Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF)...

By Liamslittleangel

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The story takes place before Austin was famous: Taylor is a foster child with a tough past, and Austin is a r... More

Chapter One~ Welcome "Home"
Chapter Two~ Possible Crush
Chapter Three~ First Day of School
Chapter Four~ Cole...
Chapter Five~ The date!
Chapter Six~ Birthday Surprise
Chapter Seven~ The journal
Chapter Eight~ (idk wat to call it)
Chapter Ten~ Secrets
Chapter eleven~ Your lying
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two!
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four :)
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Not an update, please read.
Chapter Thirty
Authors Note
Chapter Thrity One
Authors Note (important)
Chapter Thirty Two (Last Chapter)

Chapter Nine~ Close Call

914 27 0
By Liamslittleangel


I am already packed and tomorrow morning we are all leaving. Its going to be me and Austin's 'crew'. I am really exited cause I have never been on vacation before! Its not like I can do anything though, besides suntan and shop. Cant really swim though... if you know what I mean :P


I cant wait until tomorrow! This will be awesome! Especially since Taylor gets to come. I also will be able to do a bit of investigating. Sometimes I feel like she is always keeping secrets from me. We have known each other for  a while now but I feel like I don't really know her. Okay that didn't even make sense to me, but the point is she is very secretive.

And I have never really asked her about her past or anything. I just don't want to pressure her or make her not trust me. The whole crew should be here in a minute, they are all spending the night. We are planning to leave early tomorrow morning.

I walked downstairs and saw Taylor in a tank top and shorts. I couldn't help but stare, good thing she didn't see me. She never really wore that kind of stuff...

"Hey dudes!" I turned around to see the crew. "Sup man?" I asked high fiving them all.  They all looked at Taylor and she waved to them, we all smiled and walked up to my room.

"So Alex here tells us you got a little crush." Tyler said and they all laughed, I blushed and slapped Alex's head. "I am sure your glad Taylors coming with us." Zach commented and I nodded. "Taylor and her swimsuit." Alex said and I widened my eyes. I blushed and told them to shut up.

"Dang it I left my phone in the living room, brb." I said and ran down the stairs. I could hear them laughing and I walked into the living room. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and walked back upstairs.

I walked in and saw all of them laughing and Alex was holding my journal reading it out loud. I rushed over and took it from him. "Dude why would you do that?" I asked and he laughed, I get its a joke but I am still a bit mad. I rolled my eyes and they all stopped laughing.

"Sorry dude... but don't you think that's a bit cheesy? 'Her eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky and her smile is as bright as the sun'" Rob said quoting from my journal and I blushed like mad. They all apologized and we got back to talking.

After a while of them teasing me we decided to go watch some TV.

It was around eleven or so. We walked in and I saw Taylor laying on the couch with her eyes closed. I smiled watching her. She was snuggled up to the blanket and was lightly snoring. Her hair was in a high ponytail which was pretty much ruined. I chuckled and all the guys came in and saw her.

"What are we gonna do? She's taking up the whole couch!" Tyler said throwing his hands in the air. "Why don't we let Romeo carry her up to her room?" Alex said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and carefully picked her up bridal style. Her head rested on my chest and her breathing slowed. I watched her for a second before I began walking. I tried not to wake her up as I walked up the steps to her room. Her feet dangled and her arms were laying on her stomach.

I smiled as I placed her softly on her bed. I placed the covers over her and sat on the other side of the bed. I lightly slung my arm over her body and she scooted closer to me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. She would never do this awake but if the only way I get to hold her is when she's asleep, its an offer I will take. Her hands were soft but I knew I couldn't stay, I unwillingly got up as quiet as I could.

When I made sure she was asleep I kissed her cheek and walked out of the room closing her door.

"What took so long?" Zach asked as I came downstairs, I shrugged and sat on the chair. I felt my eye lids dropping as I lied there.

*NEXT MORNING (still Austin's POV

I woke up at around seven and everybody was asleep. I woke the guys up and then went to go get Taylor. I walked to her room and was going to wake her up gently.

I was about to quietly tell her to get up, before I was interrupted. "Taylor get your butt up! We have to go!" Alex screamed and all of the other guys came in screaming, she opened her eyes and groaned, they jumped on the bed and continued to scream.

"Shut up!!" She yelled and pushed Zach off the bed. I chuckled and Taylor got up. "Can you guys leave so I can get dressed?" She asked and we all nodded. Once we got to the living room Alex made a comment not worth saying....

"Go load the car!" I yelled and we all grabbed our bags, I took Taylors and put them in the back of Alex's car. Taylor came outside with her hair in a pony tail. She was wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt with converse.

"Ready to go?" I asked her and she nodded. I smiled and Alex and Zach got in front. Tyler and Rob went to the back and Taylor and I sat in captain seat. Alex turned on the music and Taylor fell asleep after about ten minutes of driving.

The guys and I talked about how this year our house was going to be awesome! Thank goodness my mom isn't coming this year, she is way overprotective. I cant wait to get there though, it will be nice to have a break from school, and Texas.

At first though my mom was kind of nervous about Taylor being the only girl. She even gave me this whole speech and it was really embarrassing.

*TWO HOURS LATTER (Taylors pov)

"Tay wake up!" A voice said and I fluttered my eyes open to see all Alex and Austin standing outside the car. I yawned and got up. "What year is it?" I asked and they laughed, I smiled and got out of the car. I stretched my legs and saw a big house in front of me.

I took a moment to examine my surroundings. We were in a beautiful neighbor hood with lots of big houses. The one we were in was not as big as the others but it was pretty big. It was white and had a small front porch and a garage. I got my bags and walked in with everybody else.

Once we got in I saw a kitchen with granite counters and across from it was a big living room with a flat screen TV. There was a staircase and I walked up it and looked in all the rooms. I finally picked mine but noticed there was one thing wrong with it.

The bathroom had a shower.... and I need a tub. The shower is to small for me to bathe as a mermaid. I walked to Alex and Austin's rooms, but they both had showers. I went to Robs room and he had the best room. Except there was no bath... none of them had a bath.

"Great." I said with a sigh. I walked back to my room. It had blue walls with pictures of the ocean. There were seashells on the white dresser and the bed spread was white with blue waves on it. This is awesome! I checked out the bathroom and it was the same theme.

"Taylor you want to go swimming?" Zach asked through the closed door. "Sure be down in a minute." I replied, I wasn't going to swim, just suntan. I dug through my bag and found my pink bikini. I slipped it on and went down stairs. The pool was in the back and I just realized we were really close to the beach. You could even hear the waves, I smiled and walked onto the pool deck to reveal a huge pool!

And to think it's a private pool! All the guys were in the pool and didn't notice me. I shrugged and sat on one of the lounge chairs.

I then heard them all go silent so I took of my sunglasses to look at them. "Yes?" I asked with a chuckle, they all looked away and mumbled words. I laughed a bit and relaxed again, closing my eyes.

"Taylor are you going to swim?" I think, Alex asked. I looked over to him and shook my head. "Why not?" He asked. "Because I don't want to get wet!" I replied.

I relaxed as the sun heated up my skin. Then I felt cold on my stomach and I knew it was water. I was sitting to close to the pool because one of them splashed me. I shot up and looked at them who were laughing.

"I said don't get me wet!" I yelled as I ran into the house. I locked the door and got into the living room before I collapsed onto the floor. I groaned and waited to dry. I really shouldn't have come; because that was a close call.

As soon as I got my legs back I walked back outside, to avoid suspicion. This time I pulled the chair as far away from the pool as possible.


 Hmm... interesting. Even a drop of water makes her nervous. Is she that scared of water? I looked over to the guys who had the same confused look as me.

"Guys she obviously hates being wet so just don't mess with her." Zach said and we all agreed. About five minutes later she came outside in a grumpy mood. She pulled the chair back as far as possible and then lied back down.

After about two hours we all decided we were hungry and it was lunch time anyway. We all went inside dripping wet and Taylor waited a while before coming in. We had left puddles all around the kitchen.


I was about to walk in when I saw all the water on the floor. I started to panic, I cant act weird. So I jumped across the tile to the carpet. I planted my butt on the sofa and watched some TV. It was kind of weird because I was in my bathing suit... but oh well.

"Taylor are you hungry!" Tyler yelled and I said no. They all came in the living room with food and Alex was about to sit beside me but I did and army roll before he could get me wet. Alex gave me a strange look and so did everybody else, but I ignored it as I sat on the floor far away from them.

This is going to be a miserable trip...

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