Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF)...

By Liamslittleangel

36.2K 802 66

The story takes place before Austin was famous: Taylor is a foster child with a tough past, and Austin is a r... More

Chapter One~ Welcome "Home"
Chapter Two~ Possible Crush
Chapter Three~ First Day of School
Chapter Four~ Cole...
Chapter Five~ The date!
Chapter Six~ Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seven~ The journal
Chapter Eight~ (idk wat to call it)
Chapter Nine~ Close Call
Chapter Ten~ Secrets
Chapter eleven~ Your lying
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two!
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four :)
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Not an update, please read.
Chapter Thirty
Authors Note
Chapter Thrity One
Authors Note (important)
Chapter Thirty Two (Last Chapter)

Chapter Thirteen

797 19 0
By Liamslittleangel

Taylor's POV

All Alex told me was I got drunk last night, I didn't remember anything at all but I am sure soon those memories will come back. I do however remember meeting McKenna though. We both walked downstairs and I was still in a bit of a haze. And my head really hurt but I still got up. Alex and I both went to the kitchen and everybody was down there, including Austin. I know he's probably still mad at me, or most likely sad but that was just something I had to do.

I just cant date him, and I've said it a million times. The other three guys just stared at me, and Austin scoffed. He rolled his eyes at Alex and walked out of the kitchen, bumping Alex in the shoulder. "Okay what is going on?" Robert asked, I don't even think I know what's going on.

"Alex why is Austin mad at you?" I asked and he looked down at me. "I'll tell you latter." He said and sat at the kitchen table. I went to find Austin and he was on the couch lost in the TV.

"Austin why are you mad at Alex?" I asked standing in front of him. "Move." He said in a stern tone, I shook my head and stayed there. "Why are you mad at him?" I asked again and he rolled his eyes. "Taylor move." He said again and I still stood there. "Fine. You want to know why I am mad, because this has been the worst vacation of my life." He said referring to everything that's been going on between us. "Austin I mean why are you mad at Alex." I said again in desperation.

"Quit acting stupid! You know what you did! God Taylor. Haven't you done enough damage to me already? And then you go making out with Alex and ask me why I am mad?" He said, again crying, like always. I looked at Alex who was looking at the ground, I turned back to Austin and he was already running up the stairs. I felt more tears come down my cheeks.

I sighed and sat down on the couch pulling my knees to my chest. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Alex as he sat beside me, he put an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. The other guys sat around telling me it would be okay. But there wrong. Nothing is okay.

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked and Alex told me the whole thing.  After about a minute of sitting there Alex let out a small gasp. "Taylor what happened to you wrist?" He said in a concerned tone, I looked down at my wrist and saw a big purple circle around it and red finger marks. I stopped and tried to remember. Then I remembered... Jake. I looked at it and remembered when he grabbed my wrist. I couldn't tell him it was Jake though. "N-nothing." I said and walked off to the kitchen. "Well its obviously something!" He yelled and I grabbed my phone off the counter. I went back and sat down ignoring them. "Just tell us what happened." Alex said calmly, I bit my lip. "Nothing Alex." I replied sternly and he looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You'll have to tell us sometime." He said and I shook my head.  

I turned on my phone and went on facebook. We all just sat there in silence until my phone buzzed. I saw I got a text, I opened it and instantly my face paled.

I feel bad, we didn't get to catch up last night. But I have a feeling we will be soon. -J    My heart skipped a beat, how did he get my number? My heart raced as I turned off my phone. "Taylor who was it?" Alex asked again.... "It was uh- my friend." I said and he let it go, but he still looked unconvinced.

Why did you lie. - J I looked around as my face paled again. How did he know? I quickly got up and went to the door, I locked them all and closed the curtains, and locked the windows. Alex was hot on my trail asking me questions. "Alex just please don't open the door to anybody okay? Please." I said and he looked confused but nodded.

All the other guys went outside to swim and I asked Alex if we could talk. "Alex.... do you uh- like me?" I asked and he blushed looking down. "Yes." He whispered with a small smile. I kind of like him too, but not that much. I honestly don't know what I feel anymore, Austin is always making me feel guilty. I don't want anybody to get hurt, but that's how life works. "What are we going to do?" I whispered and he shrugged rubbing the back of his neck. "Listen Taylor I really like you, a lot. But I know you like Austin... just out of curiosity do you like me; just a little?" He asked and I couldn't help but smile. "Alex I do like you.. but I think I like Austin more." I said and he frowned. He didn't say anything but just walked up to his room. Why do I keep on messing things up? I don't even know what to do now.

Don't you miss the times we had together? -J I read and I sighed, no Jake I do not miss the times we used to have, that was the worst year of my life. I thought to myself, I didn't text back and I looked at the window. I caught a glimpse of a shadow, my heart raced as I walked to the backdoor. I slipped outside to the pool area to investigate, this reminds me of horror movies. The stupid girl goes to check out the noise and ends up dead. In this case, I am the stupid girl.

I was walking around when I heard a shaking in the bushes. I snapped my head back and saw a raccoon come out. I mentally cursed and was about to walk inside. "Looking for me?" I turned around and saw Jake, I froze until my mind came back to me. I turned around and ran towards the door but he grabbed my wrist. The same wrist that was bruised, I flinched and he loosened his grip.

"What do you want?" I asked in a soft tone, I heard him chuckle coldly. He pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear. "I want you." He said and I let a tear escape my eye, I was terrified. "Well I don't want you! I hate you Jake!" I yelled and snatched my hand away from his. I again tried to escape but he pulled my body towards him where we were looking each other dead in the eyes. "You'll regret that... I am about to ruin your life." He said and let me go, I stumbled to the ground and he walked off. He hasn't changed one bit, still cold and heartless. I tucked my knees to my chest and rubbed my wrist. After about a minute of me sitting there shaking I slowly walked back inside. My life is so messed up right now.

Don't tell anyone about me... because I am perfectly capable of finding out all of your secrets. -J 

This has been the worst vacation ever, if we didn't even come none of this would happen...


Sorry guys I know its short but the next chapter will be better! :)

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