Consumed By Love (on hold)

By Divergent_obsessed46

120K 5.2K 1.3K

"I am someone looking for love. Real Love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't- live- without- each- o... More

Chapter 1>>>
Chapter 2>>>
Chapter 3>>>
Chapter 4>>>
Chapter 5>>>
Chapter 6>>>
Chapter 7>>>
Chapter 8>>>
Chapter 9>>>
Chapter 10>>>
Chapter 11>>>
Chapter 12>>>
Chapter 13>>>
Chapter 14>>>
Chapter 15>>>
Chapter 16>>>
Chapter 17>>>
Chapter 18>>>
Chapter 19>>>
Chapter 20>>>
Chapter 21>>>
Chapter 23>>>
Chapter 24>>>
Chapter 25>>>
Chapter 26>>>
Chapter 27>>>
Chapter 28>>>
Chapter 29>>>
Chapter 30>>>
Chapter 31>>>
Chapter 32>>>
Chapter 33>>>
Chapter 34>>>
Chapter 35>>>
Chapter 36>>>
Chapter 37>>>
Chapter 38>>>
Chapter 39>>>
Chapter 40>>>
Chapter 41>>>
Chapter 42>>>
Chapter 43>>>
Chapter 44>>>

Chapter 22>>>

2.6K 114 55
By Divergent_obsessed46

When you finally meet the right one for you, it suddenly becomes clear why everyone else was so wrong. -Steve Maraboli

Shailene's POV
Tomorrow is Theo's birthday, and although he keeps telling me he doesn't want to do anything... we're doing something. He says that the only thing he wants is for me to be by his side all day, nothing else. Although I was touched, I told him I'm doing something for him and getting him something.

"Shai!" I hear Theo call. It's after school- on a Friday night- and I'm staying over. Because Theo says he wants me to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up tomorrow on his birthday.

"What?" I ask, typing the last paragraph of my homework on my laptop, in the bedroom.

"You almost done?" He asks walking into the room. "Almost. I have like three sentences left." I tell him, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Why?" I question. "Because I'm making dinner. And I wanted to ask you something." Theo answers.

"Can't you ask me now?" I ask, saving my finished work.

"I can, but I want your company out there." He says changing into something warmer.

"Fine." I say with a small laugh. "Good." Theo kisses my cheek and leaves, with me coming out a few minutes after him.

"So.. What did you want to ask me?" I ask him, taking a seat on one of the bar stools in the kitchen. Watching him getting all the ingredients out, along with the utensils.

"My mum normally calls on my birthday if I can't be with them on the day of. And I wanted to know if I can mention to her that I'm bringing my girlfriend over when we gather during break." Theo says, his back to me- preparing dinner.

It's one of the few times he's said the 'G' word without even knowing, or trying.

I smile to myself, probably blushing a bright rosy pink. "That's fine." I tell him, trying to sound normal.

"She'll be excited." Theo comments. "Really?" "Yeah. She's always asking me when I'll find someone again. Most of my siblings are married, and have a family of their own. So she's waiting on me and my brother James." Theo says and I love when he talks about his family, or his childhood.

It's one of the times he seems most comfortable.

My smiles grows. "How long ago was the last girl?" I ask, curiously. "A year and a half ago." Theo says and the tone of his voice hints that this isn't the best topic right now.

"Sorry." I whisper. "Don't apologize." Theo says turning to look at me. I get up and walk over to him, sitting on the counter in front of him.

"It's just that that's my past. This is my present and hopefully future. That's why it's not my favorite thing to talk about." Theo says, resting a hand on my thigh lightly.

I nod my head slowly, gazing into his eyes. He leans upward touching my lips with his. The spark returning.

A knock at the door breaks our kiss, leaving Theo smirking at me and kissing my head before going to the door. I get off the counter and hear him open the door.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Theo ask angrily. I can hear a woman's voice but can't see a face- since I'm staying in the kitchen for the time being.

"I'm here to pick up--" Theo and the woman walk around the corner and she sees me.

Theo sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Well who's this Theo??" The woman asks, a thick Irish accent coming out with each word.

"Ruth just get what you came for and leave." Theo say rudely, brushing past her and walking into the bedroom. Trying to get as much distance from her as he can get.

"What's your name?" This 'Ruth' woman asks. Do I answer? "Shailene." I decide to answer.

"How old are you?" She asks walking over to where I'm sitting. Her heels clicking against the floor.

"Why do you care?" I ask, and hear her scoff. "Attitude huh?" Ruth asks setting her purse down on the counter.

"You seem young, eighteen or nineteen. And I'm guessing that you're one of Theo's students." Ruth says, looking me over and making me feel uncomfortable.

I gulp. "Well, it won't last." She comments, looking through a few piles of mail on a coffee table.

"What do you know?"

Ruth laughs. "More than you honey." She takes two envelopes and walks over to me.

"I was with this man for eight years. Eight bloody years, and you?? What? A few small months." She spits.

This was the woman Theo told me about at the restaurant. The woman he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with...

"You're nothing but some young filthy slut." Ruth says. "You really think you can give Theo the best? Hmm? He's a thirty year old man who's going to want to settle down and have a family. How are you going to be able to provide him with all that??" She questions.

"Leave her alone Ruth." Theo says, from the corner of the room.

"I was just talking with the girl. About her future." Ruth defends, grabbing her purse and the papers she came to pick up.

"Leave Ruth. You got what you came for, don't bring her into anything." Theo tells her, not in the mood for any of this.

"Too late." She says and leaves, without another word to me or Theo.

Silence fills the apartment, that is until Theo punches the wall to his right. Making me jump and look at him. His reddened face, deep breathing and now bloody knuckles.

He walks into the bedroom and I follow him- compelled to do so.

"Hey." I whisper, Theo's sitting on the edge of the bed, face in the palms of his hands.

He lifts his head up, and the look in his eyes is apologetic. I walk over slowly and sit next to him.

Taking his hand in mine- the one that isn't bleeding- and hold it close to me. "I heard what she said to you." He mumbles.

"It doesn't matter." "It does. It does matter. Because what she said to you wasn't true. She doesn't know me." Theo says looking at me.

"She was with you for eight years, I'm sure she knows you Theo. Better than me." I mumble the last part, making it so he doesn't hear- but he does.

"Hey, look at me." Theo says, lifting my chin so my eyes meet his.

"Remember what I said earlier. That's my past." He says and I kiss him softly.

"Why do you care for me like you do?" I ask, my voice withering into the air between us.

"I don't know. I just do." He says looking away from me, and I catch him fumbling with his fingers.

"You can tell me." "I know its just... I don't want you to get scared. I don't want a chance of loosing you again." Theo says, still choosing not to look at me.

"Hey." I say and lift his chin up to look at me, like he did for me earlier.

"You can tell me, I'm not going anywhere." I assure him.

"I love you." With those three words, my heart skips three beats.

"I feel like you're some type of rare beauty that I have to protect. A jewel I was handed and I'm supposed to keep it safe. A lost puppy I'm supposed to love." Theo says and I can't take my eyes off him.

When he finishes and looks back at me, I smirk. "You really love me?" I ask, courage bubbling in me.

"Yes." He says with a light chuckle. Seeing him smile the way he does, is one of the few things that bring me joy.

"Then we're in trouble." I say and watch his face drop.

"Because I love you too." I tell him and bring his face to mine. Kissing him hard yet softly. A kiss of love.

A/N: hey all! Quick little note here... In no way am I trying to throw shade at Ruth. I know her character isn't great, that's just how I wrote it. I actually do like her in real life, she's gorgeous, a great actress and just a sweet soul. I just wanted to let you all know!

Also... Prayers going out to Paris in this time of tragedy.

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