Not so unexpected

By beca4702

379K 10K 3K

Everyone know Beca Mitchell looks like she keeps a lot of secrets. Will those secrets come to light? She mee... More

1. Never in time
2. Give in
3. Try
4. Give it a shot
5. Not a fan of new things
6. Never a fan of new things.
7. Cant believe myself.
8. That was weird.
9. I didnt see that coming.
10. I Need to find out
11. Got you staring.
12. You're a dork
13. You're weirder
14. Bad memory
15. Well shit
16. Bonding
17. Lets not bring that up.
18. Make up your mind.
19. If you never try, You never know
20. You're close to ruin it.
21. You out.
22. You'll do it just fine.
23. We're ready.
24. Things change
25. Not big deal
26. It was water
27. Lucky Charm
28. Point of no return.
29. See you later
30. Savage
31. New Plans, other life
32. Nobody needs to know
33. useless feelings
34. i give up
35. its fine
36. I'm a gentlewoman
38. So it wasnt real
39. Apologies
40. getting ready
41. L -fucking- A
42. Screw it up
43. i love you red solo cup
44. as tall as an eight year old
45. Here we go again
46. Here's to the night
47. Night is young
48. Perfect
49. The doctor
Note :)
Sequel to Not so unexpected

37. I want her back

6.2K 194 61
By beca4702

Chloe was feeling lonely. She wasnt alone, she always had people around her, however, she had that feeling where you feel like something's missing.

She usually spotted Beca around school but not anymore, she was lucky if she saw the brunette. Beca was nowhere to be seen when she wasnt At class.

"CHLOE." Amy yelled clapping her hands in front of the ginger.

Chloe and Amy were walking to the Bella practice.

Chloe snapped out of the daze she was in by shaking her head. "Yeah, what?"

The aussie rolled her eyes. "Never mind."

The blonde opened the doors. For their surprise, Beca was already At the practice. Setting everything up.

"Hi girls." Beca greeted them.

Amy went to leave her stuff so Chloe took the opportunity to, At least, exchange 3 words with Beca

"What are you up to, stranger?" Chloe said elbowing Beca, Who was resting her elbows on the piano with her laptop in front of her.

Beca shrugged. "Finishing some arrangments." she said nonchatly.

Beca didnt notice, but chloe's face instantly dropped.

It wasnt the same anymore, she lost her friend.

"I see."

It wasnt until now that Beca noticed the sudden change in Chloe's mood.

Beca offered her earphones to Chloe. Chloe looked up At her and Beca smiled as signal for her to grab them.

Music filled her ears causing goosebumps on her arms. Beca had a gift to make music and Chloe loved it.

"This is awesome." Chloe told her, causing Beca's mouth to form a big smile.

Later on, the Bellas arrived and practice started, they started practicing for the finals, it was like 2 months away, but Beca had to get them ready before she left.

Everyone thought this practice was exhausting but fun and they were glad it was finally done.

Everyone started leaving, except for Chloe and Beca. Just when Chloe thought she was finally alone with Beca, the doors were shut open.

Chloe watched how Beca's face changed as soon as she saw them.

"Good afternoon, Miss Mitchell." The tall girl said.

Beca looked At them with a genuine smile, the one thay Chloe used to see on Beca because of her.

"Do we have to leave already?" Beca asked taking the memory stick out of the laptop.

The brunette teenager next to the tall girl shook their head. "no, But we figured you were hungry." The teenager raised their arm that was holding a plastic bag from the café near school.

"She's always hungry." Chloe murmured. Ally laughed.

"Oh right." Beca said. "Guys that's..."

Since Beca didnt seem to finish the sentence, Sam helped her out. "Chloe."

"Yes, she's Chloe." Beca said. "They are Ally and Sam." Beca said now facing Chloe.

"Yeah, i know them. I know Ally from french and Sam from chemistry." She explained. "Where do you all have to go?" She asked.

"Oh we have our pas-" Ally tried to explain but Beca quickly cut her off.

"Passport." she burted out. "Our passport for the cinema? Yeah, we have to get our tickets."

Im not buying it. "okay, see you later then." Chlo said walking away.

Ally looked At Beca in disbelief. "You havent told her?"

Beca shook her head, "there's no rush in telling them."

Sam nodded agreeing. "They dont HAVE to know but you are leaving the group, so you owe them an explanation."

Beca knew she had to tell them. "But we leave in like two months or so." Beca shrugged.

"Not the three of us..." Ally trailed down.

The three of them walked out of the auditorium. With coffees on their hands, they sat on Ally's blue car, trying not to leave a mark on the hood.

"How come?" Beca asked.

Ally took a long sip and then threw the cup away. "I leave in 3 weeks, im going to Diamond Bar in 3 weeks."

Beca choke with her coffee. "You are going to LA as well?" she said between coughs.

Ally nodded.

"33 minutes away from you." Sam said. "And..." Sam stopped to count with their fingers. "7 hours and some minutes away from me."

"San Francisco?" Beca asked.

"Bingo." Sam laughed.

Ally drove them home after they finished their coffee. Sam house was the nearer to school so now it was just Beca and Ally in the car.

Ally noticed how Beca was looking At everywhere, moving on her seat.

"Are you looking for a treasure? The dead body is at the back." Ally joked.

"I just think is weird how clean you car is."

Ally slapped Beca At the back of her head.

"I deserved it." Beca laughed.

"She seemed jealous." Ally said out of the blue.

Beca didnt understand. "Who?"

"Chloe." Ally said. She stopped At a red light and turned her head to look At Beca. "Your lover?"

"What no, and dont say lover." Beca scoffed.

Ally looked back to the street. "Then whats the deal between you two?"

"I dont. I. Its. Complicated." beca sighed. "It was nothing."

"Mhm." Ally hummed.

"Its true." Beca complained. "I actually dont know What we had."

Ally noticed how Beca started to play with the ring on her thumb as son as they named Chloe, so she dropped the topic.

"I understand now shut up i love this song." Ally said turning up the volume of the radio.

The judge, by twenty øne piløts started to play. It didnt take long for Beca to start singing while Ally drummed her fingers against the wheel.

Chloe was At Aubrey's house with Jessica and Ashley finishing their history presentation.

"...and you have the WWI." Aubrey said handing papers to Jessica.

Chloe was usually excited to talk about that period of Germany, she was so interested in that part of the history, but today she wasnt her joyful self.

Aubrey waited until the girls left to talk to Chloe.

"You only ate one cupcake, something's wrong with you. You love red velvet cupcakes." Aubrey said sitting next to Chloe. "Please tell me its not Beca."

When Chloe didnt reply Aubrey knew it was because it was obviously about Beca.

"What did your friend do now? What kind of shitty friends you have?" Aubrey asked her.

Chloe flinched when Aubrey said 'friends', they werent just friends. "She's not a shitty friend, i was-"

Aubrey cut her off. "Dont try to defend her, she's not a friend if she gets between you and somebody you love. She is no good, Chloe. I told you that, but you never listen. She's just another fag-"

"DONT YOU EVEN DARE TO CALL HER LIKE THAT." Aubrey has never se en Chloe so mad. "SHE NEVER GOT BETWEEN ME AND SOMEBODY I LOVE BECAUSE I DONT LOVE TOM, I NEVER DID. OK?" Chloe would never let somebody know she was sad, she would never cry in front of somebody, but she was now. "I love beca." She almost whispered.

Aubrey couldnt believe What she was hearing. "I thought it was just a phase..."

"Its not." Chloe snapped,storming out of Aubrey's house.

Chloe walked back to her house alone, it was almost 8pm and it was cold and dark outside.

Beca has just said hi to Ally and was about to go to her house when she heard somebody walking Who was sniffing.

She turned around just in time to see red hair.

"Chlo wait up." Beca said.

The red head couldnt let beca know she has been crying, so she walked faster.

"Chlo?" Beca asked her walking behind her.

She managed to get a hold of Chloe's right hand. Her face faced Chloe's. Their eyes met, Beca noticed her sad teary eyes.

"oh no, What's wrong?" Beca asked hugging Chloe tight.

Chloe inhaled Beca's perfume, Beca still had the same effect on her. Her face fit in Beca's neck perfectly. Silent tears fell from her eyes. She missed her.

"Its okay." Beca said softly in Chloe's ear.

Beca guided her towards Beca's house. Chloe didnt complain, she quietly followed her.

After opening her bedroom's door, Beca lied Chloe on her matress and lied herself next to the red head.

The lights were off, the only thing that lighted a little the dark room was the full moon throught the window.

"Do you want to talk?" She asked.

The only thing Chloe wanted was to forget about everything, she didnt get sad much, but when she did she was a mess.

Chloe shook her heae in response.

Beca took the hint, kind of. Maybe Chloe wanted to distract herself a little, Beca wasnt quite sure.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a pair of soft lips on hers.

She definitely wants a distraction. Beca inmediately kissed her back, letting her mind float away for a moment.

The kiss got heated. I should be doing this, this is wrong. She thought to herself.

"Chlo." she tried to get her attention.

No response.

Beca broke the miss, her breathe was heavy, her chest going up and down.

"This is not a way to avoid things, you dont want this." Beca softly removed the red hair from the other girl's face.

"this wouldnt be my first time, im okay with it."

Beca looked At her light blues eyes, they were darker and ir wasnt because of the dark room, they were filled with lust.

She wants a distraction, help her. Her mind said.

Do i need to say What happened next?

A/N lol hi, im alive. Is anybody up for smut? i didnt know if you were or nah, but if you are i will post a chapter with it ;))
Thanks for reading, humans


Votes and comments are always appreciated.

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