The Understanding (Bk 1 Otago...

Por DeeJCooper

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Cassie finds herself involved in a peaceful protest about recent hospital budget cuts. But it then turns into... Mais

c copyright. Chapter 1- The Protest
Chapter 2- Leaving the Night Behind.
Chapter 3- Sports Game
Chapter 4- The Encounter
Chapter 5- The Gym
Chapter 6- A Night Out
Chapter 7- The invitation
Chapter 8- Holidays Begin
Chapter 9- Dedication
Chapter 10- All on the table
Chapter 11-The Question
Chapter 12 - Meet the family
Chapter 13- The Answer
Chapter 14- Mid Winter Christmas
Chapter 15- Sleep Over
Chapter 16- The Date
Chapter 17-Part of the Family
Chapter 18- Time with Friends
Chapter 19- Sharing the News
Chapter 20- Coping with a Night Out
Chapter 21-The Fall Out
Chapter 22- Out of character
Chapter 23- Guilt and Uncertainty
Chapter 24- PeaceKeepers
Chapter 26- Being Together
Chapter 27- Welcome home Party
Chapter 28- Boys Talk
Chapter 29- Re-Run
Chapter 30- Coming Together
Chapter 31- Wedding Party
Chapter 32- The Beginning
Authors Note
draft Friday Afternoon
draft chapter 6- The Interview
draft chapter 5- Police Cells
draft Chapter 4- Night Over
draft Chapter 3- The Rescue
draft chapter 2- Police Action

Chapter 25- Surprises all Round

504 24 7
Por DeeJCooper

Cassies POV

Going round the garden after school on the last day of term and picking spring flowers was a real treat and a favourite pastime. I had always loved it and had been photographed on many occasions on this front lawn over the years,   hiding,  lying down in them or Mum would bring out picnic lunches when Zach and I were studying for exams. 

There was very little breeze and the whole of Dunedin seemed to sparkle with the changing seasons.  The long nights are being replaced with longer days and the promise of summer not far away.   I looked out over the large front lawn and it was covered with clumps of daffodils and fresias.  Mum had loved them but had a thing for the old fashioned bulbs that still had fragrance,  unlike alot of the modern ones that were bred for shape or size.   I had collected a large bunch and wandered inside to find a vase.  As I arranged  them I realised that seeing the seasons changing  reinforced to me  the fact that Max had been away for the whole of the winter season. 

Since that night a month ago when Lara had summoned  Ryan, I shook my head at the memory, I had re-read Maxs reply several times over and it still couldn't fail to flip my stomach and distract me from whatever I was doing. Thinking of the gorgeous police Sergeant that had come to my rescue so long ago, actually having feelings for me,  Wow.

"Hi honey," Dad had come into the kitchen as I set the vase down on the table. Deciding I would take a small number of flowers,  in a vase upstairs to my room, I went back into the kitchen and found a small one for the 3 flowers left in my hand.  "Any big plans for tonight.  Celebrate your end of school term and start of your holidays?"

I shook my head,  "What are you up to? "

"One of the guys from Church was wanting me to go with him and a small group on an overnight retreat. Talk through some issues, BBQ food probably burnt beyond recognition and get no sleep.  Should be fun."

I nodded. Dad laughed, "Cass are you actually listening to anything I am saying?"

"Yeah, you are heading out,  man stuff. "

"I think I could have told you I was off to skin a polar bear, and you would have said 'ah-ha'. Whats up honey?"

I didn't know I had been that distracted and said,  "Max gets home over the next few days.   His messages have been unclear,  but sometime between tomorrow afternoon and Monday night.  He can't be sure,  not knowing how long they want him to stop in Wellington and make his report.  Depends how many questions they have for him it seems." 

"Ah, young love," with a smile, I turned red not sure how to answer that.  Dad asked if I was ok with him heading out,  when I nodded it was fine,  he kissed me goodbye headed off to grab his bag and meet the guys.

I still  couldn't believe I was so close to seeing Max again.  His hands, his smile,  being held safe in his arms. I longed  to hear  him talk about his time away,  watch his lips move, touch him.  My mind was wandering and I had only just realised that my hand had stopped mid-air putting the small vase on the benchtop.  I was tired,  I knew I was.  I felt emotionally wrought and if I thought it had been hard saying goodbye to Max it seemed to shadow in comparison to waiting out these painful remaining few hours. 

There were times that I felt like my heart would beat out of  my chest as I thought how it would feel to see him walking towards me.   I had imagined and dreamed it so many times.  I would be looking over the harbour, he would call my name and I would turn and run to him.  Normally at that point real life would intrude and bring me crashing down.  Not least of my concerns was telling Max what had happened with Ryan. But talking to Lara  we decided that I would tell him but I just need the pick the right time.

I put a piece of lasagne left from last night in the microwave, grabbed some salad greens and bread before heading to the couch in the lounge. I tossed on the TV for company but continued to let  my mind go over the past few weeks.  I had started sending occasional replies to the messages Max sent, even if it was just to sign my name 'love Cassie xx.'   He had told me when he was planning to be back and had said he will contact me as soon as he landed in Christchurch, before heading south.

I cleaned up and headed upstairs to get ready for bed,  thinking I'd go back down for a hot drink.  But bed just looked too inviting and I climbed into my Queen size bed with a sigh, so nice,  not long now.  My phone clutched in my hand like a life line had become the norm. Max hoped I would loose the 'possible' and 'probably'  before he got home. Had I? I sighed, I knew that I loved him I just needed to get on with it  and be honest with myself. Closing my eyes sleep quickly overtook me,  one day closer. 

Maxs POV

I was so tired.  I had flown direct from Honiara to Auckland,  then a connection to Christchurch. Thinking I would stay over night then travel into Dunedin tomorrow.  But when I heard a Dunedin flight announced in the Christchurch terminal I couldn't help myself getting a ticket and taking the final stage of my journey.  

I had time to call Alex and he came to meet my fight  After a shower  brief reunion at home I couldn't help myself from coming over to see Cassie.  Knowing she probably wouldn't answer her phone I had called her Dad.  Cam had said he was away but Cass was home and to go on over.

Standing here at the door I found I had the same trepidation I had known that first night in at the station. Wondering what her response would be when she saw me standing here. I tentatively knocked.  No answer.   I did a circuit back to my 4-wheel drive and leant in the cab door.  The were no lights on in the house,  glancing at my watch I ran my hand over my head wondering what I was thinking,  it was after 11.30.

Suddenly stirred by the urgency that got me here in the first place, and not enjoying the thought of how I would feel going home without seeing her I strode to the door and with more confidence than I felt I turned the door handle. suprised that it opened I went in. Making sure to lock it behind me. I moved into the house. Having checked downstairs for Cassie and also to ensure there are no unwanted guests I had made my way upstairs.  Having checked each room I now found myself leaning on the jamb of Cassie's door. I felt like I was intruding and knew that was exactly what I was doing. 

The moonlight was coming in through the large window at the end of the room and I could see her hair spread out on the pillow behind her and she was curled on her side.  Seemingly deep asleep.  I was loath to wake her so whispered, "Hey," quietly from the doorway.  When this got no response I went closer and dropped to my knees in front of her on the side she faced and tried again, "Hey," I couldn't resist reaching out for a stray piece of blonde hair that had fallen across her face. Her eyelids barely flickered and she reached to stroke the side of my face and gently replied, "Hey."  Not the response that I had expected after all these weeks, but as she took my hand, keeping hold of it as she rolled to face the other way, effectively making me follow her up onto the bed and come in behind her.  There was no way I was complaining about this.  I pushed my face into her hair and breathed deep.  I gently eased my body close to hers from shoulder to hip and enjoyed the warmth that started to uncurl.

I had barely started to relax when Cassie sprang away from me and clambered to her knees, I sat up to look at her.  Clearly she was startled and the realisation that I was really there, now evident on her face. 

Covering her mouth with her hand, clearly stifling a scream, I heard my name repeatedly from behind her hand, as her hand moved off her mouth she carefully reached out her hand to my chest and tentatively felt for me. 

"Are you really here? In my room?"  I nodded then she launched herself at me forcing me to my feet to hold her, laughing and grabbing for me.

"I didn't think it was real, I thought you were a dream.  One that I have had so many nights," she whispered.  "But you are real," by now she was stroking my face a slight frown creased hers  when she fingered the new scar on my hairline.  Reading the question in her face I whispered,  "I'll tell you about it another time, all you need to know is that I am alright and I am not going anywhere."

My eyes hadn't left her lips as she continued to caress my scar gently.

"Cassie, I love you, I don't want to leave you again."  She smiled a radiant smile and said, "I'm not going anywhere." and leaned into me.  Our lips met hungry for one another, searching for reassurance and wanting to give it in return.  My tongue ran across her bottom lip and she opened for us to come closer our teeth  nipping and clashing as we moved to tip our heads the other way for better access.  She had her hands on either side of my face and as we slowed to ocassional touches and simply pressing our lips close. She was stroking across my shirt under my jacket and slid it down my arms slightly, looking a little coy.

"Do you want to lie with me?  I don't want you to go."  Easily convinced. I stood up not taking my eyes from hers.  I slipped out of my jacket and took off my jeans.  I watched her eyes slide down my legs and back up again. 

"Are you embarrassed to see me taking off my trousers?"  I stood longer watching her gaze linger on me. 

She shook her head, and got a naughty smile on her face, "Surprisingly no," then she giggled.  "I really thought I would be," her eyes came back to my face, "But its you, and I...." she hesitated, "I know that I love you and want to be with you always. In every way."

I groaned at the honesty in her words, lifting the blankets I slipped in and turned her back to me and held her tight. "Ah, Cassie I have so longed for this moment, to know if you feel the same way as I do. I love you so much."  I was stroking down her side and she arched her back and head into me sighing, "I love everything about you, you are so beautiful inside and..." I felt lost for words, "and how you look has me thinking of little else than getting close to you and being with you." 

"But considering your Dad knows I am here tonight, I am not so sure that being together for the first time here will go down that well."

Cassie turned in my arms, hooking her leg quite naturally up over my hip and pulled us close, she smiled, "See what you do to me?" I was feeling a bit embarrassed about how quickly I had come to attention, given the fact that Cassie most definitely would want to take things slow. Cassie's body went from straining to get close one minute, to being relaxed against me the next.  "You're probably right."

"You do know that the door downstairs wasn't locked don't you?  You really need to be more careful with security." I told her gently, "I don't want anything happening to you baby."

She nuzzled into my chest and sighed, "You're home," her eyes were shut, "I don't need to worry about security anymore. I feel safe."

The warmth that zinged through me was hard to describe.  She loved me, and the only job I wanted for the rest of my life was to make sure that she was safe and protected.  With what I had planned,  being able to do that on a full time basis was not far away.  I just hoped that she was up for it.





thanks for reading.

what happens now? comments or thoughts welcome.

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