In Where Gerard Is Awkward An...

By XxGerardisdeadxX

21.9K 967 1.4K

Gerard works from 11 to 8 an Italian restaurant while sketching in the morning and afternoon when he can to s... More

(1) In Where Gerard Is An Awkward Virgin And Calls Frank Who Is A Prostitute
(2) This chapter title was too long so wattpad made me change it and it was good
(4) Frank was pissed near the end of this chapter and it got steamy
(5) Gee's birthday is coming up and Lindsey hunts Frank down
(6) Gerard Gets Upset At Lindsey But Then Thanks Lindsey Later
(7) Frank Makes Breakfast And Recieves A Blowjob Lindsey gets a date and #same
(8) When There Is A Three Week Time Gap Gerard Goes Shopping And Frank Is Kinky
(9) Where Lindsey is a fangirl and Frank is a pain in Gerard's ass- literally
(10) In Where Its Franks Point Of View Finally
(11) Shower Sex Is The Best Sex If You Need A Fix Before Work By Fall Out Boy
(12) Sometimes Bedroom Walls Are My Only Friends
(13) Taking My Training Wheels Off For You Because You Mean More Than Drugs
(14)The Promised Chapter Bc Last Ones Were Sad/I Probably Used This Song Before
(15) Lindsey Convinces Gee On A Double Date Which Reveals Some Kinky Things
(16) Seriously Frank, When Is Ever Going To A Club A Good Idea In A Fanfic?
(17) I Pulled This Chapter Out Of No Where And It Will Be More Fluff. No Smut
(18) V Short Smut Chapter Because You Have To Read The A/N To Figure Out Why
(19) Where Fluff Turns To Angry To Smut By Fall Out Boy
(20) Can You Knock Someone Out With A Dildo By Panic! At The Disco
(21) Painting, Creativity, and Purple
(22) Mikey's Dull, Tried To Hook Up With Frank, Gee Beats The Shit Out Of Him
(23) It's My Motherfucking Birthday You Motherfucker
(A/N) Lmao fuck
(24) Frank Wears 'Girl' Clothing For The First Time So This Will Be Interesting
(25) Blood, Sex, Blanket Forts, And Outer Space
(26/27) I Never Told You What I'm Like When I'm Sick/It's Xmas pt. 1
(28) Welcome To The Short Apology Filler Smut
(29) The End Of All Things
10.5k? Holy shit

(3) Where Gee and Frankie were going to 'hang out' but it started to storm

1K 62 46
By XxGerardisdeadxX

Gerard's POV

I shot up, blinking a few times. I rubbed my face, looking around. What the fuck? I'm home.

I don't remember getting up and walking.

My ass hurt again too because last night, he wasn't exactly fucking gentle. Peachy. I was fucking peachy with my ass hurting because everyone loves their ass hurting after being being fucked in the ass.

My eyes adjusted to the light before I lazily reached for my phone. The device was cold and notifications from Pete and Mikey flooded my phone. I had a few others from Twitter that I had my art on and people that paid me to draw things. I stretched, realizing how I had work today. I mean.. how much could I have slept in? Okay a whole fucking lot because my ass hurt and I was really tired. I good enough dreadful effort to actually check my phone again for the time before make air basically choked me.

It was 12:24.


I felt myself sit up again the couch, robot like. The sun that was coming through those blinds were really fucking annoying. In the mist of my worrying, a new message lit up my screen.

From: Frankie

I brought you home last night. Decided not to leave you there. Anyways, I got you out of work so don't worry about that. Maybe if I don't have a long night we can hang ;)

How the fuck did he get my number? Oh wait. Jamia. I opened the text before texting, letters blurring together almost from the fact my eyes were trying to close so sleep could engulf me.

To: Frankie

I'm up for hanging out but I swear I will cut your dick off because my ass fucking hurts. Maybe I'll let you have a different way but, this sleeping beauty needs to wake the fuck up so work, asshole.

I was actually rather proud of my response. Sassy but I can always make it work. Maybe I'll re color my hair today....

From: Frankie

Damn, pushy. Bye sleeping beauty

For some reason I found myself blushing. What is this? I'm going to fall in love with a man my brothers boyfriend hooked me up with and he's a prostitute? Sounds like a reality Tv show on MTV.

I slowly god up, holding my lower back before stretching, getting a few satisfied pops in return. I let out an extremely over dramatic groan from the relief it had.

I turned on the coffee pot and went to the bathroom, running my hand through my matted, messy sex hair.

Yeah that's attractive.

There was a note on the mirror that went unnoticed until I turned on the shower and undressed.  Isn't that explanatory though? I'm trying to pull my boxers off without ending up with some sort of burn.

Can that actually happen? Getting a burn because your underwear is too scratchy? I mean, mine isn't too bad but- Jesus Christ Gerard. Focus on taking a shower.

My attention was caught by the sticky note, making a small sound of who knows what. I pulled it off the mirror with a small pop and looked at it in my hands, my eyes scanning over the scribbled lines before focusing.

'You're beautiful. Don't think about those marks. Your art is still amazing by the way. Keep going.

A small, sad smile but warm played on my lips before I set it on the counter and slipped into the shower, letting the warm water soak my skin.

My ass really did hurt...

I scrubbed shampoo in my hair before cursing. I rinsed that shit out before I could even properly clean it. I shut the water off.

"FUCK ITS COLD." I yelled, snatching the towel. I wrapped it around myself before wandering to my room. I found sweats and the extremely over sized red shirt I used for bleaching my hair. I slipped them both on before walking back into the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror that the steam was finally disappearing from.

Before I could think about my reflection, I snatched the hair dye from under the counter. The black dye was poured into one of the many mixing bowls I own, the paint like brush beside it.

The left over red dye looked more enticing though.....

No Gerard.

After setting, I took some and leaned close to the mirror, applying it to my brown roots. It was a pain in the back a bit but I managed that well..... I think.

While it set, I drank maybe a cup of coffee and smoked a cigarette. It was just random things because normally if I try and draw with this shit in my hair, it drips and I have to start over. {A/N: worst thing ever}

About maybe another few minutes of walking before I couldn't fucking stand it. My feet carried me to the bathroom, violently turning the water on.

Basically, I almost broke the handle.

After stripping, I used that conditioner that helped with the setting and shit. It fucking smelt terrible though. The dye was washed down the drain, the sound of the water being moved and running down my body made my skin itch.

I shut off the water and dressed before wandering the apartment for something to do.

Three cups of coffee and two cigarettes until I died.

I pulled on my hair newly dyed hair in absolute frustration. I was sketching that fucking bastard because that's what was on my mind. I couldn't focus on the other pieces of art. I couldn't get the nose just right. I sketched his eyes, his lips, his scorpion, his hair and how it hung in his face sometimes. That fucking lip ring. That damn lip ring that wanted to make me just figure out how he could make something like a little piece of metal so attractive.

I was trying to get it perfect. My cheap ass colored pencils were scattered on the desk, my frustration growing when they moved each time I brushed them. I spent money on high end paper so I have cheap colored pencils.  I didn't want to use my fucking colored pencils. I was trying to capture the shadows and the shades with shading pencils.

My phone suddenly went off in my scaring me before and sighing in annoyance before answering the phone, not looking at the caller ID.

"Gee!" A voice sounded through the other line.

"Hey Mikes." I said, sitting back and drumming my fingers against my leg trying to not let my irritation leak through the phone.

"What do you want for your birthday?" He asked, the excitement oozing from the other line.

"I mean... You don't-"

"Don't give me that bullshit! You say that every year! Your birthday is two weeks away! Please?" He asked. I could almost see his frustration and pushing up his glasses.

"Better quality colored pencils maybe." I admitted. "Maybe some new sketching paper... I don't know Mikey. I don't really care." I said, hiding the frustration in my voice. I really did not want to talk about this right now.

Mikey huffed from the other line before there was some sort of petty argument and Pete's voice came through the speaker.

Please help me.

"Hey! Who did you choose? I've been wanting to ask but- MIKEY NOT THOSE. Anyways, did you choose someone cute? Kellin?" He asked, questions falling out of his mouth before processing them.

"Frank. Frank Iero." I told him. There was silence and a muffled laughter.

"What the fuck? What are you laughing at?" I snapped. I could see Pete holding his stomach, trying not to laugh.

"You called your crush to get over your virginity?" He asked. "It's funny none the less, but not the best way to find out your crush is a prostitute. Well... There could be worse ways." He chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat.

"Peter fucking Wentz I will cut your dick off if you mention Frank as being my crush again when I never even knew he existed except for glances." I snapped, rolling my eyes. I tapped the pencil mindlessly, waiting for a reply from the ass on the other line.

"You- FUCKING HELL MIKEY I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THOSE!" Pete said suddenly. I arched an eyebrow before cussing was heard and Pete muttering he had to go. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before hearing a knock on the door. I found the drawing before walking barefoot to the door. I pulled it open, and smiled to see Lindsey.

"Hey Gerard Gay." She smiled. I chuckled before hugging her. She invited herself in and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"You've got my cat?" She asked, popping the cap and taking a desperate sip. I snorted and nodded, showing her. A few weeks ago she gave me a photo and had me sketch her cat. It wasn't hard and she just hasn't been able to stop by with all her shit or something.

"Damn, Gee. You're always good with those pencils of yours." She smiled.

Lindsey has been a friend for a long time. Since high school and she helped him through a lot of the shit. Her black hair was pulled up and her infamous red lipstick coated her lips. She had on her skirt and boots, some sort of band shirt to top it off.

She snapped her fingers in front of my face, making me blink and look at her, slightly startled. I didn't realize I was spacing out.

"Earth to Getard. What going on in your life? Did you finally get laid? If you did-" she babbled. I shut her up with tilting the beer into her mouth. She drank the cold alcohol instead of choking and shot me a glare.

"That wasn't very nice." She mumbled. I arched an eyebrow.

"Honey, have you met me?" I asked before motioning her to the couch. She sat, hands on her knees, waiting. I instantly spilled to her, minus the very graphic details of being fucked. I didn't tell her that Frank was a prostitute but she knew who I was talking about because she visited a lot to flirt with Jamia. I took a breath and looked at her.

"Frank is a prostitute." I said, almost rushed. Her eyes bulged out of her head.

"What? Wait what?" She asked, clearly confused.

"He's like this amazing cook at work but at night he like gets fucked all the time. I really never looked at him before and when I called him, I really hadn't recognized him and then when I woke, he left a note." I said, pausing to leave and grab the note. I handed it to her before continuing. "And like so I went into the kitchen and found him and oh god he's so beautiful with all the art work on his body and his eyes. He's sweet but he also is rough as fuck and oh my god Lindsey, what do I do?" I asked. She just sat there, absorbing the information before sighing.

"Just wait to see what happens." She said gently. She rested her hand on my arm, giving me a small smile. She drained the beer and handed me the 150 she owed me before leaving. I went back to wanting to pull my hair out.


It was maybe ten when Frank texted me.

From: Frankie-

Hey, I managed to get by with not doing some people. I'm going to head over, yeah?

I smiled a bit before looking outside. It looked rather cloudy but I shook it off, texting back.

To: Frankie-

Yeah that's cool. I have no food so just a heads up.

I said, giggling. My phone went off again and I checked it.

From: Frankie-

Yeah yeah. I'll stop and grab something. I'm a vegetarian so I was going to stop anyways.

I threw my phone on the couch after his response before finding myself in my room. I left the front door unlocked, continuing to sketch. I was slowly getting his nose...

I was enthralled with the work so I didn't really hear the door. I didn't hear the foot steps and jumped when a hand was on my shoulder. Frank chuckled.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He smirked. My cheeks flushed pink before I mumbled some very cheeky words. I stood, interest peaking when I saw the bags of food. He pulled them away and shook his head.

"Sit your pretty ass down. If I'm making you hang out with me I'm going to just make some cheap ass pasta. That okay?" He asked. I just nodded before walking by past him. He gave my ass a quick slap and I squeaked. I turned back and glared before going to sit on the couch.

It seemed like ages though for the food to be ready. Hunger was about to rip my stomach open and crawl out when Frank fucking announced food was ready. He wouldn't let me leave the couch.

I walked over, taking a bowl before testing it. I fucking moaned into the food.

Frank rose an eyebrow.

"That's food, Gerard. Not a dick." He said before putting things away before eating in a casual manor.

I on the other hand choked on pasta.

My cheeks were probably as red as the sauce before staying silent and containing my moans from the food porn. It was just really good.

Frank actually cleaned up everything after he ate, not letting me touch anything. I had huffed grumpily before walking off to go brush my teeth. Frank came up behind me, standing up a bit on his toes and kissing my neck.

He jumped away almost instantly when there was a rumble in the sky, able to be heard through the slightly opened window.

This was the first time I've seen him scared.

He just shook his head, blinking his eyes.

"Frank? Are you okay? Are you afraid of storms..?" I asked gently. Frank just flushed a light shade of pink before I led him to the couch. I placed a blanket on his body before letting him curl up. He seemed exhausted.

And he was because he passed out when his head laid in my lap.

A/N: well, I did re write this. Anyways, this will be my update for today :)

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