The Host Club's Army Girl

By SamGunderson27

197K 5.7K 2.8K

Ayaka has always known about the damned host club, but she has never had interest in boys with too much time... More

1- Prologue
2- Today I'm a Host
3- So This is My Job?
4- Physical Exams
5- Attack of the Crazy Manager Chick
6- The Identical Fight
7- The Grade School Host is a....WHAT?
8- Mitsukuni!
9- He did Say We'd Go To The Beach
10- Lobelia Girls Are Crazy
11- Haruhi? Are you home?
12- Nekozawa has a sister?!
13- Mitsukuni's 3 Days of Horror
14- Ayaka in Wonderland
15- They Want to do an Article?
16- Karuizawa Pt. 1
17- Karuizawa Pt. 2
18- What is Kyoya Doing Here?
19-Mitsukuni's Brother
21- Halloween Fun
23- Takashi's Apprentice!
24- Friendzoned!
25- And so Kyoya Met Them
26- She's Retiring from the Host Club
27-This is Our Ouran Fair

20- Lobelia Makes a Comeback

3.3K 120 33
By SamGunderson27

3rd Person POV

"Haruhi-chan, please come out and play!" The twins, Tamaki, and Honey sang in unison outside of Haruhi's apartment. Ranka tiredly opened the door and looked at them confused. The hosts froze.

"Sorry we have the wrong apartment!" Tamaki apologized as the hosts walked away.

"Hey, hey, wait a second!" Ranka called before going after them and dragging them to the apartment," Don't act so traumatized cause you've seen me without my makeup on. Even trannies get stubble first thing in the morning, which is more than I can say for any of you." Ranaka said as he sat on the front step of the apartment.

"You're so funny! Ha! ha! ha! My dear Ranka, I hope this day finds you in excellent health." Tamaki said happily ass he held up a present of assorted cakes box. Ranka stood up immediately and upper cutted Tamaki then grabbed the box happily. He slammed his foot down on Tamaki's head holding his face to the ground," Ranka, please...That's my head..." Tamaki strained.

"Oh, silly me! I forgot my manners. Please forgive my appearance. It's so wonderful to see all of you." Ranka said politely as she started to open the box of cakes.

"Is Haru-chan and Aya-chan here?" Honey asked.

"I'm afraid not. Ayaka came here earlier to pick up Haruhi. They're out with the girls today. They picked her up this morning and you know women, heaven only knows when they'll be back." Ranka laughed lightly.

"So they're not here?" Honey asked sadly.

"Well, I guess Haruhi is entitled to spend time with her old friends from middle school once in awhile. And Ayaka would probably like to spend some times with girls." Tamaki said dizzily as he got up from the floor. The hosts walked out of the doorway of the apartment.

"I can't believe they have other friends." The twins say snottily as they walk away.

"This is why I was against a surprise visit." Kyoya sighed.

"You know, come to think of it, I'm not sure that I recognized any of their new friends. But then again, you never can tell, can you? They always made new friends together easily. Just imagine it, my little girls out and about with students from Lobelia Academy." Ranka said happily as he ate a small cake. The hosts froze and rushed back to the apartment door.

"Did you say..." Tamaki put a hand on Ranka's shoulder.

"Lo-" Hikaru said, color draining from his face.

"be-" Kaoru spoke, his color drained as well.

"li-" Tamaki said his face draining of color.

"-aah!" The twins and Tamaki said together terrified.


"Lobelia." The three girls sang together.

"St. Lobelia Academy, high school 2nd-year, Benio Amakusa." Benio introduced herself.

"2nd-year student, Chizuru Maehara." Chizuru introduced herself.

"And, 1st-year Hinako Tsuwabuki." Hinako introduced herself.

"Together, we are St. Lobelia Academy's illustrious white lily league, also known as..." Benio said dreamily.

"The Zuka club!" The three said together boldly.

The three club members walked down the crowded hall filled with fan club members.

"Oh lady Benibara, good morning to you!" The fangirls called.

"Why good morning, my dears. You look ravishing." Benio complimented them with a smile. Benio was stopped by a girl with a wicker basket in her hands.

"I, I took it upon myself to prepare lunch for you today, lady Benibara. It's your favorite, little octopus-shaped cocktail wienies!" The girl blushed and held out the basket. Benio frowned for a moment.

"Thank you.Oh, the irony. Why my dear, you are just as red and adorable as the octopus. Could it be you wish for me to feast on you?" Benio asked as she held the girl's chin. The girl flushed red and sighed dreamily. The fans got more riled up seeing Benio's actions.

"Lady Benibara, I volunteer to be eaten!" They screamed.

"Simmer down, people!" A guard member of the fan club enforced.

"Keep your places in line!" Another guard said.

"Hey, I said no passing notes without permission!" A guard yelled strictly.

"Please remain calm, everyone! Those in front, crouch down!" A guard shouted.

"Your fan club executives certainly run a tight ship. They must be exhausted." Chizuru said lightly.

"I don't envy them one bit." Hinako said with a smile.

"Chizuru, where is our guests?" Benio asked as they entered the club room.

"In the changing room, of course." Chizuru said leaning on a arm of a couch.

"How are those sizes?" Hinako asked opening the curtain on the two kidnapped girls changing. Ayaka stood straight as she finished tying Haruhi's light yellow bow on her Lobelia uniform. They looked at the first year. Their eyes widened when they saw them.

"You're gorgeous, maidens. I mean, Ayaka and Haruhi." Benio complimented the two.

"You look absolutely beautiful!" Chizuru cried as she latched onto Ayaka's arm.

"You look like a princess ripped from the pages of a fairy tale!" Hinako fawned over Haruhi.

"You think so? I'm not really a fan of long skirts, but I guess..." Ayaka swished the knee long skirt studying herself in the mirror.

"Oh my dear, you two and those uniforms were destined for each other. It's most befitting for innocent girls like you. Yes, ones still unfamiliar with young love's first tender kiss." Benio wrapped herself around Ayaka and tapped her lip. Ayaka jolted surprised.


"Oh! Oh no! What if the Zuka Club entices them to do something outrageously scandalous?!" Ranaka cried with his hands on his cheeks.

"Entices them?" Tamaki questioned.

"Something scandalous?" Honey questioned.

"Just suppose Ayaka, for example, is forced to kiss somebody!" Ranka gave a terrible example. The club members jolted. Tamaki flushed as he imagined it, Haruhi having to kiss somebody.

"As I recall.." Hikaru thought back.

"There was that dance party where..." Kaoru said. Tamaki jumped up and tied up the twins so they could say anything.

"Aren't they a laugh?" Tamaki joked.

"Just what exactly goes on at that Host Club of yours, Suoh?" Ranaka asked condescendingly.

"Why, nothing that a loving father and guardian wouldn't approve of..." They glared at each other for a moment, before Tamaki stood up and declared," We must rescue Haruhi and Ayaka without delay!"


"Maidens!" Benio fawned as the trio coddled Ayaka and Haruhi.

"Hey, will you wait a minute?! Stop it! Get off! Now hold on!" Ayaka growled pushing the trio off of the both of them.

"Could someone explain it to us? 'Cause one moment, we're on my way to go shopping and the next, we're brought here." Haruhi sighed.

"The three of you have about as much subtlety as the Host Club does." The two sighed looking at each other as they stood there together.

"How dare you maidens?! We are nothing like those idiots!" Benio shouted," Oh, forgive my outburst! It's only natural for you to be upset Haruhi, after all in our haste, we whisked you away this morning in your night shirt." Benio apologized to Haruhi.

"Those weren't pajamas, you know. That happens to be the way I usually dress." Haruhi explained with a deadpanned expression.

"All theatrics aside maidens, we have a small favor to ask of you. As you may know, one of our responsibilities in the Zuka Club is to arrange a regular performance of musical numbers and original plays." Benio explained with a reminiscent smile.

"Today is called the Pink Carnation Day when we celebrate the birth of the White Lily League's founder by putting on the most glorious production of the entire year. We've been rehearsing non-stop in preparation for today's performance." Chizuru explained standing behind the pair.

"Tragically, the lead actress in our play was in a terrible accident and is currently in the hospital. But even so, without her, you know what they say, the show must go on. Which means..." Hinako hinted.

"This is your big opportunity to be apart of the theater!" The three said excitedly.

"We can't. Not a chance. We're sorry." Haruhi denied quickly, but Ayaka stared at them, thinking about it.

"You would both only have to memorize a handful of lines. For most of the play, the character you'll be portraying is silent." Benio explained flicking her short brown hair aside.

"The role is actually more symbolic than anything." Chizuru added.

"She just stands there looking beautiful. Which either of you could pull off." Benio said politely.

"You can manage that now, can't you? We promise it'll be the easiest thing ever." Hinako said happily.

"We'll let ourselves out. Come on Senpai." Haruhi grabbed Ayaka's hand and opened the door.

"Oh!" Benio screamed, Ayaka turned around quickly," Forgive me! I will forever fall short of your legacy! You must be so ashamed! Oh, mother!" Benio collapsed on the floor and spoke lightly.

"Benio..." Chizuru sighed pulling out a handkerchief and wiped her own tears.

"Don't talk like that!" Hinako laid a hand on Benio's shoulder.

"So then, your mother..." Ayaka spoke.

"Benio's late mother was a distinguished performing graduate of Saint Lobelia Academy, prominent of the White Lily League. To this day it's said no woman looks lovelier in men's clothing." Chizuru explained.

"That's right! To honor her, we celebrate Pink Carnation Day with the same flare for pageantry that made the woman's name so enormous with the Zuka Club. Her whole life, Benio has dreamed of nothing more than to follow in her mother's footsteps!" Hinako added.

"If today's performance is canceled, that dream will be dashed against the craggy shores of fate." Benio cried ass she stood up and looked away from the two girls at the door.

"That sounds just awful..." Haruhi sympathizes. Ayaka slipped her hands out of Haruhi's and walked further into the room.

"It's only a handful of lines, right?" Ayaka asked bravely. The three looked at her.


"If our girls are held captive in there, I'm not going to sit back and do nothing. But we have to play it cool. The Zuka Club is ruthless. Once you become tangled in their web of lies, you can go bankrupt trying to get yourself out again." Ranka explained leaning against the metal fence of Lobelia Girls Academy.

"How do you know so much, sir?" Honey asked.

"Haruhi and Ayaka don't really seem like the type that would get involved with their kind." Kyoya said, putting his hand in his pocket.

"You're right. But, neither did Kotoko. She'd always seem like she was such a strong woman. But Mai was fully into the White Lily League" Ranka sighed.

"Kotoko? Mai?" The twins questioned.

"Haruhi and Ayaka's late mothers. Someone Haruhi's always looked up to very much and unconsciously attempts to imitate. Ayaka's mother on the other hand was a movie star. There may be some connection between them and the infamous Zuka Club." Kyoya explained.

"I was so blind then. Mai had introduced us. We were newlyweds and I was in love." Ranka started," One day, while cleaning, I discovered my wife's dirty little secret. Her collection of Zuka Club memorabilia! There were pictures of her and Mai performing together!" Ranka said shocked himself. The hosts looked at him in terror and shock.

"What are we going to do?" Hikaru asked quickly.

"What if Haruhi and Ayaka want to join the Zuka Club so they can be more like their Mothers?" Kaoru said just as quickly.

"Don't worry. Our girls are worth a small fortune in cute." Tamaki said slyly. Tamaki suddenly when into his own imagination.

"I know I'm as flat as a board." Haruhi said covering her chest with a white sheet.

"And we've never done this before.." Ayaka said blushing as she covered her own chest as well.

"But if you'd just take pity on us." They spoke shyly together.

"That's even worse!" The twins and Tamaki snapped at the fantasization.

"Kyoya, order us some Lobelia uniforms right now! We're going undercover!" Tamaki shouted at Kyoya. Ranka kicked him in the side sending Tamaki flailing to the sidewalk.

"Overruled! Men who only dress in women's clothing recreationally are an insult to us professionals. You don't want to insult me, do you? Do you?" Ranka asked menacingly as he stepped on Tamaki's head," Now, listen up! To infiltrate Lobelia, you'll have to do exactly as I tell you! Exactly!" Ranaka said sneakily.


"Oh, Marianne, how many lonely nights have I prayed that we'd be together again and how many times are the powers that be demanded that we remained apart? That our love is forbidden..." Benio spoke deeply as she walked toward Ayaka.

"Oh my lord Frederick." Ayaka sighed, wiping at an imaginative tear.

"Oh! I'm slain by this fatal gunshot wound! Alas, I'm to draw breath no more." Benio collapsed on the wooden floor and held herself up on her elbow. Ayaka went to Benio's side and took her in her arms.

"My lord Frederick." Ayaka spoke softly, brushing some of Benio's hair out of her face and held her cheek.

"Marianne, with your arms holding me close, all this pain becomes not. I am overwhelmed with peace. Lovely angel, your gaze is my paradise and you are the very image of my beloved Mother." Benio spoke as the girls on the side lines watching wiped at their tears. Dancers appeared behind Ayaka and Benio.

"This guy is sure to talk a lot when someone is supposed to be dying. I wonder how long he can hold out. I think there be time to get a doctor or something." Haruhi thought at she leaned on a table with a cd player on it.

" My lord Frederick." Ayaka responded.

Outside the window the hosts looked in on the practice with surprised faces.

"Can you see them? What's happening?" Honey asked shaking Tamaki's shoulder.

"It looks as though Ayaka's playing the heroine of some sentimental tragedy. And..." Tamaki said flatly.

"My lord Frederick." Ayaka said gently smiling sadly as she brushed her thumb on Benio's cheek. Benio looked at Ayaka surprised and laid her hand on Ayaka.

"She doing really well... Better than we expected.." The hosts said surprised.

"Even I'm surprised. She's almost as good as her mother." Ranka said surprised.

"Someone, please make her stop." Hikaru said.

"How many times is she going to repeat that line?" Tamaki asked. Ayaka stood up away from Benio.

"I think she's about to start singing." Kaoru said surprised. All of the hosts looked in the window surprised and curious.

"It's been years since I've heard Ayaka sing." Ranka said gently. The music started playing and Ayaka pulled a script out of the pocket of her skirt.

"Here, in this moment, I am losing nothing. Even if you leave me, I won't be alone. Because love has taught me that this life is still worth living and the skies above can't stop me..." Ayaka said evenly. Suddenly the music stopped and so did Ayaka. She looked around the room and froze when she noticed everyone staring at her. The hosts looked into the window surprised by Ayaka.

"I had no idea Aya-chan could sing." Honey was the first to speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my foot got tangled up in the cord." Haruhi apologized quickly.

"Be careful." Chizuru advised her. Ayaka cleared her throat and kept singing.

"Hey newbies! If you want to be apart of the Benibara fan club, you have to follow the rules! Now up on your feet! To be a full fledged member, your contact must be on approach at all times! Now all together! With enthusiasm! Let me hear those fan club mantras!" A club executive yelled at the hosts. The hosts stood shoulder to shoulder and faced the fan club.

"Benibara funs and host club members: Lady Benibara, please hang in there for your adoring fans today! Lady Benibara, you look magnificent! Lady Benibara, please hang in there for your adoring fans today!" The hosts repeated to the fan club as the fans said them with harsh energy.

"Okay, now that I worried, what's the rest of your plan?" Tamaki whispered urgently to Ranka.

"Blend in! If you want to get close to the Zuka club, you got to prove you're die hard fan. And watch yourself. These girls get pretty competitive even more than you could imagine." Ranka said seriously.

"Right, let's give a rest." The leader said. The twins and Honey sighed and sat on the ground, exhausted.

"Glad to have you, newbies!" A girl with purple ribbons in her hair said happily. Two girls walked up to the hosts.

"What do you like most about Lady Benibara?" The second girl asked. Mori and Tamaki stood there surprised.

"Oh ho! Only everything! The way she walks and sings and the way she looks in coat tails! Why even the shape of her head!" Ranka butted in and listed off some things.

"He's got blending in with the ladies down to in an art!" The twins muttered.

"I'm just so excited to see the play! It's supposed to be a tragedy." The girl with ribbons explained.

"It's called the Senorita's Love. Lord Frederick fakes his own suicide as revenge against his father for coming between he and his lover Marianne, but the gun he uses is supposedly filled with blanks is actually filled with live rounds!" The other girl added.

"Oh, that's so terrible." The girl with ribbons sighed with her hand on her heart.

"I have my suspicions about the girl playing Marianne though." The other girl said suspiciously.

"Whoever she is, if she ruins Lady Benibara's play, our very own maiden warriors will be waiting patiently in the wing to critique her performance." The club exec. said boldly and motioned to the girls hidden in the shadows standing threateningly. .

"If Ayaka and Haruhi have to put on a performance in front of these psychos, they'll be done for." Hikaru said shocked.

"Ayaka can't fight off all of them." Honey said surprised.

"My little girls!" Ranka said horrified.

"Don't you worry. We're going to get her out of that place. And yet, even as we speak, the curtain's rising is nearly upon us." Tamaki said strongly.


The hosts moved between rows of seats in the White Lily Theatre.

"So, you've found your way in after all, you vulgar and incompetent host club." Benio said venomously from one of the balconies, she turned around," My dears, it's almost time! Now I'm counting on you. Remember. I want us to think of today as our audition for the Crimson Goddesses!" Benio beamed at Haruhi and Ayaka.

"Hold on. Where did Kyoya run off to?" Ranka asked the group as he noticed Kyoya wasn't with them.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen him in a while." Tamaki agreed. Everyone looked around for him. Honey pointed to the back of the theatre to the control room.

"Hey look! He's up there!" Honey said.

"It is such an honor having one of the Otori boys dropping by to pay us a visit." The woman gushed as she lead Kyoya into the control room.

"That jackass..." Tamaki whispered.

"He moves quickly." Kaoru nodded.

"Very nice setup. And that's the orchestra pit I take it?" Kyoya wondered.

"That's right. And just above that, we have our fully equipped digital backdrop. Here, let me show you. We can project any high resolution image and use it as part of the scenery without unnecessary set changes. Isn't technology just amazing?" The woman spoke happily.

"Yes." Kyoya said with a gleam in his eyes.

Soon the theatre doors slammed open and girls rushed in screaming. The hosts were pushed flat against the wall. The girls screamed in their seats.

"At this point, we'll just have to rescue them mid show." Tamaki said as the lights went off.

"Here's her entrance." Mori said looking to the stage. All of the hosts looked. A spot light flashed on and Ayaka was in the middle with long cascading black hair on her shoulders. She wore a navy blue victorian dress with beautiful makeup.

"Ah, I can see the sky, the sun..." She began singing. The hosts stared in shock.

"Beautiful. My little girl looks beautiful." Tamaki whispered.

"She looks so happy." The twins cried.

"Enough! We're getting her out of here right..." Tamaki started, but Ranka stopped him.

"Wait. Just look at her up there. She's so much more radiant than she was in rehearsal." Ranka pointed out.

"Well, her cheeks are rosier." Mori said.

"That'd be the makeup." Hikaru reason.

"Her skin looks like it's glowing." Honey pointed out.

"That'd be the lights." Kaoru said.

"You're right. We can't interfere in the middle of her performance. She's having the time of her life. Let her have her moment. We can sneak her out of here after words." Tamaki reasoned. The hosts watched the play.

"Oh, my lord Frederick!" Ayaka said sadly wiping at her face.

"I am slain by this fatal gunshot wound! Alas, I am to draw breath no more..." Benio said as she fell on the stage.

"My lord Frederick!" Ayaka held Benio in her arms and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Marianne, with your arms holding me close, all this pain becomes not. My soul is overwhelmed with peace." Benio claimed.

"The kiss scene is coming up!" A girl whispered.

"But the scene falls just short of their embrace, right?" Another girl asked.

"Of course. Lady Benibara would never actually kiss her." A girl clarified.

"Kiss scene?" Mori pondered in his head.

"In the Senorita's Love, lord Frederick fakes suicide to take revenge against his father for coming between he and his lover Marianne." The girl's voice from before echo'd in Mori's head.

"Kiss scene... Revenge?" He muttered to himself.

"Ah, and yet, the love I bare for you and the desire I have for revenge are not things which can so simply be forgotten." Benio said purposely. Suddenly a spotlight was shone on the hosts.

"Ranka? And the host club?" Ayaka questioned as Ayaka stood up. Benio grabbed Ayaka's wrist and pulled her into her chest.

"Right before their eyes, I'll steal your first kiss..." Benio said bravely. Ayaka looked up at her," All for the sake of revenge." Benio said venomously.

"No, Lady Benibara!" A girl cried.

"You can't really kiss her!" Another girl whined.

"Never in a million years will we allow Ayaka to be used in such a despicable way!" Tamaki yelled as he ran on stage,"Banana!?" He questioned as he slipped.

"Victory is mine, you poor incompetent buffoon! Now behold while we embrace." Benio said boldly as they rose from the stage on a motorized pedestal.

"My love..." Benio whispered as she cupped Ayaka's cheek.

"You're crazy, lady." Ayaka strained.

"Yes, please forward that photo to me immediately." Kyoya said into the cell. The woman that was showing him around was distracted by the shoulder message she was getting.

"Stop it! Get off of me!" Ayaka pushed Benio away from her. The screen dropped down behind them. A picture appeared. Ayaka looked at the picture of her kissing Kanako terrified.

"Oh no!" Benio looked horrified by the picture. Haruhi ran out on stage to see what was happening. She looked at the screen and deadpanned.

"That picture is from the dance party..." Tamaki muttered.

"So, as you see..." Hikaru started.

"Ayaka's already had her first kiss." Kaoru explained.

"Aya-ka! So was that what those are in that degenerate Host Club?!" Ranka said angrily as her guardian figure.

"Hearing that from Haruhi's transvestite Father..." Hikaru shrugged as he ran behind Ranka.

"Seems kind of ironic." Kaoru copied his brother's actions.

"You're going to give me details this instant, young lady!" Ranka hissed as he ran on stage. Suddenly all three slipped on banana peels and landed on top of Tamaki.

"Maiden, you mean to tell me!" Benio reached for Ayaka, but she dodged her grasp and went to the edge of the platform. She hesitated as she looked down.

"Ayaka! Jump down!" Mori stood at the bottom of the risen platform with his arms out. Ayaka nodded and jumped. He caught Ayaka easily and they looked at each other.

"No!" Benio shouted from the top of the platform.

"Ayaka, how could you do this to your adoring transvestite guardian!?" Ranka asked as he rose from the floor. Mori started to run off stage with Ayaka in his arms. Haruhi saw that and headed in the same direction.

"Not so fast, maidens!" Chizuru and Hinako said in unison with their arms out. Tamaki slowly rose from the floor. Suddenly Benio jumped down and kicked him down again.

"Don't let them go! This is not over yet! I'll just take the other one's first kiss." Benio shouted. Mori turned around and hauled it off stage with Ayaka holding tightly.

"Hurry up guys! It's time to go home." Ayaka called over Mori's shoulder as he ran out of the theatre. The hosts ran after them and the Zuka club chased after.

"Man, all I wanted to do today was go shopping with Haruhi..." Ayaka complained as she saw that the Zuka club wasn't giving up.

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