Divergent: The Outsider 2

Door XBraveWriterX

83.6K 2.7K 461

Tris goes through her wedding, dangerous job, and singing. How will she cope through it all? Wedding plans... Meer

Divergent: The Outsider 2
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
|Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Chapter 36|
|Chapter 37|
|Chapter 38|
|Chapter 40|
|Chapter 41|
|Chapter 42|
|Chapter 43|
|Chapter 44|
|Chapter 45|
|Chapter 46|
|Chapter 47|
|Chapter 48|
|Chapter 49|
|Chapter 50|
|Chapter 51|
|Chapter 52|
|Chapter 53|
|Chapter 54|
|Chapter 55|
|Chapter 56|
|Chapter 57|
|Chapter 58|
|Chapter 59|
|Chapter 60|
|Chapter 61|
|Chapter 62|
|Ending's Author's Note|

|Chapter 39|

1.3K 40 10
Door XBraveWriterX

I rub my belly as I stuff my face with a chocolate bar, watching the girls run frantically around the little room trying to find make-up and things. Today is Christina's wedding and we are all excited, Christina is really nervous but her mom and grandma is doing a good job calming her down. We all had a nice time yesterday out, we went out to eat with Christina and then retreated back to the hotel room to play games, ask questions, and eat more food. . . well, I know I did.

I am now 24 weeks pregnant, 6 months, and things are moving great. The babies kick a lot to Tobias and I's voice which makes us both smile a lot. Sometimes it's annoying, but others I can cope with. All week, I have been busy. Christina and I had to make a whole playlist for the top songs that she wants to dance with when she dances with Will for the first time as a married couple. She will dance to a shorter version of, Always and Forever by the heatwave. Then she will dance with her father and then for all of us to join in, would be the cheesy song True.

I am so excited to see Tobias today because it was hard sleeping last night. First, it wasn't my bed, and second, he is my human pregnancy pillow. So, I spent most of my night sitting on the couch watching, Friends, while eating a tub of ice-cream. I then took a quick nap and order room service.

"Time for you to get dressed." Christina mom smiles grabbing the candy bar out of my hand. I gasp and reach out to take the crunch bar out of her hand but she moves it away and helps me off of the couch. "No more eating! I don't want anything getting on the dresses." She playfully scolds me making me sit down in the comfortable chair. I pout as Marlene stands in front of me to start my make up.

When she is finished, I look in the mirror and smile brightly. Marlene decided to keep it simple, I have on mascara, eyeliner, and lip-gloss. Then I turn around with my back facing the mirror and Shauna switches places and then brushes my hair out and braid's it into a side french braid and when she is finished I put in a few flowers, some white ones, and lavender colored ones.

When she is finished, I help Christina into her dress after she puts on her jewelry and make-up, "You look beautiful." I remind her as her mother switches places with me to zip her up as her aunt and I fix her dress so it sits nicely. Shauna fixes her curled hair and Marlene touches up her make-up while Amber helps strap on her shoes.

Then I get dressed in the floor length lavender dress smoothing out the sweetheart neckline, I frown at how full my breast look, "This dress makes me look fat." I mutter to Marlene as we both adjust our dresses in the mirror.

"No, it doesn't." She reassures me looking me up and down, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks Mar, you do too." I smile giving her a side hug.

"Come on ladies! The wedding starts in five minutes!" Lynn announces and we start doing last minute touches. I slip on my jewelry and make sure that I have my flat's on. I spray some perfume on and grab my white pumps following everyone out of the tent.


"This is so pretty." I tell Tobias as he helps me slip on my heels. The outside venue is so beautiful, the weather is so perfect that makes me think how wonderful this wedding is going to be. They are going to get married under the big tree that she says where Will and she used to go when they first started going out back in College.

"It is beautiful," He says and I stand up smoothing out my dress, "Does this dress make me look fat?" I ask and he looks me up and down shaking his head from side to side.

"Nope," He says popping the 'p', "In fact, you look beautiful, love." He says to me and a blush dashes across my face as I look down at our tangled arms. I hear the sound of a snapping camera and a flash making us both look up to see a photographer smiling at us. He chuckles looking at the picture walking away to take more pictures.

"Okay," Tobias chuckles, "That was weird." He says and we start to hear the music signaling that it's time for the wedding to start.


"Do you, Christina Ameena Johnson, take William Christopher Edwards, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do,"

"And do you, William, take Christina, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do,"

"With the power invested in me, Today on April 16, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Will smiles brightly grabbing Christina's face pressing his lips on her's and she smiles brightly kissing him back. Everyone cheers and starts snapping pictures.

Once they pull away and go back down the aisle with a few people following them, the man gets back on the microphone. "Now, would everyone please make their way to the reception on 5th street in down town. Prince Charles ballroom. There are directions on the pamphlet." He says and everyone stands up collecting their things to head towards their cars.

"That was so heart-warming." I smile at Tobias as we head towards the limousine that is held for us. There are three limo's that Christina rented, the first one is specifically for Christina and Will. Then the second one is for their family members, and then the third one is for all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"It was." He smiles at me as he opens the door for me to get in, we get in and see that there is only Amber and Duke inside of the limo. "Sup guys." Four says helping me crouch down and Amber and Duke grab my things and I take the seat all the way to the back that is located by the driver's window so I can place my feet in Tobias' lap.

"Hola," Duke says handing Four my flats, "Was that beautiful, or was that not beautiful?" He asks as Tobias starts to massage my swollen feet from standing in the heels too long. The doors open and Marlene and Uriah get inside with Lynn and Al trailing along behind them.

"It was very beautiful," Amber comments as we all scoot down for everyone to have more room, "The weather couldn't be more perfect."

"That's what I'm saying." Lynn says popping open a bottle of champagne and gives everyone a well deserved glass but instead I get a sprite. I miss wine, and alcohol, because right now, I really need some. Today has been a stressful day and right now, I would do nothing more for a shot of vodka. . . or a few.

We feel the car take off once Shauna and Zeke get in and we are on our way to the venue. "I can't wait to get married." Shauna says to Zeke who almost spits his drink out, we direct our attention to him as he goes through a coughing spell.

"Me too." He says pinching his nose, which I am assuming is burning right now.

"Sounds convincing." Shauna mutters rolling her eyes, so we all decide to go back to our conversations.

"How are you feeling?" Tobias asks me as I take my swollen feet off of his lap stretching out my tired legs.

"Tired," I say with a sigh, "Very tired."

Tobias takes off his black suit jacket and lay's it over me making me place my head on his shoulder, "We would be there in about thirty minutes since there is traffic, take a nap."

With that, I close my eyes falling into a dark, dreamless, sleep.


I feel someone moving my shoulder, awaking me from my sleep making me groan and bury my face into the same scent that I have been smelling all day; that comfort smell: My Tobias. It feels like I just fell asleep.

"Time to wake, love." He says kissing my cheek, and I sigh bringing my numb hand up to rub my eye. I finally gain enough strength to look up to see everyone out of the car and Tobias sitting beside me.

"Did I just fall asleep?" I ask confused as he helps me sit up and slip back on my flats.

"No, you were sleep for quite a bit. There was some road work on our way here, but luckily Christina and Will's driver took a detour to get here quicker." He says helping me out of the car, "Do you have a sweater or something?" He asks trying to hand back the suit jacket that I am trying to give back to him.

I nod my head, "I think one of the girls has a cardigan for me." I say and he nods his head while he slips back on his suit jacket and I fix his lavender bow-tie and head inside. When we get inside everyone is eating appetizers, and drinking alcoholic drinks for cocktail hour.

"I would kill for a martini right now," I mutter under my breath as Tobias helps me walk around the room to talk to everyone and eat some of the food. The appetizers are so delicious, Christina did a good job for getting things for her vegan friends and family, and meat lovers for family and friends. I ate; mini quiche, stuffed mushrooms, Spanikopita which is a Greek dish, spring rolls, and turkey bacon wrapped scallops which were amazing.

Most of those things were my first time trying them, they were all a good size so we wouldn't get full quick unless you are Zeke and Uriah who snuck food off of the tray's or would grab more than one.

"I'm ready to sit down," I tell Tobias as I move my arms up and down my now covered arms, Marlene let me borrow her light weight tan cardigan and it made me feel so much warmer. It is warm outside, it's just since I am pregnant, I get cold easily.

He nods his head and starts helping me towards the ballroom, but, Christina mom stops us before we could get inside of the room.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asks concerned and I nod my head staring at her suspiciously, "Just let me know if you need anything, or need your chair changed out with a softer one." She says and gives me a hug, "Thanks for being in Christina's life. You made her change for the better and you made this day magical." She whispers in my ear making tears gather in my eyes.

"Come on Mrs. Johnson, you know how emotional I can get." I tell her smiling wiping under my eyes, "No problem, you guys are like the family I never had." I tell her honestly and she smiles hugging me and Tobias again and playfully shoos us into the ballroom before she starts crying.

"Tobias," I gasp clutching on his arm staring at the decorations around the room and the scattered purple lights blending in with the white ones, "This is beautiful." I gleam happily and he nods his head still in shock of the beautiful venue. He looks on the table and finds our name, our table is located literally right beside Christina and Will's since their table only seats two so we will still be able to talk to them and for them to ignore us.

Tobias pulls out my chair and I sit down and he pushes me in, I think the others are still drinking and eating since it's not really time for everyone to start coming in I just couldn't stand any longer or I would collapse.

"Thank you Tobias," I smile at him, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. "I really appreciate how much you do for me. I know that I can be moody sometimes and plot your death for when you decide to go to work and schedule fights, but anyways, thanks for being there for me. All the time." I tell him and he smiles grabbing my hand since he is sitting on the right side of me.

"It's out of love, I really love you and I don't care if you were to chop my head off, I know that you are carrying my twin boys and nothing could change my mood." He smiles placing his hand on my enlarged belly and the kids kick at his hand, "I love you and that's all that matters, Mrs. Eaton."


I literally can't move out of my seat because I have the idis-where you eat so much food that you feel like you want to fall asleep-yeah, I am having that right now. The food was amazing and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I had my first bite of that delicious crusted salmon. I think we all overate.

She had a buffet style where there was a salad station, fruit station, meat station, seafood station, pasta station, vegan station, We still didn't get through the cake, candy station, or cupcake station. Christina really outdid herself, this wedding turned out better than expected.

Now, we are watching Will and Christina dance to Always and Forever which is bringing tears to my eyes at how beautiful the way Christina stares up to Will just as the chorus comes on, "Are you crying?" I hear Uriah whisper-shout across the table and I scoff dabbing under my eyes with the napkin.

"No," I tell him as I hear chuckling at me. I continue to watch the happy couple with Tobias' arm wrapped around me with his hand resting on my belly. Before I know it, Tobias and I are on the dance floor swaying to True, but Spandau Ballet. He has me resting on his feet as he moves us back and forth, it is perfect.

"Today came out perfect." Tobias tells me smiling. "All of you really outdid yourselves." He smiles and I chuckle nodding my head.

"It was a really busy month, well, month's. I love you," I smile at him laughing and he smiles at me, his eyes gleaming.

"I love you too," and with that, he presses his lips to mine. It's a magical moment, with the music in the background, making it feel like it is just us on the floor. Nothing to worry about, no parents, no job, no pain, nothing. It just feels like a moment where I would want to relive everyday and never forget it, I would have never guessed that meeting Tobias under bad circumstances would put us here today. Me carrying his children, standing on his feet, at Christina's wedding and him pressing his moist lips to mine remembering the day of our own wedding. I wouldn't change a thing.




a/n: longest chapter ever! This is to make up for Tuesday when I didn't update. I hope you can accept my 2,000+ word chapter as an apology. :] Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment, of course I have my own story line of drama to come and things but if you want something specific for me to add in then don't hesitate to comment below!

Peace and Love guys,

Stay Dauntless

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