His Soldier {Boy x Boy}

By hetalian_pasta

229K 9.2K 1K

Ethan's life didn't start easy. From the abuse of his old pack to the struggles of keeping it together, he n... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chaoter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
A/N (I'm going to delete this note later)
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII

Chapter XIV

7.9K 336 53
By hetalian_pasta



That's the only way I could describe it. We went back to camp after the week was up.

Then, it hit. We were here for five years, six in total and now we were the strongest platoon in the Marine corps.

Now we were the Sergeants.

Tonight was when we would have the raid night.

We were currently investigating the disappearance of an entire platoon. Six.

How could six people just disappear?

"Ready guys?" Terrace asked, looking at us expectantly. We nodded grimly, as we sat down and began to write our death notes, just in case.

This was like a boss level and there was no save point.

I sighed as I looked at mine.

' Dear family,

I know I was never that one kid you were always proud to call yours, since I did cause a lot of trouble, and I knew there were times that you just wanted me to leave, but I thank you so very much that you didn't kick me out or disowned me. But that was in the past, so let's keep it that way, yeah? So you may be wondering why you are reading this; I am dead. Don't cry now, I will be haunting you, so I'm still there, in a way.

Well, mom, I love you. I hope you continue to be strong for the twins. That was something I have always admired about you; the way you carry yourself, letting everyone around you that you were not to be messed with, that you had a purpose that you would stop at nothing to complete. And that smile... always brightened my day :)

I may not be your blood son, but, you had a specific way of making me feel as if I were your son. So safe, feeling the motherly love I lacked before. I wished that I had been there to celebrate all your birthdays, shared your burdens, carried your worries, and shared the love with the rest of our family. But not everyone can get what they want. Goodbye, mom, thank you for making a difference in my life, lighting up new colours in my world, and showing me what a mother should be.

Dad? Please be the strong man I always saw you as. Hold this family together with that easy going smile, that stern glare, and hug the twins tightly for me.

Thank you for showing me all the things a man, a father, should be. I will always remember the things you taught me, from shaving my first beard hair, to what a Beta should be, and everything in between. I remember when I first entered your life, you always tried so hard to be the best father one could be, and I knew part of it was the guilt from when we first met. But I think the best version of you was the one where you were yourself, smiling at mom, hugging the twins and I, when everything came to you naturally.... Damn, I'm going to miss you and your stupid dad jokes :')

Summer and Winter. Dang, by now you would be what, twelve? Sheesh, we lost a lot of time, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be there and be the brother I was supposed to be, hugging you as you would cry about your first serious break up, then proceeding to snipe them with my paintball gun, which, now, I guess you can have. I'm not going to be needing it anymore. Winter, beat up all the kids that look at Summer funny, you have my permission to use my paintball guns and whatever you find in the closet. Hope you like all the stuff I left behind :D

To Jared, thanks for being there. I'm going to miss all the jokes and stories you would tell me every time we saw each other. Also, thank you for being my older brother, one I needed back then and now, giving me all your tricks and tips on picking up chick ;D and if you so happen to run into Ellis, tell him I'm sorry for not visiting. The Corp. always keeps me busy, y'know?

It is fruitless to even put this here, seeing as I have not met my mate yet, but hey, if your wolfs calls out to me, if my scent carries, if you know it's me, I'm sorry for leaving so early. I wish we had a little bit more time, something I do not have anymore, just to see each other, just enough time for us to know what having a mate feels like. I wish I could've held you, kissed you, told you I loved you each and every time you would go to sleep and wake up in my arms.... Maybe, let us meet each other in a different life, yes?

And last but not least, to the idiots of my platoon I call family, don't cry. Denton, for the love of the goddess, stop putting tampons in our bags, like seriously, where are you getting the- oh. Jess. Of course. I'm going to make it my mission to make sure you never get laid because of that, I'll be the ghost that will find out how to turn your room into a little girls' XP

Jess, please follow your dreams and become a singer. I promise I will be at every concert, every recital, each interview, and everything else. I'll be supporting you from the other side, backstage wearing all your merch XD

Kell. Do me a favor and take care of your sister Jess. She'll need it when guys start pinning for here. And by the way, stop worrying about your mate. I understand your worries, that he may not love you, but he would be a fool to reject the goddess standing before him.

Terrace and Sage. Help my family move on. I know you will become great Alphas and Betas by doing a small favor like that. Oh, and thanks for all that smuggled booze, Ace, and those snacks, Sage. Oh, and, please please PLEASE delete my internet history, thanks :>

With much love, Ethan Indigo Brose - Patel, proud member of the Hollow Wolves and a proud Sergeant of the U.S. Marines '

When I finished the note, I wiped the tears of my face, folding the crisp paper into a neat square and tucking it deep inside my vest.

"Come on. The Staff Sergeant will throw a fit if we are late." Jess looked at us, fixing her helmet on her now short hair, eyes lowered as she took a last glance at her note.

"I agree. Remember last time?" Kell giggled next to her.

"It was like he was on a period." Sage chimed in, doing a uniform check and slinging on the rifle straps.

"He was on his period." Denton laughed, crossing his arms. That kid is already to my neck, already the height of an average man.

"I think I saw a used tampon in the trashcan next to him." I joked, making Terrace laugh.

After calming down, we went to the 'arena' as we called it, lining up at attention.

"At ease." The Staff Sergeant began. We followed the order, and I could hear our heartbeats beginning to quicken. "This is the last raid of the month. Remember, no open fire until absolutely necessary. Am I clear?"


"Good. Now go get our brothers and sisters back." We were dismissed, and then slowly, we made our way to the jeeps. Sage jumped shotgun as Jess drove, Terrace checking his rifle to get rid of some nerves.

Kell, Denton and I were leaned against each other, reciting our wolf death verse.

"Through soul bound spirits, we call to our wolves. See through our eyes, we were worthy. Feel our skin, our blood floods hot. Listen to our hearts, we still live through you. See our victory, even through cold gazes. Feel our pride, we are still undefeated." As the words were spoken, the wolf underneath stirred. When they pulled back, I could see the tears going down their eyes. I smiled grimly as I slipped on our night vision.

Silence filled the jeep as we drove to the enemy base, stationing in a secluded weak spot. Terrace was the first to get out, going onto the ground and getting ready. He held up a fist and we froze. He took out a gun from his hip, shooting silent bullets into the visible cameras.

He then motioned for us, and we fanned out. We had rehearsed this plan plenty of times.

Jess would shift, and since she had the ability to shift with clothes on, she would be safe, and she could hide her rifle with her thick fur. She would get inside and tell us exactly how many and where, then Kell, Terrace, Denton, Sage and I, would then infiltrate the building, taking out enemies and come out with our fellow Marines.

There was silence before a series of barks.

'Only seven enemies, and six unconscious Marines, all in the basement.'

We then moved, running with silent agility.

My hands gripped the rifle, my heart deafening me.

We fanned out again to block all exits, and going in on different routes.

The warehouse was dark, and very silent. I could hear the faint shouts of the captors below, so I knew where to go.

The old wooden planks underneath my boots groaned at each step, and forced me to shift my weight to silence them.

"The hell with you! Where is the camp?!" I gruff voice shouted. Enemy.

"Hotch Green, xxx xx xxxx...." The sound of skin being slapped and then sizzling was met with screams.

"Let me ask again."

"HOTCH GREEN XXX XX XXXX!" Green shouted from the top of his lungs, making us cringe at the pain soaked words.

"Guess I'll take this finger, then." Before any more screams could happen, Kell howled.

It was a way to know she had met the place she would enter the basement.

I howled next, then the others followed. Six howls.

We charged in, Sage throwing a smoke bomb after letting us take a mental map. With expertise, I shot at the enemies, getting to Green's side. I quickly tore the chair apart and charged out, landing along the jeep. I placed him down and went to help Denton, but stopped when I saw an angry man behind him.

In his hand, he held two fragmentation grenades, and a concussion grenade. My heart dropped.

"DEN!" I tackled the man underneath me, covering him completely as bombs went off, shout were hollered, and lights flashed.

The pain on my body was too much. A heavy weight and a warm liquid slid through my skin. The darkness that filled my vision was unreal, it seemed, dream like.


=-=-= I spent three whole days on that death note thing and it still didn't satisfy me.

the little wolf death verse thing is just something I had stuck in my mind the entire month, so I was leik 'fek, oh whale'

Hope you guys like it, feedback is much appreciated and motivates me to continue, so.... yeah.....

welp, I think that's all I want to address, so... carry on =]

ps, the xxx xx xxxx stuff is supposed to be social security number, heard that was what pow people do :/ +_+_+

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