I Was Their First Snow(EXO X...

By AyraAkakurifu

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Hmmmm.....This is a story about a reader who was loved by all twelve men, to them you were their first snow... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45 (2nd Last)
Part 46 (Last)

Part 26

2.3K 87 6
By AyraAkakurifu

D.O smiled to you as he held your hand, "let's go under the love tunnel". "Isn't that dark?", you made a worried look but D.O continued to smile. "Gwenchana~ let's go", he ushered before pulling you with him making the other members curious.

"Yah, D.O where are you taking her?", Luhan asked but his question was left unanswered, "D.O! *being ignored* .... D.O!! *being ignored*". Kai sighed, "he's not gonna listen hyung, ...... geez, I'm jealous, right now".

Chanyeol pouted, "jealous because beautiful snow is stealing Kyungsoo from you-", his words were cut off by Kai. "Yah, how many times should I told you? Kyungsoo is stealing my girl and I can't allow that", he said in a pissed off tone.

Kris scoffed, "you're only pissed because it is D.O? Sheeisshh, sometimes I would think that both of you are dating".


D.O suddenly hiccuped while he was in line with you, waiting for the boat.

You look at him and giggled, "is someone talking about you? Or is it just a coincident?". He shrugged his shoulder while swaying your hand with his back and forth, "I don't know~ maybe I caught a cold". "D.O-ah~ you don't hiccup when you get a cold", you corrected him with a smile.

He thought for a while then nodded in acknowledgement, "yes, you're right, Oh! It's our turn", firstly he got into the boat and held both your waist so you could balance through your foot to go into the boat.

After you were seated, he took out a large plastic cape for people to wear incase they get wet and then he unwrapped it and put it on you, "I bought these to make sure you won't get a cold because of the water", he smiled to you.

He then put on another plastic cape for his body, "and don't make that worried face, you are so lovable", he kissed your cheek. You blushed to his words and you also were shocked because he said as if he read your mind that you were worried of him.

(Miru's note:~ that cute squishy Kyungsoo😍😍)

Then the ride started, it was at it usual slow pace, D.O continued to hold your hand so you wouldn't be scared and you found him attractively sweet and he actually made you less scared of the darkness of the love tunnel.

Then it started, colorful lights could be seen and different shapes of cartoon(machine) with heart were shown. Then a dolphin with a heart-shaped mouth, of course it's merely a machine, spit water on the both of you making you squeaked while D.O laughed.

"This is fun, right?", D.O smiled widely as he turned his head to look at you. You look at him and smiled before nodding, you then pointed to a cupid pointing an arrow to the both of you, "that's not gonna stab us, right?". He laughed, "you're worrying too much~".

After that, the tunnel started to tell a story, and lights were shown to the machine that shows the content of the story.

As you were looking around with big curious sparkling eyes while your eyes screened what you were looking, D.O couldn't help but to stare at you with a happy smile, 'this is the only thing I can do to see you smile with me, next time I'll bring you to the cinema...'. He tightened his hand that was holding yours but not that tight to make you hurt.

He's too innocent to hurt a girl like you moreover to the girl he loves, but to the boys, he loves to hit them.

After the ride, he gently and carefully opened the plastic cape from you and threw it into the nearest trash bin after he opened his. He looked at you and held your hand again, "so? Was it fun?". You made an eye smile, "yes... thank you D.O-ah".

"Good, I had fun too, let's go find the others before they get mad at me", he dragged you with him to find the other members.

When the boys were in view, the boys quickly went to the both of you. Chen cocked an eyebrow, "where did you take her, D.O?". D.O made a blank face, "taking her to a date".

Chen sweatdropped but smiled nonetheless, "I know that, but your hair and hers are a little bit wet", he neaten the sprinkle of water from your hair that looked like crystal snow had fallen on your hair. He smiled both like a dinosaur and a camel and that smile, to you, looks adorable.

"There you go, beautiful girl as you are~", he grinned. "I'm hungry, let's go eat at another shop, I saw they sell roasted beef and it smelled delicious!", Chanyeol smiled widely while trying to set the boys into a trap to being an eating monster like him.

Baekhyun's tummy was the first one to growl, and everyone laughed.

"Ey, my little lamb is laughing at me", he pouted to you as he placed his one hand ontop of your head. You giggled, "that's because it is my first time hearing a funny tummy growl", you eye smiled. He smiled widely and rubbed his nose with your nose making you blush at the closeness before someone visibly jealous pulled him away.

Which was.






"Yah, micheosseo?(are you crazy?)", Suho growled. "Uh-oh, you made Suho mad", Xiumin covered his own lip in a shocking manner.

Dun! Dun! Duuuuuunnn!!


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