Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- N...

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A new Greenie arrived in the box every month like clockwork. It was always a boy, too..never failed. But, thi... Több

1. Welcome To The Glade
2. Let's Dance
3. Shuck Faced Slinthead
4. Stung
5. The Keeper And The New Greenie
6. Attempted Murder And The Wooden Figurine
8. Clara, Leader Of The Glade
9. Everything's Going To Change
10. Thomas Arrives
11. Banished
12. I Knew This Was A Bad Idea
13. Chaos, Apologies, and Revelations
14. As If Things Weren't Bad Enough
15. I Love You
I'm sorry.
16. Revenge
17. Thomas, You Slinthead!
18. Decisions
19. Confessions
20. To The Griever Hole
21. The Unexpected Happens
22. End
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Had to share these with you
Ship Names?
So sorry!
I Feel Like I Really Needed To Update.

7. Please Don't Die

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SakuyaVolcom által

Disclaimer: The Maze Runner series and all the ideas and characters belong to James Dashner. I only own Clara and Noah.

Fair warning: Read the author's note or you might be confused!

A/N: This chapter will be Gally and Newt's points of view when Noah's crazy self tried to slice her up like Winston does the animals. I will also include a third person pov to show everyone what happened at the banishing as well as Minho's point of view when Clara gets hurt(yes, he heard her from all the way out in the maze.) I'll also add a point of view for each of them visiting Clara during the two days she was unconscious. Hopefully it won't get too confusing. If it does, I apologize in advance. But, before that I have some things I feel the need to explain. Everyone knows Alby and the others say "ain't" alot in the book, correct? Well, actually I can't remember if it's just Alby that says it or if it's everyone, but whatever. Anyway, have you ever wondered why he started saying that in the first place? In this book, the answer is simple. Clara. When I came up with the idea, I was thinking 'if all the Greenies can catch on to Glader slang, why can't the Gladers catch on to other slang?" and now here we are. Also, have you ever wondered where in the world Chuck got his little wooden figurine in the first place? If he is bad at everything else, he couldn't have carved that little piece of perfection, right? Right. So, in this book, Clara carved it and felt the need to give it to him to cheer him up and give him some hope that they'd get out of the maze one day. Do you know what kind of accent Clara has? If not, it's a southern accent. You're welcome, haha. On to the story!! :)



An ear piercing scream echoed in my ears and I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart dropping to my stomach as my blood ran cold. That was Clara. I looked around at the other builders and sure enough, they heard it too. My fists clenched tightly as I took off running toward the source of the scream. Clara, you better have just seen a shuck bug or something! I swear if you're hurt.. I let my thoughts trail off, not even wanting to think about that possibility. I don't even know why I cared about her well being so much, but I did. She's an annoying little Slinthead and I can't stand her half the time...but, she's grown on me.

I reached the treeline of the Deadheads and my heart stopped at the sight I was greeted with. Clara was slumped against a tree, blood slowly pooling around her body from a wound I couldn't see. She had two more wounds, one on her neck and another on her upper arm. They couldn't have caused all the bleeding though, they weren't deep enough. My eyes locked on the Slinthead standing over her, a knife in his hand. Without even having to see his face, I knew it was Noah.

My steps slowed, turning into purposeful strides as the boy turned and locked eyes with me. My face scrunched up in pure rage as I got within arms reach of him. Before I even realized what I was doing, my fist connected with his jaw, breaking bones as he crumpled to the ground a few feet away. At that moment, all I knew was that I had to get him away from Clara. I didn't even bother turning around as I yelled at the others who had followed me.

"Hurry! Get her to Clint and Jeff! She's lost a lot of blood! Don't drop her, shanks!"

The boys scrambled, immediately doing as I said. Deep inside, I wanted to smirk, but I didn't. The only thing I was focused on was Noah. I stormed over to him, yanking him up by the collar of his shirt. I slammed his back into a tree as hard as I could, waking him up immediately. I glared at him as he sputtered and gasped, trying desperately to force the air back into his lungs. For good measure, I slammed him into the tree again, watching as his eyes went wide with pain. I heard a crack and knew some of his ribs had broken from the impact.

"Why were you trying to kill her, you little Slinthead?!"

Noah didn't say a word, the pain too much for him to handle. I snarled, raising a fist and punching him square in the nose, breaking it with little effort. My blood was boiling and all I wanted to do now was hurt him. He deserved it after doing that to her. I yanked him off the tree, slinging him on the ground behind me, before turning on him, my foot making contact with his stomach. Noah groaned, leaning to the side and emptying his stomach of it's contents. I didn't even notice Alby and Newt arrive.

"When you ran off into the maze and got yourself stung by a shuck griever just to prove something, who do you think took care of you?! Who do you think fed you and stayed with you for hours on end?! Clara did, Slinthead! She walked around the glade depressed the whole time you were going through the shuck changing, worried about you!! And this is how you repay her?! By trying to kill her?!"

My foot made contact with his side, making the boy whimper in pain. I sat on his chest, my fists flying as I punched him over and over again. After a few moments, I felt myself being yanked off the other boy, but I made sure to give him one last good kick in the stomach before I let myself be pulled away. By the time I was done, Noah was nothing more than a bloody mess. I felt satisfied. I yanked myself free from Newt and Alby's hold and turned around, storming off to the Homestead to make sure Clara was alright.



I was halfway back to the Glade when I heard it. An ear splitting scream echoed around me, bouncing off the maze walls and making my blood run cold. It was different than the Grievers' screams and I immediately realized who it was. Clara? What the shuck did you get yourself into, now? I picked up my pace, taking off in a full sprint back toward the Glade. My arms pumped at my sides as I ran, ignoring my burning lungs as they begged for oxygen. I have to get back. I have to hurry. I didn't think it was possible, but I willed myself to go faster, sweat dripping off my body.



I pulled more weeds from the garden before standing up, wiping the sweat from my brow. I pulled off my dirty white shirt, leaving my tank top on. I stretched my aching muscles and bent down to get back to work when I heard a scream rip through my ears. I shot up, wildly looking around for the source. Clara?! I noticed the other Gladers running toward the Deadheads and I ran to find Alby.

When I reached our leader, I spotted the bow and arrow in his hand and he gave me a quick nod, running to where everyone else was. I ran behind him, keeping up with him as best as I could. This bloody limp.. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I saw a few Gladers running toward us, holding something..or rather, someone. My breath caught in my throat as I skidded to a stop, my eyes widening at the site. There she was, unconscious and bloody. The Gladers that were carrying her were drenched in blood, a frightened look plastered on their pale faces.

My heart beat wildly, threatening to break free from my rib cage as I stared at the sight before me. No, she can't die..she can't bloody die! I tried to tell them to get her to the med-jacks, but my voice was trapped in my throat. My hands began to shake and my mind clouded with anxiety and terror. Thankfully, Alby was there.

"Get her to Clint and Jeff, now! Hurry! You, stay!"

One of the Gladers stayed behind as the others rushed her to the Homestead. Alby's fists clenched tightly as he spoke, his voice laced with anger.

"Who did this to her?!"


"Where is he?!"

"I-In the Deadheads..Gally's there too.."

My eyes bulged and Alby and I took off running once again. I fell behind because of my limp, but we still made it to the boys pretty quickly. We darted through the treeline just in time to hear Gally yelling at Noah.

"When you ran off into the maze and got yourself stung by a shuck griever just to prove something, who do you think took care of you?! Who do you think fed you and stayed with you for hours on end?! Clara did, Slinthead! She walked around the glade depressed the whole time you were going through the shuck changing, worried about you!! And this is how you repay her?! By trying to kill her?!"

For some reason, it felt like my heart shattered. Gally really cares about Clara even though he won't admit it..I don't have a bloody chance. I shook my head, wondering where that even came from before stepping forward to stop Gally from beating the dumb shank to death. Alby's hand shot out, resting on my chest and blocking my way in the process. I stopped and watched as Gally kicked Noah and punched him, a satisfying feeling rising into my chest. The shank deserves every bit of it for what he bloody did.

After a minute or so of Gally beating on Noah, Alby finally rushed forward and I followed suit. We grabbed Gally, pulling him off of the other boy. He pulled away from our grasp and turned around, storming off as blood dripped from his knuckles. Alby grabbed Noah by his arm, yanking him up. I immediately took hold of his other arm and together we proceeded to drag him to the slammer, ungracefully throwing him inside. His head bashed into the stone wall and he groaned as tears leaked from his eyes. I rolled my eyes before slamming the door shut, locking it quickly. Alby had already turned and began to make his way to the Homestead.

I clenched my fists, my blood boiling as I glared at the door that separated me from Noah. Before I could do anything stupid, I turned and made my way to the Homestead as well.



I quietly stepped into Clara's room, noticing nobody else was there. I ran a hand through my perfect hair as I examined her body. She was lying on her stomach, breathing heavily as she slept. Her back was heavily bandaged, hiding the poorly stitched wound that stretched from her left shoulder blade down to her right hip. Her upper arm and neck were bandaged as well, but they weren't near as bad as the wound on her back. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I went to stand beside her bed. I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me, but I spoke anyway.

"Clara, you're the dumbest, shuckiest shuck faced shuck there ever was. I told you to stay away from that crazy shank but of course, you didn't shuck listen. You're so shuck hard headed sometimes!"

I sighed once again, placing a hand on my hip as I continued.

"But, you need to get better and wake the shuck up. You'd better not die. Believe it or not, but you're like a little sister to me..I'll never forgive you if you go and shuck die because of that Slinthead."

I stared down at her for a few more moments before turning around and leaving the room to go draw my map for the day.



It was dinnertime and everyone was eating, but I just didn't have an appetite. Ever since earlier, I couldn't get Clara off my mind or push the feeling of dread and anxiety away. It consumed my mind and I  finally gave up and made my way to the Homestead. I have to see her..I have to make sure she's alright..

When I walked into the room, my heart dropped to my stomach. Blood was slowly seeping through the bandages on her back and I made a mental note to tell Clint or Jeff to come change them when I left. I pulled a chair up and sat down beside her bed, clasping her small hand tightly. A lump formed in my throat, but I quickly swallowed it. I stared at her for what seemed like hours as I listened to her steady breathing. My eyebrows knitted together as I cleared my throat.

"Please bloody get better, Clara..I'll go crazy if I lose you. I hated life in the Glade before you showed up..even went into the maze and tried to kill myself. That's how I got my limp..but, when you came up in that bloody box, everything gave me a reason to be happy again..a reason to hope..I can't have that taken away from me."

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek before I wiped it away with my free hand. I cleared my throat once more to get rid of the lump stuck there. I stayed by her side for hours in complete silence, watching her. Then, I heard the door slowly creak open and I turned to find Gally. He looked uncomfortable and I quickly let go of Clara's hand, standing up and exiting the room to give him some time alone with her. I walked to her normal spot at the Deadheads and slid to the ground, my back against the tree. My jaw clenched tightly as I let the tears finally fall.



I pushed the door to Clara's room open, not realizing Newt was already inside. I looked to see him by her bed, holding her hand. I blinked a few times as my eyebrows scrunched together. Guess I should come back later.. Just as I was about to turn around and leave, Newt let go of her hand and stood up, glancing at me as he left. I cleared my throat and slowly stepped inside, shutting the door behind me.

I took a seat in the chair and watched as Clara turned her head to face me, still unconscious. A few stray hairs fell over her eyes and I shakily brushed them behind her ear. Her hair is soft. I cleared my throat once more as I retracted my hand and placed it in my lap. My hands clasped together tightly as I tried to find the right words to say.

" could you be so stupid going with him into the shuck Deadheads? If I hadn't heard you.."

My words trailed off. I don't want to admit that she could have died..I just can't admit it. My eyes trailed up to her back, my blood boiling as I stared at her bandaged body. All I wanted right now was to go kill that dumb shank for doing this to her. But, more than anything, I felt guilty. I told her he would be alright..and he tried to kill her. I bit my lip to suppress a growl, instead choosing to keep talking to her even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

"You annoy me more than intentionally do things just to make me mad..and I swear I've almost gone crazy since you've been here. But, I don't want you to die. I realized that the second I saw you leaning against that shuck tree..I don't even know what came over me..I just saw you and I got so mad..I almost beat that dumb Slinthead to death. Deep down, I wish I would have..even now, I just want to go to that shuck slammer and beat him until you wake up..and I don't even know why it bothers me so shuck much. All I know is I need you to pull through this..please, Clara."

A heavy, irritated sigh escaped my lips and I ran a hand through my short hair as I glared at the wall. Why am I so shuck desperate for her to be okay? What's wrong with me?! I looked down at her small hand, wanting more than anything to hold it and tell her everything will be okay. But, I didn't. I couldn't. Clara was annoying and she always managed to make me mad. So, why would I want to hold her hand? I shut my eyes as I leaned back in the chair, doing my best to push the thoughts aside. Before I knew it, I was asleep.



Alby placed the collar around Noah's neck, his expression hard and unreadable. The whole time, Noah didn't say a word, instead choosing to stare at the ground. Gally and Newt had to stop themselves from rushing forward and beating the klunk out of him. Not once did he even show a hint of remorse for what he did, nor did he even try to give anyone an explanation. As the doors began to close, Alby spoke, his voice booming over the sounds of the doors beginning to shut for the night.

"Noah of the builders, you are sentenced to banishment for the attempted murder of Clara the Keeper of the Sloppers. The Keepers have spoken and as Clara would say, their word 'ain't' 'ain't' coming back, ever."

Noah didn't say a word as Alby took his place on the banishment pole with the rest of the Keepers, excluding Clara. Slowly and deliberately they began to push the boy through the doors, yanking the rest of the pole back just as the doors slammed shut. Not a single Glader even felt sad about banishing Noah. In fact, everyone had unanimously agreed to it. Even Chuck came and watched, clutching the tiny wooden figurine the entire time. Everyone stayed at the walls for what seemed like ages, not moving an inch. Then, slowly but surely, they made their way back to Frypan's kitchen to eat.


A/N: Chapter seven is finally done! I'm so sorry it took me so long to post it, I've been really busy. I hope everyone liked it and that it isn't too confusing. I imagined Newt looking like he did above when he was thinking he didn't have a chance with Clara, btw. ;) Should Thomas come in the next chapter or should I wait to bring him in around Chapter 10? Please let me know, because I'm stuck trying to figure it out, haha. Well, anyway I'll be busy Thursday and Friday, so please don't be mad if I don't update. I will try my best to though, I promise! Feedback is always appreciated! You can even PM me! I will always try my best to write back to everyone! Be looking for chapter eight! :)

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