Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover F...

By YoshiXx03

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Aki wants a do over of her life. After her 'supposed' brother went nuts and deserted the village, Aki was lef... More

The Red-Haired Man
Silver & Gravity
The Match
A Moment
Gon's Match
A Little Closer
Killua and Hisoka
The One Who Left First
Bath time
The Hair Ornament
Night Walk
That Clip
What Leorio Knows
Faint of Heart
The Phantom Troupe
Shared Memory
Jack of Clubs
Get rid of him, please
Devil After Her
One for 'Hello'
Two for 'Goodbye'
Aki: Nodus Tollens
Gon: Liberosis
Killua: Altschmerz
The 'Curse'
Interview 1
"Eyes of Scarlet"
Jekyll and Hyde
The Knight
The Body of the Underlord
Her Brother
Ethereal (Special Chapter)


4.8K 263 93
By YoshiXx03

(A/N: WARNING!! There's gonna be some uhh yaoi reference again. And uhhhh, some spicy stuff that shouldn't be fed to kids. It's a short chap, meant torture Hisoka XD. Hope you enjoy the spiciness 😉)


Madara Uchiha. The man who massacred my clan—the Uchiha clan. From his back, I could faintly see the silhouette of another man, someone younger. But, I didn't have a name to call him. All I knew was that he was connected to me somehow.

And that person's betrayal was a trigger of some sort to me.

A week had passed since that day—the day I remembered the man who took everything from me. I had trouble sleeping some nights, remembering his cold red eyes. Eyes that I also possessed. Hate clouded my thoughts at the mere mention of his name. I tried not to think about it too much, focusing on my training with Nen.

Still, my blood boiled in rage. The sick feeling of wanting to get revenge ate my insides for days. It killed me that I didn't even know where to look for this man. What kept me sane throughout the maddening craze for blood was Gon and Killua's company.

After finally being allowed to train Ren, I began to hang out with them occasionally. Although they've passed me long ago. Killua and Gon had already went through this water divination thing which revealed their Nen category. It sucked that they learned faster than I did.

As the day for Hisoka and Gon's inevitable fight neared, I felt queasy. I didn't want to pick sides on whoever wins. I sure do hope they don't expect me to do something as childish as that.

"Hey." Killua's voice brought me out of my reverie. I stopped my internal monologue to watch Killua saunter inside my room.

"Hey." I greeted him back and gave myself a pat on the back for not freaking out. Killua looked at my position on the floor before joining me in practicing my Ren. We both stayed silent.

It was... a comfortable silence that settled between us. For once, we weren't at each other's throat and out to annoy one another to death. He just sat on the floor with me and extended his aura like I was currently doing.

"How's Gon?" I was the first to break the silence between us. Killua looked at me from the corner of his eyes before shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine." He replied nonchalantly. The comfortable silence from before was replaced by an awkward air. I shifted uncomfortably, unable to think of some other topic to talk about. Really, I couldn't help but mentally cringe at our inability to keep a normal conversation going. My aura wavered before it died out. Killua gave me a questioning look and I met his gaze.

"I... you... You're also that, right?" I asked. Killua frowned at me.

"What, that?" He repeated, confused. I looked away from him and brandished a kunai knife from my pouch. Killua's eyes narrowed slightly before he frowned and tensed up. I rolled my eyes and gestured to the blade in an attempt to get my meaning across.

Killua met my gaze. His eyes widened a little letting me know that he got what I meant.

"Yeah... I used to be an assassin." He confirmed. Killua opened his palm and silently asked me if he could borrow the knife. I threw it at him. He caught the blade with his right hand and playfully rolled his eyes at my throw.

"Used to be...? Why? What happened?" I asked. Killua looked at the surface of the blade and frowned in silence, ruminating over my question.

"I was born in a family of assassins. Before I even had the will, my family already set my whole life out for me. I didn't exactly appreciate it. So, I ran away from home. I took the Hunter Exam for a challenge." Killua recounted, a nostalgic smile on his lips. He shrugged, a if his past wasn't that much of a big deal for him.

"Did you stop killing after you met Gon?" I queried further, leaning a bit closer. Killua's eyes darkened a bit, slanting.

"Of course not. I still kill." He proclaimed, licking his lips. Then, the dark look in his eye disappeared. He gave me a mockingly innocent smile. His smile brought me back to that memory last week. I wondered why Killua was there, of all people.

"Do you think we met before?" I asked, hesitantly. Looking at Killua's blue eyes, I couldn't help but feel wistful. The light-haired boy looked at me with a frown.

"... Hey, I thought we were past the teasing. Are... are you—is that supposed to be a pick-up line?" Killua asked in confusion and disbelief. I frowned at him.

"Idiot, no. I was asking for real. Unless you wanna take it that way?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. Killua belched.

"Gross. No." He shot back. I shook my head at his reaction, a small smile on my lips.

"Seriously, I... think I saw you in my memories. I had an episode last week and, you were there..." I trailed off, looking at his face. Killua faced me, albeit serious this time.

"Really? I... don't recall meeting you before." Killua stated frankly, confusion in his brows.

"Are you sure?" I queried further, leaning closer to Killua' face. Killua bent back a little, uncomfortable.

"Yeah." He muttered under his breath.

"... I think, I killed you there." I muttered back, staring at his eyes in search of deceit.

"I'm still here right? Then, maybe it wasn't me who you saw. Just someone who looks alike?" Killua offered, shrugging. Seeing no hint of falsehood in his eyes, I pulled away from him.

"Maybe you're right." I relented. Still, I couldn't help but stare at Killua's eyes with wistful thoughts. He stared back at me. My hand moved on its own, placing itself on Killua's cheeks.

"Am I missing something?" Hisoka's voice made Killua and I jolt in surprise. Killua tensed from his spot, jerking away from me. I dropped my hand.

"Why are you—oh, right." Killua halted mid-sentence, realizing that Hisoka was here for me.

"'Sup, oyaji." I greeted the red head, standing up. Hisoka gave me a weird look, eying Killua before looking back at me.

"I didn't expect you to be with... Killua here. Alone~" Hisoka jested, smiling at me with mischief.

"He was helping me train." I explained, gesturing towards the light-haired boy. Killua stood up too and met Hisoka's gaze. The two participated in a staring contest. They stared at each other for a while. Killua was the one who broke eye contact, giving me a dry look.

"... I gotta go now, Chrome." Killua proclaimed, returning my knife back to me. Without further ado, he left, closing the door of my room behind me. I was left with Hisoka still looking at me with furrowed brows. His smile was not present.

"What was that?" Hisoka asked, raising a brow.

"What?" I asked, in an unamused tone. Hisoka studied me for a bit, pondering over something. Then he shook his head.

"I thought we were going to the training fields together today. You didn't show up." Hisoka chided lightly, clicking his tongue.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot." I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. Hisoka narrowed his eyes at me.

"Let's just go." The red head commanded, clearly not in a good mood. Silently, I followed him.


Hisoka was in a sour mood.

It was obvious with the way he kept on hitting Aki's weak spots, leaving her no room to retaliate. Aki tried her best to keep up her defense, getting more accustomed to using Ken now that she was also training her Ren.

However, Hisoka easily overpowered her with each hit. The red head vented out his frustrations, making narrow glides as his limbs took alternate turns to hit Aki. In response, the dark-haired girl leaped back and forth, stuck on the defense. They cavorted on the clear fields, dangerously coming close to killing each other.

Aki saw an opening and launched a hit to Hisoka's jaw. Throwing his head back, the red head used the momentum of Aki's punch to do a back flip. Carrying momentum, Hisoka landed a kick on Aki's jaw as he stood with his hands.

The solid blow made Aki see stars, momentarily stunning her. However, Hisoka was not yet done with her. He continued his onslaught of attacks, not letting Aki gain back her footing.

When Hisoka landed the finishing blow, Aki was a mess. Coughing out blood, the dark-haired girl let out a snort.

"Are you done venting?" Aki jeered, wiping her the blood off her mouth. The red head smiled at the sight.

"Who said I was venting?" Hisoka said in singsong, crouching down to Aki's level.

"You crazy clown." Aki complained under her breath before she passed out. Silently, Hisoka collected her body and placed her in his arms. His expression darkened as he walked back towards the Arena.

With Aki tucked in his arms, he felt the insanity inside of him clamoring to break free. The red head let out a raspy breath, clenching his palms around Aki in an attempt to calm himself.

"I hate this." The red head muttered to himself. The rest of the way back was torture—testing Hisoka's control. The first thing that Hisoka did when he reached his room was to clean Aki. Taking out her tattered shirt, ignoring the fresh band of bandage around her chest.

Aki's muscles were lean, taut—body seasoned from the countless battles she experienced; not to mention the training she underwent to become a ninja. 'His' body was just as beautiful as 'his' face.

Dropping Aki to his bed, he climbed on top of her—trapping the unconscious girl between his arms. He studied her features; the same way he did the first time he saw her. His hand caressed Aki's cheek, the other hand supporting his weight as he held his position.

"Still so small." Hisoka mused to himself, adjusting his larger frame over Aki to avoid crushing her. In his mind, Aki remained but the helpless child he met not o long ago.

A boy that, Hisoka admitted, has a special place in his twisted heart.

Looking at Aki now, she had become more alluring. Hisoka tucked a strand of black hair behind Aki's ear, chuckling when the girl grunted in her sleep. Aki slowly opened her eyes, revealing precious black gems.

"Oyaji..." Aki trailed off, closing her eyes. She lost consciousness once more. Hisoka smiled, caressing Aki's cheek with his thumb. Slowly, he let his body collapse on the bed beside Aki, enveloping the girl in his arms protectively—possessively.

Killua's visage flashed in Hisoka's mind, making the red head grind his teeth together at the memory of Aki and the light-haired boy being so close to each other—as if they were about to kiss. A premonition bubbled in his gut. He didn't like the thought that formulated in his mind.

Aki, Gon... and Killua.

Hisoka could almost sense the storm brewing at the thought that maybe... just maybe... Those boys had influenced Aki too much.

Enough to make 'him' gay.

~ End of #15 ~

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