The Curse Of Power

By Sereena1246

3.8K 70 8

This is the Normal Life of Brianna Waters and Dimitrius Wetmore. Age 15 was the year, or people say, but they... More

Chapter 1 The Curse Of Power
Chapter 2 The Curse of Power
Chapter 3 The Curse of Power
Chapter 4 The Curse of Power
Chapter 5 The Curse of Power
Chapter 6 The Curse of Power
Chapter 7 The Curse of Power
Chapter 8 The Curse of Power
Chapter 9 The Curse of Power
Chapter 10 The Curse of Power
Chapter 11 The Curse of Power
Chapter 12 The Curse of Power
Chapter 13 The Curse of Power
Chapter 14 The Curse of Power
Chapter 15 The Curse of Power
Chapter 16 The Curse of Power
Chapter 17 The Curse of Power
Chapter 19 The Curse of Power
Chapter 20 The Curse of Power
Chapter 21 The Curse of Power
Chapter 22 The Curse of Power
Chapter 23 The Curse of Power
Chapter 24 The Curse of Power
Chapter 25 The Curse of Power
Chapter 26 The Curse of Power
Chapter 27 The Curse of Power
Chapter 28 The Curse of Power
Chapter 29 The Curse of Power
Chapter 30 The Curse of Power
Chapter 31 The Curse of Power
Author Note:
Immortality: Chapter One
Immortality: Chapter Two
Immortality: Chapter Three
Immortality: Chapter Four
Immortality: Chapter Five
Immortality: Chapter Six:
Immortality: Chapter Seven
Immortality: Chapter Eight
Immortality: Chapter Nine
Immortality: Chapter Ten:
Immortality Chapter Eleven:
Immortality Chapter Twelve:
Immortality Chapter Thirteen:
Immortality Chapter Fourteen
Immortality Chapter Fifteen:
Author's Note

Chapter 18 The Curse of Power

88 2 0
By Sereena1246


I woke up in a van or it feels like I’m in a van or maybe I’m on the train or I’m dead? No, that can’t be, I’m hurting too much for this to be heaven or maybe I’m in hell? Nope I feel life around me. I guess I won’t find out yet. My throat hurting, my eyes burning in pain. I can’t remember what happen? Why is everything hurting? Who the hell am I lying on? I can’t open my eyes; it’ll hurt too much. Maybe I should go to sleep again. Yeah that would be smart, maybe I’ll remember it when I wake up again. Okay let’s start counting backwards. 100, 99,98… does that mean I’m not dead?


Bree stirred. She whimpered in pain, but hasn’t opened her eyes. We found a place to stay. Burks Falls. That sounds reasonable. It’s close to where we wanted to go, but far enough for them to think we won’t go there. Dimitri decided that. Bree couldn’t, well you know what happened. We all agree, but we had to leave Darren out of the plan because we all decided that he would tell anything to Sage. He now knows since he can read minds but we’re just hoping on it too not tell Sage. He knows we don’t trust her and he respects that but I can feel he doesn’t want to lie to Sage. The car ride should be 3 hours, let’s hope Bree wakes up before then. My mind keeps whirling to that guy. Who is he? He must be somebody with powers of course. A dead ghost can’t touch anyone. God I wish for my father to be here. He knew a lot more about the supernatural world. My only family member passed last year and the last time I saw him or heard from him was when I was 12. I started to rub Bree’s arm. She stirred again. Her lids fluttered but didn’t open. Maybe she’s not ready to come back to the world. Maybe it was Sage, she has all that darkness, and there must be a reason she’s here. When I come to think of it, how lucky we we’re when we met Sage. A lot but maybe it wasn’t luck, maybe she was sent here to spy on us or to kill us secretly? Stop thinking that Austin! There must be an answer and the only way will get it is by catching her, but how? Oh god this is going to be a long ride.


I’m so disappointed, but its either my friends or Sage. I’m choosing my friends. They helped me and I won’t let them down. I could never do that to them, especially Schuyler. She help me most of my life, I would never betray Schuyler. Austin’s thinking about catching Sage to her apparently evil plan. Dimitri is focus on Bree. What else is new with that? Schuyler is having odd dreams of Sage, or is it visions? God I can never tell. Bree is dreaming in pain. Why Bree? Why not anybody else? I know Austin been through a lot, but this is her first week with us and she been through so much pain. She’s tough. I like that about her. Not afraid to speak her mind. Always in control, well most of the time. She a person you can easily like and her and her brother are putting there lives in our hands by going to the place where they used to live. I can’t let Sage betray us. Maybe I’m the only one who can get her plan out of her, because Austin was right. It couldn’t be luck that she found us and could help so much without wanting anything back. I knew it was she, who sent the shaman on Bree, but I couldn’t think! I’m useless and when we walk to get the car she looked so hurt. Is she forced to kill us? I sure hope not.


What the hell am I dreaming? Is this another power? Damn I thought 3 were the stupid limit! Well first off I’m dreaming of Sage and us, but then there’s two of everyone but Sage. She took out a sword and murders Dimitri, then Darren, then me. The real me, then Austin, lastly Bree, Bree was the hardest to fight in this dream. She fought back just as hard as Sage was fighting. Both of their gazes were seeing rage and this fight was meant to kill. The clones of us are cheering. Cheering for Sage. Sage betrayed us. Then a stranger who looks like Sage comes between the fight. Takes Sage’s sword and says, “you a great fighter Brianna Waters, but like the others you are too much of a threat and you must die” he lifts the sword over his head and cut downs only to be stopped by Bree power? I think it was her power that stopped it.

“You’re not going to kill me. I will kill you for the deaths of my friends and my brother you will die. I will make sure, but first I’ll kill the one you love most. So you know what it feels like.” Her hands flared with fire and shot it towards Sage and finished her. Then she disappears and the dream or maybe some clue of vision ends. Leaving me back into the van, hopelessly confused.


God Bree, please wake up? We need you. I need you. I can’t make the decisions here. I don’t know what to do anymore. Sage is trouble. I have a feeling you’re the only one to defeat her when she betrays us. Funny I think everyone’s thinking this. Why is she in the van with us then? We all know she’s trouble? Oh that’s right, it’s because of Darren. I hope Bree’s okay. Her aura is brown with bright red and oranges slashing around. She whimpers when it flashes red then back to brown really fast. See I’m getting better already. I can see everyone’s aura now. Darren’s navy blue, Austin’s pink and purple, yes pink and purple, two girly colours, he’s in love and crazy worried about Bree. Sage’s is well brown like something’s troubling her, but still filled with blackness. Schuyler’s greenish yellow, why is she confused? Must have been her dream then. Mine, I have no idea, but I have a good idea it would be purple as well.


Everyone knows! They know I’m bad news. Even Darren. I better leave and tell father the plan failed before it gets worst. Stupid aura seeing. That’s what gave it away. I know it was going to be rough from the start, but I though they’ll be gullible teenagers who won’t know anything, especially their powers. These kids are strong and geniuses. They wont even tell me where we’re going and won’t let me drive. I know everyone’s powers. Even though Schuyler’s is an absorber, it’s Bree that scares me the most. I see numbers on everyone and it tells me how strong they are in their powers. I’m a 4. Austin is 3 ½, Darren is 3 ¾, Dimitri is 1 ¾, Schuyler is 2 ½ and Bree is a 5. I only met one person that is a 5 and that’s my Father. I know everyone’s powers names too as well. I’m an Absorber same with Schuyler. Darren and Austin are Telepathic. Dimitri is a weaker version of Telepathic and that’s an Aura teller plus that bond between Bree, so he can tape into her mind anytime he wants. Bree is shockingly no one knows, we think she’s a witch or weaker version of a witch, a Magician, but a strong Magician if she is one. When I told my father that’s she’s a 5, he flipped and said she need to be the first one killed, but I now know that nearly impossible. She need to be in constant pain which that means I need to kill her brother first, but I don’t want there to be another absorber so I’ll kill Schuyler first.

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