The Lord's Favourite Dealer (...

By Shady_D

1M 45.8K 10.4K

Alexander Richardson is a nineteen-year-old attorney in the making. He spent his childhood reading through hi... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Ties (Jordan and Benjamin)
Sergio's POV
Please rate this book!

Chapter 37.

16.5K 725 180
By Shady_D

Chapter 37.


"I knew this would happen." I shook my head as I stared at the ceiling. "I can't think straight when I'm around you." I frowned

I had texted Jordan three days ago letting him know I was going to be away for the night, I had to tell him the same thing the day after that, except I didn't specify it to one night. Jordan had just replied with a 'Have fun with your 'friend' ;)' and then I got a text from Claire saying: 'Say hi to Diego for us – you know, if you guys stop to talk'

Yeah. I hated them for guessing right. I seriously needed new friends.

Sergio and I had not left the apartment at all; we just watched TV and played with anything we found in the house. I found a ball in the closet, Sergio said David liked soccer (he would be pretty happy to meet Shiloh then), we ended up trying to kick the ball into a bin across the lounge, we stopped after we broke one of his mother's vases. I guess that would make two with the one we smashed at the house a while ago.

Sergio chuckled. "Good. I don't want to be the only one." he said. I smiled. "Hey..." he bit his lip staring at the ceiling; his head was rested on my abdomen, "What would you say... if I asked you to uh... you know."

"No, actually I don't know." I laughed.

"Damn it, you make everything hard." He said before we burst out laughing. "Harder – no, well, you do. Alexander, be my boyfriend." I stopped laughing and he turned his head to look at the door which was at the opposite end of the room. "I'm not demanding it, I know it sounds like that, but I'm not. I'm asking. I can't turn that thing off –"

"Yes." I cut him off with a chuckle. It was weird how he babbled when he was nervous. It was weird seeing him nervous.

He smiled looking at me.

"One thing though." I said.

"What?" he asked smirking. The nervous Sergio had disappeared.

"I don't like that club-meeting thing." I frowned remembering the last time when he was being touched all over while I sat in the corner.

"I knew you were jealous." I covered his mouth and he laughed. I shook my head as I slid my hand onto his neck. "I'll tell the girls to lay off." he smirked.

"I wasn't jealous, I was disgusted."

"Sure." he rolled his eyes. He took my hand and kissed it, "I get it, only my boyfriend gets to have all of this."

"Shut up." I laughed looking at the roof.

"It's true though." he said.

"Yes, it is." I chuckled before I stopped. "You think we should get out of here?" I asked looking down at Sergio as I ran my fingers through his hair. He looked at me, his cheek resting against my skin.

"Mmm... Why? I have you and I have food. What else do I need?" He asked.

We had ordered food. Turns out Sergio actually really likes cold pizza, weirdo.

"Fresh air?" I chuckled.

"This air is fine." He replied.

"Well, I –" He sat up and grabbed his gun when we heard the front door slam shut. He lifted his finger to his lips looking at me. I nodded.

"I'll be right back, stay –"

"Uncle Sergio!"

Sergio shoved his gun beneath the bed covers and jumped out of bed. I sat up as he ran from the room. We were pretty lucky we were dressed – sort of.

"Sasha!" Wow. I knew he loved her, but he didn't usually display this level of excitement. "Hey, Ben, Clyde."

I got out of bed.

"Look!" I laughed as Sergio walked in holding Sasha in his arms. Her hair wasn't done up, so there were just curls everywhere, she looked so cute.

"Alex!" I chuckled as I hugged her before I tried to pull her from Sergio but he frowned stepping back. I laughed as he held her tightly.

"She really wanted to come with." Clyde rolled his eyes from the doorway before he smirked at me. I just looked away as my face heated.

"Sasha," Sergio's soft voice made my eyes turn to him and Sasha when she leaned her head on his shoulder, her arms around his neck as she pouted with teary eyes. I wanted to hug her. "What's wrong?" Sergio pouted as he stared at her once she had pulled back from him. Her face was incredibly sad, and I was willing to bet she was acting because of the way Clyde shook his head frowning at the pair. But she had to be a pretty good actor because Sergio seemed very concerned, and I definitely wanted to comfort her.

"D-daddy won't let me have ice cream." She replied.

Sergio gasped as he shot Clyde a frown. "He's so mean." He said to Sasha and she nodded.

"Sergio, don't you dare -"

"You can have ice cream any time here." Clyde glared at Sergio but the younger guy ignored him as he beamed at the girl in his arms, "come on, I'll show you how to make Ben get anything you want from the store."

Clyde shook his head letting it drop against the doorframe once Sergio had walked out of the room.

"I take it you two made up?" He smirked at me and I flipped him off.

"Don't lie like that again, asshole." I said.

"What? It worked." He shrugged.

I chuckled. "Yeah, we did way more than make up." I smirked knowing he got uncomfortable talking about Sergio's sex life. I guessed it was because he, like Kent, saw Sergio as somewhat of a son.

"Shut up." I laughed as he walked out.

"Thank you, Clyde." I said. He leaned back so his head peeked out from behind the door.

"I don't like a depressed Sergio, it's creepy." I laughed as he shook his head and disappeared into the hall.

I pulled on a pair of sweats and a shirt I found in David's closet before I walked out of the room. I followed the noise to the living room and found Sergio and Sasha in a conversation about a colouring book Clyde had just bought her. I glanced towards the dining room when I felt eyes burning into me and Ben didn't soften his glare or turn away as my eyes met his. I don't know why but I refused to look away. Why was he mad at me? I get that he liked Sergio but it wasn't my fault Sergio didn't feel the same. What's he trying to do? Scare me? Make me feel bad? Well I didn't... sort of... Still, he wasn't wining this stare off.

Our glares were interrupted by Clyde stepping in front of him to ask him a question and I shook my head as I looked towards Sasha who was now showing Sergio how to colour. I chuckled noticing that she was colouring outside the picture.

My eyes moved to the door as it pushed open, Sergio and Sasha completely ignored it focusing on their colouring. It was a delivery man, Ben got what he had brought and paid him before he slammed the door in the delivery guy's face. I rolled my eyes. He didn't have to be rude to the guy because he was in a bad mood.

"Hey, Sasha, why don't you show Alex your book in the kitchen while he dishes some ice cream for you two." Clyde said to his daughter.

"Alright!" She jumped up grabbing her book and colours before she grabbed my shirt and began pulling me towards the kitchen. I laughed as I took the Ice cream from Ben, ignoring his glare as I did.

I glanced back to the lounge to see Sergio straighten and I frowned. They wanted me to get Sasha out of the room so they could talk 'business'.

"We didn't just show up to end your vacation, we actually have some news. Declan's been spotted in the north side of town. Delivering some type of response to Kyle's death maybe?"

I stopped. Yes, they wanted Sasha out of the room but Clyde wanted ME out of the room, didn't he?

"Alex, help me finish colouring? Uncle Sergio did this part already, see?"

"Yeah, of course." I grinned grabbing a couple of bowls from a cupboard and some spoons as I tried to focus on the voices down the hall.

"You were given no proof he was here, why would you just believe what some guy said? He wouldn't dare come here himself because he's a coward and things are too heated." Sergio's voice came.

"Right, but coming from someone who has never seen Declan, he gave a pretty accurate description and –"

"Can I have some chocolate sauce on mine?"

"Of course." I gave Sasha a smile despite my frustration of missing pieces of the conversation.

"What colour do you want?"

"Uh –"

"He's backed into a corner, isn't he? He's desperate." Sergio's amused laugh filled the halls, "Ah, we'll just keep toying with them for a while."

"Why? Let's just stop this before it blows up, Sergio." Clyde said.

"It's already blown up, how much worse can it get? I agree with Sergio. They've given us so many inconveniences, why not make them suffer?" Ben said.

"Because dragging this out will give them time to retaliate!" Clyde hissed, "If we don't stop this now, we're –"

"You can have red while I use black." Sasha held out a colour to me. I took it as I sat down beside her, "I love purple and black. What's your favourite colours?" She asked.

"I like grey." I replied.

"Mommy says I'm going to have a brother or sister. I don't want one."

"M – What?" I chuckled. "Why not?" Kiera was pregnant? I wonder if it's Clyde's.

"My friend Tracy says her brothers make a lot of noise and take all her toys." she frowned.

I laughed. "Yeah, but they can be really fun. I mean, she'll always have friends around."

"They're her brothers." she said looking up confused.

"Yes, and they are her friends. If she's alone at home and she feels lonely, she can play with them. If Mommy takes you to work with her, you would always have a friend with you if you have a little brother or sister."

Sasha thought about it before she grinned.

"I hope I have a sister." she said.


"Uh-huh. I have you and Ben and Sergio, and you're all boys. I need a sister." I chuckled nodding.

"You two having fun?"

Damn it. I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be eavesdropping!

"Yes!" Sasha grinned at her father. "I'll be back." She ran out of the kitchen before turning towards the bathroom.

I frowned at him and he smirked. "I told you to quit looking for him." he muttered.

"Why won't you just help me?! You clearly know how to find him!" I hissed back.

"Because you're being stupid. What will you do when he's in your face? Say hey and ask him to have coffee with you while he explains why he killed your parents?" He asked.

"Fuck you; I know what I'm doing." I said.

"Really? Answer the question then. What will you do when he's in front of you?" He asked.

I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say so instead I glared at him, "I don't have to tell you anything."

"See? You have no idea what you're doing! Have you stopped and thought this through at all?"

"Thought what through?" Clyde and I looked towards the doorway where a now fully dressed Sergio stood.

"Sergio, Clyde. We have to go." Ben called.

"Oh, yeah. I have to call Kiera –"

"I've got Sasha." I replied before Clyde could finish. "You can pick her up at my house later." I added.

Clyde thought about it for a few seconds before he sighed nodding. "Alright, I'll pick her up at six." he said, "Don't give her too much sugar." he glanced at Sergio with a frown and Sergio just smirked.

I chuckled as Sergio walked up to me. "Be careful, okay?"

"You be careful." I frowned. He chuckled.

"I will." he kissed me quickly, "I'll call you. I l – uh. Yeah. I'll call, Alexander. Come, Clyde."

I tilted my head as they walked out and I gave a chuckle. He was so weird. I heard the front door close and I wondered where they were going, what was going on.

Sasha walking back into the kitchen had me looking back at the door.

"How would you like to hang out with my sister?" I asked.

She grinned.


Thank you for reading :D

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