The Understanding (Bk 1 Otago...

By DeeJCooper

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Cassie finds herself involved in a peaceful protest about recent hospital budget cuts. But it then turns into... More

c copyright. Chapter 1- The Protest
Chapter 2- Leaving the Night Behind.
Chapter 3- Sports Game
Chapter 4- The Encounter
Chapter 5- The Gym
Chapter 6- A Night Out
Chapter 7- The invitation
Chapter 8- Holidays Begin
Chapter 9- Dedication
Chapter 10- All on the table
Chapter 11-The Question
Chapter 12 - Meet the family
Chapter 13- The Answer
Chapter 14- Mid Winter Christmas
Chapter 15- Sleep Over
Chapter 16- The Date
Chapter 17-Part of the Family
Chapter 18- Time with Friends
Chapter 19- Sharing the News
Chapter 20- Coping with a Night Out
Chapter 21-The Fall Out
Chapter 22- Out of character
Chapter 23- Guilt and Uncertainty
Chapter 24- PeaceKeepers
Chapter 25- Surprises all Round
Chapter 26- Being Together
Chapter 27- Welcome home Party
Chapter 28- Boys Talk
Chapter 29- Re-Run
Chapter 31- Wedding Party
Chapter 32- The Beginning
Authors Note
draft Friday Afternoon
draft chapter 6- The Interview
draft chapter 5- Police Cells
draft Chapter 4- Night Over
draft Chapter 3- The Rescue
draft chapter 2- Police Action

Chapter 30- Coming Together

502 26 4
By DeeJCooper

Too much had happened.  My head was fit to burst my hands were pressed on each side of my face and I couldn't stop grinning. That is how Lara found me when she rushed into the room, closely followed by Rachel and Alyssa.

"He did it, didn't he!   Asked you and you said ...YES!" Lara jumped up and down excitedly grabbing my hands. Rachel wrapped me in a gentle hug. "I am so happy for you.  You look amazing."

There had been so much to think about that it hadn't crossed my mind, but the dress Max had sent me was clearly meant as a wedding dress! I smiled at the excitement on the girls faces. 

"Do you like my wedding dress?" I asked as I did a twirl. They all burst out with comments. I got caught up in the preparations for going  downstairs. Alyssa grabbed her hair irons to touch up my hair and Lara did the same to my makeup. I loved this time with them.  I could hear the distant sound of pipes outside the window. It was my guess that this was Andrew's way of celebrating the news.   Alyssa looked out and and confirmed it was her Dad. I smiled a little embarrassed at the thought of what me becoming part of the family meant for Max and I.

I was surrounded by music.  There was a track playing that was wafting up the stairs, and it filled me with hope for what was to come in my life  with Max.

I started humming along to Ezra Vines song, "Celeste,"

"My girl’s a switchblade

a bright light on the cityscape 

wherever she goes I’m gonna chase

You’re something out of a dream

messing with my head

I’ve been looking for you are ya hiding?

cos I like the way you’re calling to me

your spell upon me

you’re something out of a dream

and I like it, though I fight it."

By the end of the chorus we were all singing along and joining in the repeated hand claps. Finally pulling ourselves together Lara announced, "Ok ladies we can't delay this  any longer,  let's get her downstairs to her man! "

They had all surprised me, taking off the various tops and jackets that they were wearing to reveal that they  all had the same design dresses on. They were made of a soft gold fabric with the McLeods hunting tartan as a narrow bunched, off the shoulder collar. They looked awesome.  Unlike my fitted floor length skirt their skirts were fitted and fell to just below their knees.  The organising of this event blew my mind.  Apparently I had Jo-An to thank for the beautiful flowers, seasonal, fragrant ones surrounding the tall lilies.  The girls had similar arrangements to mine, just that mine was more extravagent.

We all started down the stairs but I was met half way by Jo-An. She spontaneously pulled me into a warm hug."Welcome to the family darling girl.  I look forward to the years ahead and getting to know and loving you like Max does." She placed her hands on each side of my face and gave me a loving kiss on the forehead. "I now know how insensitive my comments were when you visited us for the first time. I know I can't take the place of your Mum. But if there is ever anything you want to talk about, ask, or just come for coffee, I'm all yours.  Just  as Max is my son, you have my heart as a daughter."

I felt all choked up at the thought that Max's Mum had opened her heart to me. I went to speak but couldn't get words out past the lump in my throat. She held up her hand, clearly choked up too, "This is not a day for anymore  tears.  Go on down and get married to my gorgeous boy. Love you."  She gave my hand one last squeeze as she went down the stairs to join the other guests.

Just as we were about to continue down the stairs, Trace came running up the stairs, saying, "Excuse me ladies I'm going to steal her away for a minute." She started giggling and as soon as  I was through the door she pulled out a garter. " You think us old married ladies don't think  sexy anymore?  Well we're the ones getting it!  welcome to the club, almost," she giggled.   As we maneuvered the garter on  under my dress Trace uncharacteristically kept talking flat out.  I smiled, clearly she needed some food to soak up the drinks she had consumed.

 By the time we had the garter on and had joined the others she had told me all about the email she had got from Max asking her to be in the bridal party but she had declined,  wanting to leave it for the younger ones.  I smiled.  There  was no way that Trace was old, but I was glad Max had asked  her.

At the bottom of the stairs Dad was standing looking a little coy.  "Are you serious?" I challenged him, "You knew all about this but you didn't say anything?  You didn't tell me that this beautiful dress was destined to be my wedding dress? Na-da?" 

Dad leaned in and said, "Sorry. My lips are sealed.  I found it really hard the past couple of weeks when you were so down.  You look amazing.  Sophia wished she could be here for this day and so many others," he paused,  swallowing hard.  "But she wrote a letter for you that she really wanted you to have on the day that you got married."  With tears in his eyes Dad pulled out an elegant looking envelope with my name in  Mum's hand on the front.  "I will keep it in my pocket for you till later if you like."  I couldn't speak, what with this, and all that Jo-An had just said to me, I was in overload.  But I shook my head and took Dads arm.  I wanted to carry the letter with me, as a kind of connection to Mum on this special night. I would read it later.

As I entered the room I realised that people had been seated at tables around the edge of the room ready to eat, a small crowd of about 40. They stood as Dad and I started towards the front where Max stood.   This was just too perfect, Alex stood beside him in his kilt,  Ryan next to him in his formal police uniform, and Zach my dearest friend stood there smiling at me as well.  Someone, somewhere had started playing a song I had recently heard for the first time and I knew the artist was Whenua Patawai. The  words started hitting me as if Max was saying them to me.  He didn't take his eyes off me as I walked to the small platform.

"I'm weak at the knees, baby,

every time you smile

You're all that I need when I am down and out

Oh, one thing's sure, girl,

I'll always have you, oh

I'll give you the keys and pin to my credit card

If you would just please, please love me 'til I'm back to dust

Oh, one thing's sure, girl, I'll always want you, you


Girl, you're something special

And I wanna tell the, I wanna tell the world

That you are mine, hey

That you are mine, oh

Girl, you're something special

And I wanna tell the, I wanna tell the world

That you are mine

Girl, that you are mine

I went to Max and kissed him gently on the cheek.  He did the same.  I couldn't not go and greet Zach. He hugged me and said he was there for me. I moved onto Ryan, initially he didn't move or look at me, but looked at Max who nodded.

I slowly went  and hugged him, whispering, "Thank you Ryan. I don't know what you said,  but I seriously owe you." He grinned. "He's a lucky guy.  Hope you see me as something of a brother too. I'll be around," he paused and added,  "I'll try and time it for mealtimes. " His grin widened.

My eyes flicked to Alex. I had known him for such a short length of time but felt safe and comfortable  with him.  "Hope you realise that this is a package deal," Alex said.  "You get the whole family,   'for better or worse', and of course I am the best part of the deal." Elbowing Max in the ribs,  to which Max doubled up jokingly. Not one to be left out Alex hugged me too.


I watched Cass advance down the line greeting each of the guys  in turn and I couldn't believe it yet. She had agreed to marry me,  be with me.  Yes we had had our ups and downs, and probably would in the future but there was nobody else I'd rather be with.  The fact that we hadn't yet been together fully didn't worry me in the least,  and I didn't want to embarrass her earlier by mentioning it.  I knew enough to know that Cass was passionate and had never held back from me when we had made out together. I was definitely looking forward to being alone with her and consumating our marriage. 

Cassie looked stunning. The dress was elegant but so sexy.  Her beautiful flawless skin showed down her back I looked forward to taking the opportunity of sliding my hands down her back and...

Just then Cassie slid in beside me, standing so close I could smell her hair and see the design the girls had pulled together for her head piece. The bridal party stood facing the guests, but right then I didn't even remember there was anyone else watching. Cassie smiled up at me, my heart pounding like it would jump out of my chest,  and I couldn't help myself I leant in and kissed her. 

I became aware of people around us as I heard Cassie's Dad,  Cam, clear his throat,  saying in an undertone with humour,  "There'll be time for that shortly."

There was good natured laughing around the room as the music stopped and  everything quietened down. Cam spoke briefly, very informal about some childhood memories, Cassies Mum and gave us heartfelt encouragement to keep our marriage fresh. He demonstrated keeping the "Wow" factor in a marriage. By saying that when one or other of us entered the room we should always be struck by 'wow' and react to the other that way.  That to my mind was never going to be a problem.

At one point Lara slipped some tissues into Cassie's hand and I pulled her closer to my side. 

Cam turned to me and asked for the rings.   Alex slipped over by me and passed the 2 rings over. Cam placed them on his bible and  he had prayed over them.

Cam laughed a little as he announced to everyone that the next part had not been rehersed at all. Looking between us he smiled and passed my wedding band to Cass.

She hadn't had a chance to prepare her vows so I wasn't expecting her to say much.

Cassie turned to me, looking me in the eye,  some colour in her cheeks and said,  "We met under slightly  unusual circumstances,  but right from the  beginning I felt drawn to you,"  she paused looking away, even though her voice dropped slightly  it carried in the silent room.  "I have been blessed with awesome friends and family,  but somehow you reawakened in me a love for life that I had lost. I love you,  I think I knew that before you left and now I am certain of it. I will do my best to encourage you and help you in life and I am looking forward to the years ahead and  sharing them with you."

She slipped the ring on my finger and smiled up at me sweetly, my  heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.  It was so hard to believe those things she said about me and about us being together.  I had badly distracted myself by watching her lips as she spoke. Now all I wanted was to taste them, be alone with her and start to...

Cam had  cleared his throat again to get my attention. 

Smiling a little self consciously, I started my vows, "Cassie I love you, you make me a better person.   From the first time I saw you, you have never been far from my thoughts.  At first I didn't understand why but I found myself trying to think of excuses to come by and see you.  Then as time went by I realised the truth that my  life had changed forever.  I wanted to be with you and only you."

I took time over sliding the ring into her finger,  and didn't release it as Cam finished up the service and announced, "You may kiss the bride." Then in a quieter voice so only I heard he added, "Just a quick one,  remember she is my little girl."  I noticed that he had a slight smile,  but probably meant every word.  So I moved in and just lightly touched Cassie's lips, stroking her cheek with my thumb. I desperately wanted to pull  her against me and deepen the kiss but I hope I managed to convey to her the promise of more for later when we were alone.

### this the end?

would you like

a) hear about the dinner party and night of celebrations?

b)  know what was in the letter from her Mum?

c) their time abone (There does need to be a 'fadeout'  as it is PG-13, romance not erotica..)

or All of the above.

if you think it is deserving,  or it has caught your interest,  please vote/comment.

thank so so much for reading

talk soon.



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