Starting World War 3! (A Heta...


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Despite it being well past sunrise, the house was dark. I had woken up with a start, hearing the sound of a c... More

Starting World War 3! (A Hetalia Fanfic)
Character Information
To Begin With,
Part 1: The Beginning of the End
Prologue I - Seeping Blood
Prologue II - Living Questions
Chapter 1 - Pilot
Chapter 2 - Dysfunctional Dinners
Chapter 3 - Parties or Politics?
Chapter 4 - Canada has loud parties too?
Chapter 5 - England the Babysitter
Chapter 6 - Stop and DON'T Enjoy the Sunrise
Chapter 7 - The Braginskaya-Williams Clan
Chapter 8 - Assistance of the Secretary
Chapter 9 - Being a Land-mass ain't Glamouress
Chapter 10 - Miss Finally-Makes-An-Appearance
Chapter 11 - Rising Storms
Chapter 12 - Hollywood's Overrated Anyway
Chapter 13 - Beer Before Peers
Chapter 14 - The Princess and the Frog
Chapter 15 - King Charlie
Chapter 16 - D-words
Chapter 17 - Back-Stabbing and Front Bleeding
Chapter 18 - To The Penthouse
Chapter 19 - Talia
Chapter 20 - Rumpelstiltskin
Chapter 21 - All Out War
Chapter 22 - No More Mrs Nice-Guy
Chapter 23 - Lunatics and Loneliness
Chapter 24 - Abandon Ship!
Chapter 25 - The Point of No Return
Part 2: Doomsday
Part 3: Armageddon
Chapter 26 - Lurkers
Chapter 27 - Raw Item
Chapter 28 - Same Woe
Chapter 29 - Chicken
Chapter 30 - Unravelling
Chapter 31 - Not Just A Pretty Face
Chapter 32 - Al(l) Quiet on the Western Front
Chapter 33 - The Grass Is Greener
Chapter 34 - Sugar Daddy
Chapter 35 - All I Ever Wanted
Chapter 36 - Civil Wars Breed Like AmeBel
Chapter 37 - Confrontation and Revelations
Chapter 38 - The Sword and the Stoner
Chapter 39 - Insanity to the Max
Chapter 40 - If
Chapter 41 - Alien Invasion
Chapter 42 - The First
Chapter 43 - The Angel, Gabriel
Chapter 44 - A Serious Revelation
Chapter 45 - Chaos and Discord
Chapter 46 - Crocodile Tears
Chapter 47 - Luna, levo
Chapter 48 - This Is It
Chapter 49 - Hope
Chapter 50 - Taishya
Epilogue I - A Great Big World-ly Mess
Epilogue II - The Last Laugh
'Starting World War 3!' Play List
'Toujours' Excerpt - OUT NOW
Get ready for...'I Am The World' - Sometime in 2018

A Compilation of News Reports

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A Compilation of News Reports

February 1st, 2015 – Horror in Hospital as the World Babies are Kidnapped

The world has today woken up to a state of grief as the babies the world has awaited for have been kidnapped. Ludwig, the nation of Germany, spoke out to the press in the early hours of the morning saying, "Currently there are no suspects in the mix. We, the G8 are holding hope that this will be resolved shortly, until that happens, there is nothing we can do. We urge the public to come forward with any information regarding the whereabouts of the infants and their mother." No one has yet come forward.

February 2nd, 2015Hostage Suspicions as the World Mourns

Extremist Wiccan groups have been questioned in urgency as international forces attempt to find the 'World Twins'. It is believed that Wiccan groups have been previously linked with the kidnapping of the twin's mother, KGB agent; Taishya Rovanoff late last year. Police suspect the religious extremists may have had some involvement in the disappearance of Rovanoff and her twin infants. Police have reported nothing as of yet has come from these interviews, much to the increasing anxiety of nations all around the world.

February 3rd, 2015 – Author Questioned Over Disappearance

An Australian author known by the pseudonym name of 'GNxDDD' on Wattpad has been taken in for questioning today in regards to the disappearance of Taishya Rovanoff and her twins. This was done as a precaution due to Miss Rovanoff allegedly having frequent contact with the 17 year-old writer in allowing her to publish a biography.

No charges were made.

February 4th, 2015 – Abandoned Car Strikes Fear in the Heart of the Countries

Abandoned ambulance was today found in a Canadian lake nearby to the hospital where Taishya Rovanoff and her two children were last seen. According to police this ambulance does correspond with the one seen leaving suspected of carrying Miss Rovanoff out of the hospital. Search parties surrounded the lake to find evidence of Miss Rovanoff being there yet nothing was found. Teams have been told to be prepared for the worse as body searches are underway in nearby forestation and the banks of the lake. Police have also asked the public to remain vigilant in reporting sightings of Miss Rovanoff if they believe they have seen her. This requests comes as new information was released earlier this morning indicated that Miss Rovanoff suffered from a brain injury as a result of three incidences of head-trauma over the past year.

May 4th, 2015 – Wiccan's Plead to Public

Wiccan officials have pleaded with the public not to partake in hate-crimes against those who identify with them and/or their beliefs.

Stating that those who Taishya Rovanoff was linked with are not actually Wiccans with regards to their principles and ways of life, officials have released a report detailing 18 accounts of different attacks on people who have identified as following the Wiccan beliefs just this year.

June 5th, 2015 – Investigation at Dead-End

A coroner in the investigation into the disappearance of the 'World Twins' and their mother; Taishya Rovanoff, has announced that the investigation may be coming to a close. Coroner Peters released a statement in the late hours of yesterday saying, "We are sad to inform you that the case involving the 'world babies' as they have been dubbed, respectably, and their mother; Miss Taishya Rovanoff, has now been deemed to be cold with no further direction stable enough to lead the direction." The world is yet again thrown in a state of turmoil and gut-wrenching shock.

July 2nd, 2015 – Canada Welcomes a Set of Twins much to the Worlds Agony

In a time which should be of celebration, the world is yet again painfully reminded about the missing twins as Ukraine and Canada welcome their own set. The two married late last year with a small ceremony at Niagara Falls. Matthew Williams, who is known for being notoriously quiet, released a statement yesterday describing the true miracle his tins should be noted for, "Ukraine and I have had a long journey in preparation for the children. We knew for some time that we would have twins yet we opted to choose not to announce it to everyone with all that has gone on this year. They have arrived unexpectedly early but my wife and they are doing well.

"We have decided to not release much more about them, in fear of the possibility of kidnapping, however, as far as nicknames go, we have labelled the oldest, our son; 'Milly', a name my wife put forward, and the youngest via three and half minutes, our daughter; 'Al' after my brother. Thank you. That will be all."

In response to his brother's statement, Alfred Jones the United States of America said only hours after, "I want my brother to know how great that is! Dude! If you are listening, Mattie, then me and Bel (Belarus) are so happy for you! We'll be over to see you soon. As for everyone else, while this is great news, let's not forget about the babies we lost."

The country of Belarus who happens to be Ukraine's' sister and openly dating America for less than a year has also released a statement saying, "Sister, our thoughts are with you. My brother and I have spoken over the phone and he is ecstatic. He cannot wait to meet his new niece and nephew as can I. We hope to fly to meet with you very soon."

The nation of France, Mr Francis Bonnefoy has also released a statement to the world with regards to his 'brother' and his new 'niece' and 'nephew'. "I am so happy for them (Canada and Ukraine)." France was ecstatic yesterday in a TV interview, "They deserve these two (babies). It just goes to show love really does conquer all."

December 30th, 2015 – UN Marks Date of International Mourning

In correspondence to this day marking the somewhat patriotic and missing KGB agent, Taishya Rovanoff's 20th Birthday, the UN has declared it a day of commemoration where thousands of people across the world have joined in on marches aiming to create awareness about kidnapping.

January 2nd, 2016 – New Year Happiness as Blissful World Couple Marry

Americans and Hetalians rejoiced yesterday as a 'ship' became 'canon'. In a rather public affair under the Statue of Liberty, Natalya Arlovskaya the country of Belarus and Alfred Jones the country of the United States of America said their vows.

"I was actually happier that England was America's best man." A devoted Hetalian stated, "Like, I was jogging past and there was this huge crowd and then bam! I saw England next to America and Belarus next to him and I can now die happy. I took pictures on my phone but they aren't really good because I was too far away."

Records were broken with more people tuning in from across the world to watch the livestream cast of the ceremony than that of William and Kate in 2011 and the ill-ended wedding of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphreys in 2012.

Other notable countries to be present at the ceremony included Japan (Kiku Honda), Canada (Matthew Williams), Latvia (Toris Laurinaitis) and surprisingly Russia (Ivan Braginsky) all of which were groomsmen and France (Francis Bonnefoy) who appeared to be the wedding celebrant.

Belarus and her bridal party consisted of her sister Ukraine (Yekaterina Williams), believed to be the maid of honour who looks wonderful after giving birth to twins in the second half of last year, Hungary (Elizabeta Hedervary) who seemed particularly unhappy perhaps due the rumoured troubles her and long-time boyfriend Gilbert Beilschmidt the ex-nation of Prussia are having (Mr B was in the audience at the ceremony), Lilli Vogel the country of Liechtenstein, Feliks Lukasiewicz the country of Poland and Emma Janssens the country of Belgium also were part of the bridal party.

When asked about the wedding Mr Arthur Kirkland (England) responded, "It is good to see that America is finally settling down. These past few months have been particularly testing on all of us, a wedding is something that has lifted our spirits."

Still, despite the positive receptions nations have shown toward America and Belarus, hate all over the internet has begun to flood common, universal sites, with Hetalians writing messages such as "USUK FOREVEEEER!", "Burn in hell Belarus! U killed a ship that was destined!" and even "F*** you, America! Belarus is Russia's! "

Even with these somewhat horrendous comments, Belarus and America have not taken notice, simply enjoying being newlyweds. It is expected that they will be travelling to Belarus in the next couple of days for their honeymoon.

June 12th, 2016 – Ukrainian Provinces Baptised

Ukrainian provinces, known by their nicknames as "Milly" and "Al" have today been baptised in an extremely private ceremony with the inclusion of nine people all up.

Yekaterina Braginskaya released photos today of the babies, who have not yet turned, in their christening gowns. People were left feeling frustrated after viewing the pictures as none are detailed enough to really see the babies who were the stars of the day due to their parents fears of kidnapping.

Guests at the ceremony included Matthew William's (Canada's) brother; Mr Alfred F Jones (America) and Miss Natalya Arlovskaya (Belarus) who are said to be godparents to "Milly", close friend Francis Bonnefoy (France) and new kid on the block, Ukrainian model Maxine Nobruskaya who is said to be good friends with her human-nation. Miss Nobruskaya and Mr Bonnefoy are allegedly said to be the godparents to Mr Williams and Ms Braginskaya's daughter "Al".

Not many people have been happy with the Canadian-Ukrainian couple's call for privacy in their lives due to the fiasco early last year in regards to a teenager and her twins related to the countries going missing. Many nave said it is time to move on from the paranoia.

November 1st, 2016 – America Charms Fans With Halloween Costume and Companion

Fans were delighted last night as Mr Alfred F Jones, the human-nation of America, stepped out of his home to engage in the Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating.

True to the holiday's requirements, Mr Jones dressed up for the occasion as Marvel hero Captain America whilst his noted companion, Tony, an alien, dressed up as Iron Man. Showing that countries are geeks at heart too, Mr Jones proudly told a reporter that him and his companion were massive fans of heroes and were heavily influenced by Marvel's latest movie, 'Civil War' for their Halloween costumes.

"I am the hero so I love heroes!" Mr Jones explained to the reporter whilst he also translated for his remarkable pal when the reporter asked Tony what he thought of the costume idea.

"He says he thinks its shit." Mr Jones said with a chuckle.

It is good to see that Mr Jones and his friend are getting a long better than the two characters they dressed up as.

November 8th, 2016 – Scientists Call To Put Tony the Alien in Ice

The society of America was left outraged yesterday morning as scientist banded together to request that Mr Alfred F Jones should hand over his "pet" an alien named Tony in order for them to de adequate research on the organism. This movement comes after Tony the Alien made his debut appearance in the world on Halloween night.

Twitter uses were quick to jump to their country's defence with many writing comments such as; 'Equality for all, including Mr Tony! #tonyhasrightstoo', 'Aliens have minds of their own. #noicefortony' and even 'You wouldn't put your dog in the freezer! Don't freeze Tony!'

March 22nd, 2017 – Atrocious Behaviour Arouses Anger Across World

Yesterday reports rocked the news yet again this week about the behaviour of the countries as images surfaced of Alfred F. Jones (the human nation of the United States of America) and Arthur Kirkland (the human nation of England) skinny dipping in Central Park.

The pair allegedly drank a little too much after a UN Meeting and ran riot in the streets of New York City before jointly deciding it would be a good idea to strip off and go for a swim in Central Park's Reservoir Lake. After receiving eighteen different phone calls complaining about the disturbance the countries were causing, NYPD intervened and arrested the men, keeping them in the watch house overnight. When asked about the incident, Senior Police Chief Ryan Freeman said, "It was nothing serious really and definitely shouldn't be made a big deal about. They're just two guys who wanted to let off some steam, as you do."

Others were not so casual with the countries antics, when questioned about the incident President Donald Trump remarked, "My government works tirelessly to make America great again but with performances like this from our very own nation, how can we?"

Mr Jones left an apology on Twitter about the incident stating, 'I am very sorry for my behaviour. Not sure what came over me. It won't happen again.' Whilst Mr Kirkland is yet to comment on the allegations.

This incident comes after it was reported that Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany) and his brother allegedly started a bar fight over a jug of beer. Police were called but no charges were laid.

April 2nd, 2017 – Further Scandal For Countries

Further scandal has rocked the countries following reports last week about a girl coming forward with the claim of giving birth to Spanish-nation Antonio Fernandez Carriedo's son eight months ago due to a result from a one-night-stand in Barcelona the previous year.

Whilst Mr Carriedo has yet to comment on this report, a spokesperson for the country yesterday issued a statement outlining that, "This accusation is ridiculous, I am sure, but due to legalities, my friend has decided to abide by undergoing a DNA test."

No further information has come out to this date.

May 9th,, 2017 – 2017 Top Hottest Men Results Put England at the Top

The results are in ladies as the 2017 most eligible bachelor was revealed to be the personification of the country of England.

Mr Arthur Kirkland (England) was said to be relatively surprised by receiving the top rank of being the world's hottest man beating his friends, Germany who ranked twenty, America who ranked seven and France who ranked at four.

Although England may have stolen the number one spot on the list, it was France who stole the show on Twitter with his tweet; "Perhaps I should go out to the garden and put to caterpillars above my eyes. It seems to be a common trend with and now Angleterre. My congratulations to the Black Sheep of Europe! < 3"

May 17th, 2017 – "Countries Need to Get Act Together!"- Coroners Report Demands

Following reports last month about scandals surrounding he countries, a coroner's report requested by the UN has outlined the need for countries to stop acting up and start taking on more responsibility.

Furthermore, President Trump had backed this report much to everyone's chagrin by making a post of Facebook with the link to the report's findings and adding the comment, "Damn right!".

July 3rd, 2017 – Canadians and Ukrainians Dote over Pictures of their Countries Twins

Two days ago, the second set of less-known mysterious twins belonging to Canada and Ukraine celebrated their second birthday whilst the world got a glimpse of just how these beautiful children have grown from infancy.

The twins, who we have come to know as "Milly" and "Al" due to their notoriously private and pathetically protective parents racked with nerves after the disappearance of the 'World Twins' and not even releasing the children's full names for the public to dote on, were snapped up eating heavily frosted cupcakes.

Milly who we believe is a mini-me of his father looked perfectly content as photographers snapped him up in the rose garden of the acreage the

January 27th, 2018 – Mixed Reception as Australia Marries on His Birthday

Whilst many of the smallest continent's citizens celebrated by 'throwing a prawn on the barbie', the personification of Australia, Mr Jack Kirkland, married the internationally renowned model Maxine Nobruskaya.

Nobruskaya, a Ukrainian national, has received a lot of negative criticism ever since she started dating Australia approximately a year ago, meeting him at a Melbourne fashion show.

Australian citizens have laughed at the pair making likeliness to America and Belarus and Canada and Ukraine who she claims is a close friend. Some even claim that the marriage between Australia and Nobruskaya was just a huge publicity stunt and an attempt, on Australia's behalf, to get closer with Canada and America.

To make matters worse the ceremony Jack Kirkland and Maxine Nobruskaya carefully planned ceremony was on top of the sacred rock of Uluru causing outrage amongst many Australians who have demanded an apology for this brash behaviour. No apology has yet been made.

August 29th, 2018 — Seychelles Unhappy with Fans

This week, social media went up in flames when small island country Seychelles tweeted; "I am sick of the crap people keep giving me so I have decided to close this account down. Enough is enough. I am a country, but I am also a human. Please remember that."

We wonder; is the reception the immortal countries receive too much to bear? Perhaps society needs to take a step back from worshipping the nations, after all, they too are humans.

June 6th, 2019 — Australia Welcomes Their First Nation Baby

Australians have rejoiced today as Maxine Kirkland delivered the country's first state baby. The little girl who has been nicknamed 'Queenie' (due to the suspected location she is) was born at 8:10pm this evening via caesarean.

Mr Jack Kirkland (also known as Australia) in minutes after the delivery took to Twitter to announce the birth of his daughter stating that "Well, I now have two sheilas in my life. Born at 8:10 (now-ish) and weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces. Maxie is under heavy aesthetic is concern as to why her son is missing a certain something."

Across the seas, Mr Arthur Kirkland (England) congratulated his younger brother by releasing a statement saying, "Congratulations Australia. Let us hope your daughter takes after Maxine."

Despite the positive overseas reception, Americans have noted that they are particularly restless from baby-brains for their own country Mr Alfred F Jones. Mr Jones and his wife who just so happens to be the country of Belarus have made no notion to attempt to start a family despite their wedding being three years ago, unlike Maxine and Australia's wedding last year. It seems like the world is beginning to grow impatient for the world leader to start a family.

December 19th, 2019 – Miss Universe Winner Really Gives Meaning to the Title

Fashionistas across the globe were left shocked this year as the biggest model scouting show in the world yesterday announce their very unusual winner; American entry Dedededede Be-ich.

On point with political-correctness, but possibly overlooking beauty, judges announced that Dedededede-Be-ich who is dating American-nation Alfred F. Jones's best friend Tony would bring a new face to the fashion industry...or rather a new species.

Fans were outraged stating that this choice of winner was just a political move rather than an actual reflection of the competition.

Dedededede Be-ich beat second-place receiver Ukrainian-Australian Maxine Kirkland who gave birth merely six-months ago but is looking better than ever. Mrs Kirkland is said to personally know the alien due to being in the social circle of the countries due to her marriage to Australian nation Jack Kirkland.

In regards to being beaten by the aliens Mrs Kirkland responded by saying, "I think it is wonderful! Dedededede Be-ich is beautiful and a very deserving winner. Why not give an alien the title of Miss Universe? It's defiantly more fitting on an alien than if it was given to a human."

December 25th, 2019 Nations Merchandise Extremely Popular Christmas Gift

There comes a time of year where the lists always emerge of the most popular presents given this Christmas. Now is this time and here just so happens to be a reflection on the most prominent gift this year.

Not surprisingly, this year Christmas sales have soared with the purchase of nation memorabilia so much so that even the nations are purchasing it!

The start of the week had social media in turmoil with an image floating around of Mr Francis Bonnefoy, the nation of France, wearing as shirt with four letters on it in the formation of a square; U – S – U – K.

Fans of the anime which promoted the countries rise to fame are ecstatic about the 'hint' (as they put it) that Mr Alfred Jones and Mr Arthur Kirkland are romantically involved. None of the nations have confirmed this and it is believed that Mr Bonnefoy is just having a dig at them.

March 12th, 2020 – Bizarre Vogue Magazine Cover

The notoriously iconic Vogue Magazine sure has had some bizarre covers in the past e.g. Kim Kardashian, however this month they have gone above and beyond.

Magazine purchasers were shocked today as the front cover of Vogue consisted of something out of this world—literally!

Tony the Alien, Mr America's best friend and Dedededede Be-ich, Tony's partner in crime were both facing each other on the cover of Vogue with their one child whose name is Podbay between them and facing the camera.

Podbay, who turns five this year, looks like a miniature version of his father and unlike his parents, he can speak perfect English.

Mr America has spoken highly of his 'nephew' saying once in an interview, "Podbay is totally cool! I mean, like seriously, he's the first alien born on Earth! Tony was all like, 'Boy Alfred, what do we name a kid?' and I was all like thinking about space and that so I said, 'Open the pod bay doors!' and it stuck."

If anything, the cover page of Vogue is a credit to human-kind, showing just how far we have come in the 21st Century to so willingly accept aliens into society.

July 1st, 2020 – Ukrainian Provinces Turn Five

Ukraine and Canada's twin children today have turned five.

The second oldest set of twins to have been born in the 21st Century to a country only recently experienced their first day of kinder. It is said that whilst 'Milly' made friends instantly, his younger sister, 'Al', ended up having to sit in the naughty corner due to punching another kinder who would not give her a preferred toy.

Despite Al being somewhat of a ruffian, it seems that both Canadians and Ukrainians alike have fallen in love with the spirted child which was proven via a picture released today of the five year old cheekily poking out her tongue. Something tells us that Al will take after her uncle more than her parents.

May 4th, 2021 – Nations Band Together

It's hard to look past the great bands of time; The Beatles, The Beach Boys, (heaven forbid) The Monkees, Backstreet Boys, INXS and more recently Coldplay, One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer all of which have challenged the notion of 'getting old' for an unusually long time however what about a band that will never have to deal with age (or well at least biologically)?

As it was confirmed today on their official page, a few of the human nations have joined together to create a band to raise money for charity and word on the street is that these nations aren't too shabby!

With Canada on the triangle, Cuba playing the drums, Prussia playing the air guitar, England playing an electric guitar and America as lead vocals, it seems like the band whose name is 'Brothers All The Time' is a band to look out for!

December 13th, 2021 The Waiting Game...Finally Ends!

The news Americans have been anticipating for is finally here. With pregnancy rumours circling around that Natalia Arlovskaya also known as Belarus skyrocketing this week, the Whitehouse has today released a statement confirming this.

It has been said that Americans will finally get their nation-baby on their favourite day of the year in 2022. So while there is a significant wait to the 4th of July, fanatics have already started planning merchandise in honour of Belarus' bump.

July 4th, 2022 America Welcomes Country's Baby

Today at 4:07 am Natalia Arlovskaya gave birth to a beautiful son weighing in at seven pounds, 2 ounces.

It was only two hours later, when the country was only just starting to wake up, that Alfred Jones or America spilled the beans that his son had indeed been born on his birthday. In a special interview, America said, "Well, it's actually great that the little dude is born! You know, we can take a step forward to getting over the missing twins. I know my bro is really scared about his kids getting kidnapped and even Australia with his little girl, but the FBI has assured me that the world can relax a bit."

When asked about what America and Belarus planned on naming their firstborn, America stated, "Well Bela wanted to call him Ivan after Russia but I was like, 'No way, Jose!'. I've always wanted to call my son Luke like in Star Wars so I could say to him 'Luke, I am your father.' so we settle on that with Ivan being his middle name. Oh! And Russia dude, if you are watching, we wanted to let you know you are Luke's godparent."

Already 62 babies born in the states after Luke's birth have been bestowed with the same name.

August 27th, 2023 Italy Marries in Florence

It seems like pasta loving Feliciano Vargas (Italy) has cooked his way into his lady's heart with the two wedding in Florence yesterday.

Italy accompanied by his best buddy Germany and his brother Romano as groomsmen met his bride, 22 year-old Abella Ciganti who was accompanied by a sister and cousin as her bridesmaids, down the aisle.

The wedding was a beautiful, retro-themed occasion with lots of pasta according to guests. It seemed as though Italy could not wipe his cute smile of his face throughout the whole occasion. And while those lovers of Italy may now be feeling crushed by his wedding, we should all remember that there is always Romano.

June 11th, 2024 – Smouldering In Klein

Reports that Ludwig Beilschmidt, the nation of Germany, has become a Calvin Klein model were confirmed today with the said country featuring in a new seasonal range.

Ladies lined up for hours today just to get a catalogue with Germany on it. Something tells us that Calvin Klein is going to skyrocket with money all because of their new asset.

June 17th, 2024 The World Cries Tears for the Most Beautiful Reunion in History

The words from Mr Francis Bonnefoy (France) today have left everyone in tears.

"Dear Citizens," the nation began his speech to a mass audience of reporters, "as some of you may know, I have waited for centuries in hope that one day the love of my life was granted life again. Today, I can confirm something that has been in wonder since the beginning of religion, the age old question; 'Is it possible that people can be reincarnated?' Let me tell you something; it is.

"A few years ago, an American tourist by the name of Lisa took a photo of mon. The camera flash captured my attention and in a second I recognized who was holding the camera. We toured Paris that whole day and I found out she was a passionate French student. When I left, I left my number with her and a week or two later I received a phone call from her.

"She visited me month after month and sometimes she would say things that fuelled my suspicions— we had met before. These things she said were only something one person could know, one person would remember and one day, she confirmed it herself, something beyond doubt, we had Definetly met before.

"I asked a few good friends who just so happen to be scientists to run a few tests to see if they could give further evidence to my suspicions. Yesterday those tests did just that so today; with all due respect to Lisa I would like to confirm that she is indeed the Maiden of Orleans; Jeanne de Arc.

"I know this is sudden but after waiting forever, we have decided to get married tomorrow. Jeanne was a truly amazing person having sacrificed herself to save my life single-handedly. I owe it to Lisa to make sure that her second life is met with the love, safety and security she never experienced in her first. Lisa and I are both willing to answer any questions you may have about her past life. Merci."

February 1st, 2025 A Decade Later and Still No Answers

It is hard to believe that today marks a decade with the biggest scandal ever surrounding the human nations. When it blared on the screen of millions about the disappearance of Taishya Rovanoff and her alleged twins, we could hardly believe our ears.

Yes, it is safe to say Miss Rovanoff was not one that was loved by many but the teen's involvement with the human countries and scandalous pregnancy had the world by storm. There was not one person who did not gossip about whether the baby was going to be a boy or girl or who they believed was the rightful father of it. Family dinners were not small talk but rather big arguments on what the child's name was going to be.

Even after ten years of non-existence, Miss Rovanoff has not been seen and it is a commonly accepted theory, that with the many enemies she had, she was murdered.

Although this suspected, rather depressing, end to the short life of Miss Rovanoff is currently being reviewed in a court, the countries have banded together to take a stand against violence.

The G8, last month, were all present for a photo-shoot rumoured to be for a calendar which donates all of its profits to the aim for safety amongst communities. We have no doubt this calendar will be a best seller, perhaps even France will purchase one for England?

February 5th, 2025 – Call for Movie to be made about Taishya

Just after the ten-year anniversary was observed commemorating the disappearance of Taishya Rovanoff and the World Twins, Hollywood producers have today met with hope of discussing ideas about creating a blockbuster movie on the notorious Russian spy's life.

Many have lashed out on social media, detesting the idea and claiming that Miss Rovanoff and her twins should be left alone to rest in peace.

February 25th, 2025 Umbria Showered With Welcomes

Today the world has welcomed the Italian Province of Umbria into the world. Umbria whose name is believed to be Adriana Caprica Vargas was born weighing less than eight pounds and Abella is said to being doing well.

Germany released a statement today saying, "We wish the very best for Italia, Abella and the newest edition to their family. Heaven help us if we have a little Italia on our hands."

October 19th, 2025 Alliance Strengthened for America and China

Mass fans today followed through social media posts on the wedding of Yao Wang (China) and Suzanna Jones (State of Georgia). The longest standing, most stable immortal couple wedded in Suzanna's state in a small Chinatown.

Rumour has it; at least 49 seats were set up for Georgia's mass family including Mr America and his three year-old son Luke who was dressed very smartly in a suit.

November 21st, 2025 America Immortalized by Fame

Today Mr America received his very own star on the Walk of Fame. It was quite heart-warming to see the young nation's grin as he posed near his star.

This is just another momentous occasion which tends to highlight just how far we have come in the world. 10 years ago, we never even knew Mr America.

January 3rd, 2026 – America Welcomes Niece into World whilst China Welcomes First Child

Today America announced to the world that his sister, the state of Georgia has indeed delivered her baby, a little daughter believed to be the land-mass of Atlanta who's christened name is Bo Anne Jones-Wang.

In a press conference, China was heard saying, "Oh, she is beautiful, very quiet-aru. She has her mother's eyes-aru."

December 27th, 2026 – Japan Prefers Solitude

Fans were left feeling bitter today as Mr Kiku Honda (Japan) was heard saying in a conference that he preferred the life of solitude rather than the chaos brought about by the discovery of the human-nations.

It is with this being said that the question has to be raised; is society going to far with the delivery and reception f stardom we have given to the countries? After all they have been countries for is old news now.

July 14th, 2027 The Most Beautiful Couple in the World have welcomed their First Baby

Today Francis (France) and Lisa Bonnefoy have welcomed their first child; a son believed to be the Burgundy province of France.

Whilst many thought that the mini-France would have been bestowed Napoleon, a statement on Twitter confirmed that the name of the baby was the second favourite of the punters; Louis or rather Louie after the imbecilic king; King Louie the 16th who was married to Marie Antoinette. Louie's full name is said to be, Louis Arc Bonnefoy which is very fitting considering his mother's heritage.

Canada and Ukraine's two children were seen ushered into the hospital earlier this morning with flowers obviously for their aunt. The children looked ecstatic as the both wear dressed in matching blue outfits, no doubt to symbolize the birth of their new cousin.

April 19th, 2028 – Nations Set for World Domination as Italy Gets his own Cooking Show

It seems like the massive fame and busy family life is not enough for Feliciano Vargas (Northern Italy).

Today an announcement was made signifying that not only was Mr Vargas getting a pasta brand under his name but his very own cooking show! It seems as though a new celebrity chef is going to have the housewives running to their television screens.

July 4th, 2028 America and Belarus welcome a Second Son

Social media went wild this morning as America made the announcement that Belarus safely delivered anther son, who has been confirmed to be the state of Alaska, into the world in the early hours of the morning.

"Well this little dude cries louder than New York (Luke) ever did." a particular frazzled looking America explained to the press, "I think the whole world will be pretty happy with his name. Bela and I named him Artie Jaroslaw Jones after my good old pal and Bela's president. Iggy, if you are listening to this, I reckon you should get to my house real quick to meet my kid."

We wish all the best for Belarus, America and six year-old New York on looking after the latest edition of the Jones-Arlovskaya family.

October 27th, 2029 A Second Daughter for China

Today China and Georgia released a statement announcing the birth of their second child whose name has been confirmed as Alana Ah-Cy Jones-Wang was born in the Anhui part of China at 3:30 am this morning.

Although there has been no official appearance of Alana or Georgia, it has been stated by hospital staff that both mother and baby are doing splendidly.

November 26th, 2029 Moment Ruined as Ex-Nation really becomes an Ex

In the time of celebration over the birth of a child shred between the nation's most stable couple the world is in despair.

The announcement that Hungary gave birth to a daughter at around 1pm this afternoon lead to riots of joy all around the world from dedicated 'PruHun' fans however moments later ex-nation Prussia took to Twitter and posted the following statement;

"I am very happy about the birth of mein awesome daughter; Maria Holly Beilschmidt (Gyor) however it brings me immense sadness to announce that things between I and Hungary are over and have been for quite some time now.

"With that being said, the awesome me vows to continue to love Hungary unconditionally and assist her in any way I can to enable the best upbringing for our daughter. Danke."

When asked about what he thought about his brother's sudden and dramatic announcement, Mr Germany simply responded by saying, "Mein bruder is an idiot."

January 7th, 2030 – Spain is Sent to Rehab

It is no secret that years ago Russel Brand was sent to rehab for certain reasons and now it appears that a certain country who took the phrase; "Be fruitful and multiply." a little too literally is following in the star's footprints.

"Romano reminded me yesterday that I have had six children in the last eight years all from different mothers." Antonio Fernandez Carriedo addressed the press yesterday as he walked into a rehab centre.

It seems like Spain has begun to address his problem already with his youngest child turning one last August.

"The bastard parties every weekend." Romano spoke about his friend when interviewed by our team, "What did he expect?"

We hope that all goes well for Spain and he succeeds in his effort to seek rehabilitation for his rather embarrassing problem.

January 15th, 2030 New Zealand Angered at Australian Adoption

It seems like Jack (Australia) and model wife, Maxine Kirkland have taken a leaf out of other high profile stars, such as the infamous Jolie-Pitt couple, and have adopted a little human girl by the name of Eve. Whilst this was a considerably saintly and heart-warming act on Australia's behalf, it seemed as though not everyone saw it this way including Australia's neighbour from across the ditch; New Zealand.

"I don't think that idiot should be showing us up over hear by adopting our kids." New Zealand was reported saying, "You know what Mother Theresa said, something like focusing on the issues in your own country."

In response to New Zealand's statement, Maxine tweeted a rather deep post saying that, "It is no secret that I have fertility issues due to my modelling career. Jack and I have always hoped to have more children and give Matilda a sibling but knew the likeliness of me being able to conceive was very small. When I saw Eve I fell in love with her and so did Jack. We will do everything we can to raise our little girl to strive for the highest. I am certain she will make you proud, Mason."

January 2nd, 2031 USA Makes a Major Announcement

Fans today were ecstatic as Alfred F Jones along with his wife confirmed in an interview what we had all been expecting. Yes, Natalia is pregnant again, this time with her and America's third child.

"I am not fussed on the gender but I am more pro-daughter." Belarus told the interview, "I have to sons and I think it would be a nice experience to raise a daughter as well. If I had a son, I would still be just as happy."

"I would love to name a kid after a superhero!" America proclaimed half-way through the interview, "If it is a boy, he could totally be called Batman or maybe like TonyStark or Hulk or something and if it's a girl than her name could Wonder short for Wonder Woman."

An obviously tired Belarus gave her husband a tired sigh as he talked about superhero names for his third child. The pair also announced that there is a reality TV show currently being produced about them. 'At Home with the Jones' ' should be on our screens early next year.

January 6th, 2031 – Controversial Studies Suggested on Human Land-Masses

A controversial idea has come forward to study just how countries are made.

This social science plan would involve cultivating a land-mass and giving it an identity before recording any births or unexplained adoptions that take place in it. If identified, the human-nation would then be raised in a controlled condition (such as a lab) and would be studied to see how their health directly correlates with events of the land.

The UN has detested this idea, days after they released an appeal to start referring to those who represent land as "human landmasses" as opposed to the widely used, less politically correct term of human-nations or human-countries.

The majority of the population across the globe have also spoken up, expressing their disagreement to the suggested experiment.

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