Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF)...

By Liamslittleangel

36.2K 802 66

The story takes place before Austin was famous: Taylor is a foster child with a tough past, and Austin is a r... More

Chapter One~ Welcome "Home"
Chapter Two~ Possible Crush
Chapter Three~ First Day of School
Chapter Four~ Cole...
Chapter Five~ The date!
Chapter Six~ Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seven~ The journal
Chapter Eight~ (idk wat to call it)
Chapter Nine~ Close Call
Chapter Ten~ Secrets
Chapter eleven~ Your lying
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two!
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four :)
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Not an update, please read.
Chapter Thirty
Authors Note
Chapter Thrity One
Authors Note (important)

Chapter Thirty Two (Last Chapter)

688 32 7
By Liamslittleangel

Taylor's P/O/V

  Last night I couldn’t sleep; no surprise there. With all that has happened in the last 24 hours, I am sure you understand. I haven’t really spoken to anyone, after everything that happened no one talked; we all just went into our rooms and didn’t come out, until this morning.

All night I was drowning in my thoughts, and so was everyone else (Most likely). It’s just pure shock to me that Alex did that. My best friend betrayed me and was going behind my back with my worst enemy! Can you imagine that? Well let me tell you, it’s not fun, at all. But you have to move on from things, and it’s hard at times.

I am not going to burden you with my problems though, at the moment. I could sit here for days and give millions of examples about how hard my life is, but I don’t support self pity.  When you take the time to think about how horrible your life is, then the worse it gets. But, if you focus on the good in life you’ll feel better about your life, and yourself.

“Taylor?” A familiar voice cooed through my shut door, I opened my eyes a bit and slowly made my way out of the large, comfy bed.

“Yeah?” I asked, opening the door.  Michele walked in and gave me a small smile, I shut the door behind her and she sat down on the bed. I walked over and sat down awkwardly, waiting for her to say something.

“Well, I know you’re tired of getting lectures and having these talks, but I feel we need to discuss what has been going on.” She replied putting a hand on my bare shoulder, I nodded and bit my lower lip.

“Things have been complicated, and I understand that. All this drama has gotten to everyone, but you and Austin need to talk it out.” Michele said, I again, nodded. My hands fidgeted and I let out a breath.

“I know we do… Should I confront him now, or later?” I asked standing up, Michele followed my actions and she smiled a bit. “Better do it soon.” I sighed and walked out of my bedroom and looked around the hotel room.

My eyes landed on Austin’s bedroom door which was shut, and my heart skipped a beat.  I don’t know why I was so nervous, it’s not like Austin did anything wrong. The only ones who are guilty of that is Alex and Sarah…

I stopped stalling and began walking towards his room, I wrapped my fingers around the door knob and took in a deep breath. After a long pause, I swiftly pushed the door open, and I didn’t see anything. The hotel rooms have no windows, only Alyssa’s, and Austin had the lights off so it was dark.

“Austin?” I asked quietly shutting the door behind me. “Taylor is that you?” His slightly deep and raspy voice said, I nodded but realized he couldn’t see me in the darkness. “Yes… it is.” I replied finding my way in the black, I soon reached his bed and I slowly and cautiously sat on it.

Suddenly the lamp came on and I saw Austin in the dim light, leaning against the headboard. I smiled a bit but he did not repeat my actions.

“I’m sorry.” He said after a long pause, I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why? You did nothing wrong.” I said, scooting closer to him, he shook his head. “No, I mean I’m sorry all this happened. “ He stated, I shrugged.

“Well it’s okay. All things happen for a reason, but I agree this has been quite dramatic.” I replied lightly, added a chuckle at the end. “We are okay right?” Austin asked, referring, I suppose, to our relationship. I let a smile creep onto my face.   “Of course!” I replied kissing his cheek, he actually smiled this time.

“So what now?” I asked leaning on his shoulder, he kissed the top of my head. “What do you mean?”

“I mean like, what do we do now?" I replied, he sighed and his chest rose and fell beneath me. "I don't know, we will figure it out. But I think we need a break for a while..." He trailed off and I shut my eyes tightly.

"Yeah I guess. I am glad we got all this sorted out though!" I said happily, he chuckled and kissed my cheek again. "Me too." Austin replied, I got off of him and stood on the soft carpet, he got up too. "Well I'll get ready and then we can go out and do something. Okay?" I nodded and gave him a small hug, and then walked out of the room reluctantly.

After everything that's happened, I am thinking I shouldn't continue with my decision.

I am sure you’re wondering right now, what the heck I am talking about. Well a little while back, maybe a couple of concerts ago; anyway... I decided that this whole tour thing has been kind of monotonous.

(Monotonous: Repeated, routine, agenda. When something is monotonous it means that it never changes, its the same exact thing every time)

I wanted to leave tour, it’s the same exact thing all the time.  We go to Austin's concert, come back to the hotel, pack up, and leave. Then the next day we travel and then do another concert and come back, pack up, and leave... again.

I love to support Austin, but have my own life that I need to deal with. Austin isn't the only one with dreams, I have them to. There are a lot of things I want to pursue. I have been so focused on working things out with Austin, that I haven't gotten a chance to do anything I want to do.

I really need to go to college and get a career, I don't want Austin to make all the money. I want to be able to support myself...

"Morning." I was snapped from my thoughts by Alyssa talking to me, I turned my head and she plopped down next to me. We made small talk and things were kind of awkward, but besides that everything was fine.

"So are you feeling okay?" Alyssa asked after a long pause, I let out a sigh but nodded. I was about to say something when Austin walked into the living room, he smiled to Alyssa and sat down beside me. The only person who was still locked away was Alex; I can’t imagine how he feels right now.

But it doesn't matter if he betrayed m, we all make mistakes. No matter what he will always be my best friend, and I need to sort things out with him; just to ensure this is the end of the drama. I am going to be the bigger person and confront him since he won’t confront me.

"I should probably go talk to Alex..." I trailed off as I pushed a stray piece of hair out of my face. Nor Austin or Alyssa said anything, so I took I stood up and walked to his room. To my surprise he wasn't in there.

Something clicked in my head and I immediately knew where he was, for some reason he likes to hang out on the balconies of every hotel we have been to. I suppose it’s kind of like his getaway. I walked around the corner while trailing my fingers down the cream colored wall. I stopped in my tracks and looked down the semi-long hallway that had the glass door leading to the balcony. I bit my lip and tilted my head to rest on the smooth wall, my arms crossed over my chest and I observed Alex.

He was sitting on the white lawn chair and his back was facing me. The curtains were wide open so I could see everything. I looked beyond his largish figure, and looked at the town. Even though it was morning, New York still seemed as though it was lit up.

I turned my attention back to him and I watched as his head was buried in his hands. Alex seemed to be frustrated, and kind of depressed. But I understand why, he must feel really terrible about what he did; which is why I need to talk to him.

My feet moved slowly and I paused, putting my hands on the handle to the slide open doors. I pulled it open and it made a swoosh noise cause Alex’s attention to turn towards me. His eyebrows furrowed as I sat in the lawn chair next to him.  I again looked out at the city and no one said anything for a long time.

“So” I started, he still didn’t say anything. He just looked away and then down at his hands. “Been pretty dramatic, eh?” I finished nudging him in the shoulder, and let out a chuckle and Alex still didn’t respond. “You know, you can talk to me if you want.” I said after a short pause, I soon become frustrated also.

“I am having trouble keeping up both ends of the conversation!” My voice rang with annoyance. “What do you want me to say?” He snapped throwing his hands in the air. I was slightly taken back but kept my cool. “Sorry… I’m sorry…” He calmed down and a tear rolled down his cheek. I scrunched up my face, “I am so so so sorry Taylor. It was a huge mistake just p-please f-forgive me-“He started sobbing, wow talk about emotional. I instantly wrapped my arms around him and waited patiently. “I told you Alex, I do forgive you.” I whispered, he sniffled. That’s one thing I have always admired about both Austin and Alex. Neither of them are afraid to cry, even sob if they need to. Because both of them are sensitive and care about others feelings, they are better people. It’s amazing how they don’t feel like their pride has been belittled just because they aren’t afraid to cry.

“You will always be my best friend. And I love you so much Alex, you have no idea. Everything is okay now; nothing is going to ruin our friendship.” “It’s all okay now.” I added, he wiped his tears and sat up. “Thanks Taylor.” He replied, I nodded and we talked for a bit.  

For the last hours we were just completely open and honest with each other, and caring towards one another. It was the first time in a while that we got to spend quality time with each other.



Alyssa’s P/O/V

My heart race increased and I could feel a slight blush rise to my cheeks. His soft finger tips touched my face and pulled me closer. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and waited for his lips to connect with mine. I never really realized it, but yeah, I did have a crush on Alex. And I still do.

And now it’s like all of my dreams are coming true.

It’s truly amazing how much your life can change in such little time. Never in a million years would I have thought to be here, with him.  And never in a million years would I have thought that I would meet my sister and have a relationship with her. Never, did I think my life would be perfect. I wish I could put this moment on replay and keep reliving it.

Lucky is one way you could put it, but I prefer to call it a miracle.

Millions of thoughts ran through my mind as his lips finally were planted on mine. I kissed back and felt like the kiss was perfect, which it was.

What seemed like forever was really three seconds. Alex pulled away and I did the same, my eyes fluttered open and I smiled. Alex did the same and a little dimple appeared on his right cheek.

“I have been waiting to do that for a while.” I commented, he blushed and looked down. “Me too.” He replied, kissing me again. What could be more perfect? Oh yeah, afterwards he asked me to be his girlfriend, so… it did get more perfect.

Taylor’s P/O/V

“Come on Austin!” I yelled with a bright smile on my face. Austin laughed and ran to catch up with me as I jogged down the streets of New York. And this time my eyes weren’t filled with tears, but my heart was filled with joy.

People gave Austin and I stares, like we were crazy. But did I care, not at all.  Austin finally caught up and we skipped together. I got my camera and took a picture of the buildings, and sneaked a few pics of Austin. He didn’t seem to notice.

We came to a small ice cream shop that was nearly empty.

“Can we have two chocolate cones please?” I asked standing in line, the man nodded and soon we got our order. Austin paid and the two of us ran out of the small shop hand in hand.

“Hold on babe you have something right” Austin paused and smashed his cone on my face. “There.” He finished with a laugh, I gasped and hit his arm. We began walking after I wiped it off. I took several pictures of the sights and a couple of selfies!

Soon we reached our destination. I looked up at the statue of liberty in amazement, never did I think that I would see it in person.

“It’s beautiful.” I commented, Austin nodded in agreement. The wind blew my hair slightly and I smiled up with my head tilted back.

“Hold on a sec.” I said taking out my camera once again.

“I love you.” Austin whispered, I giggled. “I love you too.” I replied; he blushed a bit.

“Forever and always?” Austin asked holding out his rather large pinky. I smiled brightly and locked pinkies with him. “Forever and Always.” I repeated assuring it.

We stood side by side and he kissed my cheek. I could hear the click of the camera and that’s when I knew, everything was perfect.

Just remember, there is hope for everyone.

And one thing is for sure, this was totally Unexpected.

The End!


I had an amazing time writing this book! Thank you for all the support, votes, and comments that you guys give me. I hope you liked the ending! I love you all so much, again thank you! If you don’t mind since this is the last chapter please give me an overall review.  



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