Consumed By Love (on hold)

By Divergent_obsessed46

121K 5.2K 1.3K

"I am someone looking for love. Real Love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't- live- without- each- o... More

Chapter 1>>>
Chapter 2>>>
Chapter 3>>>
Chapter 4>>>
Chapter 5>>>
Chapter 6>>>
Chapter 7>>>
Chapter 8>>>
Chapter 9>>>
Chapter 10>>>
Chapter 11>>>
Chapter 12>>>
Chapter 13>>>
Chapter 14>>>
Chapter 15>>>
Chapter 16>>>
Chapter 17>>>
Chapter 18>>>
Chapter 19>>>
Chapter 20>>>
Chapter 21>>>
Chapter 22>>>
Chapter 23>>>
Chapter 25>>>
Chapter 26>>>
Chapter 27>>>
Chapter 28>>>
Chapter 29>>>
Chapter 30>>>
Chapter 31>>>
Chapter 32>>>
Chapter 33>>>
Chapter 34>>>
Chapter 35>>>
Chapter 36>>>
Chapter 37>>>
Chapter 38>>>
Chapter 39>>>
Chapter 40>>>
Chapter 41>>>
Chapter 42>>>
Chapter 43>>>
Chapter 44>>>

Chapter 24>>>

2.6K 119 25
By Divergent_obsessed46

I never wanted to be your whole life- just your favorite part. 

Shai's POV

"Will you stop fidgeting??" Theo asks me for the third time in the last twenty minutes. We're in the car, heading to his parents house.

"I'm sorry. I'm nervous." I mumble, playing with the buttons on my coat now.

"Don't be." Theo says keeping his eyes on the road, but placing a hand on my thigh. All of outside is white now, thanks to the snow that came late last night. And dusted the roads and everything else in a white coat.

"Jess is anxious to meet you." Theo says, making me look at him.

"Really? I didn't know you told her." I say. "I didn't. Mum did, and I got an email from her saying that Jess really wants to meet you." Theo explains, and part of me relaxes.

"Who all will be there?" I ask.

"Well.." Theo begins, and sits up a bit in his seat.

"My mother and father." He says, naming the obvious.

"Jess's husband Ben, and their kids Lily and Weston." "How old are they?" I question.

"Lily just turned six in June, and very proud of it." Theo says with a smile. "Weston's two and a half. And you can't forget that half, or he'll get mad." He says making me laugh.

Seeing Theo just talk about his niece and nephew just prove how much he truly loves them, and how much he loves kids.

"James should be there, and my sister Anna. She's pregnant with her first." Theo says. "Her husband isn't able to come because of work. And I think Alistair should be there."

"That's a unique name." I comment.

"Yeah. My parents really thought that one out and gave up with James and I, sticking us with boring names." Theo says back, turning down a street.

I laugh, "That's not what I meant."

"So all my sibling should be there." Theo says heading down to some pretty big houses.

"We're almost there aren't we??" I ask, starting my deep breathing again.

"Babe, calm down." Theo says grabbing my hand in his, and rubbing his thumb softly over it.

The fact that he called me 'babe' is the main reason I calmed down, the fuzzy feeling in my chest warming the rest of my body.

"We're here." Theo says turning to me and turning the engine off.

I look to him and he kisses me lightly, "You'll be fine and they'll love you. I promise."

I nod, taking deep breaths while getting out of the vehicle. It's a very large house, and I'm sure will seem even bigger when we get inside. Theo comes around to my side and takes my hand, hoping that it will calm me down.

"You okay?" Theo asks, as we walk to the front steps.

"Honestly?? No." I say and he chuckles lightly. Kissing my cheek, he then goes up to ring the doorbell.

It opens shortly, revealing a older woman but nothing short of beautiful. "Theodore!!" She says with much enthusiasm. I have to bite my lip to keep my laughter inside.

"They're here!" She yells over her shoulder to everyone who's inside the house.

"I'm Jane. You must be Shailene." Jane says holding out a hand.

"Yes. It's nice to meet you." I say shaking her hand.

"Oh, why she's lovely Theodore." Jane says, still holding onto my hand.

"Why didn't you mention that over the phone??" His mother questions making me laugh and Theo blush.

"Mum.. I said not to call me that." He mummers.

Jane lets go of my hand, and places her hands firmly on her hips. "That is your birth name, so that's what I'm going to call you." She says sternly.

That's the comment that makes the laughter I was holding back, come out. Earning a glare from Theo, but he still holds my hand anyway.

We walk inside the large house, and I'm automatically met with the warmth of the heat running and the smell of baked treats and a hint of pine.

"Your house is truly beautiful." I tell Jane as we make are way to another room.

"Thank you dear. My apologies if it's a bit big for you. It's just when you raise five children, you want as much space as you can get." She jokes, making me smile.

I already feel comfortable around her, which eased some of the nerves and butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach.

"You're sisters are here, and we're just waiting for your brothers to join us." Jane says to Theo, as we walk into what I guess to be a living room.

Sitting a large soft black sofa is a woman and two small children. A man on the far end and another woman in a chair across from them.

"Theo!" They exclaim, and the children come running towards him.

"Uncle Theo!!" The youngest is picked up and held in Theo's arm- and I'm guessing that he's Weston.

"You must be Shailene." The woman who was sitting with the children says, walking up to me.

"Yes." "I'm Jessica. It's so nice to meet you, I've heard much about you!" Jessica says giving me a hug, which takes me by surprise at first.

"This is my husband Ben." She says pointing to the man on the couch, who shoots me a smile and a hand wave.

"I'm Anna." Anna says introducing herself to me. "Congratulations." I say looking at her very large baby bump.

"Oh thank you. He's due any week now." She says.

"Shailene, this is my daughter Lily and her younger brother Weston." Jess says pointing out her children to me. Right now their too busy playing with Theo to notice.

"They're lovely." I tell her. "They have their moments." She replies.

"Mum! Who's car was in the--" Two men walk into the room who I presume to be Theo's brothers.

Theo goes over to say hi first and then brings them over to me. I'm crowded my people right now, people I've just met and trying to not embarrass myself.

"Shailene, this is my brother James. And that's Alistair." He says, and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Nice to meet you." I say shaking their hands.

James looks more like Theo, but Alistair's voice sounds more like Theo's.

"It's nice to match a beautiful face to a beautiful face." James says making me blush and laugh.

"Watch it James." Theo tells him, half kidding and half seriously.

"I'll tell Emmeline." He adds, making James laugh. "Yeah, alright."

"Emmeline's his fiancé." Theo whispers into my ear, I nod.

"We're going to go settle in, and then come down for supper." Theo says and takes my hand, leading me out of the room.

We walk up the tall staircase in warm comfortable silence. As we pass the walls I look at the school pictures and other fun family photos hung up.

We get to a navy and white room, with a wooden bookcase and music equipment in the corner near the closet. It's not what I expected for being his bedroom.

"They can be overwhelming." Theo says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, but they are all very nice." I tell him. He laughs and nods, "To you they are. Not if you're their brother." He jokes. I come and sit on the bed next to him.

"You'll get to meet my father later." Theo says, and I look over at him.

"I like your room." I say looking around at the walls again.

"Not what you were expecting?" He asks and I nod. "Well all my posters of naked woman sadly in my closet." Theo jokes.

"Yeah right." I roll my eyes.

"I love your house and your family." I tell Theo, sitting back down by him.

"See. I told you. Everything went fine and they love you." Theo says, kissing me lightly.

"I love you." He whispers, neither one of us pulling back from the kiss or opening our eyes.

I kiss him harder this time, all the words I want to say coming out in my actions right here and right now towards him. I love him.

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