoke stiffly.

"Excuse me sir, but there's one more thing. I have a favor to ask you." Jaune spoke slyly.


Kyoya stood by the window with his cell to his ear as he tried to call Ayaka. They were all dressed in their 18th century cosplay.

"Kyoya senpai, what's with this outfit?" Haruhi complained as she was dressed with long brown hair that was pinned back and a flowing pink dress.

"We told you, it's a costume for the special parade." Hikaru said happily.

"You look so cute, Haruhi!" Tamaki cheered.

"I don't understand. Why am I the only person dressed as a girl?" Haruhi sighed.

"Well since Ayaka senpai isn't here..."The tension in the room rose," Oh come on. It's cosplay. So, it's okay for you to dress like a girl." Hikaru tried to lighten the mood.

"I am one, you know." Haruhi deadpanned. Kyoya took the phone away from his ear and glared at it.

"Well?" Kaoru asked looking to Kyoya.

"No luck. She's not there." Kyoya said flatly as he snapped his phone shut and clutched in his hand.

"I can't believe senpai didn't show. I really thought she was gonna make it despite what he said." Haruhi said sadly. Everyone looked disheartened. Kyoya pulled out his phone again and dialed quickly.

"Hello Hanako? Been awhile, hasn't it? It's Kyoya." Kyoya said as the phone picked up.

"This is about Mistress Ayaka, isn't it? I'm sorry, Kyoya, but Ayaka will be departing for France soon. I tried to talk about her out of it, but she said that her father had finally granted her wish of inheriting the company. She also said that if she stayed at Ouran any longer, her carelessness would only continue to get you and the rest of the hosts hurt." Hanako said sadly.

"How could she be so stupid? Evidently, Ayaka is planning to go to France." Kyoya told the rest of the hosts.

"Huh?" They all looked at him shocked.

"Aya-chan is going to leave us?!" Honey said surprised.

"You're kidding me! She can't just end it so suddenly!" Hikaru said aggressively, his shoulders shaking.

"Hikaru..." Kaoru said softly looking at his brother as his shoulders shook.

"Excuse me, sir." Kyoya heard Hanako say from the end of the line.

"Yes?" Kyoya put the phone back to his ear.

"I was just thinking, if Misstress Ayaka really wanted to carry on the family company in the name of her mother, then I can only imagine she would be upset with the manner in which the mistress has chosen to leave Ouran acadamy." Hanako said quietly.

"Do you know when she's leaving, Hanako?" Kyoya asked softly.

"I'm afraid her flight is this evening." Hanako said sadly. Kyoya's eyes widened.

"Why is she leaving so soon?" He asked shocked.

"She would've left sooner, but she said she had to wait until the Ouran Fair was ending." Hanako explained. Kyoya suddenly saw a red car speed past the the window. He looked down as saw Ayaka sitting in the backseat with Jaune.

"Ayaka!" He said suddenly. All of the hosts, but Mori rushed to the window.

"Aya-chan!" Honey said loudly as if she would hear him from there spot.

"No way!" Kaoru said shocked.

"The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet!" Hikaru said angrily.

"My family's car should be in the parking lot! Takashi, let's go!" Kyoya said seriously, calling by his first name for the first time.


Kyoya ran up to his family's car with the rest of the hosts and spoke quickly to the driver.

"We're in a hurry. Can you drive us?" Kyoya asked as he leaned down to the level of the window.

"I'm sorry sir, but..." The driver spoke nervously.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Kyoya asked seriously.

"Well you see, the thing is..." The driver started to explain as members of The Black Onion Squad stepped into the hosts view.

"Do you want to tell me your orders? Let me guess. You've been hired to protect Lord Jaune." Kyoya said passively as he stood straight up from the window. Hikaru pulled Haruhi behind him and Kaoru.

"I'm truly sorry it has come to this, but as you know, as members of the Ootori Private Police, we answer to your Father." A member explained.

"Damn it!" Kyoya swore as he hit the hood of the car leaving a large dent.

"I'm terribly sorry sir, but we've been ordered not to allow any of you to leave, even if we have to stop you by force." The man explained as the soldiers flooded the parking lot. There was the rattle of the carriage of it charged the group of soldiers. They all moved out of the way as the horse charged through them. The horse bucked and almost stepped on a man.

"Hikaru, take the carriage. If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off." Tamaki said as he stepped out of the carriage. Honey jumped out and Mori followed after him.

"It's Haninozuka." A man shouted.

"And Morinozuka." Another shouted.

The twins climbed onto the carriage and got ready to go. Kyoya stepped in front of Haruhi as men approached. Honey turned to Mori and pushed him toward the carriage.

"Takashi, go get her." Honey ordered and immediately turned and kicked a man's face knocking him back into the group. Mori nodded and got back on the carriage as Hikaru snapped the reigns.

"Mitsukuni, don't go easy on them." Mori shouted to his friend. The carriage speed away.


Honey brushed the dust off his hands as Tamaki, Haruhi, and Kyoya stood at his side.

"I warned you guys, picking on my friends is big no-no!" Honey said with a giggle.

"You should never underestimate the Ouran Host Club." Kyoya said with a smirk.

"Yeah!" Tamaki agreed. Haruhi looked at the pile shocked.


Hikaru snapped the reins urging the horses to go faster as the carriage sped faster and faster down the back hills bypass. 

"Hikaru! Don't you think we should slow down!? Somebody could get hurt!" Kaoru yelled over to Hikaru.

"We're not slowing down until we get Ayaka back!" Hikaru yelled aggressively.

"But Hikaru!" Kaoru yelled back concerned.

"If it wasn't for Ayaka, then the two of us wouldn't understand that it's okay to be mistaken for each other! We were able to understand that we share an unbreakable bond, but we are also different. She taught us that because she was in the host club and to think it would all end suddenly like this, is something that I can't tolerate." Hikaru explained to his brother urgently. Mori looked at the back of Hikaru's head surprised.

Suddenly the carriage dipped into a pothole and the carriage went air borne. Kaoru and Mori held on tightly. Hikaru was thrown off the carriage and landed harshly in a pumpkin patch. The carriage skidded to a halt.

"No Hikaru!" Kaoru looked for his brother and jumped out of the carriage going to his side," Hikaru, Hikaru! Hikaru, are you okay? Is your arm hurting you?" Kaoru asked quickly.

"This can't be the end, Ayaka. It's just not fair. The host club is the only thing that made us happy. It's not right if she's not there. Damn it." Hikaru cursed as he held his arm and leaned into his brother's chest. Mori watched them from the carriage.

"Hikaru..." Kaoru whispered. As Takashi looked at the twins together in the pumpkin patch Ayaka's voice rang in his head.

"I have a sixth sense for protection over my family."

Takashi turned to the driver's spot on the carriage and jumped into it. Takashi discarded his long dark blue topcoat and his hands quickly took up the reins. He urged the horses forward.

"What is he doing?" Hikaru asked as he watched the carriage kick up dust as it took off.


"What's the matter, Ayaka? You haven't said a word since we left. You're a host, aren't you? Come on. Entertain me." Jaune said smugly happy. Ayaka turned and faced him seriously.

"I have a question. Are you sure about this? Will you even be happy to married to me, or are you just following orders?" Ayaka asked him as the fancy red car approached a bridge. Takashi looked over the edge of the hill and saw Ayaka sitting in the red car with Jaune. He urged the horses to go faster as he jumped the carriage onto the road behind the car. Ayaka and Jaune turned around in the car. Ayaka rose from her seat.

"Takashi!" Ayaka called shocked. Jaune looked worried as he saw the determination on Takashi's face.

"That's Takashi Morinozuka?" Jaune asked surprised.

"What are you doing, Takashi?! This is dangerous! Stop the carriage, now!" Ayaka called to Takashi as the carriage followed the car onto the bridge and ran even with the car.

"Ayaka! Please come back to Ouran!"He shouted.

"I mean it! Stop the carriage!" Ayaka said sternly.

"All of us are completely lost without you, Ayaka!" Takashi told Ayaka firmly.

"But...I'm careless and I can't protect you at all." Ayaka said to him.

"You really are an idiot! What's wrong with you!? After all this time we've been together, you still can't see that we're all safe!? Everyone in the host club loves you Ayaka! We all need you there! Even I do Ayaka. Please come back with me." Takashi yelled to her. He slowly let go of one of the reins and held his hand out to Ayaka with a warm smile. Ayaka slowly reached her hand out as well.

Jaune's hand reached out and held Ayaka's arm. He looked at her sadly as she looked down on him. The horses whinnied and the carriage was slammed against the railing of the bridge. Takashi wobbled on the carriage and fell off the side of the carriage and over the railing of the bridge.

"Takashi!" Ayaka called as she watched him slide over the edge. Jaune watched shocked as Takashi fell. He bit his lip as he made a decision and pulled his hand away from Ayaka. Ayaka smiled softly and spoke with a gentle whisper to Jaune as she went to Takashi. Jaune looked up surprised as tears formed in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. Ayaka jumped from the car.

"Takashi!" Ayaka yelled and reached for his hand.

"Ayaka!" Takashi called and reached for her hand as well. Their hands clasped together and Takashi pulled Ayaka into his chest and wrapped his arms around her back. They looked at each the final moments before they hit the water and Takashi leaned in and kissed Ayaka softly. They closed their eyes and reveled in their moment as they hit the water below the bridge together.


"That was reckless, Takashi. You have to be more careful. You could have gotten seriously hurt." Ayaka said playfully as Takashi carried her to the shore. He smiled at her behavior.

"A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks." Takashi joked as he walked. Ayaka looked at him surprised before smiling.

"Learn that one from Tamaki?" She asked as Takashi let go of her legs so she could stand on her own. They smiled happily to each other.

"Aya-chan! Takashi!" Mitsukuni called with a giggle as he raced down to two of them. She saw the scrapes on his face and the dirt of his clothes.

"Hey Ayaka!" The twins called as they ran down too. Ayaka noticed that Hikaru's arm was in a sling. Haruhi followed with Tamaki and Kyoya.

"Oh man, you're a moron." Kyoya said lightly as he pushed his glasses up with his other hand. She saw that his other hand was wrapped up. Ayaka looked each of them before tears came to her eyes. They dripped off her chin. She swiped at them quickly and sniffled. The hosts looked at her worriedly and shocked.

"What's wrong Ayaka?" Takashi asked softly behind her. She buried her face in her hands.

"You're all hurt....because of me." She said softly as she looked up and to each of the hosts. Ayaka was surprised when she felt a hug around her waist and looked down. Mitsukuni was hugging her with his face buried in her stomach. He looked up with a smile.

"Don't cry Aya-chan. You're with your family and we're all safe now." Mitsukuni chuckled and smiled happily. Ayaka looked at him surprised before she felt another pair of arms around her. Takashi. Kaoru and sort of Hikaru. Haruhi, Tamaki, and Kyoya. All of the hosts wrapped their arms around Ayaka as she cried silently and returned their hug.


Classical music played as the courtyard was lit softly by lights. Mitsukuni spun Ayaka around quickly as his way of dancing with her. Ayaka's black dress flared out wildly as Mitsukuni's hand disconnected with her's as she was left spinning.

A cool hand took her's and a hand sat on her waist as Kaoru took Mitsukuni's place. He danced with Ayaka gracefully.


"I'm sorry that we've caused you concern. It looks as though Grand Tonnerre will not be purchasing my company after all. An unexpected backer turned up. They bought the company before Tonnerre had a chance. And the backer said he would turn all the management rights over to me." Mr.Ootori explained as he sat in the Chairman's dark office.

"That was a bold move. Which funds manager was it?" The Chairman asked as we watched his students dance out the window of his office. Kaoru passed Ayaka off to Hikaru as he danced with Ayaka using one hand. Ayaka smartly placed her hand very lightly in the crook of Hikaru's neck. They danced gently.

"A student investor called K.O. He cleverly left his name out of the deal, but it didn't take me long to figure it out who it was. K.O. is Kyoya Otori. The new backer was none other than my own son." Mr.Ootori said firmly with a trace of happiness.

"At least, we know we don't have to worry about the future. I thought I knew how brilliant Kyoya was but it seems he's even smarter than I thought." The Chairman spoke of Kyoya in good light. Hikaru passed Ayaka off to Haruhi. They smiled to each other and Ayaka swirled Haruhi around.

"Maybe so, but I think your son is the one who's truly amazing. I am responsible for the entirety for Kyoya's education. I always knew he would surpass his older brothers some day." Mr. Ootori spoke lightly. Haruhi passed Ayaka over to Tamaki and he smiled at her as they danced.

"However, I must say I'm shocked. While I can imagine Kyoya taking over a company, I never dreamed he would turn around and give it right back to its original owner. As Kyoya grew up, I was constantly dangling the Ootori family company in front of his face, torturing him with something he could not have. Now, not only has he taken it out from under me by force but he's basically told me he doesn't want it and thrown it back in my face. Do you understand what that means? It means he's finally found it. He's found something that has even greater value to him, and that's probably thanks to Tamaki." Mr.Ootori looked to the Chairman. Tamaki bowed as he separated from Ayaka. She turned to face Takashi and was about to take his hand, but Kyoya stepped in and swepped Ayaka away with a playful smirk on his face. Ayaka chuckled to herself.

"Though our company sometimes causes us to compete, I think we'll get along just fine from now on." The Chairman said happily.

"Agreed. I think we can get along famously, just like our two sons do. I almost forget. There was one thing I wanted to run by you. The Yamaguchi daughter. Ayaka was it? I think she would make a wonderful bride for my Kyoya in the future. I just wanted you to know my intentions." Mr. Ootori said firmly with a light playfulness.

"Well, fortunately, it looks like we are going together along after all." The chairman said with a certain cheerfulness as he looked down and saw his son dancing with Haruhi. Kyoya stopped dancing with Ayaka and turned her around in his arms before shoving her in the direction where Takashi waited. He caught Ayaka's shoulders and they looked at each other happily.

Takashi pulled Ayaka close as he placed a hand on the small of her back and laced their fingers together. Ayaka smiled as she held Takashi's hand and rested her other hand on his shoulder. They danced gracefully as the guests watch them with hearts in their eyes. They stared at each other softly as the sky started to fill with fireworks.

The hosts gathered around them and they all watched the fireworks together. Ayaka glanced at Takashi out of the corner of her eyes and nudged him with her arm. He looked down at her and she motioned him to come closer. As Takashi leaned down Ayaka leaned over and kissed him.

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Ouran academy. The Ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Think of it as Ouran academy's elegant playground for the the super rich and beautiful." Tamaki said happily.

"Remember, you're welcome to visit us in music room 3 whenever you would like to." Ayaka said happily as she sat in the middle of the hosts on a chair.

"The ouran host club will be waiting for you." The hosts said in unison.

"And we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Ayaka placed a hand on her heart and spoke to the fanfic readers.

"We'll see you then." The hosts closed out.

~The End~


Dear god there were sooo many tears while I wrote this last chapter. I know I created Ayaka as my own character, but now I have an accidental shipping problem. Another problem I have is that now I can't watch Ouran without without wondering when Ayaka is going to come in, so shit!

An idea I had while I was coming to the end of this fic was writing a smut chapter. Just comment or vote for this chapter if you want to see a smut between Ayaka and Takashi. I might just write it for shits and giggles if I feel like it and put it in my one shots book. Idk! Hope you like this fic.

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