The boss's baby

By Anastasia2298

377K 10.9K 289

Zoé has always loved her job, maybe it's her amazing love of the law or maybe it's her young sexy boss who ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an update
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 27

6.7K 224 9
By Anastasia2298

-1 week later-

Charles has really been trying and it makes me happy. I randomly get texts saying cute things like "Just wanted to say I love you and you look stunning", even when I haven't seen him which I haven't since the whole max and him fight.

He also calls and has my put my phone on speaker mode so he can speak to DeKlin. DeKlin loves it since he kicks like crazy. I found out my cervix has softened meaning I can go into labor anytime now. It scares me to no end since you know I'm like only 37 weeks along.

I finally talked to all the girls and today we are all going out to lunch before we all pop. It's hard to imagine that in a mere couple of months there will be eight babies in our groups. That's insane.

Anyways I'm currently trying to pick out a cute not uncomfortable outfit but I'm failing. I guess I'll wear the maxi dress I always wear out since it's the comfiest thing I own right now.

Paisley still manages to look adorable even though she's carrying twice the weight I am. She is literally wearing maternity skinny jeans and a cute pink sparkly top. Like how does she do that.

We waddle our way to my car to head to our favorite eating spot that I swear we all crave. We get their just as the other girls and they all look so cute makes me so jealous.

"Zoé, Zoé Jensen is that you," someone said as I just sat down.

I turned to see my old friend Jessica smiling at me.

"Hi, and yep it's me."

"Oh my goodness, I didn't know you were pregnant! When did you get married and why wasn't I invited?"

"Well umm, I'm not married that's probably why you weren't invited and I don't really post about my personal life on Facebook."

I don't know why but I felt so ashamed of myself as I said I wasn't married to her. We has planned our life out together when we were teens. Double weddings, getting pregnant together and raising our kids to be best friends.

"Oh. Well umm that's nice. I noticed on Facebook you don't seem to have a relationship status. Are you going to raise this baby alone."

"No, the baby's father is involved in his life."

"Oh, lovely. I guess you know I'm married since you were invited to the wedding but we just found out we are expecting our second child. It's so hectic already with Kimberlynn in school and dance, I can't imagine how it'll be when our new baby arrives."

I knew she was trying to make her life sound amazing and make me jealous. She always did that. I just nodded before her husband whom FYI is cheating on her with one of the lawyers in Charles building told her they had to go.

"She's a royal bitch," Keia said rolling her eyes before acting as Jessica did.

I laughed before the waiter came to take our orders. I noticed how Tiffany looked nervous.

"Tiff, what's wrong," I whisper in her eye as she is seated beside me.

"Carson and I decided who the god parents are of the twins and I'm nervous to tell everyone."

I nodded before hitting my spoon on my glass. I motioned for Tiffany to tell us so she can enjoy the rest of her lunch.

"Carson and I have picked out God parents of the twins and well we picked Keia and Bryan. We are sorry if this offends any of you."

We all just nodded and said that was a good pick. I hadn't even thought of whom would raise DeKlin if Charles and I died which now made me even more sure I wasn't ready for him to come.

My phone beeped and it was from Charles asking if I was at my moms. I told him I wouldn't be there for another hour or so since I was at lunch. He messaged back ok.

Not even 25 minutes later, a man came in carrying a bouquet of flowers. He asked us if one of us was Zoé. I raised my hand and he gave me them.

I held them weirdly since I didn't know where to put them.

"Who are these from,"Paisley said taking the card.

"I bet they are from Charles," Nicole said laughing.

"Dear Zoé, here is a rose for 12 reason I love you.  I hope you are having an amazing lunch with the ladies. I love you and DeKlin more than the world. love, Charles," Paisley read out loud.

She then handed me the letter inside the letter that listed the reasons.

1. Your heart is pure gold.
2. How your eyes sparkle when we talk out our future.
3. The way you smile when you feel our son kick.
4. How strong you are.
5. How you start to blush when I tell you how gorgeous you are.
6. How hard working you are.
7. How you are so down to earth.
8. How your smile lights up the whole room.
9. The way your lips fit perfectly in mine.
10. You are selfless.
11. Your laugh is contagious.
12. You are the mother of my son and future kids.

I started blushing causing everyone to reach for it but I quickly hid it in my purse.

That made my day 1000 times better and I ate lunch extremely happily.

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