The Pursuit of Leanne Masters

By rutimabe

71.5K 2.9K 78

Colton Barratt has it all fame and fortune but he is a semi broken billionaire movie/rock star. Leanne Master... More

Why were we born?
Good Impressions
I'm employed
Something There
First Day at Work
Mr Barratt senior and me
I can't do this, can I
Nightmare in the daytime
The battle lines are drawn
What the hell happened?
My first real friend
Colton's PA
Dressing the part
The kiss
Hollywood here I come
Hollywood here I am
Miss Fiesty is back
Normal isnt all Good
My Hollywood Kiss
Every Picture tells a story
Where is she?
Back with Nan
Dinner Date
Don't mess with the Barratt's
The sherrif
The Real Wildcat
Back to Near Normal
The Trial
Jacob Wins the Day
Starting Over
This girl Changed my Life
The Interview
Dealing with my new found fame
Internet phenomenon
Movie Stars
Reluctant Star
Farewell Concert
Colton's Birthday Present
All good things...
No more Virgin Anymore
Morning After the Night Before
Rosie Black
Birthdays What Birthdays
The Wedding Date
Charity Gala
Wedding Preparations
Our Wedding Day
The Reception
Wedding Present
The Honeymoon
Oscar Surprise
The Last Word
The Billionaire And The B and B

And Rock Stars

1K 48 1
By rutimabe

Leanne's POV

After the premiere party we were hounded from the exit of the venue to the gates of the Barrett's home.

As we entered the lounge, Dad and Mum were sat waiting for us, Alex made an excuse and she and the security team disappeared.

"Well son how did it go?" He asked with a stern expression on his face.

Oh shit I thought something's wrong what's Colton done

Colton smiled and said.

"Really well Dad, The film was a hit with the audience, I told the world I'm in love with Leanne, we kissed, that's about it"

'That's about it' my brain screamed.

"Good, so when are you going to make good your promises" he said looking back and forth between Colton and me.

"Promises?" I questioned

"Yep, Marriage and our grandchildren"

He replied. "That's what you told the whole world"

I immediately went bright red, oh shit the whole world heard us, could things get any worse.

"Soon Dad, I intend to get married very soon and then we can start on our brood of grandkids" he smirked.

Hang on I thought, don't I get a say in this. The Barratt men have me married and pregnant with triplets.

"What's that about grandkids" BB asked as she and Chloe came in dressed in their pyjamas. "Are you pregnant, Leanne, oh good I get to be an aunt, when's it due?"

"Not yet dear" mum stated. "But soon"

Oh hell, its not just the men, it's the whole damn family who want me married and pregnant.

" Umm" I mumbled "I'm, er tired, so goodnight all, see you in the morning" as I went to leave, Dad grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey dear, it's alright, we didn't mean to upset you, we love you and we want you to do whatever you want, when you want, it's just with Colton the way he was, we didn't see any grandchildren in our future.
But now he's got the most beautiful girl in the world whom he wants to marry and have children with and she says she wants the same we got quite carried away, We're sorry"

I hugged him back.

"I do Dad, I want it all too, it's just a little hard to take it all in"

"Then my dear take your time, we are here for you as long as it takes" mum added.

"Thank you" I replied.

The next day being a Sunday, meant I could lay in, yes!
Sprawling out on my sumptuous mattress, I stretched my arms above my head and my legs down the bed, just as there was a knock on my door, without a second thought, I said.

"Come in" the door opened and in walked Colton, oh shit of all the people I expected it wasn't him.

He walked in and stopped mid stride his eyes glued to my body, as i was dressed in French knickers and a very short revealing top and in mid stretch.

He was in a tight white six pack hugging t shirt and jogging bottoms, as we both froze and stared at each other.

Chloe walked in saw us both staring at each other.

"Oops" she said as she did a quick one eighty and left, this broke us both out of our trance, I grabbed the sheets and flung them back over my body and Colton cleared his throat.

"Sorry but you did say come in"

"It's okay, I just didn't think it was you"

"Well I just wanted to ask if you wished to come and see me and the guys rehearse for the concert, you'll get to see Cherry and the rest of the the gang as well"

"Hey that's sounds great, my own Twilight of the Gods concert" I beamed.

"Well it won't be exclusive as BB and Chloe are coming to"

" Even better" I cried.

" Well hurry up gorgeous, we leave in an hour" as he reached the door he turned and with a sexy smirk added " You don't need to dress on my account come as you are, though I don't think we'll get out of this house"

Oh lore, I can feel my body reacting to his flirting.

"I think I better get dressed then, can't have you sounding terrible on the night through lack of practice, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I held you back"
I grinned.

"Why you" he growled as he turned and advanced towards me, I shrieked and dived under the covers.

I felt his hands press down either side of me and in my darkened tomb I heard him whisper through the covers.

"Oh the things I could do to you Lea to get you to scream my name"

And after those words he got up and left.

This man, what he can do to me with words, is frightening, if any other man spoke to me like that I would wet my knickers in fright, but he has me wetting then in an entirely different way and reason.

Fifteen minutes later I was in the kitchen, tucking into the gorgeous spread Damien had laid on for us all.
Armed with full stomach's, we all said our goodbyes and piled in to the waiting car with security taking the car behind.

Driving quickly through the gates we caught the few paparazzi napping and were gone before they could react.

The rehearsal was held at Walt and Cherry's place they had a large outbuilding decked out as a small Studio and large Sofa's and tables setup for the audience, that is the girls and I to sit and watch.

The band's wives that is Cherry, Walt Reynold's wife, Emily, Bart Young's wife, Bianca, Clyde Brotherton's wife and Sofie, Wayne Everett's wife.

They were a laugh, teasing Colton and me about the lovey dovey video from the premiere that had gone viral, by doing wild Impressions of how we acted and what we said.

At first I was embarrassed, but their acting was so way over the top that I couldn't help but laugh. By the time the guys had setup we all had tears running down our faces from laughing to much.

With all their children settled at baby sitters, the alcohol
Was soon unleashed, at first I turned it down after the last time I drank, but I was pestered so much I gave in eventually.

After an hour of rehearsing, the girls were very lively after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, I had only drunk two glasses and that was enough for me as that made me feel light headed.

Then the band started on some of their best known hits and I was dragged up as we all started dancing and singing along and before long a dance party was in full flow.

Suddenly I was grabbed, spun round and when my woozy head settled, I found myself in Colton's arms being danced around the floor.

"I couldn't stand seeing you shake that gorgeous ass anymore without coping a feel" he whispered as he slowly caressed and fondled my ass.

Oh boy alcohol and emotions are not a good combination, as I started to press against him and rub myself over him dirty dancing style, to which he responded.

The moves had gone from mild flirting to hardcore porn and if Cherry and the rest hadn't started whistling and making lurid suggestions as Colton ravaged my mouth with his, that brought me back down to earth heaven knows what would have happened.

I went bright red which is my normal reaction to being in the spotlight and pulled back from Colton, who made me blush even more if that was possible, by stating in a low whisper in my ear.

"It's just as well you pulled back gorgeous, I was about to take you right here, right now on the floor in front of everyone"

it made my body heat up in certain places, so much so, I must have been melting as my panties became extremely wet.

My mouth went dry and I really urgently needed the bathroom.

I made my own excuses and headed to the bathroom and as is the norm with girls, the others suddenly needed the restroom to.

As we gathered at the basins to wash hands, repair hair and makeup, the girls started chattering away to me.

"OMG, Colton is totally into you, I have never ever seen him like this" Emily gushed.

"Yer" added Cherry "I thought we were going to get our own porn show, just now"

"It's true he has never acted like this before, he's so into you, I feel a wedding coming on girls" Bianca squealed.

This started them all off at once planning my wedding, wanting invites, where it would be held, the celebrities who would come.

Jeez the whole world wanted me to marry Colton and to be honest parts of me were thrilled at the prospect, but other parts were scared to death a the daunting prospect.

We returned to the guys who were just finishing practising a number, Colton sauntered over to me, throwing am arm over my shoulder and pulling me close
to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I saw the girls look at me grinning and nodding their heads in agreement, that their assessments in the restroom had being spot on.

"Did you talk about me" he whispered with a smirk.

I looked up at him and with my own smirk in place replied.

"No I talked about how hot Walt is"

I saw a flash of something cross his face, it happened so quick , I couldn't be sure but it looked like jealousy mixed with as little anger, so I thought I better defuse it quickly.

"No the girls were day dreaming about a wedding and invites and things, they seemed to think I'm getting married to some guy, but I said nope this guy they're talking about for me is to shy and timid and so not into me" I laughed.

Next thing I'm over his shoulder being paraded back and forth in front of the cheering band, while he smacks my ass stating.

"He's to shy is he" SMACK! "timid is he" SMACK! "Not into you" SMACK! And in between he would fondle and caress where he had smacked me.

As for me I was screaming at him to put me down, crying out ! When he smacked me and pounding on his back for all the good that did, I think it hurt me more than him.

Eventually with my ass tingling, I gave in and agreed with him on everything he wanted me to agree with and all this time the girls and the band were howling in laughter, then the room hushed at the final question.

"And when I ask you to marry me, Miss Masters your answer will be yes, okay?"


SMACK! "Okay"

"Okay" I said. SMACK!

"I didn't hear you, what did you say" SMACK!

I shouted "When you ask me to marry you I will say YES"

He put me down to huge cheers and shouts.

"And may I remind you Miss Masters, you swore an oath in front of witnesses"

To which they all nodded in agreement.

So screwed! But the tingling sensations in my body were SO GOOD!

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