The Lord's Favourite Dealer (...

Shady_D द्वारा

1M 45.9K 10.4K

Alexander Richardson is a nineteen-year-old attorney in the making. He spent his childhood reading through hi... अधिक

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Ties (Jordan and Benjamin)
Sergio's POV
Please rate this book!

Chapter 2.

31.7K 1.1K 305
Shady_D द्वारा

Chapter 2.


I felt a painful pounding in my temple and I tried not to groan as I moved my head, my neck feeling stiff. What the hell happened?

"He's awake." The fact that I didn't recognise the voice made my eyes shoot open and I got up way too fast. The room spun a little and I groaned rubbing my temple gently while I blinked trying to see clearly through my dizzy haze.

"Sit down." I felt my breath catch at the voice. I looked up and saw the guy from the park. The guy from my outside my school. I froze as everything that happened came back to me. The gun... I shot that man... I shot someone.

I opened my mouth but not a sound left it. What was I doing here?

"Did he stutter?" I looked at a man across the room. He stood against a table with his arms crossed over his chest. One look at him and I knew he ran this entire thing – whatever the hell this was.

"No, I..." My eyes drew back to the man in front of me as his fingers moved and I watched them clench around his gun. I sat down slowly, my eyes never moving from the pistol.

"That man you shot last night: dead." The guy used his gun to motion to me. I looked down and cringed at the blood all over my jacket. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to kill him...

What if he had a family? Children? What if that was just him trying to provide and I took that all away? I cringed. I knew what it felt like to have your parents taken from you; I could not imagine doing that to someone else. What have I done?

"I didn't intend to –" I began.

"You killed someone." He cut me off, "Be it by accident or not, the cops won't care seeing those drugs on the street. You're going to be put away for a long time, boy." He said playing with his gun in his hand.

I wouldn't be in this if it wasn't for them. I wouldn't have killed someone if it wasn't for them. And now he was going to stand there and try to intimidate me with his gun?

"Given that there were no witnesses and it's my word against yours: I'll take my chances." I said confidently, pretending that the fact that if his hand just tilted up and his finger twitched I would be killed didn't bother me.

"Take your chances?" he chuckled.

"You think –" I looked back to the man who had been leaning against the desk; he was walking towards me, "this can't buy witnesses – and cops?"

I watched as he threw a roll of money on my lap. I swallowed clenching my teeth.

"Now shut your mouth and listen to my man Clyde, alright? Because I'm really not looking forward to having this couch look like your jacket, I just bought it." He said walking away from me.

"So here's the deal uh – your name is?" Clyde raised his brows at me.

I kept quiet. Like hell I was going to tell them who I was. I wanted nothing more to do with these people.

"Let me rephrase that: tell us your fucking name." My head moved back as his gun touched my forehead.

"Alex – Alexander." I muttered looking down as he moved his gun.

"Right, Alex. Here's the deal: you will be our dealer at your school, and in return, I'll keep these bullets out of your skull." He waved his gun.

"Skull?" I frowned.

"Your body." He rolled his eyes. I clenched my teeth.

"Dealer? Y-you mean sell – sell drugs?" I asked.

"No, sell cards." He rolled his eyes.

I looked down. How did I end up here? I had never done anything wrong up until last night. I studied, had always been a top student. I never hurt anyone... unless they messed with someone I loved.

"We'll take that as a yes." Clyde said at my silence.

It was drugs, jail or death. What type of twisted decision was that? They all practically meant the end of my life.

"And... and if I get caught?" I didn't have a choice here, but doing what they wanted would be putting my entire future at risk here...

"On purpose? I'm sure you know jail's not a very nice place for a decent boy like you, add my gang to that mix and you're going to be wishing you were on the other side of that barrel last night." I kissed my teeth as the leader spoke, "Your room is upstairs." He added.

"My – my room?" I looked up shocked, "You can't – you cannot keep me here." I said.

"Until we trust that you understand enough to be sent back to school, you will be kept here."

"Back to school? Look, I'm not going to tell anyone about your fucking shit –" I cried out as I received a blow to my head from Clyde's gun.

"Your life is in our hands, have some fucking respect, Kid." He said.

I swallowed moving away from him.

"How long?" I glared at the leader, "If I do this, how long do I have to?"

"As long as I want you to." He shrugged before looking at his watch, "Ben." He looked across the room to someone behind me before he walked out followed by everyone except Clyde.

"Get up." Clyde pointed his gun at me; I did before he shoved me out of the room.

"You don't have to push me; I'm not the one that's armed." I hissed at him.

His response was giving me another hard shove in my back making me stumble up the stairs. I grit my teeth as we reached the top and he shoved me to a room down the hall.

"This is your room." He pushed me into it.

I shot him a glare and reached into my pockets but my hand clasped around a box too small to be what I was looking for.

"Where's my phone?" I looked back at him.

"Fuck you need a phone for?" He asked frowning.

"To call my friends and tell them I'm alright before police come looking for me." I glared at him.

He rolled his eyes before he reached into his pocket and chucked his phone at me. I caught it and sighed. Luckily I knew Jordan's number out of my head. I dialled it while Clyde stood playing with his gun's safety while it was aimed at me.

"Hello?" Jordan's voice came.

"Hey, it's –" I began.

"Alex, you went out?" he cut me off.

"Sort of. I'll be visiting someone for a while; it's kind of an emergency, so I won't be home soon." I said.

"'Someone'? Who? There are no emergencies around me or any of the others. You didn't even give me a heads up. Do you know how fucking worried I was seeing that some people got killed not that far from our house last night?"

Since my mother and father had been my only family, I had no family to visit. Well, except Jordan, Claire and Shiloh's families. They were sort of like my family, I mean Jordan's mother was pretty much my own. She would obsess over me when I was sick, call to check up on me once a week. I guess Jordan really was like my own brother.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's an emergency. Look, I was just calling to tell you I'm fine. Could you relay this to... uh... the others." I glanced at Clyde to see him smirking.

"Why do you sound like you're speaking in code?" Jordan chuckled. "Fine, I'll tell them. But you have to promise to come to Sarah's birthday in a few weeks." He said. Sarah was his cousin; she would be having a massive bash to celebrate her 21st birthday at the beach.

"What? You know that's not going to happen." I said.

"Then relay the message yourself, Alexander." He said, I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Damn it. Fine." I hissed, "I'll be there." I really didn't know how the hell I would be there.

"Great. See you at school." He chuckled.

"Whatever." I hung up pretty mad at him. I tossed Clyde's phone back at him and he caught it.

"You're pretty dumb if you think I haven't seen you with your friends." He said.

"Don't you have something to smoke or someone to hurt to make your miserable life look meaningful or at least a little better to you?" I asked glaring at him. He chuckled.

"A mouth like that is going to get you pretty beat up in this house." He said sliding his phone into his pocket before he turned to leave.

"Wait, what am I supposed to do now?" I asked. He gave me a look that said, 'I don't care' before he disappeared into the hallway.

I grit my teeth and turned to look at the window, but to my dismay it had bars across it. If I left, I would have to leave university because they knew I went there. If I stayed, they would let me keep going, as long as I sold crap for them. How the hell was I supposed to sell it anyway? I knew less about drugs than I did parties and that was saying something.

I ran my eyes over the room looking for some sort of weapon. If I was leaving this room, I was NOT leaving it empty handed. The room was pretty empty. It had a bed, wardrobe, a night stand on either side of the bed and a dresser, but nothing to decorate anything or make it look like this was a bedroom. Breaking the mirror on the dresser would make too much noise...

I walked into the bathroom that the room had in it and stopped when I saw that it was connected to another room by a door on the other side. I frowned at the thought that I would be sharing with someone, was it another person they kidnapped?

I walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I turned and ran my eyes over the bathroom; it had a smell to it. It smelt like aftershave and strong cologne, definitely a male's bathroom. I walked over to the medicine cabinet and pulled it open. It was filled with the usual things, including one toothbrush which I assumed was not for me, and razors.

I grabbed the razor and unclipped it so the blade came out, it would only be effective in close combat but I would just have to work with that. I shut the cabinet and frowned as I came face-to-face with myself and my eyes were drawn to the blue on my temple. I lifted my hand but hissed when my fingers brushed over it. That asshole... I cringed as the man's face shone in my mind with the gunshot to his head.

Stop thinking about it, it was self defence.

You killed him!

I didn't mean to!

Yeah, well, bullets to the head have that effect on people.

I shook my head covering my ears. I cannot think about that now, I need to focus on right now. I walked out of the bathroom back into 'my' room and out of it. My eyes searched the hall for someone else before I made my way downstairs, slowly, with the blade in my hand.

I kept searching for movement or sound as I made my way through the house looking for an exit. I didn't really know what I was doing, I was just moving.

I let out a cry when I was suddenly shoved before I turned and threw my hand across whatever had shoved me. I heard a painful scream and froze realising I had actually cut someone. I didn't plan on actually using the blade when I had taken it; just threaten to, besides, having it made me feel somewhat safer. I let out a grunt as something smashed into my stomach sending me to my knees before a boot stepped on my hand forcing me to drop the blade as my fingers began feeling painfully crashed under it while I received another kick and then another.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

The kicking stopped instantly.

"Fuck, Ben, take care of your face." I looked up and saw that I had cut him, Ben, horizontally on his face, going across his nose. He was bleeding quite heavily as he tried to cover it. I groaned as I received a kick to my temple from one of the two men that had been kicking me. "Stop that." My eyes shifted to the man from earlier, their leader, "Can't you behave?" he frowned down at me.

I didn't reply as I tried to move my hand from under the man's shoe but it only pressed down harder.

"Well, until you decide to, you will be in your room." He knelt down to me before he pulled a syringe from his jacket.

"No – wait – what is that –?" I tried to move way but my chest was stepped on, "No, don't – get the hell away from me –" I heard some chuckles before I felt a needle poke into my neck and the leader emptied the syringe into my blood.

In just a few second I felt woozy before everything became a colourful blur and then went black.


Thank you for reading :D

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