The Nevaeh Chronicles (A Star...

By Rebel_PrincessAlways

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Nevaeh Bridger, daughter of rebels Skylee and Ezra Bridger, was raised by her mother away from the rebellion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Big News!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapters 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note

Chapter 6

282 12 2
By Rebel_PrincessAlways

A/N: Okay I am back! Sorry it took so long my family has been moving houses and that takes up alot of my time.


Nevaeh's POV

"I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn..."

I raised an eyebrow. "So... Your a Jedi. Okay why are you..." I trailed off gesturing to himself. I mean he was....

"If you mean to meation the fact I am dead go on. It will not bother me." He  answered. I nodded my head slowly.

"So.. Your dead. Why in the Galaxy are you here?" Am I going completly insane? I thought. Qui-Gon laughed once again.

"No young one, you are completly sane. And to answer your question I am here to train you as a Jedi." I felt my eyes widen, was he serious?

"A Jedi? Are you for real?" He chuckled again and nodded. "But why me? Were you the one who trained my Mom and Dad?"

"No I did not get the honar." He answered simpily. 

"Okay then why me?" I repeated. He walked over to me and held out my necklace.

"Many things are to be explained all in good time, if I were to tell you now. Well lets just say it would be abit... overwelming..." I sighed  and took my necklace.

"So it must be pretty important huh?" He nodded. "Must I be trained?"

"That is for you to decide." He answered wisely. I nodded my head a little.

"I'll think about it." He nodded his head respectivly.

"Of course. Until then." In more then a second he was gone. That left me thinking, more so then yesterday.  Now its not like I dont want to be trained I do, but why is some dead guy coming to train me? Why cant I know why I need to be trained?

How am I gonna explain this to Mom and Dad?

No I couldnt. They would think I'm crazier the a wild Taun Taun.

Come on Nevaeh you can think on this later. For now just... go find something to do.


"And... There. That is how you fix it." Said the grease and oil covered Mech as he came from under the X-Wing.

"Hm. I thought it would be more diffucult." I whispered to Zoe, who I had met up with as I had left my cabin, she snickered.

"Well my friend, when you learn from a great mechanic like me you tend to think that." She whispered back. I chuckled this time.

"Yeah because you learned from a Master Techie, your Mother." She smiled and nodded her head.

"Well to be the best you gotta learn from the best." I rolled my eyes and smiled abit. The Mech, who had not heard our conversation, came over.
"Thanks for showing her the ropes Biggs." Zoe told him. She hadnt changed much the past couple of years, personality wise at least. Her brown hair had been dyed a light teal color at the tips, her freckles had practically disipered, and she had grew taller then me.

"Its no problem, now all you gotta learn is how to fly one of these." He replied patting the side of the fighter.

"Flying? More my brothers speciality, but I'll give it a shot." He nodded.

"Tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded.

"Tomorrow." I replied. Me an Zoe started walking to no where in particular, we just spent that time catching up on the last two years like best friends do.

"So... Who is this 'Viz' guy?" The name had come up in the conversation every now and again in passing, but I still didnt know who he was.

"Oh. Umm.. Him and my Mom are kinda..." I could have laughed, I rarely got the chance to catch Zoe off guard.

"What? Did Aunt Sabine get herself a certain someone?" I joked holding back my smile. Zoe gave me an unamused face.

"Shut it Neva. Anyways I remember meeting Viz when I was younger-"

"You mean when you lived with us? Then how come I dont remember?" Zoe gave me a sideways look.

"Well dont interuppt. As I was saying. I met Viz when I was little, like 5 or so, but for some reason he didnt go meet you guys. But anyways I remember him being nice, but kinda nervous. And every now and again he would come with Mom and Uncle Ez. And when Mom would come and train me he would come and teach me some fighting styles. It was actually very helpful, heck I probably wouldnt be standing if I didnt learn as much." She finished off her explanation with a Mandalorian fighting stance, which after a second of realizing I copied.
"Good work you remembered." Zoe complimented.

"Yeah, after a few years I finally Mastered that fighting style, but..."

"Its no match for a blaster yeah yeah." She waved me off and we continued down the corridor laughing until...

"Dad lets fly an X-Wing!" Came Dash's voice. We turned the corner and sure enough there they were Jenn was on Dad's shoulders and my brothers were at either of his sides.

"Trust me. Wedge is pretty protective when it comes to those things. Pilot's only." Zoe replied, obviously joking. Ky and Dash both looked over to Zoe and casually walked over. (emphasis on casually)

"Hey Zoe, been a long time." Ky said, I rolled my eyes I knew what was coming. Dispite their ages differences and the fact we all grew up together, Ky and Dash both had a crush on Zoe. It was one of the few things that made them go head-to-head. Zoe of course didnt share the same feelings, because more then obviously they were both like little brothers to her. I would tell then it would never happen- oh wait! I actually have told them that, but they refuse to listen.

"It sure has little brother." Zoe replied with a smile.

"Oh come on." Ky smiled, "You cant possibly still consider me a little brother. Come on admit it, I've grown up." Dont laugh Nevaeh. Dont laugh. I told myself.

"She cant," Dash interuppted, "Because she is to busy looking at me." Okay time to go... anywhere but here. I left Zoe to laugh at my brothers as they began to agrue, instead I went over to where my Dad stood laughing with a giggling Jenn still on his shoulders.

"You know I dont understand it." He told me when a stood next to him.

"What?" He chuckled again before asking.

"How much they are like me." I raised an eyebrow as if to ask, how.
"I use to act the same way towards Aunt Sabine before I met your Mom." I laughed, never would have guessed that.

"Then you met Mom."

"And suddenly Sabine became my sister." He continued, I laughed again. I had no doupt in my mind that it was, as Mom would put it, just a phase.
"Vaeh, me and your Mom have to talk to you kids about something, feel like helping me break up a fight?" He asked. I smirked.

"I'll do you one better." I told him. I walked back over to the two agruing boys and my laughing friend. I grabbed them both by the collar of their shirts to get their attention and signaled for Zoe to leave.
"Okay you two you can agrue about this later."

"But he-" they began.

"Later." I commanded. They nodded.


"So.. let me get this straight.. You our Mother and you our Father, you both are going to allow us your children to go on a few missions?" Disbelief couldnt even begin to explain my thoughts right now.

"Yes Nevaeh you and your brothers get to go, but Jenna sweetie you cant." Mom said. Jenn crossed her arms and pouted as Mom held her.

"But why?" She asked.

"Because your still a little girl." Dad answered squeezing her arm abit.
"So what do you say kids?" I cod supress the smile that came to my face.

"Hm. Uh duh! Of course!" Dash replied.

"I cant believe this! This is so Wizard!" Ky joined in, high-fiving Dash, their argument forgotten once again.

"Yeah I cant wait!" I replied equally just as happy. Mom smiled and held her arms open. Taking her hint we all went and gave her a hug.

"Just be safe." She whispered. I silently made that promise.

I pulled away shortly after with only one thought in my mind.

I cant believe I could be a rebel...

A/N: So yeah thats it! Bye guys!!


~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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