Michael Clifford Imagine Seri...

By Princess_Marie_

146K 3.9K 555

Sorry for mistakes if there are any ***Never point out the mistakes, because I already know they're there*** More

Michael Clifford Imagines
1. Heartbroken To Fixed Heart
2. All Of The Stars
3. Shock Of Your Life
4. Sympathy For The Devil
5. Ever Enough
6. Love Story
7. Three Cheers For Five Years
8. All That I'm Asking For
9. Love Somebody
10. The Reason
11. Simply Fate
12. Ghost Of You
13. Nightmare
14. Nightmare Part 2
15. Wake Up
16. Frozen Hearts
17. Seize The Day
18. Harder Than You Know
19. Mirrors
20. Break Me Shake Me
21. Bloody Valentine
22. Always
23. All Of Me
24. Bound To You
25. Holding On To You
26. Save Your Heart
27. Someone's Watching Over Me
28. Best Of You
29. Avalanche
30. Save Me A Spark
31. Lips Of An Angel
32. What A Feeling
33. The Only Hope For Me Is You
34. Someone, Somewhere
35. In The End
37. Jet Lag
38. No. 1 Party Anthem
39. The Reason
40. Angel
41. Flipped
42. Happiness Machine
43. Alive (Fast And Slow)
44. ************
45. I Should Have Known

36. Cross My Heart

1.4K 50 9
By Princess_Marie_

*Being best friends is easy, but not when you're hopelessly in love with each other.*

It started with a promise, but don't they all; between children it's meant to be an innocent thing and it's usually the cutest thing.

They were age six and seven when they met and ended up being joined at the hip; They were in some classes together because Y/N was smart and she was bullied for it. Michael had been the only one that was nice to her and that's how they became the best of friends. She would sometimes help him study and they grew to be incredibly close.

When they were eight and nine they promised each other they would be each other's first kiss; they promised it would be only if it hadn't already happened.

They promised with the words, "Cross my heart and hope to die."

He once gave her a special necklace that had a wishbone with diamonds in it and Michael had it made specially; he put cross my heart and love, Michael on the back of it and gave it to her for her birthday. She cherished that necklace and never took it off unless she had to.

At twelve and thirteen they went to a middle school party where they played seven minutes in heaven; they ended up in the closet together and Y/N wasn't exactly ready yet. They ended pecking each other on the lips instead of having a real first kiss.

He had a girlfriend by the time he was fifteen and Y/N was awkward in her first few teen years. When he was eighteen he had his third girlfriend and they were still together after two years; Y/N hadn't yet experienced any of what he had and she didn't feel like she and Michael fit as friends anymore.

He developed a huge crush on her when he was fifteen and later started dating someone to bury those feelings; he didn't know that she felt the same though.

She was seen as a lame shy girl who no one was interested in because she was boring; Michael didn't think that way though.

He thought she had dated and really kissed someone already, but those were just stories she told so he wouldn't feel bad; if he really knew he'd probably be angry with himself. He didn't see how their classmates outcast her and pretty much ignored her existence.

Michael loved her because she was funny, kindhearted, and she was there for him through everything; she was miserable, but she hid it well.

His girlfriend, Brandi, didn't like the fact that his closest friend was a girl and she made sure Y/N knew. She wanted Y/N to keep her distance and pretended she was nice; all that mattered to Y/N was that Michael was happy.

Y/N lost her special wishbone necklace at one point and was devastated about it; she had a feeling Brandi had something to do with it.

She didn't really hang with Michael unless he was the one initiating it anymore and Michael noticed.

"Do you not like spending time with me anymore?" He'd asked one night as he played video games.

She played coy and said, "What do you mean?"

He sighed, "You don't call or text me anymore; is there a boyfriend I should know about?"

She laughed even though she didn't feel it, "I'm not dating anyone right now; I'm busy sometimes and I don't like texting or talking on the phone."

He nods as he studies her face, "But you text me because I text back."

"I know."

"Do you just not enjoy being around me anymore?"

She smiles and rolls her eyes, "Don't worry; I'll probably end up being your housemaid."

He elbowed her arm, "Don't say that; I would never do that to you."

She shrugged, "Yeah."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm great," she replied, but deep down she knows all she tells him are lies anymore. Lie after lie she feels emptier and emptier.

He let it go, but he was slowly starting to catch on.

When Y/N met Gloria a lot of things changed; she didn't spend much time with Michael anymore and barely talked to him.

This change went on for a month and a half and Michael really missed her, but Y/N wasn't really missing him.

She didn't miss being uncomfortable around him or his girlfriend shooting daggers at her behind him. Michael was suspicious and he wanted to know what was happening.

He was waiting on her porch when she got home late one night.

She was walking up when he stepped out of the shadows and said, "Where've you been these past couple of months?"

"I've been busy."

He was angry and he couldn't just take her word for it anymore, "You've been ignoring me."

"I told you," she replied with the roll of her eyes. "I've been busy lately; you're not my only friend you know."

He nods and let's out a sarcastic laugh, "I know, but we haven't hung out in a while and I didn't ever see you with anyone."

"I've known Gloria for a couple months and I've been staying at her place," she said as she stared at him. "We watch movies and talk about everything and eat our weight in food."

"Oh," he sounded hurt. "I thought that was our thing."

She didn't want to say anything else, but there was no time like now, "Your girlfriend was always with you when we hung out; it wasn't our thing like it used to be, I was just third wheeling."

"That's not true."

"It is, Michael."

He shook his head, "I know I made time for you."

She sighed, "Maybe our priorities have been different for a while; you haven't made time to hang out with me since you started dating Brandi. I guess we can just keep in contact by phone from now on and maybe have lunch sometimes."

He shook his head, "I eat lunch with Brandi."

Y/N scoffed and nodded as if she knew it was coming, "Then we can chat every night on the phone until we fall asleep."

"Brandi always calls me at that time and we talk until we fall asleep."

Y/N nods again and shrugs, "Then we're not friends anymore; I know that family and girlfriend come first, but it's usually family and friends and then girlfriend. I won't compete for your attention anymore," she continued as the tears welled up. "And while we're being serious, I'll be truthful; I've been lying for years. I've never really been kissed since you and I kissed when I was twelve or even had a boyfriend and I've always been unpopular to everyone. Brandi hasn't ever liked me and you don't have to believe me; she told me to keep my distance and that's what I've been doing. I'll see you around."

She ran passed him and quickly unlocked her door before slipping inside to cry.

Their friendship was pretty much nonexistent now because he never noticed how anything impacted her; he had been too wrapped up in his girlfriend.

Michael cried in his car before going back home and he was just so angry with himself; he wondered how he could've let this happen. He wrecked their friendship because of another girl when he'd promised he'd never let someone come between them.

He felt so bad, but Y/N felt so much worse; she never wanted to lose Michael and he never wanted to lose her.

She had always been his best friend and he had not ever deserved her.

It was a few weeks later and Brandi seemed to be really happy that Michael didn't have Y/N anymore. She was being a nicer girlfriend and Michael felt confused at her attitude because she was once a grouch.

Brandi stayed the night and got up much earlier than Michael one morning; she called her friend and started telling her all about everything that happened.

Michael had woken up when he heard Y/N's name.

He peaked around the corner of the hallway as Brandi sat at his table playing with a familiar necklace.

She sighed as she spoke into her phone, "I'm just so glad that Y/N is out of the picture now; she was always around in the beginning, but I put her in her place. After I discovered that they sometimes spent the night alone, I made sure to be around; she never spoke much with me around."

She laughed, "Yeah, I know. Her little crush on Michael was so sad and she was so obvious; she looked at him like she was in love and he will never feel the same," she twirled the necklace in her fingers. "The stupid necklace made me so angry because I know it should've never gone to her; she claims she got it for her birthday when they were kids. I almost felt bad when I stole it off her neck while she was sleeping on Michael's couch," she laughed again. "I know, I know, but I can't help it; Michael's mine and she stayed away after I told her to fuck off. She held on for a long time, but I guess she realized she'll never be as important to Michael as I am."

"I'm planning on putting the necklace in my lockbox forever," she replied. "I can't let Michael see it."

Michael couldn't believe what he'd heard; Y/N was right about Brandi all this time.

Brandi laughed once more, "Yeah, I'll see you later; I going to back and lay with Michael before he wakes up. Love you too."

She hung up and sighed before standing up and Michael decided I make his presence known.

"How could you do this to me?"

She spun around quickly and gasped; she knew she'd been caught.

He walked to where she was frozen and grabbed the necklace from her, "Grab your things and get out; it's over."

She didn't have the right to beg for forgiveness, so with tears blurring her vision she went and collected all of her belongings. She walked out of Michael's room with a large bag and said, "I'm so sorry."

"Just go," he replied in a broken voice.

Michael was alone now, but with everything that happened he should've seen it coming.

Y/N wasn't much better herself; she was downright completely miserable.

She found out that Gloria was moving to England for a year; she had not only lost her closest friend, but her newest friend was going away for a year.

Gloria was packing as Y/N watched and sulked.

Gloria sighed, "You should just come with me."

Y/N looked up, "What?"

"Come with me," she replied with a smile. "To England; come and live with me for a year."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "Of course, you could be my assistant and we'll have so much fun because maybe it will do you good to getaway for awhile."

Y/N thought about it; she needed to get away. She'd been through quite a bit recently and she needed to forget and leave this sadness behind.

She smiled, "You know what, I will go."

"Good," Gloria said. "Now get packing, we're leaving in two weeks."

A week later Michael was still debating on what he should do about Y/N; he missed her tremendously and he had to find away to talk to her somehow.

He was at a diner when a flashy woman walked in.

He was a little surprised to see someone like her in a place like this; it was an old shabby diner right at the back of town.

She smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Gloria and I'm here for my friend Y/N's order; it was a single burger and some fries."

Michael stared at her kind of stunned and said, "Excuse me, Gloria?"

She looked at him and said in an unidentifiable tone, "Oh, you're Michael Clifford; Y/N used to talk about you a lot."

Michael nodded, "Um, we haven't seen each other in a while and I don't know what to do."

Gloria sat down across from him as she glared at him, "She told me all about it; you're lucky I don't stick my foot where the sun doesn't shine. How did you not see how everything was impacting her?"

"I deserve that I know," he said first. "Y/N always told me she was ok and that I didn't need to worry about her and like an idiot I took her word for it."

She gave him a look of sympathy and said, "I know you care about her, but she's not ready to speak with you right now. She came to my house crying because she was so upset. Then I had to tell her I was moving for a year; she's fragile right now and you would make things harder. She's also coming with me for a year. Just give her time; she'll contact you when she's ready."

Gloria stood and grabbed Y/N's food as she made her way out and Michael sat there and thought about what she'd said.

Gloria told Y/N about running into the heartbreaker friend and Y/N said, "He has Brandi; he doesn't need me and he hasn't for a long time. I stayed for too long."

Gloria sighed, "So, are you all packed up?"

Y/N nodded, "I'm excited to get away for a while."

The day they left Michael had finally decided he needed to go talk to her, so he went to her home. He knocked many times before noticing there were no curtains.

He looked into the window and saw that the house was empty; his best friend had left.

Y/N was in England for almost three months before she thought about contacting Michael. She was over the situation with Brandi and she missed her best friend. She stared at his name in her phone for a week before getting the courage to call him.

On his birthday she called and got voicemail, so she left a message, "Hey Michael, it's Y/N and I just wanted to say that I miss you; happy birthday Mikey."

She felt better after that.

Michael was drunk that night and he was asleep on his couch, so he didn't hear her message until that morning.

He woke up and pressed play on his answering machine and listened to his voicemails. Right at the end it was Y/N's voice he heard. He missed her call; it hurt, but he realized that he couldn't hurt her anymore. He wanted Y/N to be with someone she deserved; he wanted her to be happy.

He debated on whether or not he should call back and then he finally decided it'd be better.

It rang for a minute before he got voicemail, so he sighed and said, "Hey, it's Michael. I miss you a lot and I regret everything that happened because I should've just been straightforward with you. I developed a crush on you when I was fifteen and I was an idiot. Anyway, I broke up with Brandi and discovered she'd stolen your special necklace, but I got it back. I'm so sorry and I won't hurt you anymore because I'm going to leave you alone. I want you to be happy and I hope you have an amazing life. I love you and I appreciate the birthday wish. Goodbye Y/N."

When Y/N woke up in the morning and listened to his message she practically bawled her eyes out. Gloria listened to the message and told her that everything would be ok.

About three months later Y/N decided that Michael wasn't being fair; he didn't have the right to just decide to leave her alone. He wouldn't answer her calls when she tried calling him again. She was angry and she wanted to confront him.

Michael felt bad for ignoring her calls, but he didn't want to get into anymore fights with her; she texted many times saying that she was mad at him.

It was getting harder to be without her and he desperately wanted to be right for her, be he knew better. He knew that he's probably only hurt her if he got to keep her; he didn't want to be responsible for her tears anymore.

Y/N was just upset, so she did something that crazy people do for love.

Gloria promised to have her belongings shipped to her when she called; she had a round ticket in case things didn't work out.

It was almost midnight when she was walking up to his door; she felt antsy and just scared of what he might do and she was on the verge of tears. She felt like it was her fault the way things happened.

When Y/N finally found the courage to knock she was scared and she just missed him so much. She heard his footsteps as we walked up to the door and opened it, "Who the fuck-?"

He stopped as she stared at him and said, "You're an idiot."

She sounded very emotional and it might've made his heart hurt as he stared at her speechless.

She sniffled, "Cross my fucking heart! Right, asshole? Friends forever? Bullshit!"

She stared at him and took in the way he looked; his hair was in tufts and his white t-shirt was all rumpled while his boxers hung low. He looked good to her, but she was so mad. He just couldn't believe she was here after so long.

She couldn't think of anything else to say as she held back tears, so she shoved him a bit and he let her. She went to do it again, but he grabbed her by her arms and pulled her close. She looked at him and noticed the sorrowful expression he gave.

"Do you feel bad?" She asked weakly. "Do you feel like a piece of shit? I hope you don't, that's not what I'm trying to do. Do you know how much I love you?

He finally speaks, "I didn't want to hurt you anymore; I wanted you to be happy with someone better than me."

"I love you, Michael," she replied. "I always have."

He sighs, "You shouldn't."

She rolled her eyes and slammed her mouth to his; she kissed him with all that she felt. It was rough, but slowly turned into something gentle and sweet. It was a meeting of the lips they'd both been waiting for since their first ever peck. Michael wishes wholeheartedly that he would've kissed her first. He wishes he could start over and make Y/N his everything; it wasn't too late though.

They still had some stuff to work on, but it was ok for now and Gloria ended up staying in England; she promised to visit when she could though.

About a month into their relationship Y/N was ready to give herself to Michael completely. They hadn't talked about it too much, he just told her to say when and be sure.

She was beyond sure; she daydreams about him and has been staring at him quite often. Biting her lip as she does and she wants more than what she's getting. He's been so sweet about wanting to wait for her.

All they do is kiss and dry hump each other and she wants him for real now because she thinks she's waited long enough; like her whole life.

Y/N decided to try and make it happen one night when they were going at it; she was in his lap wearing a tank top and underwear and he was wearing his boxers as they were kissing vigorously. She began to roll her hips with a vengeance and his stomach was tensing.

She moaned in his ear and he was ready to lose it, but then she said, "I want you, Michael."

He moaned, "Mmm, you fucking have me."

She sighed and moved her hand to his hardness and squeezed before saying, "I'm ready for you and I'm so sure and I really love you."

His mouth dropped as he looked into her eyes and slowed down, "Are you positively sure?"

She kissed him hard before saying, "Yes, Michael! I want you."

She removed her tank top and Michael kissed her chest lovingly as he mumbled, "You're so beautiful."

She smiled as he flipped them over to where she was lying beneath him and ground into her. She gasped and suckled on his collarbones as he moved harder against her.

"Come on, Michael."

She let her hands travel to his waist and push his boxers off as he kissed at her neck; she went to pull her underwear off when he pushed her hands up and kissed right on the seam.

She groaned as he kissed her over the fabric before pulling her underwear off. She then gasped when he french kissed her there and moved up to her neck before grabbing a condom.

He slid the condom on and kissed her mouth as he slowly eased in; it felt strange for her and she felt full when their hips met. She felt discomfort, but soon became comfortable after moving around to adjust a little.

He looked into her wide eyes and smiled thoughtfully at her to make her feel comfortable. She smiled and nodded and he moved; she felt bliss and tightened her legs around his hips as he moved more.

He moved slowly, which was fine because she felt loved even more as he kissed her lips. He pushed her hair away from her face as she held onto his shoulders.

Her breath caught in her throat when he delivered a sharp thrust and he kissed along her jaw.

All he could think about was how much he loved her as she threw her head back in euphoria; she was so beautiful to him and he felt like they were one together. He felt the beauty of their love and it was amazing.

Her wishbone necklace was hanging off to the side of her neck as they moved against each other. Y/N couldn't help, but think about how Michael had become such a man. She never dreamed of feeling something so amazing with him.

It wasn't sex to them because it was so much more that neither of them could explain it. It meant so much to them to be able to truly trust each other this way.

They kissed so much as they moved and it was surly something if not euphoric.

When their hands intertwined and they looked into each other's eyes Y/N wanted to cry because she was so happy.

He kissed her more because he was getting so close and she was too with how her thighs kept shaking.

They were ready to let go, but they held each other tight. Y/N gasped as she released and Michael held her close before he too released.

He moved slower as they both came down before finally coming to a subtle stop.

They kissed a while longer before he slowly pulled out and removed the condom. They couldn't stop smiling and Michael got rid of the used condom before cuddling into her body.

He held her against him and she felt like she made the right decision in giving herself to him. She felt truly cared for and everything you're supposed to feel.

He proposed two years later when they were in the middle of a fight over what type of bed they wanted to buy.

They were just in the kitchen eating breakfast and Michael was pacing out of frustration.

It was probably the dumbest fight they'd ever had, but they were looking into getting a bigger bed. They were both tired of occasionally rolling off of the bed; they also wanted to maybe have it if they were to have children in the future.

She thought maybe their children could lay with them if they were scared of something as kids. He wanted a queen sized bed and she wanted the king sized.

They were arguing about which would be better.

She was wondering why they hell they were fighting over bed sizes; she couldn't ask why because they were both kind of crazy.

"We don't need a king sized; what if we got lost?" he tried to argue as he stopped pacing to look at her as she sat at the table.

"Oh please!" She rolled her eyes. "What if in the future we have like two or three little ones and they are scared, but can't fit in the bed? I guess you wouldn't be able to lay in bed with us that night."

He smiled as soon as she said something about kids and the future.

Before she could argue any further he said, "Will you marry me?"

"I'm just-wait what!"

He was still smiling as she stared at him like he was batshit crazy. He chuckled a bit, "Marry me? Please?"

He went to one of the drawers and pulled a velvet box from one and faced her, "I was planning on proposing, but I was just waiting for the right time."

She stared at him incredulously, "You're proposing to me to get out of a fight!?!?"

He laughed, "No, I wanted a real reason to ask you to marry me and I'd been waiting for it forever; the moment you said something about kids and future I thought this is it. My reason was to see if you saw a future with me and so, will you marry me?"

"How long have you had the ring?"

He blushed and said, "Since six months after we started dating; I felt you were the one and I thought maybe I should get a ring and just not propose to you yet."

She laughed, "I love you so much; yes I'll marry you."

He smiled and said, "We can get the king sized bed."

They kissed each other and laughed some more.

They got the king sized bed and surly enough were married a year later and they were completely happy. After being married for almost a year she finally fell pregnant. Then her daydream came to life because after being married six years they had four kids and they all fit in that bed.

Everything ended up working out for them and she still had the wishbone necklace.

Oh and they ran into Michael's evil ex girlfriend Brandi when they were at the mall. They had all their kids with them and Y/N spotted Brandi walking towards them to go past them.

Brandi looked up and her eyes widened when she saw them and she smiled nervously.

"Hi, Michael, Y/N," she said. "I just want apologize for my actions; I acted like such a child because I was insecure. I hope you forgive me."

Y/N smiled, "It's in the past; you're forgiven."

Michael smiled and said, "I should've talked to you about it to understand why you did it; I'm sorry too and I appreciate your apology."

Brandi smiled, "Are these your children?"

Michael nodded, "Yes, our youngest is two and our oldest is almost five."

She sighed, "They're so cute! Well, it was great seeing you guys; I'm glad things worked out for the two of you."

Y/N gave her a sympathetic look, "Thank you."

After running into Brandi and everything that happened everything was ok.

Michael turned to Y/N as Brandi walked away and mouthed, "I love you."

"And I love you," Y/N mouthed. "Cross my heart."

"Hope to die," he mouthed back.


*Wow! This is long. I hope it's good and that you might give me feedback. I also hope the ending wasn't too cheesy. I apologize if this was crap.*

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