The Understanding (Bk 1 Otago...

By DeeJCooper

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Cassie finds herself involved in a peaceful protest about recent hospital budget cuts. But it then turns into... More

c copyright. Chapter 1- The Protest
Chapter 2- Leaving the Night Behind.
Chapter 3- Sports Game
Chapter 4- The Encounter
Chapter 5- The Gym
Chapter 6- A Night Out
Chapter 7- The invitation
Chapter 8- Holidays Begin
Chapter 9- Dedication
Chapter 10- All on the table
Chapter 11-The Question
Chapter 12 - Meet the family
Chapter 13- The Answer
Chapter 15- Sleep Over
Chapter 16- The Date
Chapter 17-Part of the Family
Chapter 18- Time with Friends
Chapter 19- Sharing the News
Chapter 20- Coping with a Night Out
Chapter 21-The Fall Out
Chapter 22- Out of character
Chapter 23- Guilt and Uncertainty
Chapter 24- PeaceKeepers
Chapter 25- Surprises all Round
Chapter 26- Being Together
Chapter 27- Welcome home Party
Chapter 28- Boys Talk
Chapter 29- Re-Run
Chapter 30- Coming Together
Chapter 31- Wedding Party
Chapter 32- The Beginning
Authors Note
draft Friday Afternoon
draft chapter 6- The Interview
draft chapter 5- Police Cells
draft Chapter 4- Night Over
draft Chapter 3- The Rescue
draft chapter 2- Police Action

Chapter 14- Mid Winter Christmas

571 24 4
By DeeJCooper

Cassies POV

What a night.

Max had appeared, as he had warned me, in his kilt. He looked amazing, his well muscled legs in view below his kilt. Jo-An and I had been standing in the dining area when Max and Alex had come in.

"When will you and Max ever learn to dress properly in your kilts," she had rolled her eyes as she slapped Alex teasingly on the chest and pointed to the footwear that they had each choosen. Max had gone with his black police boots, while Alex had stuck with his basketball boots. If I had been Jo-An I probably would have had more to say about the hoodie that Alex was wearing, although he managed the look well. Both the guys looked unconventional but really sexy in their highland kilts.

Jo-Ann was wearing a black skirt with in-set panels of the Mcleod tartan. It was a vibrant yellow and looked really good. Andrew had come in earlier looking like royalty, in his kilt, he had looked over at Jo-An and they shared a looked, before he had turned away looking disappointed and continued outside to organise.

Alex was wearing a kilt of the same yellow McLeod tartan as Andrew, but Max had on a darker tartan, which was dark blue and shot through with some dark green and a little muted yellow. When I questioned Max, he had told me that it was still the McLeod tartan but considered the 'hunting' tartan. I had laughed saying maybe it didn't scare away the game they were hunting quite the same as the bright yellow. He laughed too, but said that was supposedly exactly the reason why they had the darker tartan.

As guests had arrived for drinks and the staff got ready to serve the meal, a piper had started to play out the front. I was surprised when I glanced out to see that it was Hamish playing as people arrived.

Once he had come inside we had spent much of the evening together while Max was busy with his part of the procedings. Apparently Hamish knew Andrew through pipe band events and running local competitions. We talked about old times, nostalgic of the years in the youth group together. He was a good friend and we knew each other well.

I caught Max watching me from time to time and was pleased to see an absence of the possessiveness I had seen with Ross at the club.

The formal part of the evening had gone well. The Mcleods had taken the traditional piping of the haggis and made it their own. Traditionally a lone piper came in leading a man with 2 knives (dirks, sword like) and then that was followed by someone carrying a tray with whiskey poured into 2 glasses for the two that were leading the ceremony. On this occasion Andrew had come in first piping. The bagpipes played inside was a sound that surrounded you like no other and filled me with emotion.

Behind Andy Max came carrying the knives and Alex the whiskey, he had snuck the bottle onto the tray at the last minute. The mischief in Alexs eye left nobody in any doubt that he was looking forward to his shots of whiskey during the reciting of the Ode to the Haggis.

It was great seeing the Robbie Burns poem 'Ode to the Haggis' being recited by Andrew, Max and Alex. Usually one person performs it in a very dramatic OTT way. But Jo-An said that since the boys were small Andrew had got them to join in with a verse or two. Now it seemed that they fed off each other. As one would do a verse and it would pass to the next person, they tried to out do one another. Everyone clearly enjoyed it, and laughed from time to time.

That was helped a good deal when Alex pulled out a tartan hat that he put on. Hanging off the back of the hat there was a ginger wig showing. Alex tossed another hat over to Max who also put it on. They both looked for all the world like they had ginger hair. It was all very funny and light hearted.

Max got the verse that said,

"His knife see rustic Labour dicht,

An' cut you wi' ready slicht,

Trenching your gushing entrails bricht,

Like ony ditch; And then, O what a glorious

sicht Warm-reekin, rich!"

As these words were said Max plunged the knife into the haggis, breaking it open. When it was served up later it was absolutely delicious. Haggis has the texture of a chunky pate, with all the spice and seasoning, served with vegetables. Traditionally it was to cover the fact that all the cheaper cuts of meat were being used, but these days it is made of prime beef and lamb minced up.

The large glass panels in the atrium had been pulled closed against the elements and about 60 people were packed into their large entertaining area. The sit down meal had been held at elegantly set tables, and low lighting, with spots on those leading the ceremony. Now that had all been cleared away and they were preparing for dancing and the more informal part of the evening. Alyssa came and collapsed on a chair beside me. Chairs were being folded away around us and tables moved back.

"You look so great," Alyssa announced commenting on the shimmering beige cut out dress I was wearing. I pulled a face. After I had shown Alyssa the beautiful gift Max had given me in the bedroom earlier, Alyssa had announced that Max deserved the beige dress, sexy and hot. Now I wasn't so sure. I stood up a little nervously slitting the dress down. Max had been busy helping out for most of the first part of the evening and now I was looking about to see if I could see him. Alyssa stood beside me and looked a little nervous.

"Are you Ok?" I asked, worried that she had something on her mind. She frowned and studied her hands, "There is this guy," she looked up to catch my eye. I nodded at her encouraging her to go on. "Well we've known each other forever. His mum Sally is, like, I don't know Mums P.A, best friend. They met at a plunket support group when I was born. Sally's son and I have grown up together. We know each other really well, but I don't think he sees us as anything more than friends."

"Have you ever told him how you feel?" I asked. She shook her head and laughed nervously. "Thats what I keep telling myself to do, but its easier said than done. I guess it isn't going to matter for much longer." I looked puzzled.

"He is off to London. His family have relatives over there, and he is going to go to Cambridge University to study economics."

"Is he here tonight?"

"Sally said that he would call in when he finished work. I know that he doesn't go to London for another couple of months, but this will probably be the last time that I see him. I guess I am resigned to it. We are young, and both of us have very different plans. I want to learn to cook great food, and make a home somewhere not far from here. He is determined to understand the economics of war torn coummunities and help them to rebuild."

"Well I hope that you can relax and enjoy your night with one another and don't get too stressed about what is ahead, if I have learned anything from your brother, it is to trust what you feel," as I was speaking to Alyssa the sound system started up and the lighting changed to reflect the suspended mirror balls that had been strung up on the ceiling. The lighting set up around the temporary sound desk and DJ was flashing in time to the music and it was clear that the dance floor was open as several people started towards it and dancing, laughing having a great time.

I felt two hands creep around my waist and grab me close. I turned in relief as I realised that it was Max. He chuckled into my ear, "I am all yours now, do you think you can handle it."

My stomach flipped and heat spread through my body, as his mouth didn't leave the side of head and I continued to feel his breath on my cheek. His hands spread out against my side, my skin lit up when he started stroking my bare skin through the cut out part of the dress. My breathing hitched in my throat. I leant my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes briefly.

"I love the dress," he said to me, and looked over at Alyssa.

"I think you can thank me for that," Alyssa announced with a cheeky smile. "There were other options but as soon as I saw that beautiful bracelet I knew that you deserved to see how awesome Cassie looked in this."

I started to feel a little embarrassed, I knew that there wasn't much of me that wasn't on show tonight. I had quite a swell at my bust, narrow waist and then a flair at my hips. I remember how uncomfortable this had made me feel when I was younger, but now it just made me feel like a woman, and feeling Max resting his hands on me, I knew he appreciated all he could see and was enjoying the feel of me as he continued to stroke my side.

"Well I better go and see if Mum wants me for anything," Alyssa called over the music and left with a smile on her face and a playful punch sideways at Max's shoulder. "Behave yourself," she said.

As she left us Max pulled me in and growled, "Not a chance. Now tell me where is that Hamish, he has had far too much time with you this evening. But as he is Dad's guest, I guess I must be the better man and not ask him to step outside." I laughed at his light hearted humour.

"Hamish is over there talking with your Dad and that lady with the blonde bob cut."

Max growled again, "You actually are keeping tabs on him enough to even know where he is?" Shaking his head side to side he came out from behind me took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

"I think that you definitely owe me a dance for that." Smiling like my face would break I followed him, I felt so light and happy being included in this special evening.

It wasn't until we had moved in amongst the bodies that were on the dance floor that I realised that Max had got changed. "You decided to go with a less traditional look for dancing?"

Max glanced down at his dress pants and police boots, and ran his hand over his black shirt. "Don't you like it?"

Wow how to answer that, he looked great and as I looked into his eyes I realised that he knew it too.

"No," he answered shrugging, "seriously, as much as I don't mind wearing a kilt for the piping of the haggis, I do feel like I draw more attention in it, so I am happy to dress down for dancing." He leant in and whispered, "Also it can be a bit breezy with just a kilt on." My eyes popped open wider as I took in his meaning, "So. really, ... I had heard that traditionally guys didn't wear ..You know. . under their kilts. But I didn't know. ."

"Again stumbling over your words. " Max chuckled. The music was fairly fast paced and loud. "But I have to say all this talk of you imagining me under my kilt is really getting me hot."

"Who said I was imagining that! " I hastily exclaimed.

But I could feel the colour in my checks and covered my face.

Max spun me round so that he could come in behind me and pulled my hands from my face. As he continued to hold my hands and move us to the music I could feel warmth radiate off his body. Remembering how it had felt the night we had danced at the club I decided that I would enjoy my night regardless of what the future for us was.

The music changed tempo and I recognised Ginny Blackmores song. I didn't know if Max remembered it from the club or not. But I sank back into him and his arms crossed over in front of me. His breath was on my cheek as he leant into me. Somehow beyond words we both knew that what we shared was special and our bodies communicated as the lyrics washed over us.

"your the prettiest thing my eyes have ever seen,

Come and lay your bones down..."

Max squeezed me tighter and I pushed away and turned in his arms. I linked my arms behind his neck and looked into his intense blue eyes. I couldn't believe I was here, that he was with me, that I felt so held together inside. I smiled brightly at him, strangely feeling a close intimacy here on the dance floor with a room full of people. I knew it must also be affecting him too as he made a small groan.

"Are you having a good night?" He spoke right into my ear to be heard over the music. "It wasn't all too much for you was it? You know the family, the party and all that? "

I shook my head, and pulled in closer to him. "It must be so nice being part of a large family. I guess Church was that for me in a way. But when we got home the house was always so quiet. I guess I was lonely at times but didn't really know it."

Max continued to monopolise every dance for the rest of the evening except when Alex barged in, shouldering Max out of the way playfully. Alex had bought Josh, one of the rookie players from his basketball squad, along for the night. As I danced with Alex he kept me laughing with stories of how Josh had been initiated into the team and how they had since become friends.

I couldn't help but compare the 2 brothers. Both were similar heights both clearly athletic and had will toned bodies. Max was broader in the shoulders but Alex had some tatoos, that were becoming a trend among sportsmen. He still had his kilt on, but had taken off his hoodie, showing a short sleeved shirt. As the music cut to a slower track I pulled back from Alex and he feigned disappointment and hurt but guided me towards a quieter corner of the room, leaving me with a drink. He said that Max wouldn't be long as he was just helping the staff bring another few crates of drink around.

After a short while I noticed Andrew making his way over. Looking very strikingly handsome he smiled at me.

"Can I join you? " I smiled back and motioned to the chair beside me and put my drink on the table.

"What do you make of us? Not frightened off yet? "

I shook my head and quietly slipped my feet out of my shoes and leant up on my elbows. "No, I've had a great night. You are so talented on the bagpipes, and I love the way you've taught the boys to perform the Ode to the Haggis in gaelic."

Andy smiled sadly into his cup before saying, "That is one thing I can pass on. The poet Robbie Burns saw the settlers spreading around the world and knew that holding onto the gaelic traditions and foods was going to be important. So thats why he wrote the poem I guess."

Andy took another mouthful from his glass,

"Protect your culture, for in losing it you lose your identity" ...

became his catch cry. I have done my bit. Both boys can at least play the pipes to save themselves," I raised my eye brows in surprise, not realising that Max could pipe. "and all the children have learnt the poem and know a number of stories about our early ancestors that came to Dunedin." Andy leant back in his chair, crossing straight legs in front of him at the ankles.

"Our family is believed to be descended from Donald McLeod who arrived in Otago on the 'Lady Nugent' in 1850. He established a life here. Getting married on a labourers wages must have been daunting, but the really early pioneers were a hardy lot."

He paused clearly thinking, but as the night was getting on we had probably both had a bit to drink and were probably not thinking as clearly has we had been.

"You and Max ah? He clearly thinks the world of you. After what the boys experienced at home here," Andy sighed,"We made a good home, but more stress than was probably ideal, but that's another subject. Alex has been one to chase anything in a skirt, " Andy chuckled. "But Max has always felt his role was to smooth things over here at home, his own happiness taking a back seat. "

Andy looked at me intently, his blue eyes taking in all that I was, I felt like I was being weighed with the kindest eyes. Feeling like I needed to say something, I said, "Andy, I really care about Max, I haven't known him long, but we get on really well, and, ah I enjoy being with him. " I was fiddling with the beautiful bracelet Max had just given me.

My stomach was in knots and it hit me again how everyone seemed to be watching how what we had went. The consequences of things maybe not working out had been something I had forced myself not to think about, but this talk with Andy was setting my nerves on edge. Andy clearly seemed satisfied for now. I was relieved when he changed the subject.

"Did you meet our eldest daughter, Chrissy? " I shook my head. "Well, their 2 children haven't been well, so she has put them to bed in one of the rooms to sleep. There she is over there with her husband Tim talking to Jo-An. Come on over and I'll introduce you, she'll want to meet you."


What do you think ? I would really appreciate any feedback, or comments so I know where to take this story next.

Check out my facebook on J Cooper.



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