Perilous ! (A Jason McCann Lo...

By TezneyEpicoco

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When the bad guy saves you from his own attack, burdens you with an ancient jewel that his arch nemesis broth... More

Perilous ! ( A Jason McCan Love Story )
Chapter 1 - 'She Has No Idea What She's In For'
Chapter Two - "How did they even find us , well you ?"
Chapter Three . "More Like Wasted"
Chapter Four "You Can't Leave"
Chapter Five : "This Is Only The Beginning Babe"
Chapter Six : "Your Unbelievable!"
Chapter Seven : "It's Better Than Freezing To Death"
Chapter Eight : "You Won't Or I Will?"
Chapter Nine :"So you can get in my pants!"
Chapter Ten : "This is all your fault Collins!!!"
Chapter Eleven : "Stupid and sexy , yep that's me!"
Chapter Twelve : "I think you've forgotten who i am babe?"
Chapter Thirteen : "You Mean Everything To Me"
Chapter Fourteen :"I'v Heard Hippo's Breathe Lighter Than That"
Chapter Fifteen : "Jack...Jack...Bennit"
Chapter Sixteen : "No Diggity , No Doubt"
Chapter Seventeen : " Your All I Care About"
Chapter Eighteen :"So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb"
Chapter Nineteen : "I'm Not A Fucking Miracle Worker"
Chapter Twenty :"I'v Lost Her"
Chapter Twenty One : "You Shoot , I Shoot"
Chapter Twenty Two : "Right Here , Ok?"
Chapter Twenty Three : "What Goes Around , Comes Around!"
Chapter Twenty Four : "Shut It!" CONTEST CLOSED!
Chapter Twenty Five : "How Are You Still Alive?" (Winner Revealed)
Chapter Twenty Six : "We're Nothing!"
Chapter Twenty Seven : " I Care Because He Means A Lot To You"
Chapter Twenty Eight : "I Didn't Ask For This Ashton"
Chapter Twenty Nine : "I Won't Be There To Save You"
Chapter Thirty One : "He Didn't Know"
Chapter Thirty Two : "I Won't Let That Happen"
Chapter Thirty Three : "You Made Him Weak"
Chapter Thirty Four : "Before Your Too Late!"
Chapter Thirty Five : "You Lied"
Chapter Thirty Six : "She's Not Safe Anywhere"
Chapter Thirty Seven : "I'm Not Sure...It Sounds Risky"
Chapter Thirty Eight : "Thank you ....The Peace Maker!"

Chapter Thirty : "You Have A Visitor!"

7.7K 190 62
By TezneyEpicoco

*Ashton's P.O.V*

After dinner , I just finished an essay on my laptop . Swirling thoughts of Jason tossed around in my mind . What if he's out doing something stupid ? . What if he's hurt ? . Everything flooded through my mind all at once , starting to give me a head ache . Why should I care ? He's hurt me ! Why should I care what happened to him , when he doesn't seem to care about my feelings ? 

"Because you love him" my conscience spoke in the back of my mind . "You care because your in undying love with him" Its hollow , ghostly whisper echoed . I winced the voice away , knowing what it said was true . As someone popped up on my facebook , I saved my essay , bored of it already . It was Freddi , he had sent me a picture of his dog dressed in a snap back with shades on . Underneath a caption saying 'smile' . I did , a small smirk slowly formed over my lips as I rolled my eyes . 

When suddenly , a knock on the door vibrated through the house . Surely , it wasn't . He wouldn't knock on the door , no way . I got up from my desk and tip toed over to the banister , peering over as my mother went to the front door gingerly . I watched her as she cautiously opened the door , I saw her eyes wonder up , as if she was looking at someone tall . "Hello ? Can I help you ?" she looked at this person with very weary eyes . 

A low inaudible voice spoke back , too low for me to hear in fact . When I saw my mom look up the stairs , lucky she didn't see me due to the darkness surrounding the landing . "Ashton!" she called "You have a visitor!" I watched as she nodded to the guy and stepped away from the door , letting him come inside . Trey ! Holy fuck ! I pretended I had only just came out of my bedroom , huffing and skipped down the stairs . His face was just the same , as terrifying as it was before . I stared at him in anger , shaking . But it wasn't entirely anger I was shaking in . 

"What do you want!" I hissed in a low whisper . A wicked half smile parted in his lips as he looked down at me as if I were something of a joke . 

"Charlie wants to speak with you" he advised , his stern look holding tightly in my eyes . As he computably slid his hands in his pockets with a smug smirk on his lips . 

"I remember what happened last time he wanted a chat with me , don't think i forgot something like that . You almost killed my bestfriend and my boyfriend!" I seethed in a harsh whisper through my teeth . The horrid memories pouring back into my mind . 

"Boyfriend?" he smirked , striding forward towards me "Is that what you call it ?" his eyes glazing into mine , a cold and ugly feeling took place inside my stomach as I felt his breath hit my face . "Last time I checked a boyfriend doesn't smash your phone up in his hands so you and I can't have a friendly conversion?" 

"Friendly?!" I scoffed in disbelief . "You know what get out of my house!" I shook my head as I pushed him away sending him back through the door . As he pushed against me , sending me flying back . Almost into the table by the stairs that held mom's best vase with red and white roses inside . My mom and dad are part deaf , I swear . I glared at him with vex and rage as I charged back up to him . "Get out!" I screamed "Now!" . He was now outside , just as I had closed the door he slid his foot betweens the open gap . 

"It's about your sister!" he hissed through the gap . My heart jumped into my throat . How would he know about that ? I tensed up even more , my breath caught as I stared at him in question . 

"What would you know about my sister?" I asked , still keeping the door at the angle it was incase he tried anything or caught me off guard . 

"I don't . Charlie does" 

*Jason's P.O.V*

I sat looking at her broken phone on the coffee table , mangled and snapped . I did it again. I keep hurting her when all im trying to do is protect her . If it's hurting her more than it's hurting me , then i must be killing her inside . I felt the hot rise of guilt burn my throat as I stood up from the couch . When a forceful knock was pounded on the front door , snapping me out of my tracks . I released a heavy breath through my nose as I swung the door open , revealing Freddi . He stood shivering , his red flushed face almost glowing amongst the dark around him . 

"We need to talk" he chattered through his teeth as he brushed his shoulder along mine as he entered the house . I watched as he stalked into the living room , I followed after , he sat down on the couch . He gestured over to the couch opposite for me to sit on . As I sat opposite him , looking at him rock solid in the eyes . "It's about Ashton" he began . "I saw her drive off with Trey in a black golf" he sighed as he licked his lips , looking up at me cautiously . 

As rage began to boil in my veins , I clenched my fists together , my jaw tightening as i mentally counted to ten . All I managed to say was "Are you sure?" he nodded slowly , locking his eyes onto mine , letting me know he was certain . "I'm suppose to protect her" I hissed behind my teeth as I pulled my hand down my face . 

"Well your doing a great job of it!" he scoffed sarcastically as he looked away , scratching his chin . 

"What did you just say ?" I snapped , if looks could kill , he'd already be six foot under the ground right now . The blood in my veins began to boil ten times faster . "Ever since you found out about me and Ashton, you've really had it in for me haven't you Hensen ? After all I have done for you?" 

"All you've done for me?" he made a noise something between a laugh and a grunt . "You haven't done anything for me ! I gave up my whole life for you ! To look out for you , to be there for and be your friend!" he said "You've done nothing other than treat me like shit!" 

"I'v given you money ! Protection!" I bellowed "I'v given you everything in my power to make sure you were kept safe , you didn't protect me in return , you just protected my girlfriend from me!" my lips drew to a thin line as I shook my head . "Your so eager for her to hate me aren't you ? . That's why your not telling me this little secret . Thats why your not telling me so I can't keep her safe . You want her ! You want her to protect for yourself . But believe me!" I seethed through my teeth as I poked a finger into his chest "She will never love you . You think she's in love with you because that's what you want her to be . But she will never love you Freddi , not as long as I live!" with that I drew my jacket from it's hanger and grabbed the keys off the side . I watched him from the corner of my eyes as he watched me . His mouth parted slightly in shock . As I threw the door shut behind me , creating a harsh slam , I jumped into my car and slammed on the engine . 

*Ashton's P.O.V*

As we drew up outside an empty warehouse that looked well over used . I stumbled out of the car and pulled my cardigan further over my chest , trying to block out the cold breeze of the night air . I followed Trey inside , watching the back of his head . His hair looked drown in gel as he walked forward , in and out of shadows and through dim light that shone in through the dirt covered windows . 

As we walked up some cross hatched metal steps and into a sort of small office . "Wait here" was all Trey said . I nodded as I watched him enter a small doorway . I was pretty sure that something or someone was going to jump out and take me away by the feeling of this place . It smelt like smoke and blood as I stood still in the petty space . A wooden desk on the far side of the room , joined by books and paper piled on top of each other . I was pretty sure to find a book that read '50 Ways To Kill Innocent People In The Most Evilest Way Possible' if I flicked through them .

"There she is" I shot my head up out of my reverie to see Charlie stalking into the office , arms out as if to hug me . Then he put them back down by his sides when he saw the look on my face and sat down at his desk . "Why the long face Collins?" he smiled "Not scared are we?" .

"You wish" I hissed as I folded my arms tightly across my chest . "Look , I don't to be in this shit pit any longer so I suggest you tell me what the fuck you know about my sister ! Got it ?" my lips drawing up to a menacing smile as I leaned both hands on the desk , giving him a harsh glare as I stared at him . 

"Let's not be pushy now" he chuckled as he retrieved a bottled of vodka from one of the underneath draws of his desk and poured some out into a patterned glass . He nodded over to me , gesturing 'want some?'. I rolled my eyes as I leaned off the desk and shook my head . 

"Just tell me how you know about my sister!" I demanded , I could almost hear my teeth cracking as to how tight I was clenching my jaw together . 

"She died in a car crash , didn't she Ash?" he asked , but he didn't seem as if he was teasing . He was being serious and civil . Almost as if it pained him to ask . I turned my glance on him , like a dog when they cock their ears up and turn their head , when they can't understand what they've just heard . 

"H-how do you know that?" I stuttered , scared of what he would say next . I felt my stomach start to churn as if it was about to throw up . My eyes beginning to sting as the salty tears that hid behind them began to burn . 

"I'm sorry.." the paramedic sighed "We were too late..." my heart jumped into my throat as I dropped to my knees , head in my hands . As I hysterically cried on the stone cold concrete I felt my mother kneel beside me , holding me in her arms . "We're so , so sorry" he drew his lips to a line , a sympathetic looks in his eyes , like glass . 

"Lorie!" I shouted through my tears . As I lifted my head out of my hands just as the bed rolled past , a figure under a white sheet . "No!" I screamed as I sprinted over and hugged the bed . "You can't take her away! . She has to come home!" my voice crackled as tears poured down my cheeks . "She was suppose to be a doctor !" I cried as I clung onto the bed as my mother desperately tried to drag me away . "She was suppose to be my sister , with me !" . 

"She's with the angels now , Ash" my mother whispered in a sorrowful sob into my ear as she pulled me away . I watched the bed roll up into the ambulance . Watched it drive away with my sister inside. 

As I finally come out of my past , as I wish I could do all the time . I looked up from the floor , looking at Charlie with tears simmering in my eyes . As he necked down the rest of the glass of vodka , I looked at him sternly . "How do you know!" I asked again , a more forceful push in my voice . 

"I know because she was my wife" 


A/N - Uh oh :O So this is where everything is about to explode guys . There will be alot more surpises in store ;) That was a shocker wasn't it or ... did you see that coming ? I hope not aha . Thanks guys , have a great day - Tezney xxx

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