Chapter 25- Surprises all Round

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Cassies POV

Going round the garden after school on the last day of term and picking spring flowers was a real treat and a favourite pastime. I had always loved it and had been photographed on many occasions on this front lawn over the years,   hiding,  lying down in them or Mum would bring out picnic lunches when Zach and I were studying for exams. 

There was very little breeze and the whole of Dunedin seemed to sparkle with the changing seasons.  The long nights are being replaced with longer days and the promise of summer not far away.   I looked out over the large front lawn and it was covered with clumps of daffodils and fresias.  Mum had loved them but had a thing for the old fashioned bulbs that still had fragrance,  unlike alot of the modern ones that were bred for shape or size.   I had collected a large bunch and wandered inside to find a vase.  As I arranged  them I realised that seeing the seasons changing  reinforced to me  the fact that Max had been away for the whole of the winter season. 

Since that night a month ago when Lara had summoned  Ryan, I shook my head at the memory, I had re-read Maxs reply several times over and it still couldn't fail to flip my stomach and distract me from whatever I was doing. Thinking of the gorgeous police Sergeant that had come to my rescue so long ago, actually having feelings for me,  Wow.

"Hi honey," Dad had come into the kitchen as I set the vase down on the table. Deciding I would take a small number of flowers,  in a vase upstairs to my room, I went back into the kitchen and found a small one for the 3 flowers left in my hand.  "Any big plans for tonight.  Celebrate your end of school term and start of your holidays?"

I shook my head,  "What are you up to? "

"One of the guys from Church was wanting me to go with him and a small group on an overnight retreat. Talk through some issues, BBQ food probably burnt beyond recognition and get no sleep.  Should be fun."

I nodded. Dad laughed, "Cass are you actually listening to anything I am saying?"

"Yeah, you are heading out,  man stuff. "

"I think I could have told you I was off to skin a polar bear, and you would have said 'ah-ha'. Whats up honey?"

I didn't know I had been that distracted and said,  "Max gets home over the next few days.   His messages have been unclear,  but sometime between tomorrow afternoon and Monday night.  He can't be sure,  not knowing how long they want him to stop in Wellington and make his report.  Depends how many questions they have for him it seems." 

"Ah, young love," with a smile, I turned red not sure how to answer that.  Dad asked if I was ok with him heading out,  when I nodded it was fine,  he kissed me goodbye headed off to grab his bag and meet the guys.

I still  couldn't believe I was so close to seeing Max again.  His hands, his smile,  being held safe in his arms. I longed  to hear  him talk about his time away,  watch his lips move, touch him.  My mind was wandering and I had only just realised that my hand had stopped mid-air putting the small vase on the benchtop.  I was tired,  I knew I was.  I felt emotionally wrought and if I thought it had been hard saying goodbye to Max it seemed to shadow in comparison to waiting out these painful remaining few hours. 

There were times that I felt like my heart would beat out of  my chest as I thought how it would feel to see him walking towards me.   I had imagined and dreamed it so many times.  I would be looking over the harbour, he would call my name and I would turn and run to him.  Normally at that point real life would intrude and bring me crashing down.  Not least of my concerns was telling Max what had happened with Ryan. But talking to Lara  we decided that I would tell him but I just need the pick the right time.

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