The Pursuit of Leanne Masters

By rutimabe

71.5K 2.9K 78

Colton Barratt has it all fame and fortune but he is a semi broken billionaire movie/rock star. Leanne Master... More

Why were we born?
Good Impressions
I'm employed
Something There
First Day at Work
Mr Barratt senior and me
Nightmare in the daytime
The battle lines are drawn
What the hell happened?
My first real friend
Colton's PA
Dressing the part
The kiss
Hollywood here I come
Hollywood here I am
Miss Fiesty is back
Normal isnt all Good
My Hollywood Kiss
Every Picture tells a story
Where is she?
Back with Nan
Dinner Date
Don't mess with the Barratt's
The sherrif
The Real Wildcat
Back to Near Normal
The Trial
Jacob Wins the Day
Starting Over
This girl Changed my Life
The Interview
Dealing with my new found fame
Internet phenomenon
Movie Stars
Reluctant Star
And Rock Stars
Farewell Concert
Colton's Birthday Present
All good things...
No more Virgin Anymore
Morning After the Night Before
Rosie Black
Birthdays What Birthdays
The Wedding Date
Charity Gala
Wedding Preparations
Our Wedding Day
The Reception
Wedding Present
The Honeymoon
Oscar Surprise
The Last Word
The Billionaire And The B and B

I can't do this, can I

1.5K 71 4
By rutimabe

Colton's POV

"Hey son" came my father's voice across the patio as he pulled away from to of his golf buddies, one was the police chief and the other some high ranking person in the intelligence service.

"Yes dad" I replied

"I need you to do me a favour please" he asked

"Sure dad what is it" I sighed

I noticed a glint in his eye when he next spoke.

"Would you go and pick Leanne Masters up from her home as the limo is tied up, here's her address" handing me a piece of paper.

"Sure thing dad" I felt hope rise in my chest, I hadn't seen Leanne for a week and I was lucky filming was cancelled this weekend due to some unforeseen problem.
So I was able to come back for the barbecue.
I shot around the front and jumped into a black SUV with full heavy tinted windows, no good taking a sports car because I new Leanne would not like that, besides I needed to make sure no one sees me especially the paparazzi as this I'm sure would frighten her off.

I arrived at her address, it was your typical urban two storey building, with a small garden to the front, full of flowers, obviously someone liked gardening.

I leapt over the white picket gate and up the path, I rang the doorbell and waited, after a few minutes the door few open and for the first time in my life I saw a vision
I could not take my eyes off of her, I had only ever seen her in her work kit or her interview clothes, but this, I felt my body come alive.

She was mumbling her apologies as she stumbled out the door, as soon as she saw me she stopped in her track's and ran her eyes over me, as I had done to her.

"What are you doing here "She squeaked. "Where's the driver" she added looking up and down the street.

" Umm, he couldn't make it he was busy elsewhere, so dad sent me to fetch you, I must say you look fantastic Leanne "

Leanne's POV

" Oh oh, thank you" I Stuttered and blushed at the same time. I have never been complemented before so wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Come on my blushing Cinderella let's get you to the ball" he said laughing.

Ball?" I enquired "But I thought it was a barbeque "

"Figure of speech my dear Leanne, figure of speech "
He held out his hand and stared at me nervously, I looked at his hand then at his face, watching the uncertainty flicker in his eyes.

Come on Leanne he's only offering his hand to be nice, get a grip, I chastised myself. So I gave him a wide smile and put my hand in his.

Suddenly his face broke into a huge grin as he wrapped his large hand around mine engulfing it.

I felt a little uneasy at first but to my surprise, the uneasiness wore of pretty quickly and I found myself enjoying have my hand held.

As he walked me down the path round to the passenger side of this monstrous vehicle and like the gentleman he is open the door for me, I began to relax and something I had never done before enjoy a man's company, what the hell is he doing to me, I'm falling deeper and deeper into trouble when he's around.

We travelled in a comfortable silence for what seemed hours, I wouldn't know how long as I feel into a comfortable sleep. To be woken up by his gentle prodding of my arm.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust my eyes and panicked for a few seconds until I realised where I was, then I relaxed.

I turned to open my door and found it already being held open by a lad in a smart suit.

"Thank you" I said in a cordial voice.

"That's alright ma am, enjoy your barbeque " he replied.

Before I could correct him, Colton grabbed my elbow, causing me to freeze on the spot, I shivered violently. Before Colton spoke in a reassuring voice.

"Its alright Leanne let's go in side, he then released his grip on my elbow and I relaxed.

As I walked along side Colton, I forgot what I was going to say, as all my senses fought to take everything in. This wasn't a house this was a street of houses in one, a huge fountain in the middle of the driveway, windows and walls literally as far as the eyes could see, the only thing I can say is it looks like the picture of Buckingham Palace the home of the Queen of England I had seen in a magazine once.

I just walked like a zombie next to Colton up the wide concrete steps to two large open ornately carved doors. With two more uniformed people one either side of the entrance.

"Morning Ma am, Mr Barratt sir"

I turned to Colton and whispered,
"Shouldn't I have gone round the back as I am staff "

"Well" he stumbled "Dad needs to see you about that"

"Oh" I replied, shit I thought he doesn't want me here now, so he's going to send me home.

"Come on he's over here" said Colton pointing in to a sea of bodies, he maybe able to see from up there but I couldn't see a dam thing.
I followed in Colton's wake as bodies parted like the red sea to let him through.

"Arh! Leanne your here, good"

Yes sir" I replied "But shouldn't I be in the kitchen to start cleaning "

"Well there's been a change in plan" he said uncomfortably

"Oh" I replied crest fallen "Shall I go, I can get a taxi"

"No" he almost shouted, making take a step back "No" he said in a more gentle tone smiling at me.

"The company that do the cleaning have found a replacement to do the job. But I need to asked you a slightly different favour as you are here, the terms and conditions remain unchanged, just the job description "

"Oh, okay" I said feeling somewhat relieved " You want me to serve?"

"No not quite, I want you to be Colton's date for today as he was let down, no funny business I can assure you, just sit by him talk with him, maybe even dance with him, Leanne are you all right you look a bit pale"

The reason I was pale was because I had stopped breathing, in fact all bodily movements ceased at Colton's date.
Is his dad insane, me be Colton's date, I can't do that, look at the people here, they are dressed to the nines, expensive jewellery covering every piece of exposed flesh, looking like a million dollars each, then there me in a second-hand dress I got for Chloe and worn converses.

I must have misheard him, yes that's it, I misheard. I then zoned back in just in time to hear him ask if I was alright.

" Sorry Mr Barratt, I think I misheard what you said"

"Oh and what did you think I said Ms Masters? " he asked raising an eyebrow.

Now I was embarrassed, I looked to the floor, I could feel myself heating up a sure sign I was going bright red.

"I thought you said you wanted me to be Mr Barratt juniors date for today" I whispered still finding the floor hugely interesting.

"Then there is nothing wrong with your hearing Ms Masters, that's exactly what I said" he beamed proudly as my head shot up wide eyed and my mouth hanging open.

"You're not serious are you, tell me your joking please" I begged.

He looked at me as though I had lost my mind.

"No, why would you think this is a joke" He asked incredulously.

"Well look at me and then look at them" I pointed out to him "They are immaculate, just look they look like sophisticated ladies, then look at me I look like what I am the hired help" I exclaimed.

At this outburst, I could see Mr Barrett's eyes flash dark green and his cheeks colour.

Oh shit I thought, now I've pissed off the other Mr Barratt, I started to cower away from him, awaiting my execution.

"Ms Masters are you saying you are to good for my son" he inquired in a deep controlled rage.

"No,no,no Mr Barratt sir, it's the other way round, I am no where near good enough for him sir" I answered trembling.

"So you are saying that my son's judgement is bad then"

Shit how did we get to this "No sir I think your son has excellent judgement "

"I see, so you agree with his judgements then" he queried narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yyy Yes sir, every time sir" I replied.

"Good" he said smiling.

Whew I let out the breath I was holding saved myself I thought.

"Colton could you come here a minute please"

Now what's he up to I thought.

"Yes father" Colton enquired.

"Son do you have a date for the day"

Uh oh! I think I can see where this is going and I walked straight in to it like a lamb to the slaughter.

"No father I don't" he answered.

"Well Ms Masters doesn't have a date either"

Game I thought.

"Doesn't she father"

"No son, but she seems to think you would judge her to much like the hired help and not be seen with her as your date"

Here we go set.

"You think that" he said looking at me " I think you are the most beautiful woman here and in my judgement I would be the luckiest man alive to be your date"

And that's it Match.

I have been played and out manoeuvred by Mr Barratt senior, I look at him with his smug grin on his face.

What's his game it's as though he wants his son and me together, but why.

"Good "Mr Barratt senior replied rubbing his hands together "that's settled then, no one's on their own"

Shit and double shit I thought now what do I do. As Mr Barratt walked off to find his wife.

Oh well I better suck it up and survive the day, one final try though.

"Well Colton it seems you have lumbered yourself with me, are you sure you wouldn't rather be with one of them" I pointed to the pack by the door all staring and salivating in our direction, not sure if it's to eat Colton alive, or kill me for being near him.

"No way, I don't want fakery, I want natural like you".
That's my last card played.

"Lets get a drink Leanne, what. Would you like "

Normally I don't drink, who am I kidding I have never drunk alcohol
a - I've seen what it did to my parents and
b - I've never been able to afford it. But I have a feeling I am going to need some now to get through the day.

Shit I am sooooo screwed.


Okay I think I've got the hang of wattpad now, so I can let you in on some secrets.
This will not be a straight forward romance it's not going to be that easy, as you will see when the next chapters are put up. I think you are in for some shocks and surprises, as I said at the beginning I have an idea where this is going so bare with me. I would love some feedback even if it's don't give up the day job.
A few votes wouldn't go amiss either, at least I will know if I'm wasting my time.
The plan is shocks, a little romance, bigger shocks, more romance and then explosive finish with tears.
So please tell me what you think, it will help me.
I will try and upload by the end of the week,as this has been a massive upload.

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