The Lord's Favourite Dealer (...

By Shady_D

1M 45.9K 10.4K

Alexander Richardson is a nineteen-year-old attorney in the making. He spent his childhood reading through hi... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Ties (Jordan and Benjamin)
Sergio's POV
Please rate this book!

Chapter 35.

16.1K 709 255
By Shady_D

Chapter 35.


"What's that?" I asked when I walked into the kitchen and found Jordan at the table reading a newspaper with a frown on his face, a fork in his hand. He had a plate of food right beside him.

I glanced at the counter beside the stove and smiled at the plate of food. Jordan didn't usually cook, neither did I, but he has proven to be way better at it than I am.

"A story about the shootout. They're labelling it as a robbery, the guy that got shot was just a really 'unlucky passing citizen'. It's complete bullshit, I drove by there on my way home, they were still cleaning up. You don't break into a textile factory and spill flour on your way out. How stupid do they think people are?" He said shoving the paper away from him. "Not to mention that that same factory gets burnt down a few weeks later, I bet the men that were moving – or stealing those drugs decided to take care of the rest of the evidence."

"Huh..." I didn't know that that was the factory that burnt down...

"Ma says we should move." he looked at me.

"Hasn't she always said that?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, add drug wars to it and I'm beginning to agree with her. Maybe we should move to a calmer part of the city?" Sergio lived that side and caused a drive by.

"It wouldn't make a difference." I muttered.


"Gangs are everywhere." I shrugged.

"Gangs? Mmm..." Jordan looked back at the newspaper.

I pulled my phone from my pocket as it began ringing and froze as I read over the name.


Why would he call me? I ended everything, I spoke to Clyde about that yesterday as well. What did he want?


I felt my lips tug up slightly but I shook the through from my mind. Sergio's the type of person that can't really care about anyone but his family. If he thinks he likes me it's because he wants to hook up. It's because he's stressed by all the gang dealings and needs a way to let steam off.

That's probably the reason I think I like him too. I'm just a little messed up, I'll forget about him now that I'm done with all of that.

"Who is it?"

"No one." I ignored the call and shoved my phone back where I had pulled it from.

"Sure." He smirked. I shook my head turning to grab the food and the glass of water beside it before I joined him at the table. "You can take it, I don't mind."

"Since when do you read the news?" I asked ignoring what he had said.

"Since it matters." He replied.

I sighed looking at the photo of the burnt factory.

"We need food." He pointed to the fridge.

"We do? Then how did you make this?" I asked as I ate.

"Magic. No, really: Magic. We literally have no food." I shook my head chuckling as I walked up to the fridge and opened it. Well, he was right.

"That explains the glasses of water." I said grabbing and empty justice box from the fridge. "Jordan." I frowned at him.

"What? I was in a hurry, I meant to throw it away when I got back... I forgot." he mumbled. "Whatever, you can't get mad at me for that when you FAKED a break in." he shot me a glare. "Yeah, I saw your laptop. What you did was on another level." he added.

"Uh... so groceries." We laughed as I pointed towards the front door.

"You still have to explain." he said putting our plates in the sink.

"Not now." I said, "It's a long story. We're getting the food in ten minutes." I added as I left the kitchen to get ready.

I got cleaned up and threw on a shirt, some soccer pants and trainers. I had nothing important planned so it was fine. I looked at my contact lenses and frowned. It was just so much work... I shook my head grabbing my glasses before I walked out of my room as Jordan did and we looked at each other. I took note that he was dressed just as laid back as I was.

"We're going to the Riverside mall."

"No." I laughed.

"Why?" his brows rose, "I'm driving." he added grabbing his car keys as we got downstairs.

"Just... not in the mood for that place." Truth was, that was the mall Sergio and I were banned from. The fact that we trashed the place could not be excused. I couldn't step into it...

"You keep getting weirder." he muttered. I punched his back and grabbed his keys while he laughed.

I shook my head getting into the driver's seat of his car, he looked at me and sighed before he climbed while I laughed before I drove us to a different mall.

"Do you have a list?" I asked.

"Yeah, sent it to you now." I pulled my phone out. "I'll see you in a few, I need to get some supplies." I nodded. Jordan was an art student so he needed some materials.

We split up and I headed towards the grocery store but I got side tracked by an electronics store and walked into it instead. I began going around the store playing with anything that was on and that I found interesting.

"So, groceries, huh?" I looked at Jordan and shrugged as I messed with the little robot I had been focused on. "Anyway, some guy was packing this out –"

"Oh my God!" I grabbed the headphones from him, "Finally." he laughed.

I had been looking for these specific headphones for a while and I couldn't get a hold of them.

"Guess it's a good thing we didn't go to Riverside." I looked at the bag in Jordan's hand and realised I had been in the electronics store way longer than I thought I had.

"We should get the groceries – but I'm getting this first." I said looking back at the headphones in my hands.

"No, we have all day. Seriously. Plus I think I saw Uncharted, I wanna test it." I chuckled agreeing as he walked off towards the gaming section. I ran through a few more shelves.

"What a coincidence. I guess this is just fate." I frowned looking up.

"No, that's a phone." James looked at his phone confused and I just turned to keep looking through products. Fate is an old PC game. I didn't care if he didn't know that.

"You've gotten really into that law thing, haven't you?" He followed me down the aisle.

"What do you want, James? Are you following me?" I asked shooting him a look. I looked over the shelf and could barely spot Jordan on the other side of the store playing on the X-Box with a young teenager.

"I might be..."

"That's not hot, it's creepy." He laughed.

"You know exactly what I want, Alex." He said leaning against the shelf and smirking at me.

"Right. Well, I'm not going out with you." I said walking down the aisle. I think it's time Jordan and I got those groceries we came here for.

"Why not? As I recall, the first time you were very excited." He said.

I laughed. "The first time you were hot... and then I got my glasses."

"Ouch." He said before he grabbed my shoulder. "You do look good in those glasses... yum." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, "Come on, Alex. One date. It can be like old times..." He drifted running his hand down my shoulder and then my chest, but it didn't stop there. I frowned but kept my eyes on his as his hand trailed down my body.

"Keep moving your hand and I'll break it." I said seriously as his fingers ran onto my belt.

"Still so feisty. I always loved that." He smirked dropping his hand to his side.

"James. Look, you're cool. Really, and good looking. I'm sure you'll find a guy that finds the craziness and the unpredictability to be a turn on." I said.

He laughed. "Oh, but you always did, Alex."

"Yeah, and then you tried to lock me in your room because I spoke to another guy so I realised the crazy is just a little bit too real." I frowned at the memory. He had been seriously possessive while he kept cheating on me... he was such a hypocrite.

"Come on, that's what love does to people –" I chuckled.

"Oh really? It didn't do that to me." He decided to ignore me.

"I never wanted to lose you... but I did... I wish I could change that." I pursed my lips and looked away from him and he spoke, "We can have that again. Remember it? All the good times?"

"You mean us having a fight and you running off to 'get some air' and then trying to hook up straight best friend?" I frowned glaring at him.

He looked down. He should have known I would find out if he hit on Shiloh. Shiloh was so distraught when he told me; he kept complaining about how James wasn't even his type and reminding me about how he always told me James wasn't hot or interesting, never mind the fact that he was not gay. Shiloh never really liked him much to begin with. That's something he had in common with my parents and they had never even met James, but that was fine. They hated all the guys I liked. Mom always said something about me having 'bad taste'.

"You're holding one mistake against me. I was angry! It made a mistake. You said you forgave me!" He said.

"I did, I do. Look, James. I'm just not interested in you anymore, alright? It was... weird while it lasted." His smile finally fell and I rolled my eyes getting ready to comfort him.

I gasped and almost dropped my headphones when he pushed himself against me causing my back to hit the shelf. I was about to shove him away but I stopped when he smiled at me.

"You never forget your first love..." He smirked leaning to kiss me.

I gave a chuckle as I lifted my hands to his chest and shoved him back.

"But I really wish I could." I said. He ignored me.

"Just as strong as I remember too, bet you still don't even workout. Babe, you haven't changed a bit." He smirked before he gave me a sad face, "He's just not right for you, Alex." He said.

I raised my brows.

"Who? And how do you know what - who's 'right' for me?" I asked.

"Sergio. The bastard's nothing but bad news." He said.

I looked at him.

"Why would you even - whatever. I'm not with him - and even if I was; my life and who I see has nothing to do with you." I said, "Like I said, James: it was fun while it lasted but it's over and I'm not up for a second round. So uh... Yeah. See you around." I gave him a smile before I turned to walk off but he grabbed my arm.

"It's not over. He's bad for you." He said.

I gave him a flat stare before I just shook my head and began to walk off but I stopped when my eyes caught a face that instantly made my breath hitch.

"Speak of the devil." James muttered.

Christ. Who the hell isn't in this store?!

"Alexander." I almost smiled as Sergio beamed as he grinned at me before he frowned, "What are you doing here?" he asked glancing around before he glared behind me.

"Hey." James' smug voice came from behind me.

"James?" Jordan's voice came disgusted, "And Diego..."

"Diego?" James sounded amused.

I sighed internally. I really didn't have the time for this bullshit.

"Looking around, getting some headphones..." I said waving the headphones for Sergio.

"Right. Hello, Jordan." Sergio chuckled. I nodded and began to leave. "Wait." I stopped and looked at Sergio, "I tried –"

"I know." You tried to call me. His face seemed to drop as he realised I had purposely ignored his call and I felt my heart follow.

"Yeah... So... you're good?"

"I'm great." I grinned and fought to keep it wide as his eyes showed a glimpse of rejection that his face didn't before he smiled.

He's not safe. I wish he was. I wish I could be with him. I wish he was nice and... normal. Why did I have to miss him? I had not even known him that long and I had liked him for even less time.

"That's good to know."

"It is. Goodbye. Come on, J." I said casually walking by them to pay for my headphones.

"What the hell was that?" Jordan asked as he caught up to my side. "James looked like he was going to go batshit crazy on Diego." he said.

I gave a cough of laughter.

"When doesn't James look crazy?"

"Good point." He chuckled as I paid.

I glanced back and saw Sergio walk out of the store with his neutral face on before I looked at James and found him still staring at me.

"He's being seriously weird." Jordan muttered noticing what I had.

I nodded before we made our way out of the store to do what we had actually come to the mall for.


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