Lucky Me ( A Jonas Brothers F...

By AndreaMauvais

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This is my life as being friends with the Jonas Brothers and being part of their family. See what its like tr... More

Chapter 1: Spring Break
Chapter 2: Karaoke
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Really Scary
Chapter 5: Really Scary part 2
Chapter 6: Very Freaky
Chapter 7: Really Weird
Chapter 8: Very Heroic
Chapter 9: The Game
Chapter 10: Crappy days part 1
Chapter 11: Crappy days part 2
Chapter 12: "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas"
Chapter 13: Countdown to graduation and summer
Chapter 14: Summer!! Finally!!
Chapter 15: Texas here we come!!
Chapter 16: A Change and crushes reveled
Chapter 17: Confused emotions
Chapter 18: What to do
Chapter 19: Back to school
Chapter 20: Finally, True love exists
Chapter 21: Movie premiere
Chapter 22: Surprise
Chapter 23: Shocking and scary moment
Chapter 24: Difficult times
Chapter 25: Hard trying times part 1
Chapter 26: Hard trying times part 2
Chapter 27: Hard trying times part 3
Chapter 28: Going through the motions
Chapter 29: Scary Baby Moments
Chapter 30: Long tiring days
Chapter 31: Lazy sick days
Chapter 32: Sick days
Chapter 33: Lullaby CD project
Chapter 34: Waiting for a miracle to happen
Chapter 35: Girls Night In
Chapter 36: Mall Day
Chapter 37: Two injured people
Chapter 38: Super scary moment
Chapter 39: Sick and injured days
Chapter 40: Getting ready for the Dance Showcase
Chapter 41: Show time!!!! part 1
Chapter 42: Show time!!!! part 2
Chapter 43: Surgery
Chapter 44: Post surgery misery
Chapter 45: Getting sick on tour blows
Chapter 46: Getting Bad news and flying out to South Carolina
Chapter 47: Surprising the boys
Chapter 48: Taking care of Nick
Chapter 49: Going Back on Tour
Chapter 50: Getting injured again
13 Facts About Me
Chapter 52: Group Day Out part 1
Chapter 53: Group Day Out pt2
Chapter 54: Andi and Bella's first concert
Chapter 55: Day off at Maya's
Chapter 56: A sick baby and Ellen interview
Chapter 57: Summer's almost over
Chapter 58: Wedding planning
Poor Demi 😞😞😞💔💔💔
Chapter 59: Back to School
Chapter 60: Getting ready for a new movie
Chapter 61: Arriving in New York
Chapter 62: Getting ready for the wedding
Chapter 63: Wedding time!!
Chapter 64: Getting the same news over and over is irritating

Chapter 51: Making plans

493 7 0
By AndreaMauvais

~*~*~*~* Andi's POV ~*~*~*~*

When Kevin and Dani came into our room, Nick was about to help me back onto the bed. He was trying so hard not to grab my knee, but was having some trouble. Luckily Kevin saw and came and helped us. I was trying so hard not cry from the pain that was shooting up and down my leg while they were getting me onto the bed.

Once I was up on the bed and settled, Nick grabbed my meds and gave them to me while Kevin propped my leg up with some pillows, Dani came and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug, letting me finally cry. She held me until I calmed down. I looked over at Nick and saw Kevin hugging him as he cried. I knew he felt bad about me hurting so much. Once both us had calmed down a bit, Dani waved over at Kevin, signaling him to bring Nick over to the bed and sit down with us. After they sat down being careful with my knee, Dani started talking to us.

"I know this has been a really hard day for both of you, but don't go blaming yourselves over what happened. None of could have known that was going to happen. For all we know the stage could have been cleaned right before we got there and no one told us that it was a bit slippery. So please don't blame yourself over what happened. Don't think that what happened as your fault or you pushed yourself too hard too soon because that's not going to help yourself get though this. We're all going to get through this together as a family just like we did the first time. We're going to take this one day at a time and go at your pace so we don't rush things and go as long as we need to until you feel better or until you get cleared by someone again, which ever comes first, okay?"

She looked over at Nick and then looked down at me and we both nodded. Soon there was a knock at the door. Kevin got up and answered it. He opened the door and saw the other 5 standing there, Jason holding Bella in his arms. "Is it OK if we come in?" Frankie asked. Kevin turned and looked over at Nick, and he nodded his head yes. So Kevin let them all in and Jason placed Bella in her bed. Kevin closed the door as everyone came in and found a spot to sit on the bed.

Once everyone found a spot to sit, being considerate of my knee, we started talking again. "How you feeling munchkin?" Jason asked when he sat down next to me, and I just shrugged my shoulders, "Okay I guess, still pretty sore." "Well we were talking earlier while you guys were sleeping and we decided to have a big group day out." Jaimie mentioned.

"What would we be doing?" I asked. "Well us girls are going to get our hair and nails done while the boys go either go-kart racing or indoor skydiving. Then once everyone was done with those, we were planning on either going out to eat or going to the movies, depending on how you two are holding up by that point. " Dani mentioned.

"And if you two are tired and want to come back here, then we were planning on just hanging out and watching movies here. We don't want you two to feel like you have to go out with us, its just we wanted to do something fun while we were all together for a while, before we have to move onto the next tour stop, since we didn't have the chance to do anything while we were back in South Carolina." Joe said.

"So what do you say? Sound like a fun day?" Frankie asked all excited, but still calm enough that he wouldn't hurt anyone or wake Bella up. Dani looked down at me and saw a small smile on my face. She then looked over at Nick and also saw a bit of a smile on his face. "I guess, it's better than sitting here all day, cooped up and constantly having Mom come and see if I need anything for my levels or if my knee's hurting and need my medicine." I said. "So does that mean you're in?" Jaimie asked.

"Yeah I'm in. What about you babe? Sound like a good idea? You know I wanted to do something back in South Carolina but we couldn't because you were having bad migraines." I asked Nick, hoping he would agree and want to go along with all of the plans everyone made. "Sure, I'm in. It makes up for not going out while we were in Charleston." I was happy when he said he was into going out.

He probably felt bad about not going out back in Charleston, so he said yes to make me happy and to also help get my mind off of the fall earlier. "Okay, now that everyone is in, what day are we going to put this plan in action?" Frankie asked. I could tell he was really excited to be able to hang out with his older brothers and Jason.

"Well what's today?" I asked. "It's Monday. How about Wednesday? Gives Andi here a few days to rest and get some strength back in her leg before going out all day." Jason suggested and everyone agreed. "OK Wednesday it is then. So what time should we all leave or does it matter?" Jaimie asked.

"I think if we leave around 9 or 10 we should be fine. Its not too early and not too late. Then we can meet up around 1 or 2 for lunch and then see how everyone feels after they eat then decide what to do next." Dani said looking around at everyone seeing if they agreed with what she suggested. "Sounds like a good plan to me." Kevin said and everyone agreed with him. Everyone could tell that I was happy about going out with them.

So we all hung out in the room for a while after we finished our plans and made sure to clear everything with Mom and Dad so they knew what we were doing, just in case something happen, they knew were everyone was. Soon everyone started getting tired and went to their rooms just as I was about to feed Bella and give her a quick bath before she went back to sleep for the rest of the night. Once she was bathed and redressed, thanks to Nick, I got my self comfortable and set up to feed her since we were low on bottles again. "All set babe?" Nick asked after he finished getting Bella dressed.

"Yup, did you remember to lock the door just in case, even though everyone's probably comfortable in their beds by now?" "Yes honey." "OK just making sure." So he handed her to me and I adjusted her so she was laying comfortably, then she started drinking right away. "You okay there babe? Need anything else while I'm up?" He asked after Bella started drinking. "I'm good, thanks honey." "You sure? You don't want your usual snack after feeding her?" "Not right now, maybe once she's done."

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower. You going to be okay by yourself for a few minutes?" I just laughed and shook my head. "Yes, baby. I know your just in the other room, so if I need anything, I'll just call for you or wait until your done and dressed. Or I'll just ask someone else to come help me real quick." "Okay, just let me know." "I will, now go get your butt in shower before it gets too late and you forget." He put his hands up in surrender and gathered his clothes and a towel, then he kissed me and then Bella and went and let to take a shower in our en suite.

I grabbed my phone of my nightstand and started messaging my friend Maria, while Bella was drinking, to keep me busy while Nick was in the shower. We talked for about 10 minutes when Nick walked back in the room. I closed my phone and placed it back on the nightstand.

"Feeling any better honey?" "Much, felt nice to use a full size shower instead of the small bus one." I laughed, "That's true." He grabbed his phone and came and laid down next to me. "So excited to go out Wednesday?" "Yup, and I'm glad you decided to go along with them. If you didn't, you know Joe and Frankie would've begged and bugged you until you said yes or just drug you out anyways if you said no."

"I know, that's why I said I would go, plus I wanted to make it up to you for not going out it in Charleston." "I know you feel bad about not going out, but I actually liked being able to stay inside and spend time with you, just relaxing and being lazy in bed for most of the day." He smiled and kissed my temple.

I looked down and smiled at Bella and saw she was falling asleep, so I had Nick pass me a burp cloth and a fresh diaper so I could change her before I put her in her bed. He placed the burp cloth on his shoulder and sat the diaper and box of wipes next to my feet so I could change her once I burped her. So I moved her face away from my chest and handed her to him and covered my self back up while he burped her.  

Once he got a good burp out of her and wiped her face, He gently laid her down in front of my lap so I could change her. I smiled as she started falling back asleep as soon as he laid her down. "You still want your snack now?" "Sure, thanks honey." "No problem, just finish getting her ready for bed and I come help you shower when you're done." "That would be nice, I'll finish changing her and put her in her bed, then pick out some clean clothes." 

"You take it easy, I'll send Jaimie in if she's still up and help you with that. You hurt your knee earlier and need to take it easy for a while, until you get your strength back and can stand without your crutches or walker." "Okay, that's fine." He came over and kissed me then Bella and went to get me something to eat and see if Jaimie could help me put Bella away and pick some clothes out for me to wear after my shower. I finished changing Bella and was fixing her clothes when Jaimie came in the room.

"Hey, Nick said you needed help putting the little munchkin in her bed for the night and choosing clothes for you." "Yeah, he doesn't want me getting up more than I have to after this morning." "I understand, so hand her to me if you're done and I'll put her in her bed, then I'll bring your clothes over to the bed and let you choose what you want to wear." I smiled and passed her a sleeping Bella carefully after I kissed her head.

She smiled and grabbed her and placed her in her crib at the end of  the bed and then brought over one of my bags, after I showed her which one, and placed it on Nick's side of the bed, and I picked out my clothes, which was my favorite pajamas that I bought before I left for tour. They were blue Hello Kitty  tank top and shorts set that I got at Target. I also grabbed my blue zig zag slippers and set those next to my pj's. 

When I was getting my clothes out of my bag and putting everything back in my bag, Nick was back with my usual snack, which was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some milk and apple slices. "All set with your clothes babe?" he asked as he came over and handed me my food and a kit so i could test.  "Yup, Bella's in her bed changed and sleeping." "Great, test and eat, then we'll figure out the best way for you to shower without putting too much pressure on your knee." "Don't worry, your mom probably has something for us that we can use knowing her."

I opened my kit and got everything set up. I got a 70, so I adjusted my pod and cleaned everything up and put away, then started eating. Nick grabbed my kit and put it on the nightstand, then sat down next to me. He seemed really tired and exhausted. "Tired babe?" "Yeah, long day. Too much going on today that I didn't want to happen but did. You about done?"

"Yeah, go get your mom and see if she can help us. I really want to shower and change, my hair is starting to itch." "Sure." So he got up and went to find his mom so she could help us. I hated seeing him so stressed out the way he was. Some days I wonder what life would be like for him if he didn't have diabetes and wasn't a famous 17 year old guy. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt the bed dip. I look up and see Jaimie was still in the room and sat down next to me. She smiled and gave me a hug. I sighed and leaned into the hug. "You worried about how stressed he seemed?" "That obvious?" "A bit, plus you were zoned out so I had a feeling you were thinking about him." "Some days I wish he was like me and not famous or diabetic, then he wouldn't be so stressed out all of the time, well not about touring or making a new album or any of this."

"I know but just remember he's living out his dream with his brothers. They love meeting fans, performing for them, and traveling to different cities, just to see their fans and see them smiling and crying because their idols are in their hometown." I sighed and nodded knowing even though the boys were tired and stressed, they were doing all of this for the fans.

"I guess you're right, but I still hate seeing Nick as bad as he is. I'm worried he's going to get sick again and I can't help him when he needs anything, with my knee." "Then if he does, and hopefully he doesn't, but if and when he does, then me and my brother will be here to help if we're still with you if that comes up."

"Thanks Jaimie, I'm glad you and your brother are here. It's nice to have some family around besides the Jonas'." "I'm glad we could be here with you also, and we'll stay as long as we can or as long as you want us here." We both laughed, and I felt a bit better after talking to her.

"Thanks for that, I really needed to talk to someone other than Mama or Dani about these kinda things, even though Dani's going through the same thing as me just without being injured and having a baby." "No problem, I don't mind it. I'm glad we're able to hang out together." "Me too." 

Soon Nick and Mama walked in the room with what looked like a chair. "So I was able to go to the local pharmacy and picked this up for you. Its a bench that fits in the shower, so you can sit without putting too much pressure on your legs." "Wow, thanks Mamma. It's perfect and just what I need."

"You're welcome honey, I'll go put this in the bathroom for you, so you can shower when you're ready." "I'm go to change in my room and possibly shower also if Jason hasn't already used up all the hot water in our room." We all laughed and she hugged me one more time and got up and went to her room. Nick came and sat down next to me.

"What we're you guys talking about? I heard laughing." "Nothing, she just showed me something funny she found online." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I know I've probably told you this a lot since you've been here, but I love you and I'm glad you and Bella are here. I probably would be blowing up your phone and computer constantly, telling you how much I miss you and how much I wish you were with me and not stuck at home." I laughed. "You and Kevin would probably be miserable with out me and Dani here. He probably would do the same thing as you did to me when I was still back home." "Not as much as I was." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I hate to interrupt this cute moment, but I got bench in the shower, so whenever you're ready go ahead and go in there." We laughed and thanked her. "Thanks again Mom, I really appreciate you doing that for me." "No problem honey, you know I'd do anything for you. You've always been like a daughter to me since I met you." I smiled at that. She came over and hugged me. 

"Now, get in the shower and I'll watch the baby until you're done." So Nick grabbed my clothes and towels and placed them in the bathroom for me, then helped me off the bed and handed me my crutches, then walked me into the bathroom. Since I felt awkward undressing in front of Nick, I asked him to turn around. "Could you turn around please? I feel really awkward doing this in front of you when you're in the room."

"You sure?" I nodded shyly. "No problem, I total understand you're not ready for that step in our relationship yet." He kissed my head and turned around so I could undress real quick, well as quick as I could without hurting my knee. Once I was done, I told him he could turn around, since I had a robe on covering myself up. "Want me to turn on the water for you and adjust it so it's just the right warmth?"

"Sure, thanks honey." He walker over to the shower and started the water and waited until the water was the way I liked it. "Okay, water's ready and I moved your stuff closer to the seat so it's easier for you to reach." "Thank you babe." "You're welcome, just let me know if you need any help when you're done." "I will, now before you leave, have you eaten and tested yet?" "Yes dear, I did that when you were with Jaimie." "Okay, just making sure. Why don't you find us a movie or show to watch when I'm done." "Sure, sounds good to me." He kissed me and closed the door when he left. I sighed and slowly made my way over to the shower and sat down. 

I was in the shower for a good 15 minutes when Nick came in to check on me. "Everything okay in here? Need any help?" I laughed. "I'm good honey, just about done." "Need me to help you out?" I was nervous when he asked me that. I know he wasn't going to hurt me like Christian did, but I was still scared from that. I took a deep breath and thought about it for a minute, and agreed to let him help me. "Sure, that would be nice." "Are you sure you're okay with me helping you? I can get my mom if you feel better with her instead of me. I wont be offended if that's what you choose."

"No it's fine. I'm ready for that part of our relationship. Just help me shut the water off and pass me my robe so I can dry off." I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I felt the water turn off and the shower door close. "You okay, baby? We don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable." "No, it's fine. Pass me my robe please, I'm starting to get cold with the water off." So he grabbed my robe, passed it to me and helped me put it on. I still felt awkward but he reassured me that I was fine. Once I had it on and tied he helped me stand up and slowly walk over to the sink so I could grab my crutches and put my clothes on.

Once I had a good grip on my crutches, I started putting my clothes on, with helping and reassuring me the whole time. Once I was done getting dressed and everything was sitting the right way, I looked up at Nick and he smiled at me. "Thank you for letting me help you. I know you're still not over what happened last year but I'm proud of you for doing this. It's a big step in you moving on from it." He kissed me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled at his words, knowing he was proud of me letting him help me get dressed after I showered. 

"Thank you for making me feel comfortable with everything. I was so awkward and nervous at first but you kept reminding me that nothing bad was going to happen." "You know I wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with doing. Now let's go lay down and prop your knee up and all of your meds in your system." I nodded and smiled. "Can you help me put my slippers on please?" "Sure babe." So he helped me put my slippers on and we went back into the bedroom. Mama was in there rocking a fussy Bella. I frowned and walked over to her. "What's wrong princess? Mommy take too long in the shower?"

"I think she's hungry, she keeps grabbing at my shirt." "I fed her before I showered. Does she need to changed?" "I checked and she was clean. Maybe she just wants her Mommy to hold her." So I went over to my side of the bed and got comfortable, then she brought her over and I took her in my arms and held her. Nick put my knee up and went to grab a bottle just in case she really was hungry. "Grab her colic meds just in case as well. Or better yet, mix some in her formula. That should help her if that's whats bothering her." He nodded and went to make her a bottle. 

Once Bella realized that I was holding her, she calmed down a bit. "No more tears, love bug. Mommy's here, I've got you now." She was still a bit fussy when Nick came back in with a bottle. "Used the colic meds and formula as a double precaution, if it is her colic hitting her." "Thanks." So I grabbed the bottle from him and gave it to Bella. She started drinking right away. "There now princess. All that fuss was because you were thirsty." I smiled down at her and wiped away any remaining tears from her face. She drank about half of the bottle when she started falling asleep again.

I gently pulled the bottle away from her and set it down on the nightstand, sat her up and burped her, then rocked her until she was asleep. "Want me to put her back in bed sweetie?" "No thanks Mom. I'm just gonna hold her for a bit longer, until she's been asleep for a while."  I said looking down at Bella as she was fighting to stay awake, which was pretty cute. "I'll put her away when she's done. We're gonna watch some TV for a while. I'll put her in bed when we're about to fall asleep." Nick said climbing into bed next to me. 

"Okay, I love you both. Take it easy for the rest of the night and let me know if you need anything else during the night." "We will." She smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her. I sighed and leaned back against the pillows.

Nick scooted over and moved me so I was leaning against him, and wrapped his arms around me. "She's starting to look more and more like you everyday. It's amazing how much her personality is coming through. She definitely has a mixture of both of our personalities." "Some days I've noticed she acts more like you than she does me." I told him.

"I think she acts more like you than me, but she can act like Joe and Frankie when she's with them." i laughed and shook my head. "That's true. I'm just glad we decided to keep her. I don't know if I could've ever let her go even knowing how I got her. I just love her too much to let her go." "I'm glad you did too. She's best thing that's happened to us and i wouldn't want to change anything about that." "Me either. I know I'm going to struggle with being a teen parent but I know that I have you and both our families to help me raise her and provide for her the best that we can." 

"I'm in this for the long run. I'm not leaving you no matter what happens with my career. I'm not letting you do this on your own." I smiled and leaned further against him. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me." "You're welcome, I love you and her. Now let's put her back in bed and you need to take your meds before you get too tired and forget and wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps." I sighed and kissed Bella's head, "Goodnight my angel, sweet dreams."

I passed her over to him and he got up and placed her in her bed but not before telling her how much he loved her. Once she was comfortable, he covered her up and made sure she had her teddy that Joe gave her when she was born, since she can't sleep without it. She definitely takes after me with that one, since I still sleep with a teddy bear when I'm not with Nick. He smiled and came over and started getting all of my meds out so I could take them.

He got out my pain meds for my knee, along with my anxiety and depression meds since I take those twice a day. He gave me all of my meds and passed me a water bottle to take them with. "Here you go babe, 4 pain meds, 2 anxiety and 2 depression and a water bottle to help take them with since i know you can't take pills dry." 

"Thank you." So I took the pain meds first, then anxiety and depression last, then drank some more water to help wash them down. Once I was done with my water, I set it down next to Bella's bottle and laid down and got comfortable the best that I could with my knee. Nick shut the lights off and came and laid down next to me. He was on my left so I could put my knee in his lap, with a pillow in between us so my knee was still elevated and had something soft underneath it.

We stayed up for about an hour after Bella was in bed before I could feel my meds kicking in, making me tired. "You tired yet babe?" He asked me. "Yeah, meds are kicking in, making me tired and drowsy." So he kissed my head and turned the TV off. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. "Go to sleep, we've both had a long and tiring day." I nodded and snuggled closer to him. "Good night honey, I love you." "Good night baby girl, I love you too." 

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