Michael Clifford Imagine Seri...

De Princess_Marie_

146K 3.9K 555

Sorry for mistakes if there are any ***Never point out the mistakes, because I already know they're there*** Mai multe

Michael Clifford Imagines
1. Heartbroken To Fixed Heart
2. All Of The Stars
3. Shock Of Your Life
4. Sympathy For The Devil
5. Ever Enough
6. Love Story
7. Three Cheers For Five Years
8. All That I'm Asking For
9. Love Somebody
10. The Reason
11. Simply Fate
12. Ghost Of You
13. Nightmare
14. Nightmare Part 2
15. Wake Up
16. Frozen Hearts
17. Seize The Day
18. Harder Than You Know
19. Mirrors
20. Break Me Shake Me
21. Bloody Valentine
22. Always
23. All Of Me
24. Bound To You
25. Holding On To You
26. Save Your Heart
27. Someone's Watching Over Me
28. Best Of You
29. Avalanche
30. Save Me A Spark
31. Lips Of An Angel
32. What A Feeling
33. The Only Hope For Me Is You
34. Someone, Somewhere
35. In The End
36. Cross My Heart
37. Jet Lag
38. No. 1 Party Anthem
39. The Reason
40. Angel
41. Flipped
42. Happiness Machine
43. Alive (Fast And Slow)
44. ************
45. I Should Have Known


969 9 2
De Princess_Marie_

*I don't like this & I'm sorry if you end up tagged.*
Tagged by michaelllclifforddd

(Not my rules)

1. You have to post all the rules, so nobody has an excuse not to do this.
2. You must tag thirteen people so they can suffer with you.
3. You must say thirteen things about yourself.
4. You have to answer all thirteen questions I'm gonna ask, and please be honest.
5. You must write your own thirteen questions.
6. You can't say "I don't like to do tags " because that makes you lazy af and a loser.
7. Tag backs are allowed. (If I get tagged again, I'm not doing it again; sorry, not sorry.)
8. You must do this within a week or you owe me a favor. (I'm just going to say this now; my favor is to talk to me because I'm such a loner, but that's not the point. Do me a favor and try not to be too hard on yourself and just stop caring what people think because you don't have to feel obligated to impress people; their opinions shouldn't stop you from being who you are.)
9. Be creative with titles. (This is a confusing rule. What does it mean exactly because I'm a bit confused.)
10. You have to put this in one of your books, not your comments.

13 Things About Me, Myself, and I

1. I love dogs
2. I have a niece who will be two soon and a niece who will be here right before her sister turns two.
3. I have three sisters and one brother.
4. My youngest sister is seven and our older brother is twenty-one; I'm nineteen.
5. I love pizza.
6. I'm a heavy girl because I was a sickly child and all the medications messed up my metabolism because I used to be super tiny.
7. I'm 5'1; I'm the shortest of my siblings and my seven yr old sister is going to pass me up in the next few years.
8. 2015 opened my eyes and I happen to be a very open minded person now because I see everything in a new light.
9. I used to hate the number four and I have no idea why.
10. I laugh at scary movies.
11. I don't like to text or talk on the phone, but I don't mind texting. I tried being one of those people who text, but I tried it and my friends don't answer back so I didn't see the point in it unless I absolutely have to text someone because I hate talking on the phone and prefer face to face.
12. I grew up too quickly; things happened when I was ages six to nine and it messed me up.
13. I like the number thirteen because I was born on a Friday and I love to see people freak out over the fact that I was born on Friday the Thirteenth.

Questions That michaelllclifforddd Asked Me

1. What's your favorite color?
I like a large variety such as black, red, blue, green, burgundy, and maroon; I like other colors, but these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
2. Favorite food?
Pizza and other foods because I don't have a direct favorite.
3. If you meet any celebrity who would you like to meet?
Betty White because she is awesome.
4. Where is one place you like to go?
The movies.
5. Middle name?
Marie after my mom's middle name.
6. Wattpad or Regular Books?
Both because there's a book called Paper Valentine and I love it because it was a book that I couldn't put down.
7. What's your hair color?
A mix of brown, red, black, and blonde, but mostly brown and red; people call it dark auburn.
8. Who's your favorite member of 5sos?
Michael because I'm assuming it's obvious; it started out with me liking Ashton and thinking Michael was just adorable, but Michael just became my favorite out of nowhere. I don't know how it happened.
9. Internet friends or real friends?
No one really talks to me except for the real friends I have, but only when they're bored or needs someone to lean on. So I guess I don't have friends except one who lives too far away.
10. Have you ever been bullied?
Yes; a girl was mean because I liked her care bear backpack in 2nd grade and decided to bully me until sixth grade. She mainly made fun of me and asked why I would wear makeup when I didn't really; all I wore was chapstick. Then a boy called me fat to my face for no reason when I was eleven; I've had issues with the way I look ever since.
11. What's your favorite movie?
I like a lot of movies, but a few that I like are The Fault In Our Stars, Paper towns, If I Stay, Christmas movies, and sometimes sappy cliché movies.
12. Do you hate Arzaylea?
I don't know her and from what I've seen and heard I want nothing to do with it because it's not my business; I'm also super confused about the whole situation because she literally came out of nowhere.
13. Do you have an obsession?
I have an obsession with weight loss because of the boy who called me fat; my fan girl obsession at the moment is the awesome bands Twenty One Pilots and Set It Off because my most recently made friend introduced me to their music early last year.

I apologize to all who are about to be tagged:

1) --MichaelGClifford--
2) backseatmuke
3) _michaelgirl
4) -daisycalum
5) cliffordtheincrowd
6) -mukingforsoup
7) 1995mgc
8) 5SOSfanGirl102
9) AshCalMikeyLuke_x
10) 21secondsof_jessie
11) -drunkenluke-
12) 5saucefeels
13) -MalumCuddles-

13 Questions From Me To You

1. Where are you from?
2. What is your most favorite memory/moment in your life?
3. Do like Korean TV dramas? They're on Netflix & Hulu.
4. Do like Set It Off? They remind me of 5SOS in a way.
5. What do you like most about yourself?
6. What is the most interesting thing about you that people are so surprised to hear about?
7. Have you heard of Pop Evil? If not you should check them out.
8. Do you like to write and what inspired you?
9. Are you still in school?
10. Do have any type of collections? My sister collects her favorite movies; she owns over 280.
11. What is your favorite genre in books/movies/music?
12. Do you have a job?
13. Are you interested in psychology/sociology? Pretty great subjects if you ask me because psychology is to learn about your mind/health and everything thing to do with the way you feel and sociology means to literally question everything.

Continuă lectura

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